OS X V10.7 Lion :: About This Mac Showing 43GB Of Movies - How To Locate Files
Apr 29, 2012
I have only a few small videos taken with my iPhone that I know are on my air. How can I locate all files considered "movie" files? I also have 25GB of "other" files that i was curious about too.
I have just purchased a new Macbook Pro (latest model) and have used the Migration program to transfer all of my files from my old PC onto my new Mac but we are unable to locate or open any of the files. We have installed Microsoft office for Mac but we cannot find any of the word/excel files, any photos or emails. How do i locate these files and open them?
My Mac has my home folder on an internal HD (with the startup disk on internal SSD). How do I get the "locate" command to index (and hence be able to find) all files that are in my user folder (~/) and its subfolders? I want to be able to do this without changing permissions on my user files, of course.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Corei7, 16GB, SSD + 2T HD
I tried to create a bootable recovery drive using my usb for OS Lion and was successful with it. Unfortunately the files which I had stored in the usb stick prior to this seem to have disappeared. How can I locate these files? The usb now doesnt mount on the desk top and is only accessible through disk utility.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently got a Macbook pro OS X Lion and for the past few months have had problems with trying to run movies on Quicktime 10.1. My videos files are usually .AVI but when I try to click on it quick time opens and then tells me that it can't read the file. I've search the internet for answer and have tried a lot of different solutions that others have had success on (including updating Perian and trying to convert the .AVI file to .MOV) yet I still have had no such luck.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Quicktime 10.1
i copied a user folder from my old windows machine it was a ntfs hard dive to my dekstop. I can see the folder structure and the folder took a while to copy over but there are not files in the folders. They seem to be hidden?
I have two NTFS external drives. I used to copy files through my bootcamp partition which is Windows 7. However, when I copy certain videos from my Mac partition. It shows up normally on windows side, when I get back to Mac OS, I cannot see them. Everything else are showing up fine, exactly for certain video files, with both NTFS drives missing the same files. When I connect both to another PC, both are showing up those files fine.
Roughly two weeks ago I started noticing all kinds of unfamiliar system files showing up in a number of my folders. They are always grayed out and as far as I know have nothing to do with the actual folder. These are just straight forward folders and/or my actual Mac hard drive. Any idea where they may be coming from? I don't know that any of them are actual system files that might be important. The second link, the CODES folder should be the only file in that folder. Here are links to a couple of them. [URL]..
Imported movies are suddenly not showing up in iTunes. When I import they copy over and create a corresponding folder in finder, but they are not displaying in the iTunes library. This has just started happening today. Â The movies show up and will play on Apple TV2 and on the Mac using QuickTime, but not in iTunes. We use iTunes to sort movies.Â
I was watching movies fine last month, and now when i put a dvd in it shows up black. at first, i thought it was because of the type of dvd, but then i realized something was wrong when i put in the movie that i just watched and it showed up blank. it does not have any scrathes on it and i have iDVD what do i do!!
I'm in a program (Safari, Word, iDesign, etc., I click open file > desktop (or any other folder), and nothing appears.just the spinning wheel (that won't stop).I had my hard drive replaced in March after my system started running slow one day, then froze. I did a hard reboot, and it wouldn't come back on.A week after I got it back, I started getting the "gray screen of deaf" with the spinning wheel. So I took it back in and they replaced the operating system (10.7.3).It worked fine for a few days, but for the last couple of weeks, I've had to do a hard reboot just about everyday due to my system freezing up.I've updated to OS X 10.7.4, which wasn't easy. Cllicking "update OS" didn't work...it always ended up telling me unable to update this operating sytem. I had to download the OS from this Apple site. It took about 20 hours to update (?!?) I can't afford to be without my system for too many days while in the shop at this time. Do I need to start looking into a new system.
so first off, sorry for the potential repost. I couldn't find the answer on the forum so I am starting a new thread.
Let's say I have a 50gb music library. I want to put all 50gb on the external, and keep about 30gb on my iBook.
That part was easy enough, however I am running into problems keeping everything in my library located. Everytime I disconnect and then reconnect the external, anything that's not on my iBook can't be located.
I want to make it so that when the external is not connected, my entire library (EXT and INT) is shown[obviously, I won't be able to play anything that resides on the EXT], and when I connect the EXT, I want it to locate the files that are external only.
I also want iTunes to keep my folders organized, there, that's the kicker.
On linux I use "locate" to find anything via command line. I see that locate is installed on my Mac but invoking it does not always find what I am looking for I thought that maybe I need to update the database but $ sudo slocate -u gives me a command not found error. Is there a cool apple trick to finding files that I know are right in front of my face?
i recently installed boot camp on my mac and somehow the partition doesnt show up in the finder. im pretty sure i deleted it from the finder so it doesnt show up but is still there. how do i get to where i can access my boot camp files from my mac partition??
My flash drive on my MacBook Air is almost full but I only see 69GB used of 250 GB worth of space- how can this be? I need to locate these files that are taking up space.
My hard drive failed on my iMac (Intel), Apple Store replaced the hard drive, brought it home, hooked up the Time Machine, selected a backup date, restore. It showed the content loading for 4 hours. Once complete, the iMac still looks nothing like the old. Open the Macintosh HD and Info shows that the 230 GB transferred, but I can't find the folders anywhere. When actually opening the Macintosh HD, its only new folders and the new setup. Where do I find the restored content?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Time Machine restore
i cant figure out where the downloads are going. In Safari Preferences, it's set to have the downloads go inside Finder in a folder called "Downloads," but the only thing in there is a GIF I downloaded. I searched in the Documents folder, but the downloads are not there either.
so I have a relatively new Macbook Pro 15" and an equally-new Time Capsule. I put all of my 4,500 songs onto the Time Capsule because I only listen to music and home and also because I wanted to save space on my hard drive. While this set up has worked up until now, I am beginning to experience some problems. Right now iTunes says that it cannot locate the file for any of my songs unless I manually show it where those files are on my Time Capsule. I am not worries about losing the files because they appear to be unaltered, however I wanted to know if there was a way to have iTunes automatically search through my music folder and fix the problem. I know there is a way to download all the music from my hard drive to my computer and then back to the hard drive to fix the problem, but I would really like to avoid having to dump all those files onto my pristine hard drive.
I use an iMac and recently upgraded to Lion OS. Everything was working fine, including Mail.
But the Hard Disk developed some hardware defect and I was forced to replace the hard disk with a new one. The service center added the new harddisk with OS 10.6.8 and now when I connect the old hard disk using USB connection (which is running 10.7) I am unable to find the Mail and Mail downloads folder in the library folder...
Is it because my machine is running on 10.6.8 and the hard disk is having 10.7?
I seem to have many old PowerPC apps on my iMac that (since Lion) have become useless and just taking space. Is there a quick way to locate and delete these obsolete apps?
Info:iMac 2.93 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo + iPad WiFi 32GB, Mac OS X (10.7), Memory: 4GB; External Firewire 1TB; FCE 4.0.1
I went to the library to locate mail so I could insert an HTML signature. Problem is, I can't find Mail anywhere. It is not in the library, not in Cache, etc. When I attempt to search for Mail in the finder, before I can select Library as the search location, the finder shuts and pops me into another application. Where is mail? I can use it. It is in my apps folder, etc., but I cannot find it other than in that location. Can't get in to add a signature, etc.
Info: Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8), Processor Speed: 2 GHz