when i go to a flash website that requests access to my webcam it asks for permission to use the webcam as usual, but my webcam does not activate. the webcam does still function in other os software like photobooth.
i wasn't having issues prior to snow leopard so i was wondering if any other SL users were experiencing this issue
So, with build 10A432, I'm unable to access the files on my DNS-323 via Samba. It gives me this error ...
"The operation can't be completed because the original item for "Volume_1" can't be found."
I can access everything fine from another machine running Leopard. I believe this is a known issue with Snow Leopard, further hardening my belief that this is a very useless upgrade. The only real thing SL has got going for it, is the fact that it is cheap. That's why people will buy it, because its only $29.
Coming back to the topic, can someone suggest me a fix?
Also, if you want to debate the worthiness of SL as a $29 upgrade, please don't bother posting here. I don't want any smart fanboy comments either. Let's stick to the topic at hand.
I have another user on our network with an administrator account on my MBP, who normally logs on remotely. After upgrading to 10.6 there's no remote access to their account. When I tried to access the account from the machine, I get into the account but everything is unresponsive and the only way out is to turn the computer off using the on/off button.
I'm the only mac user on a network full of windows machines (Mostly windows 7 but one with XP) but I cannot see a single one on my iMac running 10.6.2. I found a guide on here about changing settings on your windows 7 box, which I followed but I still cannot see the machine on my network. Nor can any windows machines see my iMac on them.
I think it might be a port issue, are there any ports which I need to open on my router? I have an O2 Wireless Box III (A rebranded thompson router)
I had to reset my password through the Install Disc. Upon restarting my Mac, I chose to reset my Keychain Access password. However, it does not seem to have updated, and when I go to Utilities to open Keychain Access, it does not open. I created another admin account, and Keychain Access does not open for that either.Â
I cannot access the Accounts pane from System Preferences. Each time I click on the icon, I get a message that says "system preferences has quit unexpectedly. I've already repaired the permission, deleted system preferences plist, installed the combo update and logged in as a different user. Everything else works just fine.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)Unable to access accounts
1 Mac Pro connected to a Netgear DGN2200v3 (Etnet 1) for internet connection : Etnet 2 connected to a router for internal fast network.Other 4 Macs connected to the Etnet router.The problem i get it's : if the Mac 1 is connected to the Netgear i get slow access to the others Macs, if not the sharing ( for example screen sharing ) it's fast as usual. Previously i've used another Netgear wireless Etnet modem and all was fine.I think there is a need for a internal DGN2200 settings.
I find it hard to believe that with all the loyalty that I've shown Apple through the years - literally thousands and thousands of dollars that I can't access iCloud through my iMac because it's not compatible with Lion. Is this true? Is there a work-around other than having to buy a newer Mac?
I would like to ask on how I can connect securely to my iMac at home from my MBP when I'm travelling. I have subscribed to MobileMe, unfortunately, it is not always possible to connect using MobileMe due to technical issues (Many would have agreed that MobileMe are not reliable at times).
What I would like to achieve is the following:
1) Install either a VPN and/or SSH server in my iMac at home
2) Enable access not only my iMac but also my home network and internet connection from my home.
2) Be able to browse using my iMac or AEBS in my home network from my MBP in a secure way (similar to proxy).
I understand that I can setup SSH server and do some port forwarding with it. I need more details or tutorial on this, if you have any link that would be appreicated. Basically, I understand the idea but this would be impractical as I need to setup a lot of forwarding (one forwarding for each service).
So VPN solution may be cleaner in a way. I checked that OpenVPN.net doesn't support newer OSX anymore. Any idea how to do this? I have identified an OpenVPN client that can be used but not the server portion.
I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro. This is my first experience with a modern computer from Apple and in very first contact with Mac OS "Snow Leopard".
I am trying to configure that Mac to share the resources of my Windows XP small network at home. For that I have followed several instructions I found published on the Internet by other Mac users who were trying to do exactly the same as I am trying to do.
Unfortunately I face a quite basic problem all the time: when I follow any of the posts/ instructions, sooner or later, I cannot move forward because I cannot find where exactly the DIRECTORY ACCESS (or any functionally equivalent configuration program like that) in Mac OS Snow Leopard is located.
Lately I am unable to access an increasing number of web sites. Sometimes the word "forbidden" appears. Other times there is just a note that Safari is unable to show the site.
Recently I did a clean install on my MBP after a 4-generation-old OSX 10.6.8 TM backup got way too slow (I had used it with my old MBP, then restored to a 24" iMac, then a 27" iMac, and then to the new MBP).Â
However, with the clean install I did obviously not create the exact same user name / account I had before, so I cannot access the TM now. I'd like to extract some of the folders from that backup, mainly images I am missing and some data.Â
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8), mbp i7 17", iMac 27", iPad, i4
I have 3 mailboxes in "Mail." It suddently started showing spinning circles by all of them, and I am getting "reports" from each of them that they can't connect with the server (timed out.) I can got to the websites and see the mail Ok, however. How can I fix this? I've tried to delete all of the mailboxes, but they stil show on the mailbox list.Â
I am trying to set up a webserver in order for others to access certain files via HTTP. I've turned on the Web Server and activited WebDAV. I'm unsure of what to do next.I am able to access the directory /Library/WebServer/Documents when I logon to the server through the Finder window. That's as far as I've gotten. But, ideally, I would like someone to be able to go to the URLs....to get to the target directory (or target file) "Example", and have it prompt the user for a name/password for authenticaion. I experimented with creating a realm, and having it point to a folder I created (e.g. Folder = /Library/ WebServer/ Documents/ Example), and giving myself access. I am unclear what the URL is for that folder. Going to urls... gives me a 404 error: Object not found.
I also tried pointing my realm to a location instead of a folder (e.g. Location = /Example). Now when I go to http://ourservername.com/Example, I get a 403: Access Forbidden error. But I'm unclear how to set access to the location, and where that would be actually located on my server (how can I add files to the Example directory?).
Finder and itunes cannot access files and folders have disappeared from external hard drive. On OSX 10.6.8, How can I bring them back? Started when the usb connection failed. Firstly I could see the folders in finder but could not open them, now I can't see the folders. I tried opening photos from phtoshop and though I could see and select them, it crashed when I tried to open them. When reimporting CDs it asks if I want to replace existing files? Should I repair permissions?
I have just installed Snow Leopard on my MacBook, and now all my applications have disappeared from my desktop plus I can't access to my User folder which contains everything including CS4 package. It tells me that I don't have permission to access these folders, which there is only 1 account user on this Mac. Â
Help!!! What do I do to get a permission to use my old folders from Leopard (10.5)?  And yes, I have backed up everything on my external hard drive before I installed this Snow Leopard! I was assured that I won't lose everything when I have loaded this on, only difference is the software is updated and newer apps but now I can't look into anything I had on my Mac! Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 13" aluminium late 2008 model
I recently switched hard drives because of a problem with the old (native) one. I retrieved certain files from the backup of the old HDD then proceeded to backup the new HDD. Now I can't access my files from the old backups because "I don't have the permission to see it's contents".
How do I go about this? How do I "authorize" myself?
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The ClamXav scan found 4 virus/trojan problems and quarantined them. Before I did thid, my keychain keeps popping up asking me if I want to save my password everytime I visit the same web site(s).
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Online browser plugin failures
After updating OSX from 10.5 to 10.6 my keychain access does not work for all login websites I had setup. Is there a pdf manual for keychain access to download ? I need to setup keychain access so that I don't have to type in my username and password for websites requiring logon.Â
I am trying to restore photoshop files I created and seem to have erased by mistake. For some of the files Time Machine gives me the following message :
The opreation cannot be completed because you don't have permission to access " filename"Â
I created these files and they are important and I do not know what else to do to retrieve them.Â
I had to reinstall the OS but have a complete copy of my old hard drive. I want to get my old iCal calendars back. I have read on sites that they are stored in HD/user/library/application support/ical but this folder does not seem to exist in snow leopard...
I just made a TM backup of two user accounts (A & B) on one iMac.I now want to delete the files and accounts from the iMac and create a new user account.(A & B shared this computer and it is now going to be used by a third person alone. I don't want all the additional unused A & B account data clogging the hard drive.)Â If I delete the original A & B user accounts, will I still be able to access the backed up files? How?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iBook G4/iMacFP/G4Tower/Bondi/3400/165/SE/Plus
The option to 'play stereo audio as mono' that comes with OSX 10.6 does not work as I expected.When I enable this option it sounds like only one of the two channels becomes mono, while the other one does not sound mono to me.It's hard to notice this, because the total sound does change to 'less' stereo. I've done some testing with different soundcards and testing signals, and found out that when the option is enabled, the mono signals are routed incorrect.While the right channel becomes mono, the left channel seems to be something else; I'm not sure if it's the original left channel of the stereo signal, though. I have reason to believe that the resulting mono sound on the right channel correctly is the 'monofied original sound', but that from the left channel.The resulting mono sound on the left channel sounds like the original left channel of the stereo sound, maybe added with the mono sound of the right channel.Â
Why do I think so? When using a sound card with more than two outputs, I can clearly see that sound is being sent to the second and the THIRD output, instead of the first and the second output, immediately after I enable mono. Resulting in output on THREE channels:original leftmonofied (left) monofied (right)Â On my soundcard I can disable the extra outputs, and than I hear:original left + maybe monofied rightmonofied (left)Â I think the programmer of this great feature made an 'off-by-one error', consequently sending the monified output to the wrong channels;to channel[1] + channel[2] instead of channel[0] + channel[1]Â I don't know what happens to sound that is sent to channel[2] (the third channel) on a two channel soundcard.It could be mapped to the the first channel, but that of course is speculation. Could be tested though, with the right audio signal.Â