OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mouse Cursor Displays The Wrong Icon?

Jun 19, 2012

My cursor still changes based on the context, like hovering over a link or in a text field, but displays the wrong icon.  After focusing a text field, the cursor is a reggular arrow in the text editor and turns to the text staff outside of it when it should be an arrow. I just did a fresh install of 10.6.8 on a crucial m4 - ct256m4ssd  

I FOUND THAT RESIZING THE MOUSE CURSOR IN THE UNIVERSAL ACCESSS PREFERENCES temporarily restores the cursor to a size-adjusted mouse, until I do something like click in a text field.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Mouse Cursor Image Not Changing?

Nov 28, 2009

So I recently got a new iMac that has Snow Leopard and I noticed that this is about the second time that my mouse cursor has gotten stuck... not stuck in location, but the image of the cursor.

I'll move over a textbox and then it changes to the I bar cursor, but then I move away and it stays that... I move over a link and it turns into the finger icon, then I move away and it's still a finger.

Still in the beginnings of diagnosing, but I do have two user accounts logged in. The other account only has a Safari window open though, nothing exciting.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Taking A Screenshot To Show The Mouse Cursor?

May 26, 2012

I often take screenshots to explain things on the FCP X forum etc. 

In FCP X, like most video editing apps, the cursor can change its appearance dramatically according to what tool you are currently using. Unfortunately taking a screenshot does not display the cursor or its appearance at that moment. 

I have a workaround involving making a video of the screen and cursor using Screenflow but this is ridiculously complicated. Is there a simple way of recording the cursor's icon on a screenshot?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3 . . . Little Knowledge, Many Opinions.

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Mac Mini :: Won't Boot From Snow Leopard CD / Blank Screen With A Mouse Cursor

Nov 18, 2009

I did some reading online, and know that the flashing question mark basically means that there's either a problem with the OS installation or the hard drive itself. I borrowed a friend's Snow Leopard installation CD (mine didn't come with the CD) to try to boot from it, but it refuses to boot from the CD.

The only keyboard bootup control that does anything so far as I can tell is the alt key (using a windows keyboard), which results a long delay while booting, followed by a blank screen with a mouse cursor. Everything else just ends up with the flashing question mark. If I try to hold C to boot from the CD, it sits there for 3-4 minutes with the occassional CD whirring sound, then ejects the CD and goes to the flashing question mark.

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IMac (Intel) :: Folder Icon Is Blocked With Mouse Cursor?

Aug 22, 2014

My colleague reported me something a bit strange a creasy. They told me that the icon folder is following the cursor mouse. (It's not a joke) . I just experienced this right now, and I am going to explain step by step, what I did. 

I opened Finder

I selected a folder to move it into the Favorite section (in order to access it quickly via the favorite bar)

I placed it between Desktop and Document.

While I move that folder, the folder icon appear close to the mouse cursor. This is normal

BUT when I released my button mouse in order to create the folder favorite, (between Desktop and Documents), the folder icon remind on the cursour mouse, and follow it. 

Nothing freeze, I can mouve the mouse but it do not react to a click. 

To "remove" the folder icon, I have to relauch the Finder (cmdt+shift+esc), or some time, it desappear after 3-4 minute.

When the icon is remove, the mouse is not working perfectly for a moment. 

We have this problem while we mouve a pdf, or a .doc file.

My colleague work on iMac 10.9.4.

This problem happen while we want to create a favoris to a local folder or to a remote folder. 

4/6 collabrators have this problem and there are all in the same office.

The particularity, they have all a wireless mouse, but I do not think the mouse devise cause this problem.. 

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: Mac Mail Displays Wrong Recipient In Sent Box?

Oct 6, 2009

Suddenly having problems with sending emails via Mail for Mac. Some, but not all, messages show in the display window as having been sent to the wrong recipient.However, when you click on them, the details shown are correct and they seem to be getting through to the intended address. So it's a display issue of some sort rather than Mail actually sending to the wrong place.Can't find any reference to this issue in Mail Help or online forums.I'm running OSX 10.4.11, Mail 2.1.3.

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Mac Pro :: Moving Cursor Across Dual Displays

Jun 6, 2012

On my left I have a new HP 2311 23" monitor (maximum dpi 1600x900). On my right I have an old 23" Apple HD Cinema Display (max resolution 1920x1200). Both have a 16:9 aspect ratio. I just added the HP about a month ago, and this is the first I've had dual displays....so I'm still learning. I've noticed the following: If the cursor is on my Cinema Display and I move it left toward the HP, at about the top 1/4 of the screen the cursor won't cross over...it comes to the edge of the screen and stops. I have to move the cursor more toward the middle to cross over. When I move the cursor down toward the middle of the Cinema Display, it crosses over but appears a the top of the HP.

A similar thing happens moving from the HP to the Cinema Display, except at the bottom of the screen. The cursor won't cross for about the bottom 1/4 of the HP, and when I move the cursor up so it will cross, it appears at the bottom of the Cinema Display. It's almost like these screens are out of alignment....the HP sitting a few inches higher than the Cinema Display. My eyes aren't what they used to be, so the HP is set to 1344x756 and the Cinema Display is set to 1344x756 to make everything larger. However, I tried many variations of the resolution on both screens to see if that changed anything.....it didn't.

2.66 Ghz Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3, Apple Cinema Display

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OS X :: Mac External Monitor Displays WRONG Screen?

Oct 28, 2009

I have the new macbook unibody, and use it from time to time to dsiplay things to an external montior, plasma, projector, etc. Using a mini-display adapter to a converter to get s-video was a challenge, but I figured it out. I have used this many times, as I am a DJ and need s-video out to connect to most devices.I was at an event saturday night, and the display on the external device (projector) kept displaying my desktop, NOT the external feed.

It was NOT set up for mirroring, as it seems like the displays were 'switched'. I had my desktop on the projector, and my external on my macbook pro monitor. I tried to fool around with arrangement and resolution, but to no avail. I understand that sometimes you have to drag your source to the right (of left) to get it to display on the external, and this was done, but it was still reversed.I know it was something simple to get the 2 switched back to the way it should be, but I could not figure it out. Any advice? None of my apple buds can figure this out.

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Intel Mac :: How To Move Cursor And Content Between Two Displays

Mar 31, 2012

I have added a second display to my iMac, but I can not move the cursor or content to the additional display, which shows a picture of the galaxy. I have searched but can find a means to do this.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Can Change Cursor Look An Mac

Mar 4, 2012

Can I change my cursor look an a mac

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does Printer Get The Color Wrong

May 30, 2012

I am trying to print a flyet that is dark red with yellow type, yet it prints out as green with faded yellow type. Why won't the background show up as the correct color?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 21.5" ,3.2 GHz i3, 8GB Ram

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cursor Jumps All Over Screen?

Jun 12, 2012

Cursor is driving me crazy jumping all over screen, to middle of sentences, deleting words and sometimes deleting entire sentences when I hit enter.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Mouse Not Working After Wake / Mouse Cursor Is Beachball And Not Spinning

Jun 6, 2008

When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.

Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?

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OS X :: Cursor Jump To Another Location While Typing In Snow Leopard

Oct 8, 2009

I am running Snow Leopard on a new MacBook Pro. I have noticed that often when I am typing, the cursor will jump to another location. So, I might be typing on a line and then suddenly, the cursor will jump to a line, usually above the line that I had been typing on.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Does Cursor Freeze In OX 10.6.8 Until Relaunch Finder

Feb 5, 2012

While online in either Safari or Firefox my cursor as I am navigating a page will suddendly freeze on screen. I them am forced to relaunch finder, then unplug my mouse from the keyboard and once again, relaunch the finder.Then the cursor will move again. Any solutions to this problem guys? This is really driving me nuts. It happens about 5 times an hour!

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Disable Cursor Hover Feature?

Jun 13, 2012

Was wondering if there is some way to disable the auto-open cursor hover feature? (Not sure what else to call it). It's driving me nuts.It's most disfunctional with Safari--for example when I'm trying to find a specific webpage in the Histor-- if I don't keep moving the cursor constantly, whatever URL the cursor happens to be over will just open and load.Then I have to start over again. This seems to happen sometimes on the desktop as well. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Messages In Sent Folder Showing Wrong Date

May 19, 2012

I have an odd Mail problem which I can't seem to solve. Yesterday I unchecked my "automatically set date and time" box in order to set the date back to May 7th for a particular printing task I needed to accomplish. I printed the pages but forgot to re-check this box so my system date was wrong for all of yesterday. I was hunting for a sent message later in the day when I realized what I had done.

I was going to report that my sent folder had stopped working, but, naturally, the messages were neatly filed exactly where they were supposed to be, sorted to May 7th, and not May 18th. Luckily I did not send a lot of messages yesterday! My question: Is there a way to manually change the date of a sent message? Is there a way to edit the header of a sent message? (Note to self: If you change the system date change it back)

MB Pro 8,2 (2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 For Leopard/Snow Leopard And Cosmetic Changes

Oct 29, 2009

Interesting... at the same time as Magic mouse comes into stock (well, in UK Apple stores, anyhow), Apple release the "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard" & "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Snow Leopard".

Here are direct links to the installer disk images, to save you time - even if you don't yet have a Magic mouse, you can install the software now to save time later:



Snow Leopard:


I also found it interesting, how the mouse icon has changed into a Magic mouse in System Preferences:

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OS X :: Safari 4 Snow Leopard Bug "displays HTML Source Code In Standard Page Jumbled Up"

Oct 28, 2009

I've been having problems with Safari 4 since I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Any page that displays HTML source code in a standard page jumbled up. It is not rendering the page correctly, although if I copy the scrambled text to another program it displays correctly. This only effects Safari and other browsers are okay. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can reinstall safari / reset?? The screenshots above are from a Joomla Edit HTML page but this also happens on other pages such as where they show sample HTML code tutorials.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: When Print Multiple Checks They Print In The Wrong Sequence

May 21, 2012

When I print multiple checks they print in the wrong sequence.  If I have  checks 401, 402 and 403 in the printer in that order, they print 403, 402  and 401.  How can I change this to print not collated?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Icon Turns In To Waiting Icon?

Jul 6, 2009

Every few minutes my 13" MBP completely stalls, video and music pauses, can't do anything with my MBP and the mouse icon turns into that waiting icon. I don't know what it's called but it's round with colours inside it.Anyways, it stops me from what I'm doing for about 20 seconds and happens every few minutes and it's beginning to annoy me now!

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OS X :: Wrong Icon Shown For Canon Printer?

Dec 10, 2009

I just purchased a Canon printer and I was going through the manual through the canon application (not the book manual) and it seems like somehow the manual is tied into my final cut express app. Shouldn't my canon manual have some sort of canon icon. The icon that is showing is a lego block with the final cut express picture. How can I get the correct icon on there? When I click on quick look it says "Final Cut Express Plugin File." Should the final cut express icon be showing up for this?

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Hardware :: The Mouse Have A Lag In The Cursor?

Feb 6, 2009

I am using an Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse, and have been since i got my macbook about 9 months ago. I love the mouse, but i have noticed a lag in the cursor. At random times, the mouse cursor starts to lag. When this occurs, i will either clean off the lens or turn it off and back on. Most of the time, these alternatives do not work. I then just wait and it eventually turns back to normal.

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OS X :: Unable To Use Mouse Cursor In 10.5.7

May 18, 2009

Ever since installing 10.5.7 I have been experiencing problems with the mouse cursor. On my intel iMac's primary display (but not my external display)... the mouse cursor will disappear while moving the cursor, then reappear after the movement is over, so it looks like the cursor is flickering rapidly when it's in motion. This flickering problem will happen with a normal cursor only intermittently (usually when the cursor is over a scrollbar), but it always happens when the cursor changes to a crosshairs for screen capture (command-shift-4). As mentioned above, this only happens on the internal LCD, not my external monitor.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Fix Mouse And Key Cursor Lag

May 7, 2010

I'm switching over from Vista so still trying to get used to snow leopard. Couple of things that are bugging me:

1) The trackpad seems to lag slightly when I select text or re-position windows on the screen. What I mean is that when I double click and drag to select some text for example, when I lift my finger from the trackpad (which should end the select procedure) and move the cursor elsewhere, text selection still happens. The only way around this is to not touch the trackpad for about a second before I can move the mouse cursor elsewhere. Is there a way to get rid of this 1 second lag?

2) When I'm typing, and want to move the key cursor over my text, when holding down the arrow keys, the cursor still moves over text very slowly. Is there a way to speed this up?

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OS X :: Change Icon Size In Snow Leopard?

Sep 1, 2009

Is there any way to change the size of the icons in the application grid? seems to big for me an i want them smaller. This is what im talking about:

Question 2:

how can i play a sound at startup (like windows, when you turn on the computer and the cloudy wallpaper shows on the screen, you hear a sound) i wanna do exactly that on my macbook pro,with other sound of course

I put an mp3 or wav file at the login items on the system preferences accounts, but wont work, cuz everytime i started my mac, yes i heard the sound but it also open itunes, and i dont want that, i just want a simple fast sound.

Jorge Lomeli
Monterrey, Mexico

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OS X :: How To Change Finder Icon In Snow Leopard

Oct 23, 2009

I did the usual finder.png in Dock.app and Finder.icons in Finder.app but no good.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Finder Bar Icon For DVD Burn Won't Go Away

Mar 10, 2012

I started an iDVD project to burn a dvd and completed it. In the finder  bars under Places, an icon keeps showing up and I can't get rid of it. It doesn't seem to impact the rest of the system, just annoying. I have done the following:


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Harddrive Icon On Start Won't Go Away

Mar 12, 2012

This morning when I turned on my Imac, it presented me with the Mac HD icon, I had to select this to continue with the boot. 

I've checked the startup options and the correct (and only) drive is selected, re selected it a few times just in case but this didnt have any effect. 

Checked that none of my keyboard keys are sticking by unpluging it during the boot so the keyboard couldn't interfere, still the same. 

I've tried a pram reset but don't seem to have any joy getting this to work. I hold the correct sequence of keys down just after the chimes ( cmd, option p and r) but that doesn't seem to get me the 2nd chime. Have no idea what I'm doing wrong. 

Is this a sign my HDD is going? I use the system for a lot of video editing and photo editing, could this amout of usuage cause any problems 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mac Pro Won't Start Up- Just Spinning Icon?

May 17, 2012

My Mac Pro (Intel) suddenly wont start up. It is stuck at the  white Apple screen and spinning icon.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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