OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Boot From Snow Leopard Partition
Feb 12, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro from 2008. It previously just had one partition, with Lion on it. Â
I created a new partition for Snow LeopardÂ
I installed Snow leopard from a retail disk on the second partition. The installation went fine, and I got the message at the end that the installation was successful, and to restart the computer. Â
When I restart it, it just goes to the gray Apple screen, with the spinning gear, and never gets farther than that. The gear is spinning. Â
I can still boot successfully into Lion. Once I booted into Lion, I chose the Snow Leopard partition as the Startup Disk, but the same thing happens - just the gray Apple screen and spinning gear. I've let the machine sit for half an hour in that state, but it still does nothing but the spinning gear.Â
why I can't boot successfully into Snow Leopard and how I can fix it?Â
I have created the partition running Mac OS X lion, rebooted the system with option (or C) key and my macbook crashes and shows a sign saying 'you need to switch of the computer, hold down the .... and restart' and I am not able to install snow leopar in my new partition.
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?
I need to install snow leopard on intel imac that is already running lion. I have created new partition and try to boot off of Install Disk 10.6.4 but it never completely comes up all the way to start install.
I have two Macs that run Snow Leopard. Lion looks to be quite different and offer great new features, particularly the app store. So, can a Mac become dual boot like a Linux can? I mean, may I co-install Lion side by side with Snow leopard rather than overwrite it? I have successfully done this operation on a Linux Ubuntu netbook with two different versions of Ubuntu, and a Windows 7/Ubuntu netbook. But I've never tried this on a Mac. Does a Mac OSX install allow options for how the user will install the new OS?
Recently my OS X Lion Partition disappeared. I have a late 2008 Macbook Pro. It's partitioned with Lion (10.7.4) and Windows 7. A few days ago when I started up, it booted up to the Recovery partition. I didn't know what was going on at the time. So I booted again w/ option key and it only gave the Windows and Recovery partitions as the options. After searching for a solution, I found a blog that said I can set up Lion on a external drive and I did that. I booted from the external drive and saw my "missing" partition in the Finders window. I clicked on it and it had folders and they were not accessible, in other words it was damaged. I tried to repair using disc utility and it couldn't be repaired. I installed DiskWarrior on the external drive (w/Lion) and I was able to repair the bad partition. I can now see all my folders and files. I tried verifying it in Disk Utility and it says it's fine now. I can access it from my Finders window as if it is normail again. Thing is, I can boot into it. If I press the option key at startup, it doesn't appear. I also can't select it as a startup disk as it doesn't show. I've tried searching but to no avail. Does anyone know what I can do so I can boot from this partition. I'm trying to get this to work so I don't have to reinstall and start over. My time machine back up is too old too (my bad).
When I turn on my MBP and hold the option key there are no partition available. I changed my HDD and try to install OSX snow leopard on the new one but I cannot find my new HDD in Disk Utility either. I look into System Profiler and couldn't find my HDD. Also Apple's Hardware test does not show any problem with my MBP and My new HDD is okay. What exactly is wrong with my MBP?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I give up. I can't find the answer to this. So, I'll just ask and hope.I have a mid-2011 mini that was upgraded to Lion. However, it had a Bootcamp partition running Windows 7. Apparently, whoever upgraded my machine didn't create a recovery boot disk before upgrading. So, I have no recovery partition and apparently no ability to create a recovery boot usb without one.
Today i formatted my entire disk, but made it Journaled, Encrypted. It installed (actually "downloaded aditional files"), and then booted with a cross/do not proceed sign. I booted from the install disk again, got an error telling me to reinstall OS X. I was never asked for my password, and when i started disk utility, the disk was locked.
I was doing a routine maintenence and Disk Utility is telling me I have a few block counts askew. Everything seems to be working fine ( on the surface of things ) but like to be anal and would like to do a repair. However, I don't have a Recovery partition and the App store has decided that I haven't purchased Lion although I did, I can show you the bank statement. I installed a new hard disk not so long back ( I guess this is the reason why the App store decided I didn't purchase Lion!? ) and reinstalled from a Time Machine backup it wasn't seemless but I'm techy enough, to make it work, just not a big fan of spending my days learning terminal commands.I have a mid 2009 MPB so can't do internet recovery, the Recovery Disk Assistant won't let me create a Recovery Disk on an exernal drive since, yes you've guessed it, I don't have a Recovery Partition.
Am quite happy to reinstall as long as it doesn't compromise my data but can't find the 'restore my purchases' button on the app store else if there is a less than obtuse ( and none-sketchy ) method of creating the partition HD.
I've read it is possible to partition your hard drive so you can have leopard and snow leopard installed at the same time on one computer, correct?Can I partition my current drive without having to reinstall leopard? or lose any data? I will of course have a back up but is it possible to create another partition if I have room while keeping my leopard install intact?If later I decide I love (or hate) snow leopard can I get rid of the other partition and expand one of the partitions to take up the entire hard drive (like how I have it now) again without reinstalling or losing data? (on the partition I intend to keep not the one i get rid of obviously)
Disk utility shows the WDC My Book as the main drive:When in disk utility I cannot select my Macintosh HD owing to the selection being directed to the 1TB WDC My Book remaining on the list of options, even though this machine has died.How can I remove it? - I am loathe to hit the Erase button in case it also erases my Macintosh HD. I want to partition my Mac HD so that I can install Lion as well as Snow Leopard.
I'm trying to put Snow Leopard on a partition. I have Lion installed on my main disc and when I try to boot from the snow leopard disc I get the 3 beep sounds. I've done this before I just don't remember how. It won't let me boot from the partition.
I bought a MacBook that came with Mavericks installed. I want to install Lion on different partition. When I try to boot from the Lion install DVD a "no" symbol comes up, a circle with a slash through it.Â
What is preventing it from booting? Where is it stored? How do I get rid of it?Â
I have a usb 2.0 Western Digintal My passport external harddrive and I formatted one of the partitions to mac os extended and another one to MS-DOS (FAT). When I install snow leopard and try to retrieve back my files will my mac still be able to read them and place them back on the mac hdd?
So my installation disc from Apple is not working and my hard drive is fine, so I was able to install Windows 7 into a separate partition. I have a Macbook Pro so it is definitely possible to install Snow Leopard OSX. I have acquired a .dmg of the installation disc. I was wondering, is it possible to install this .dmg install file through the Windows 7 OS?
I've installed windows 7 on my mackbook pro. When I login on windows the is an E: drive labled macintosh hd. It gives me read only access to every users directory.
In February I bought a new Mac Book Pro that came loaded with OS X Lion. I want to run Final Cut Pro on it. I bought FCP on ebay but can't load it because it is a PowerPC app and Lion won't load it. Â
I added a partition to my hard drive to load Snow Leopard, bought SL online and am trying to install SL.Â
If I try to run the install app from within Lion I get this message:Â "You can't use this version of the application install Mac OX X.app with this version of Mac OS X."Â Then in small print this:Â "You have Install Mac OS X.app 23.1"Â
If I try to boot from the SL Install DVD I get this message: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again." I do this and it always comes back to this same message.Â
I tried booting to the Recovery HD but can't get that to allow anything either.Â
I need to install OS X 10.6 on my new MacBook (10.8.2) because older programs won't work on my new machines. I've successfully created a new partition. However when I hold down option button on startup I only see original partition and Recovery-10.8.2 but not the new partition. How on earth does one install an older version of OS X on a new machine.
I have a macbook Pro from 2009. I believe it originally came with snow leopard as the software. I upgraded to Mavericks. I created a second partition and have the snow leopard software on a cd to install on the partition. Â
When I try to open the install, it says "You have install mac OS X 23.1.1."Â
How can I get around this? I need to download snow leopard to run a version of final cut studio.
I am considering making a w7 partition with bootcamp to use for gaming and game making, but am not sure how much data to put on it. I have a total of 250gb on my hard drive and 175.23 gb available. I'll still use my mac side for a lot of things so I want sufficient data on there. On the topic of hard drive expansions, I have many external drives so if I could use one of those to expand my hard drive I'd be willing to?
I frequently have to repartition my drive and reinstall OS X (mainly because I work with multiple OSes that keep changing). In order to simplify the process, I'd like to create a disk image of my system partition that I can simply restore after repartitioning. However, is that even going to work if the new partition (the destination partition) has a different size and is at a different place? What about the boot sector? Will I be able to boot from the restored image?Â
I upgraded to Yosemite, but I kept my small partition of Snow Leopard. I got on the Snow Leopard partition this morning to use an old program, and that worked as normal. Now that I'm done, I am stuck in Snow Leopard. I can't find Yosemite to start in that partition. It doesn't show as a startup disk. I feel like I have lost my computer. The Yosemite disk partition shows up in disk utility, and I verified it. However, I cannot seem to figure out anything to get it to restart into that partition.Â
By the way, I tried restarting and pressing Command-R to get into Recovery Mode. That did not work at all. The Snow Leopard opened every time without going into Recovery.
I have a tower Mac Pro with Snow Leopard running on it.Unfortunately one of the software that I use doesn't have yet a Snow Leopard update. So I am thinking maybe I can install older version of Leopard on one of the internal drives (i have 3 additional internal drives), so I can boot my computer from either Leopard or Snow Leopard, depending on needs (i don't want to get rid of Snow Leopard).
I never installed OS X system before, so I am a bit scared.The internal drive is ready, I have the old Leopard on disks, what are the next steps to take?