OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Creating And Restoring A Single Partition
Jun 30, 2012
I frequently have to repartition my drive and reinstall OS X (mainly because I work with multiple OSes that keep changing). In order to simplify the process, I'd like to create a disk image of my system partition that I can simply restore after repartitioning. However, is that even going to work if the new partition (the destination partition) has a different size and is at a different place? What about the boot sector? Will I be able to boot from the restored image?
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Dec 14, 2009
I have a usb 2.0 Western Digintal My passport external harddrive and I formatted one of the partitions to mac os extended and another one to MS-DOS (FAT). When I install snow leopard and try to retrieve back my files will my mac still be able to read them and place them back on the mac hdd?
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Sep 7, 2010
Got my first MacBook Pro about 2 months ago and I have been enjoying it to full effect, installing programs such as logic studio and photoshop cs5 on it. Recently, however, I decided that I would like to access some of my windows based programs when I am on the road and don't have my desktop pc with me. So I bought a fresh copy of 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate and sat at my macbook, put the disc in and then loaded up Boot Camp. I went through the menu options, decided that I wanted a 50GB partition, leaving my Mac OS drive at 182 GB with 83GB to spare. However, when I started partitioning, after about a minute it stopped and this error message appeared: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows.".
I tried cleaning all my temporary files and deleting some files in my downloads that were quite large and I restarted my machine. The problem persisted. Is there a solution to this problem that does not involve doing all this rubbish with a fresh install of Mac OS? I don't have any method of backup apart from a couple of 4GB flash drives..
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Nov 11, 2010
I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:
the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.
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Aug 30, 2009
I have two macs (a macbook pro and an imac) and am wondering if I can install Snow Leopard (the single user copy I bought) on both... or will they report in to Apple and say that it's been activated already? I have no problem buying another copy if I have to but this would save me some time and money!
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Jul 15, 2009
When Snow Leopard comes out in september, I would like to completely reformat and install on the drive in my unibody macbook. I have a time capsule and would like to know whether or not someone can restore their mac from os x 10.5 to 10.6. Or my other option is to upgrade the os on my macbook and then back up the changed system files. Then I would restore from that backup, but I would rather just restore all of my non system files from my 10.5 backup.
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Dec 28, 2010
As an administrator (without FileVault protection) on Snow Leopard, I created a standard user account (test user1) with FileVault protection. I just want to get familiar with it before creating real accounts. But as an administrator I can't look at files created by test user1. I get a message that I don't have permission.
Do I need FileVault on for the administrator in order to do this? If not, as an administrator, why can't I see what's on other user is doing? Is there a way as an administrator I can see what's files are downloaded, created, websites visited, etc? I'm aware of creating a user account with Parental controls, but would that give me the ability to see what's in the folder?
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Nov 28, 2009
I am considering having a roommate move in and letting them use my Mac. If I create them a guest account can I ensure that my email and files will be secure by having this second account, or is there another way to accomplish this?
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May 20, 2012
I just got a new computer (MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard) and I would like to set up an automatic backup. I haven't trasferred any files in yet (they're all on my external HD), I wanted to see the best way to go about setting up my backup before moving the files in.
1. Backups of the documents, music, pictures is pretty straight forward, just a smart copy kind of thing that automatically looks for what files are new/modified on my computer and updates everything on the external. I'm not sure if I can do this with Automator, or if one of the commercial apps I saw on the app store (DropSync, DirectorySync, etc)
2. Movies, however, is a bit more complicated. I have around 600GB of movies/TV shows, and don't have room for them all on my computer hard drive (computer is 750GB, external is 1.5TB). In fact, I would like to keep very few of the tv shows on my computer, only really the last one or two seasons. For example, on my external HD has the folder 'Breaking Bad', and within that is 'Season 1', 'Season 2', 'Season 3' and 'Season 4'. However, on my computer I still have the 'Breaking Bad' folder, but only have the folder 'Season 4' since I don't need seasons 1-3 on my computer. When I add a file to 'Season 4' on my computer, I would like the 'Season 4' folder on the external to be updated when I perform a backup/sync. However, this does not mean that the 'Breaking Bad' folder on my computer will be synced to the one on the external, just this subfolder. Can this be done? I'm assuming I'd have to go through and specify paths for all my folders, but there aren't that many shows so that would be ok to do for each season. Also I don't think I would like to use Time Machine since I would like to be able to let friends/other computers take files off my external. I'm told with Time Machine it's not as simple as browsing the finder.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 1, 2012
How can I make flipbooks on my computer? The iPhoto program has a flipbook in the form I want but it is then sent on to Aople who converts it to a soft cover booklet and returns the book. I think Apples's marketing team are missing the boat for not offering flipbooks for sale. The one in iPhoto is very easy to use, and flexible as well. Nothing I have seen on the web is nearly as good. All I want is to make my own flipbook to keep on my own computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm not completely sure how time machine works, can I use it to backup everything on my computer, including applications, bookmarks, system configurations. The reason I ask is I need to re install snow leopard because of something that went wrong during a bootcamp setup, and I'm thinking that re-installing the OS might work.
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Mar 12, 2012
I had Yahoo Widgets on my desktop. It was a little separate dock from the main dock and when I clicked on the visible part a tray would slide out with all the little widgets. Unfortunately I clicked "close" and the little dock disappeared. The application was still there in Applications but when I clicked on it, the little dock did not appear.
So I downloaded Yahoo Widgets again - it was called "Gallery" but even though an application called "Yahoo Widgets" appears in the Applications list, when I click on it, nothing happens. Unfortunately, Yahoo is ending support for this Widget Engine and I think the download has been deleted from their site. So I am thinking of restoring the widget from a backup that I made of the Mac HD but even though I have the hard disk attached to my computer.
I don't know how to find and restore the files for this application to make the little separate Yahoo Widget dashboard or dock appear on my desktop again. I have checked start "Yahoo Widgets" in System preferences under user and starting items. I really don't know what to do after this step but would really like to have this Yahoo widget dock again on my desktop because it was very useful.
MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
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Jun 23, 2010
So here the deal. I have a single hard drive in my MacBook Pro. Its made up into 2 partitions (one for os x and the other for data). I want to make the OS X partition into 2 separate partitions (so I'll have a total of 3) without erasing any data. I want to use that new partition to install windows. When I select the OS X partition, and set it to format at NTFS, it says the size cannot support the filesystem (25GB in this case). What size does it have to be then? Or should I format as FAT32?
I know FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit so I don't want to do that because I want to install some games on the Windows partition. How should I go about doing this?
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Oct 17, 2009
what would happen if i try a single user dvd snow leopard already used on another macbook?
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Apr 17, 2010
I have bought myself a copy of Snow Leopard, single user upgrade version ($29). I have not yet installed it, but I'm curious:
Lets say I install it on my MacBook Pro and that in a few months I buy a SSD to replace my current HDD. I would probably opt to go for a clean install (I am pondering whether or not to do it now) and copy over some important files. Would this work? Or would the install disk see my new SSD as another computer?
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Sep 7, 2009
Is it possible to use a Snow Leopard Single User disc to install Mac OS X 10.6 on MORE than just one mac?
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Mar 6, 2012
I got a Macbook with OS X. I was too impatient to get the administrator name and password from the previous owner (BIG MISTAKE).I thought I'd follow the instructions from "How To Create A New Administrator Account" (url..) as they seemed easy and straight forward.
I followed the first step of the process and got into single-user mode (black screen white text).I saw that black screen with white text and thought, "Woah man, I'm out my my depth. My brother typed 'help' in order to find out how to exit single-user mode, he said that's how it's done on windows? (I also have limited knowledge about Windows). I typed in various things such as 'reboot' in an attempt to exit. Eventually the battery died. I turned the Macbook back on and the grey screen with the apple logo with the spinning wheel appeared. The spinning wheel span and span but the computer will not start up.
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May 29, 2012
I'm trying to share a folder between users on a single mac. I want both users to be able to read and write so the folder stays current on both accounts. I put the folder in "shared," set permissions on folder so other user can read and write, enabled file sharing, but can't find the folder on the second user's account.
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Nov 28, 2010
Tried running some instructions from MacWorld that were for Tiger, but it doesn't seem to work.Anybody know how to create a local DNS server on a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard?
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Nov 18, 2010
I want to restore my family license of Snow Leopard to USB stick for traveling but don't want it launching every time I connect to my Mac to get other files off the stick. Can I disable the image until I may need it?
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Apr 4, 2012
In my Mac Pro I've OSX 10.6 on my boot drive in Bay 1. Bay 2-4 do also contain hd's with loads of data. When putting a new drive in bay 1 and restoring from Time Machine - is it possible to only restore data from hd at bay 1? If yes, how?
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Jun 2, 2012
I lost the main HDD on my Mac G5 running Panther 10.4. I have a TM back up onto an external drive and bought a new internal drive.How do I restore all my files from the external back up to the new internal HDD so I can run my computer as it was.
Power PC G5, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Sep 23, 2009
I have this really annoying issue where my mouse will randomly double click in OS X when i didn't actually double click my mouse. I had this problem before in Leopard (with different mouse) but now it seems the problem has returned with snow leopard. has anyone else had this problem? I checked the mouse properties and there's nothing strange there. I also don't have custom drivers installed. Just default snow leopard drivers.
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Mar 6, 2012
I have two computers...an iMac and a macbook. Can I use my single Time Capsule to back up both computers?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 26, 2012
I was deleting some files last night and when I came to booting up this morning my Macbookpro (5 years old) i was greeted with a user login screen? put in my password, but all i get is the space screen and no further action...? cant get apps o my bar?
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Jul 4, 2012
My macbook pro appeared to be crashed with harddisk problem at start time.. unable to boot to normal login screen. When I run in single user mode, I dont seem to see my thumbdrive, or external device.
I connected them via the USB ports on my Macbook pro (17")(Snow Leopard) I checked /dev/disk* and saw only disk0 (disk0, disk0s1, disk0s2, disk0s3). I never get to see disk1 no matter what I tried. (I've various MSDOs format, or NTFS format disks).
I followed the advise here: [URL] Am I supposed to be able to see the drive the moment I connect it to the port?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Aug 9, 2009
I reinstalled OS X Leopard, restored from my Time Capsule, and now when it's backing up it wants to create a new file when I have a 200GB+ file already saved. How can I get it to start using that 200GB+ file and only saving the edits like before? (Please don't make me delete the 200GB file and backup everything again. )
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Aug 11, 2010
My Macbook has not been running very stable and I decided to restore from a backup via Time Machine. My problem is my install disks are Leopard (10.5) and my backups are from Snow Leopard (10.6). I installed Snow Leopard from an Upgrade disk which I don't still have.
I have no luck restoring the Snow Leopard backups. My question is, how would I recover these backups without the Snow Leopard install disk? Is it possible or do I need to do a fresh install, upgrade then enter time machine via the OS itself?
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Feb 29, 2012
When trying to restore a 19.8 MB backup file to iCal, I get an "unexpected network error 60". What does the error mean?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 9, 2012
I had to restore my system due to the Trojan virus and seem to be up and running. The only problem I still have is not being able to restore my itunes to the last playlist. I keep getting the list I loaded in May of 2011 when I put this computer in service.Where I can find the list I had before dumping and reloading?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5,owc 500 GB ex
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