OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Get Rid Of Widget When Mouse Hovers On Desktop?
Apr 10, 2012
I am having a problem with widget appearing on desktop when mouse hovers on bottom of dock. Down left it has a cross / manage widgets. There are no ticked widgets at all when I go into manage widgets.
Can anyone running Snow Leopard tell me whether or not the iTunes widget has finally been fixed? In Leopard (and maybe even before, I dunno) it's broken in the following ways: Shuffle button doesn't respond Dropdown list of playlists on the flip side is empty No flip animation, only a pause (not a big deal, I know, but still)
Trying to download a widget for Dashboard, every time I click on the download button associated with the widget it takes me back to the MAC App Store? Have tried on several widgets, how can I get it to download??
I have been hearing that Apple has switched from using AccuWeather to Weather.com (The Weather Channel) for the weather Dashboard widget in Snow Leopard. Is this true? Anyone with the WWDC build or the newer build. The fact that my iPod touch (weather.com / yahoo) weather app and OS X dashboard (AccuWeather) never match is kind of annoying.
Can you recommend a weather app for SL that sits in the menubar? I did a search on macupdate and basically came up with many that were developed (and haven't been touched since) 2-3 years ago. Any that you can recommend that work well with SL and don't use a huge amount of system resources?
I know there are some other threads on this, but none seem to have a definitive answer. So this issue happened on my previous MacBook Pro with Leopard and then again with Snow Leopard. Now, it's happening again on my brand new 27" iMac. Every time I restart and bring up the dashboard, my weather widget loads and then jumps down a quarter of an inch or so on the screen. How can I stop this from happening and why hasn't Apple fixed this after 2 years?
I'm a recent convert to Apple. I'm just starting to play around with widgets. When I look at the apple dashboard website I see no way of searching the web site for a keyword like "weather". Am I overlooking something?
Interesting... at the same time as Magic mouse comes into stock (well, in UK Apple stores, anyhow), Apple release the "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard" & "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Snow Leopard".
Here are direct links to the installer disk images, to save you time - even if you don't yet have a Magic mouse, you can install the software now to save time later:
Snow Leopard:
I also found it interesting, how the mouse icon has changed into a Magic mouse in System Preferences:
I am new to a mac and have the download setting set up to drop on desktop when I download something.
My question is that I downloaded some widgets today for the desktop like "The Weather Channel" one. When it finished downloaded, it appeared on the desktop as two files a zip file and another file. I then had to click on it to run it but in the end I had to move the zip file to the trash after I was done installing it. Is that normal. Should there be two files each time. Do I need to turn on/off a setting.
Also happened when I clicked on a video to watch, I was streaming it but when I flashed to my desktop it downloaded it also. Is this normal.
I'm using Logitech MX revolution right now on my SL machine, but the newest LCC is coming out in two weeks. I really can't stand the mouse acceleration built into Mac OSX. What's the way to disable this feature?
I am using a Mac Book Pro with boot camp. When using windows there is no laggy feeling. This is not a skipping movement just a slight lag that makes it barely noticable but inaccurate, very annoying. I have tried many many mice and different softwares but that FLOATING feeling is always there on the Mac side but not the Windows 7. I have been an avid fan of Mac since way back. Classic never did this. I do not remember early versions of OSX doing it but I may not been aware of it.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I had a problem of my options in finder turning up as numbers and letters so I did some research and entered this code into the terminal: rm -rf ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/swlog and now all files on my desktop and documents are gone and I am freaking out! I need all those docs back! What can I do to undo it?
My day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
I have spaces assigned to my mouse buttons and one day it stopped working. I assumed my mouse button went bad until I tried another mouse. The button is assigned correctly spaces just doesn't respond to it...sometimes. Sometimes it works find. Has anyone else had this? I'm trying to narrow down if its my system or not.
So I recently got a new iMac that has Snow Leopard and I noticed that this is about the second time that my mouse cursor has gotten stuck... not stuck in location, but the image of the cursor.
I'll move over a textbox and then it changes to the I bar cursor, but then I move away and it stays that... I move over a link and it turns into the finger icon, then I move away and it's still a finger.
Still in the beginnings of diagnosing, but I do have two user accounts logged in. The other account only has a Safari window open though, nothing exciting.
My macbook pro started acting funny yesterday. The mouse became unresponsive, then started moving by itself, closing windows, and creating new folders on my desktop. It's like someone is remote controlling it. Google tells me this might be a trojan horse?It sounds similar to the problem discussed in this thread [url]...
i've had the macbook for about a month now and I noticed that theres times when I boot up the macbook my temperature hovers around 70C (didn't turn on from sleep mode) i'm using smcfancontrol to see the temperature and I could feel it too, then when I restart it the temp drops and just hovers around 40C does anyone know why?
I have this really annoying issue where my mouse will randomly double click in OS X when i didn't actually double click my mouse. I had this problem before in Leopard (with different mouse) but now it seems the problem has returned with snow leopard. has anyone else had this problem? I checked the mouse properties and there's nothing strange there. I also don't have custom drivers installed. Just default snow leopard drivers.
I have Mac Intel Base running OS 10.6.8. Finder seems to be corrupt. I have checked the system and it seems to be working properly. However, my Mouse and keyboard stop responding when I relaunch finder, and I have a very slow start up time (10 to 15 minutes till the mouse and keyboard respond). I ran Disk Warrior and got a lot of permission and file errors. Disk Warrior says they are fixed, but every time I run Disk Warrior or Disk Utility the same errors keep showing up. Trying to go to safe mode to check to see if extensions are an issue doesn't work because mouse and keyboard do not respond so I can't log in.
The dock has a quick key combo to show and hide. When it's in hide mode and my mouse hovers below (were it is located) it re-appears. How can I make it to only show and hide with my quick key combo?
I often take screenshots to explain things on the FCP X forum etc.
In FCP X, like most video editing apps, the cursor can change its appearance dramatically according to what tool you are currently using. Unfortunately taking a screenshot does not display the cursor or its appearance at that moment.
I have a workaround involving making a video of the screen and cursor using Screenflow but this is ridiculously complicated. Is there a simple way of recording the cursor's icon on a screenshot?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.
My cursor still changes based on the context, like hovering over a link or in a text field, but displays the wrong icon. After focusing a text field, the cursor is a reggular arrow in the text editor and turns to the text staff outside of it when it should be an arrow. I just did a fresh install of 10.6.8 on a crucial m4 - ct256m4ssd
I FOUND THAT RESIZING THE MOUSE CURSOR IN THE UNIVERSAL ACCESSS PREFERENCES temporarily restores the cursor to a size-adjusted mouse, until I do something like click in a text field.
Why does Finder keep shrinking the size of the icons on my desktop? I set them for 48 X 48 and a few minutes later they reset spontaneously to 16 x 16. Irritating
everything is going well, and it seems to be working fine (there are a few things that aren't perfect... but I'm sure they'll get ironed out in the future)Anyway, what I want to do is burn a copy of the Installation DVD, just to be sure nothing happens to my only copy (I had a bad experience with leaving my Leopard DVD on a bus once... I was so angry with myself!)Now, I used disk utility, and now have a perfect .cdr copy of Snow Leopard sitting on my desktop.I have Toast Titanium on my MBP, and am just wondering which is the best option to make a bootable copy.