MacBook Pro :: Adding Snow Leopard On Second Partition?
Sep 4, 2014
I have a macbook Pro from 2009. I believe it originally came with snow leopard as the software. I upgraded to Mavericks. I created a second partition and have the snow leopard software on a cd to install on the partition. Â
When I try to open the install, it says "You have install mac OS X 23.1.1."Â
How can I get around this? I need to download snow leopard to run a version of final cut studio.
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Feb 11, 2012
I'm trying to fill out a downloaded application which is in pdf format. I can type text onto the form in Preview, however, the text types as though it's right justified. That is: when I type the text, the text appears to the left of the cursor. To clarify, the cursor stays in the same place and the text moves to the left, for example, when I place the cursor to the right of "Name", the text I type in appears to the left of the cursor on top of the word "Name". For fields such as Name and Date, I suppose I can just put the cursor far to the right and type my text, but this is an application that includes an essay portion. Typing a paragraph with all of the text going to the left of the cursor isn't going to work very well. Is there a way to change the way the text is added, so that it's added in a more normal way, like the way I'm typing this question, where the letters appear where the cursor is and the cursor moves to the right as you add more text? Â
I have also tried doing this in Text Edit and Pages (I converted the pdf in Text Edit to rtf), but I wasn't able to fill out the document as needed. In addition, importing the document to Pages and Text Edit, for some reason, only imported the first page of the document). I am using OS 10.6.8
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Jun 2, 2012
When I add my new Iomega Helium USB HD to my Macbook Pro running 10.6.8, the screen and keyboard all freeze. There laptop has to be rebooted. It does this when I do it standalone and when I use external screen, keyboard and hub. It is a problem with my setup because the drive works fine will all of the other Windows and Mac machines I have.
The cause was the installation of the Iomega software (why did I ever trust Iomega software?) as I only installed it on my macbook pro.Can I run some diagnostics/debug to trace the insertion of the USB device to see where it is going wrong? I have manually uninstalled the software but I am convinced I have missed something.I have a complete clone backup from before the installation but don't want to lose other changes (like email etc) since that day, although I am happy to restore specific files.
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May 26, 2012
How can I add disk space to my mac mini server. An alais in the documents folder will not work. Running out fo disk space on my web server. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2012
When I turn on my MBP and hold the option key there are no partition available. I changed my HDD and try to install OSX snow leopard on the new one but I cannot find my new HDD in Disk Utility either. I look into System Profiler and couldn't find my HDD. Also Apple's Hardware test does not show any problem with my MBP and My new HDD is okay. What exactly is wrong with my MBP?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 28, 2009
I've read it is possible to partition your hard drive so you can have leopard and snow leopard installed at the same time on one computer, correct?Can I partition my current drive without having to reinstall leopard? or lose any data? I will of course have a back up but is it possible to create another partition if I have room while keeping my leopard install intact?If later I decide I love (or hate) snow leopard can I get rid of the other partition and expand one of the partitions to take up the entire hard drive (like how I have it now) again without reinstalling or losing data? (on the partition I intend to keep not the one i get rid of obviously)
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Mar 22, 2012
Disk utility shows the WDC My Book as the main drive:When in disk utility I cannot select my Macintosh HD owing to the selection being directed to the 1TB WDC My Book remaining on the list of options, even though this machine has died.How can I remove it? - I am loathe to hit the Erase button in case it also erases my Macintosh HD. I want to partition my Mac HD so that I can install Lion as well as Snow Leopard.
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Apr 22, 2012
I'm trying to put Snow Leopard on a partition. I have Lion installed on my main disc and when I try to boot from the snow leopard disc I get the 3 beep sounds. I've done this before I just don't remember how. It won't let me boot from the partition.
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Dec 14, 2009
I have a usb 2.0 Western Digintal My passport external harddrive and I formatted one of the partitions to mac os extended and another one to MS-DOS (FAT). When I install snow leopard and try to retrieve back my files will my mac still be able to read them and place them back on the mac hdd?
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Jan 8, 2010
So my installation disc from Apple is not working and my hard drive is fine, so I was able to install Windows 7 into a separate partition. I have a Macbook Pro so it is definitely possible to install Snow Leopard OSX. I have acquired a .dmg of the installation disc. I was wondering, is it possible to install this .dmg install file through the Windows 7 OS?
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Mar 31, 2010
I've installed windows 7 on my mackbook pro. When I login on windows the is an E: drive labled macintosh hd. It gives me read only access to every users directory.
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Feb 12, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro from 2008. It previously just had one partition, with Lion on it. Â
I created a new partition for Snow LeopardÂ
I installed Snow leopard from a retail disk on the second partition. The installation went fine, and I got the message at the end that the installation was successful, and to restart the computer. Â
When I restart it, it just goes to the gray Apple screen, with the spinning gear, and never gets farther than that. The gear is spinning. Â
I can still boot successfully into Lion. Once I booted into Lion, I chose the Snow Leopard partition as the Startup Disk, but the same thing happens - just the gray Apple screen and spinning gear. I've let the machine sit for half an hour in that state, but it still does nothing but the spinning gear.Â
why I can't boot successfully into Snow Leopard and how I can fix it?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
I have created the partition running Mac OS X lion, rebooted the system with option (or C) key and my macbook crashes and shows a sign saying 'you need to switch of the computer, hold down the .... and restart' and I am not able to install snow leopar in my new partition.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 5, 2012
In February I bought a new Mac Book Pro that came loaded with OS X Lion. I want to run Final Cut Pro on it. I bought FCP on ebay but can't load it because it is a PowerPC app and Lion won't load it. Â
I added a partition to my hard drive to load Snow Leopard, bought SL online and am trying to install SL.Â
If I try to run the install app from within Lion I get this message:Â "You can't use this version of the application install Mac OX with this version of Mac OS X."Â Then in small print this:Â "You have Install Mac OS 23.1"Â
If I try to boot from the SL Install DVD I get this message: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again." I do this and it always comes back to this same message.Â
I tried booting to the Recovery HD but can't get that to allow anything either.Â
MacBook Pro
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Aug 31, 2014
I need to install OS X 10.6 on my new MacBook (10.8.2) because older programs won't work on my new machines. I've successfully created a new partition. However when I hold down option button on startup I only see original partition and Recovery-10.8.2 but not the new partition. How on earth does one install an older version of OS X on a new machine.
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Mar 2, 2010
i cannot copy files to my bootcamp NTFS partition from OSX. I am pretty sure i was able to do this at some point earlier.
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May 17, 2012
I am considering making a w7 partition with bootcamp to use for gaming and game making, but am not sure how much data to put on it. I have a total of 250gb on my hard drive and 175.23 gb available. I'll still use my mac side for a lot of things so I want sufficient data on there. On the topic of hard drive expansions, I have many external drives so if I could use one of those to expand my hard drive I'd be willing to?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 17, 2012
Before snapshot: Snow Leopard on one partition, all is normal.
Current snapshot: Lion installed on top of one parttion.Â
Goal: Install Snow Leopard on a second partiton.
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Jun 30, 2012
I frequently have to repartition my drive and reinstall OS X (mainly because I work with multiple OSes that keep changing). In order to simplify the process, I'd like to create a disk image of my system partition that I can simply restore after repartitioning. However, is that even going to work if the new partition (the destination partition) has a different size and is at a different place? What about the boot sector? Will I be able to boot from the restored image?Â
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Dec 4, 2014
I upgraded to Yosemite, but I kept my small partition of Snow Leopard. I got on the Snow Leopard partition this morning to use an old program, and that worked as normal. Now that I'm done, I am stuck in Snow Leopard. I can't find Yosemite to start in that partition. It doesn't show as a startup disk. I feel like I have lost my computer. The Yosemite disk partition shows up in disk utility, and I verified it. However, I cannot seem to figure out anything to get it to restart into that partition.Â
By the way, I tried restarting and pressing Command-R to get into Recovery Mode. That did not work at all. The Snow Leopard opened every time without going into Recovery.
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Sep 6, 2009
I upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6 and when I went to delete my windows partition boot camp could not find it. Is there a way to delete the partition?
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Dec 17, 2009
I had parallels 3.0 - never used it.
Got 10.6.2 - snow leopard
Found uninstall desktop and wouldn't open "show package" contents - executed uninstall command
still have partition on which (what I guess is called) the Virtual Machine was with all the windows data
and everything on that "computer"
I want to remove partition.
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Feb 14, 2010
I want to make a clean reinstall of snow leopard without removing my bootcamp partition. Is it possible to do that and to continue using windows after the reinstall?
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Feb 20, 2012
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?
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Apr 20, 2012
There is a program that I need to run for my work, and it only opens with Internet Explorer. Everything I have found for the Mac says it won't run IE anymore. Is there any way to download and use IE on a MacBook Pro?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 21, 2012
I installed mountain lion an a partition on mac but when I deleted the partition I had to resize, so I did the the error (Partition failed Partition failed with the error: Could not modify partition map because filesystem verification failed).
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May 22, 2012
I need to install snow leopard on intel imac that is already running lion. I have created new partition and try to boot off of Install Disk 10.6.4 but it never completely comes up all the way to start install.
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Aug 29, 2009
After installing Snow Leopard, the volume icon for my Windows XP Bootcamp partition has changed back to the default Hard Disk icon. As it is formatted NTFS, I am unable to change the icon within OS X. I used to change it by applying the desired icon to a memory stick, then within Windows, copy the hidden icon files from the memory stick on the base directory of the 'C:' Drive.
When in Leopard, it would recognise the icon that I had applied to it - but ever since I installed Snow Leopard, this trick no longer works and I cannot find a way to change it (other than to change my Bootcamp partition to FAT32, so I can apply an Icon within OS X - but this means reformatting and is slightly OTT for just an icon ) This occurs both after doing a Upgrade install on my MacBook Pro, and a clean install on my iMac, both with already existing Bootcamp partitions. I might try by making a new Bootcamp partition now Snow Leopard is installed, but I don't see how that would be any different to the ones I currently have.
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Sep 23, 2009
ever since i upgraded to sl my boot camp partition cant be booted from. how do i make the partition bootable again. its windows 7 btw
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Apr 12, 2012
I have an Apple RAID card installed with the following configuration:4 x 2TB HD'sRAID 0+1Yielding a 4TB RAID setPartitioned into:Partition 1: 40GB StartupPartition 2: 40GB Backup StartupPartition 3: The remaining available disk space into a Data driveÂ
The idea was I would have a reserve volume I could load another system onto and it would come in handy.Â
The problem is that I didn't know that the startup drive was going to have to have an accounting application running on it that needed to have its data on the same volume. This data is growing rapidly and I am in need of expanding the volume. I have a backup of the whole setup.Â
From what I can gather from my searches, I should be able to resize these partitions but I wanted to know if anyone out there had a similar setup and had tried this. Right now there is no data on Partition 2 so my thought was to delete this partition from the RAID set and then expand Partition 1, doubling the size of my startup. This would get rid of my backup startup but I could achieve that with an external drive.Â
My hesitation is because I can't find any reference to doing this with a RAID 0+1 scheme (I would have preferred 1+0 but the RAID card didn't offer it...).
Apple RAID Card, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Server software
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