OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Putting Data On A Bootcamp Partition?

May 17, 2012

I am considering making a w7 partition with bootcamp to use for gaming and game making, but am not sure how much data to put on it. I have a total of 250gb on my hard drive and 175.23 gb available. I'll still use my mac side for a lot of things so I want sufficient data on there. On the topic of hard drive expansions, I have many external drives so if I could use one of those to expand my hard drive I'd be willing to?

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Won't Copy Files To Bootcamp Partition / Snow Leopard

Mar 2, 2010

i cannot copy files to my bootcamp NTFS partition from OSX. I am pretty sure i was able to do this at some point earlier.

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OS X :: Won't Upgrade To Snow Leopard / Bootcamp Can't Find Windows Partition

Sep 6, 2009

I upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6 and when I went to delete my windows partition boot camp could not find it. Is there a way to delete the partition?

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Reinstall Snow Leopard Without Removing Bootcamp Partition

Feb 14, 2010

I want to make a clean reinstall of snow leopard without removing my bootcamp partition. Is it possible to do that and to continue using windows after the reinstall?

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Change Bootcamp Partition Icon Since Snow Leopard Install

Aug 29, 2009

After installing Snow Leopard, the volume icon for my Windows XP Bootcamp partition has changed back to the default Hard Disk icon. As it is formatted NTFS, I am unable to change the icon within OS X. I used to change it by applying the desired icon to a memory stick, then within Windows, copy the hidden icon files from the memory stick on the base directory of the 'C:' Drive.

When in Leopard, it would recognise the icon that I had applied to it - but ever since I installed Snow Leopard, this trick no longer works and I cannot find a way to change it (other than to change my Bootcamp partition to FAT32, so I can apply an Icon within OS X - but this means reformatting and is slightly OTT for just an icon ) This occurs both after doing a Upgrade install on my MacBook Pro, and a clean install on my iMac, both with already existing Bootcamp partitions. I might try by making a new Bootcamp partition now Snow Leopard is installed, but I don't see how that would be any different to the ones I currently have.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Partition Not Showing Up As Startup Disk In Snow Leopard

Sep 23, 2009

ever since i upgraded to sl my boot camp partition cant be booted from. how do i make the partition bootable again. its windows 7 btw

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Can't Delete My Windows Partition Every Time I Open Bootcamp

Apr 19, 2012

I cant delete my windows partition,every time i open bootcamp and click continue is says"The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partiton" i want to delete it but i can.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Extra Data Partition For Windows In BootCamp Is Not Visible

Dec 6, 2014

I created a new Boot Camp partition with Windows 7 Ultimate on my MacBook Pro (i7, 2.8 Ghz, 750 GB HD) running Mavericks 10.9.5. The 2 disks were about 70 GB (Mac side) and 680 GB (Windows side). I wanted to create an extra, data partition and created it after having installed Windows. I used IPartition to do this and resized the Windows partition to about 90 GB and created an empty partition and formatted it with IPartition as Microsoft NTFS.

Now, when I boot into Windows I cannot see the empty data partition: but it's visible and mounted when I boot into Mac side. 

I tried to to create new volume on empty space with Windows Disk management but got this warning and canceled that operation fearing that that would mess up the booting into Mac or Windows or both: How can I get that empty partition visible in Windows? 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Putting A Wallpaper Onto Computer?

Feb 2, 2012

How do I 'upload' (is that the word? (paste onto my computer) a wallpaper I've down loaded.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Wake Up Seconds After Putting It To Sleep - Another Snow Leopard Bug?

Nov 17, 2009

I had a problem over the weekend where my iMac would wake up seconds after putting it to sleep, and also rebooting after shutting it down. The full story can be seen on this thread here: [URL] At first I thought it was caused by an installation of iMagneto, but it eventually becomes clear that it was caused by what I presume was a corrupted folder (Application Support).

I've not been able to find out any more info about this bug outside of the Apple support forums so I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. The original thread in the Apple forums dates back to early September so it looks like the 10.6.1 and 10.6.2 updates didn't address it. Is it a very rare bug I wonder?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Blue Screen After Putting In Disk?

May 11, 2012

I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and I wanted to restore my computer so I found directions that said I should put the snow leopard disk back in the computer and restart it.  Well, I did that and now all I have is a blue screen.  What do I do!?!?  I've tried manually turning it on/off and it will turn off, but still goes back to blue screen with nothing on it.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Create A Partition In Leopard Without Losing Data?

Jan 20, 2008

i have an external drive that's 1TB that i use for all sorts of things but Time Machine as well.having read that the time machine backup tends to increase over time i'd like to make a partition for it, just like others have done in topics i've read.

the question is this,can i make a sub-partition of, say 100GB using disk utility or something but not lose data from my drive?

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OS X :: Won't Reinstall Leopard And Keep Bootcamp Partition

Apr 13, 2009

Can i Re-install Leopard and keep My Bootcamp Partition? Cause I think sumthing is up with my hard drive I repair permissions every day and the same tons of permission repairs come up every time i dont know what they are or why the permissions keep messing up everyday. Would reinstalling Leopard Fix this?

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Delete Partition Via Bootcamp / After Erased Bootcamp Partition

Aug 26, 2010

I erased my bootcamp partition this morning thinking that was the same as deleting the partition - how do I actually delete the partition and combine it with my MAC OS partition now? I can't do it thru bootcamp

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Cannot Partition Disk In Leopard?

Oct 28, 2007

I am trying to set up a windows partition using bootcamp in leopard but it tells me some files cannot be moved and it cannot create a partition. I verified and repaired permissions and tried again but still no go.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Clone HDD With Leopard And Bootcamp Partition

May 18, 2010

I am looking for a way to clone my HDD that has Leopard and BootCamp XP Partition all in one shot without having to do 2 seperate backups.

Also after I have the image, I would like to deploy to around 150 Mac Minis not at the same time atleast 2 or 3 at a time.

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Leopard Resize Bootcamp's Partition

Mar 17, 2008

With Leopard's new Disk Utility, can a Bootcamp partition be non-destructively resize? Or is it still necessary to clone the Windows install, redo Bootcamp, and restore Windows?

I found my Bootcamp partition is too small and will need to be resized eventually (or, rather, games are much much larger than I realized ). But I really don't want to reinstall Windows to accomplish this.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Create Partition / Restoring BootCamp Image To Partition?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:

the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: No Partition Available On MBP

Jun 8, 2012

When I turn on my MBP and hold the option key there are no partition available. I changed my HDD and try to install OSX snow leopard on the new one but I cannot find my new HDD in Disk Utility either. I look into System Profiler and couldn't find my HDD. Also Apple's Hardware test does not show any problem with my MBP and My new HDD is okay. What exactly is wrong with my MBP?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Won't Work With Additional Partition / Enlarging BootCamp Partition

Aug 31, 2010

So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:

Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.

Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?

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Windows On Mac :: Resizing BootCamp Partition - Snow Leapord & Windows 7

Feb 1, 2010

Basically, I created a BC partition for my W7, however, I only gave it 32gigs of space (I only wanted to use it for gaming).However, now I want to install Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2010 on W7, however I don't have enough space on my BC partition to do that...I've researched enough to know that I will need to use one of the following programs:I've read up on all the programs and done some research on them.
Ive noticed most people are having problems with all of these programs when trying to backup a W7 image whilst on Snow Leapord (Mac OS x 10.6, which I am running)I know that is the function of the 3 applications above... But to my knowledge... In theory - I should be able to just backup my W7 using a reliable backup program (Can someone recommend any?) and then delete the existing BootCamp partition, create a new one of 100gig and then just load up the backed up image for Windows 7...

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OS X :: Installing Snow Leopard On Second Partition?

Aug 28, 2009

I've read it is possible to partition your hard drive so you can have leopard and snow leopard installed at the same time on one computer, correct?Can I partition my current drive without having to reinstall leopard? or lose any data? I will of course have a back up but is it possible to create another partition if I have room while keeping my leopard install intact?If later I decide I love (or hate) snow leopard can I get rid of the other partition and expand one of the partitions to take up the entire hard drive (like how I have it now) again without reinstalling or losing data? (on the partition I intend to keep not the one i get rid of obviously)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Partition IMac HD

Mar 22, 2012

Disk utility shows the WDC My Book as the main drive:When in disk utility I cannot select my Macintosh HD owing to the selection being directed to the 1TB WDC My Book remaining on the list of options, even though this machine has died.How can I remove it? -  I am loathe to hit the Erase button in case it also erases my Macintosh HD. I want to partition my Mac HD so that I can install Lion as well as Snow Leopard.

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Intel Mac :: How To Put Snow Leopard On Partition

Apr 22, 2012

I'm trying to put Snow Leopard on a partition. I have Lion installed on my main disc and when I try to boot from the snow leopard disc I get the 3 beep sounds. I've done this before I just don't remember how. It won't let me boot from the partition.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Bootcamp Partition / Can't Delete Partition

Jan 25, 2009

Is it possible without having to reformat my whole disk aka put osx back on there again?

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Partition - Vista NOT Installed - Partition Gone

Aug 5, 2009

I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 3rd Partition Bootcamp Already Installed, Want To Run Mountain On Partition?

May 8, 2012

currently have 2 partitions bootcamp and lion. and have read alot about how if you create said partition it will mess up windows bootcamp. but have yet to see any actual answer as to how to creat the 3rd partition. correct me if wrong but is it better to delete bootcamp creat partition then install bootcamp and restore from system image?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Migrating Bootcamp Image / Blackbook Bootcamp Partition Having Windows

Jan 30, 2009

Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.

Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....

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OS X :: Bootcamp Partition Which Eventually Ended Up Removing Again With Bootcamp Assistant

Jan 16, 2010

had a bootcamp partition which I eventually ended up removing again with the bootcamp assistant.Now I want to create the bootcamp partition again, and when I start up the assistant, there is a 5gb leftover partition of the old bootcamp it seems. I just can't resize it... I've tried anything as low as resizing it to 10gb to 100gb... both fails.I have more than 200gb free space.I have just run a full defrag with iDefrag I've tried to do fileoptimization with techtool pro v5
I tried using camptune (which only works if you already have a working bootcamp partition, which I dont.

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IMac :: Resizing Bootcamp Partition - Backing Up Bootcamp Image?

Apr 16, 2010

im on a goal to resize my bootcamp partition... im running 10.6.4 with Win7 in Bootcamp... i made a mistake of only making a 80GB partition for windows 7.... now i want to make it bigger, i have read up on a number of methods but most are outdated and users report issues with windows 7 and SL so i'm a lil stuck... this is my idea

I have 120GB unused HDD space atm so could i.. back up my 80GB partition to a DMG with disk utility then delete the old partition making the whole 200GB unallocated space... then use the bootcamp utility to re occupy the space then use disk utilities restore option to restore the image of the 80GB to the new 200GB partition... would this work? if not has anyone got any other methods to use with 10.6.4 SL and Win7?

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