OS X :: Creating Permissions To A Folder AND Its Subfolders?
Dec 26, 2009
It is very tiring and time consuming to set permissions to a folder and then doing the same all the way down to the last subfolder.
Does anyone know of a way to do it all at once?
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Feb 17, 2010
I just installed a new harddrive and I made 2 partitions. One for my system, preferences and installed programs and one for my files.
The problem comes when i put things on my desktop or download stuff. These folders are on my system partition and when i download or save to the desktop temporarely, i have to copy the files later to my other partition and delete the original.
It would save me a lot of time if downloaded files and files saved to the desktop are written on my documents partition.
hence the question: is there any way to change your desktop and downloads folder location to another location/drive?
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May 23, 2012
how can I print a list of folder and subfolders from the finder window? I want to reorganize the contents and it would be easier to look at a printed list. I have too many folder and subfolders to do it well from the computer alone.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2012
When I open my USB flash drive on my mac (snow leopard), all the files are expanded, and I can't figure out why. Then I have to go one by one closing them, and it's frustrating. Is there a way to set it to be collasped or expanded?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Sep 10, 2014
am sure this has been asked very often.
I do not want only the file names of a given folder with its subfolder (mark all and copy to Coda or Text Edit) BUT I also want other attributes like creation date e.g.Â
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), itunes 11.1.4
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May 17, 2009
I am new to Mac and I was wondering how I could create a folder within my documents on the mac os.
I recently changed from Windows to Mac and Its a bit of a learning curve.
I really liked the fact that I could store folders within my documents on Windows
Ex. I could open my documents, and open my school folder which had all of my school info.
How can i do this on Mac ?
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May 10, 2012
Our environment has multiple Windows file servers, both 2003 and 2008. If one of these SMB shares is accessed from a Mac and the user creates a folder, will the ACLs on the share that are set to cascade actually cascade to this newly created folder? We've had issues in the past where ACLs that are supposedly set to cascade on a shared folder are not present on sub-folders created from Macs.Next question: if the share resides on a netapp device, do the same rules apply? The Macs are still connecting to these shared folders using the SMB protocol. All Macs are bound to our 2008 AD domain and use network accounts with local homefolders. The issue seems to happen when one or both of the following things happen:
1. A Mac user copies/creates a folder on a Netapp share and for some reason it doesn't inherit rights correctly
2. We move the folder from one share on an actual Windows server to the Netapp and it doesn't take permissions correctly.
MacPro 2x2.66GHz Dual Core Xeon, 4GB RAM,, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 23, 2010
I know this question sounds obvious and there are a million threads on placing folders on the dock but my need is more specific:
I want to add a folder to the dock but when I click on that folder, I simply want it to open in finder. I don't want to click the folder and then view contents in in Grid or List view, I only want the finder to open with that folder's contents. Is this possible?
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Apr 26, 2009
I was searching around on Google trying to find a way of creating a private folder, all I found was articles saying that you had to create a disk image of a folder, the only problem is that the whole password system wouldn't always work. So I thought of a better way, what you do is with the folder you wish to create private open the Get Info panel. Then open the Sharing & Permissions panel, enter your user password if prompted, turn all of them to drop box only, then click the lock, users will now only be able to view this folder if they unlock the panel with your user password and then change the style.
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Jun 8, 2009
I'm a switcher from PC since March, and I thought I had become fairly proficient with OSX. There is a lot I don't know and never use, but I find my Mac experience to be very positive. Yesterday I discovered that I may have been using the Dock incorrectly. Here's what I did, what happened, and the obvious need for some clarification. I did not want the dock to become too busy with many app icons, so I created a folder for my favorite photo applications; Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Bridge, and some Canon camera and printing programs. I liked the idea that I could just click on the one folder and it would fan open with all of the related apps. So, I simply dragged apps to the folder, and for months it seemed to work very well.
Yesterday I tried a Panorama feature in Photoshop Elements, and it was grayed out. So, I went to the Adobe PSE Forums and posted a message. A few very knowledgeable people answered, and we tried to troubleshoot the problem. We looked at permissions on the apps, and other stuff. At one point, I clicked on the app from within Finder, and it opened with the feature back where it belonged. I then went to the folder and by accessing there, it was gone. I'm not sure in which order this happened, but I did get a message that the app had been moved from its original location and needed to update itself. When I reported this to the export I was admonished that you can't add an app to a folder, you need to make an alias.
I trashed the folder and tried to redo it, but I recreated the same problem. So, I instead opened the applications from Finder and kept them pinned to the dock. They now work, but they clutter up the Dock. What surprised me was that in the Dock tutorials I saw on the Apple site and the other Dock related stuff I read elsewhere, it seemed as if simply dragging apps to the dock or folders on the dock was the correct procedure. If I did not do it right, what steps would I need to go through to create a folder on the Dock with related apps?
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Apr 9, 2012
I am trying to figure out how to create a folder on my desktop. For some reason, my desktop folder is no longer available and whenever I try to set one up, an alert states that I do not have permission to create one. I don't know what to do.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2009
] Trying to use ChronoSync to sync Mail between my MacPro (source) and my MacBook (target). For some reason most (not all) of the Folders end up with a red - in them on the MacBook. How do I just set all Folder permissions to Everybody (will this work?) on my MacPro so I can sync and not have a problem (or at least move on to the next one )? There are far too many Folders to go through one at a time. Already spent 30 minutes and finely ended up deleting one by mistake. Is setting to Everyone the way yo do it? Who is Staff and why does my name on the MacPro get changed to Nobody on the MacBook even though it is the same on both?
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May 30, 2012
im trying to make folders and name them with structured names but im getting an error and im not sure what im doing wrong. Â
the error i get is:Finder got an error: Can’t make "/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/Fake Server/Project Name" into type item.  ----------------------these variables are just used for my example, the actual script asks for input and makes that into the variables ------------------- set the_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Desktop:Fake Server"set theChosenOne to "Selected"set Code to "ABCD"set Number1 to "12345" set projLocation to (POSIX path of the_folder & "/" & theChosenOne)set folderTags to Code & " " & Number1 tell application "Finder" make new folder at projLocation with properties {name:folderTags & " artfile"}end tell
Applescript, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 11, 2009
disable permissions on folder and all enclosed items? is this possible?
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Feb 25, 2012
I put an external USB drive into my Macbook Pro, to transfer some files from it to a PC. I wanted to delete a file from a folder that I've just copied, but the file would just pop right back on.I've tried to erase the whole drive, Disk Utility couldn't. Tried to use sudo chmod 755 on the volume, it said that I only have read only previliges.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Driver : USB Transcend JF V30/8G
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm using mac os x server as SMB file sharing server and i got some issues with permissions.Â
I try to use POSIX permissions. I put :
owner -> read & write
group -> read & write
other -> read onlyÂ
And after propagate these permissions it's working fine.
Until an user create a folder or a file and i see that the permissions of it are :
owner -> read & write
group -> read only
other -> read onlyÂ
I have set default permissions on new files and folder for this sharepoint with the great permissions for the group. But it didn't work..Someone have a solution ?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 9, 2012
I have two users on my mac and am having some issues with sharing files. I created a shared folder and gave the other user read/write permissions. When I log in as that user, the folder can be accessed, but some of the files in that folder cannot be accessed. These are all photos, and for the most part I'm dropping them into the shared folder from iPhoto. Â
I tried it again by using the Public folder with the same result. However, there isn't consistency with the actual files that don't have permission. In other words, the shared folder I created may have a file that does not have permission, but that same file does have permission when I dropped it in the Public folder. So it is totally random as to which files in the shared folder don't have permission to be accessed. Â
I also tried to simply drag the files to the other user. Same result.
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Feb 10, 2009
I have some files on my desktop right now that I would like to secure from wondering eyes. Other people use my Macbook Pro from time to time and I don't want anyone to read these documents. Is there a way to create a folder/file that requires a password to gain entry to view the contents of this folder/file?
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Feb 16, 2005
When I connect my MP3 player (not an iPod ) to the Mac and delete some files, Mac OS X creates a folder .Trashes in the volume root and just moves all the files I intended to delete there. The only reason to delete files is of course freeing some space... and to free it I have to empty the system trash (which is not good). Is there any way to tell Mac OS X that it should not create a .Trashes folder there and remove the files permanently or at least move them to the trash on the local disk?
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Jun 17, 2012
My Open Directory users are subjected to several MCXRedirector rules that "deleteAndCreateSymlink" like follow for folders like Caches or the iPhone Simulator Application Support.The symlinks are effectively created, but the folders don't exist in the /tmp/ folder, thus making the users and myself very sad. Here the only strange things that I find in the console : [code]
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 11, 2009
I have several thousand songs organized with a certain Artist/Album/Song structure. I also have uncategorized folders in my music folder with a bunch of random songs inside. Is there a way to sort the music list in iTunes by location, so I can choose all the songs in that folder to add to a playlist, or can I make a smart playlist that takes all the songs in the folder (and scans for new ones whenever)? If not, is there something else I can do to accomplish this?
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm low on internal hard drive space. Am using Time Machine. It appears that Time Machine is creating disk images in my downloads folder, taking up even more space. Is there some way to limit or stop that process and just use Time Machine to back up.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a config file, /etc/my.cnf that has permissions set via the finder gui to have read/write for anyone that's an "admin". My user is an admin (turns out I'm the only user as well), but when I open this file (it's plain text) in text edit it gives me an error on save saying that I don't have permissions for the folder that it's in. I can, however, use nano via the terminal and modify the file without any issues. I don't want to set read/write permissions on /etc to everyone, so how do I make it so TextEdit (and thus other programs having the same problem) can write to that file?
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Jun 8, 2009
Is there a way to use automater or applescript or something to make a single folder on my system RW for everyone so i can drag files to it and they will be converted to RW automatically?? I want to do this with new files so i dont want to jsut change the permissions on the folder because I dont want to have to do that everytime i add a new file. I am a beginner to applescript and automater so as
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May 29, 2012
I restored from backup OS X 10.5.8 Leopard using Time Machine to a brand new drive. After manually migrating some data to the newly restored boot drive I accidentally replaced the /Library/receipts folder with an out dated receipts folder. The problem is there is no way to get the proper receipts folder back so I'm stuck with a receipts folder filled with permissions that are not in sync with the list. I'm assuming this blunder is causing the error: The underlying task reported failure on exit, every time I try to repair permissions. I need this boot drive to be stable and want to avoid installing from DVD the OS from scratch. The drive checks out ok with every test accept repair permissions. The system is running VERY stable now on this brand new WD Caviar Black 1 TB drive. Do you think it's safe to clone this drive even though repair permissions won't work anymore?
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Jul 2, 2012
TIME MACHINE ERROR:Unable to complete backup, An error occurred while creating the backup folder.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 6, 2014
Running OS X 10.8.5
Trying to backup to Passport Time machine. Has worked fine until a few days ago.
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May 5, 2012
How do I change a file or folder permissions from 'read only' to read/write.
I want to edit some music track information in iTunes, but my iTunes music folder is 'read only'
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 2, 2012
I am no longer able to open Mail. I get the message: "Mail can't open because you don't have the necessary permissions to change the folder where it saves information"  It then goes on to tell me where mail stores information and to go to that folder and use the Get Info window to change the privileges to Read and Write (which they already were). I authenticate, change them to Read and then back to Read and Write, click the lock and try again. Same result. I tried to take a screen shot of that window and got this message: "Your screen shot can't be saved. You don't have permission to save files in the location wherescreen shots are stored." Last night I tried to take a screen shot and got the same message. I repaired permissions in Disk Utility and there were thousands of permissions repaired.
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Dec 23, 2009
I'm seeing this show up when I do a permissions repair in Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x
Repaired "usr/share/derby"
It shows up each time I do this. Anyone else seeing this?
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