OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unpause Printer, "Ipadmin" Group Password Required
Apr 24, 2012
I can't unpause my Brother MFC-5890 CN printer. It had a paper jam. I switched off my printer to release the paper and when I switched it back on again I get a message saying, 'type the name and password of a user in the "Ipadmin" group. I tried entering what I thought were the correct username and password but that didn't work.Â
In our higher education Mac computer lab, a printer may become paused (I am not sure why). But this requires an administrator password to unpause the printer, which only the admin in another building has. Is there a way to stop this type of activity? What causes a printer to become paused? Is there a way to not require admin status to continue?
Currently working on a mobile lab of 25 Macbooks(10.6.8) and a USB printer. (Users connect the cable when they need to print)(no matter what printer I connect)
Every time any user(even admin) prints, it requires a local admin or network admin user/pass to print.
I have a home wireless group with a pc desktop and hp1200 printer. I have been unable to connect my macbook pro (0SX 10.6) to either. I am able to log on to the home wireless network. And my pc laptop can access the printer and desktop files.
Let me preemptively state that I know very little about computers. This problem is most likely easy to fix, but I wouldn't know where to start. We have wireless internet here in my house, and my MacBook will not connect to it. It's a Netgear router, and my Mac tells me I need a password to connect to it. We don't have a password set on our router. So, every time it tries to connect, it says that an error occurred. How do I get rid of this password thing? I just want to use the WiFi!
We have a Mac Mini connected to our HDTV, pretty much for media server duty only. No mouse or keyboard conveniently located as a rule for this rig. We use the excellent Rowmote app (mouse, keyboard and romote control) on our iPhones to control it and it works great most of the time. However, sometimes you need a real keyboard. Since we usually have laptops handy, Screen Sharing seems like an obvious workaround. However, it ALWAYS (and when I say ALWAYS, I mean going back to 2005) asks for the name and password regardless of and inspite of checking and rechecking "Remember this password in my Keychain" about a thousand times since Screen sharing was first offered on the Mac OS, right up to 10.7.3.Â
This pervasive bad behavior can also be duplicated verbatim on our kid's media Mac Mini also.This is not a big thing, but it doesn't work, and hasn't worked for a very long time (in computer years). Does anyone know how to simply click on the Mac Minis, click the "Share Screen" button and well, share screens without constantly being asked to type in a name and password every single time?
My roommate has a Mac G5 running OS X.2. She has two accounts on it, one of which is the administrator. Lately she can not install any new software nor can she upgrade the software she has, even her internet browsers. When she tries, she gets a pop up telling her that an administrator password is required to install the software. Her password is correct or she wouldn't be able to log in to the system at all. I used Disk Utilities to repair the disk permissions thinking that would help, but it didn't. I even went to the extent of downgrading my own administrator level to normal and created a whole new account as an administrator thinking I could fool the system by having new permissions created. Nope. That didn't work either. So, I'm at a loss. She thinks we may have to wipe the hard drive and reinstall the software, but I'm hoping not.
I started to download the lion app and then had it start up and then stop. now i have the icon stuck in my dock on pause. when i go to the app store to check on it , there is only a download button and no pause or resume?
I have problems sending mail to people (not everybody) since Google obliged me to change my password on my Google account (attempt breaking-in apparently).
It took me a long time to re-configure everything, I choose the "double" protection from Google (with sms), and my Mac asked me this morning to give several times my Apple ID password, for iMessage, Face Time, etc...)
Now it's not possible to send a mail to my office. It is when I send it via website of Google, NOT when I use "Mail" on my Mac.
This is the message (partly in dutch) :Â Â Application-specific password required. Learn more at [URL] .....
I would like a Smart Group which will display cards which are not in any group however when I create the Smart Group and use the following rules, I do not get any result appearing in the Smart Group:Â
Card > is not member of > any groupÂ
I have icloud enabled and also the defualt address book is icloud. Is there something I am missing when creating this smart group?Â
I'm using Mail 4.5 and have a group of people I'll need to email regularly, most of whom aren't in my Address Book. Is there a simple way I can create a group with these contacts in it from their addresses on the last email I sent them? I don't want to enter them all into my address book inidividually.Â
How do you address an email to a group with iCloud? I used to just type in the name of the group and all the addresses filled in. Since I've switched to iCloud it doesn't recognize the group name. If I select +, then the the group name I'm still asked to select individual recipients.
I had a class of 25 students email me from their mobile phones all using the same subject. Now I'd like to create a mailing list / group so that I can easly contact all of them if need be. I tried creating a new group and dragging all of the emails into it to no avail. I also tried right clicking and checking the menus to see if there were any options which there weren't.Â
I'd be open to using automator or something similar if it worked.Â
I have a group of designers that are connected to X Server running Snow Leopard. I have placed them in a group, "MarComm" I have granted everyone full read/write access. ( I can trust them all) I have tried to propagate these permissions..I saved the changes and restarted server. For some reason there are 2 sets of permissions.
1) full access (desired configuration)
2) "custom" access Â
This "custom" access does erratic things..for ex:Â
Allows the designer to pull off a job folder containing 12 items. He has permission to use 8 items, but not the remaining 4.Â
Perhaps I need a step by step tutorial on how to create a proper "group" and to propagate permissions. I understand that the ACL should take precedence over the POSIX. I am not well-versed in using the terminal, but I am a careful person, and willing to try it.Â
I'm running OS X Server 10.6.8 and I created a new group in Workgroup Manager and I'd like to share a group folder for that group. I created the share and when I go to set the path for the group folder, Workgroup Manager keeps sticking the actual name of the group onto the end of the folder name I'm using. I have an example below since I know it is probably hard to understand what I'm trying to describe. On the group shared tab in Workgroup Manager, it asks for a Path name. My group name is Test and the folder I want to appear on the dock for this group is called Help. For the Path name I enter Help, since that is the name of the folder I want to appear. When I save the changes and go back to look at the information I put in, the Path now says Help/Test and when I log in, I have a question mark on my dock instead of the Help folder. This used to work in 10.4 without any problems. Now 10.5 & 10.6 want to call the group shared folder whatever the name of the actual group is.
I have recently brought Apple MacBook pro 13 inch, iam trying to add my printer Hp laserjet 1018 ,but my macbook identified the printer but DID NOT PRINT. I did not understand why it did not print.
Have just added a wireless Canon printer to my local network. Have a shared print queue on a Mac Mini. Have modified the printer options for this printer/queue using CUPS on the Mini.Â
Identified as a shared printer. Expanded options using CUPS, these options appear in the Mini "print" panel. Can see printer over network on another Mac.Cannot see printer presets, or expanded options on this machine "print" panel.Copies presets .plist from Mini to local machine, now see presets {this is suboptimal - the OS should see the shared presets).
Cannot see epanded print options on local machine. I would expect the expanded options would be visible to
any network machine connected to this printer/queue. What am I missing?
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), plus other Macs
My printer is connected to my Mac Mini through the USB port and is shared with my MacBook Pro. I am on a large intranet and am worried about other people using my printer. Is it possible to password protect my shared printer?
My wife used to be able to print to her hearts content before I switched over to Snow Leopard. Now whenever she wants to print it asks for an administrators (me) password. How do I change it back so she doesn't need me around to help her print something? What's the use of having a password to protect your account if the printer asks for it every time someone wants to print?
My wireless is using ethernet not airport although that is on, and I cannot use airport because I do not have the WPA password, not do I have the network password to relink my printer and computer.
My daughter has a MacBook with OS X 10.4.11. Due to its age & configuration, the OS X can't be updated any further.
Her MacBook is networked through my iMac (OS X 10.6.4) and is setup to print via my printer.
The connection to the printer stopped working, I tried to troubleshoot it, but needed the admin password. She didn't know if she had one so I used the installation disk to change eliminate the need for one. But for some things I'm asked for the keychain password, she doesn't remember if she has one.
According to the keychain help, the keychain password should automatically be the same as the admin or login password. There isn't a login password anymore, and keychain isn't accepting a blank password,so I'm locked out of some functions requiring the keychain.
I created a new keychain, but when online, I get a lot of unverified certificate errors. I try to change them individually to accept them, but I'm asked for the keychain password. If I can access the old keychain, is there a way to copy all of its certificates to the new keychain?
I can't figure out how to change the keychain password for the old keychain as without it, I can't accept certificates even with the new keychain. I'm really stuck.
Recently I purchased a Canon PIXMA MG5220 wireless printer. I have installed numerous printers, software, hardware etc on other comps as well as this one and have never had a problem... until now. I connected my printer to the internet access port (my home network) and everything went fine. But when I put in the canon disk to load the software and add the printer to my comp, I click on setup, it prompts me for my user pw to allow install. I do that and when I hit ok, nothing happens...
No other window loads or anything. It's like there is nothing on it after the pw prompt. I tried it on a diff comp (windows based PC) and it worked fine... why wont it load on my iMac? Very confused. Also, I turned off my firewall thinking that would help, but it did not... any help is appreciated.
I print in safari or Firefox and every time it asks for a password from the user. I click remember the key but everytime it pops up when I want to print.
When attempted to install the Brother HL-1110 CUPS Printer Driver, it asks for the password to complete the installation and rejects the known password. the password no longer works at all. Any way round this, particularly to recover or reset the password.Â
Does any one know if there is network laser printer that has password protected printing feature, and it is supported under Mac OSX. Basically I'm looking for a printer for my office, to be used by all employees and some of them would use password to get their sensitive printouts.