OS X V10.4 :: Create Port Configurations?

May 15, 2012

I have carried my laptop on a road trip using  motel's free wifi access to the internet.  Back home the selected network now wants me to enter the WEP password which I don't remember.  Is there a way to retrieve the password without resetting it?  More than one computer is on the network - the laptop I left behind remembers the password.  Is there a way to retrieve the password from this computer? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Power PC G4

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Hardware :: Create Second Ethernet Port?

Apr 19, 2009

i have a macbook and an airport express, which is plugged into a cable modem. i plan to buy a samsung blu-ray player (model 1600), which can plug into an ethernet port or, for more money, use wireless. i'd like to use an ethernet cable because I think the airport express gets overloaded sometimes (music stops if two computers using wireless, for example) and the wireless attachment for the blu-ray player is a little pricey. how do i create a second ethernet port? do i plug a router into my cable modem and then plug the airport express into one of the router's ethernet ports? if i do that, will it just work or is there some set-up work to do?

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Mac Pro :: Using Ram Configurations

Aug 24, 2010

So I ordered a 6 core mac pro and am waiting for it to ship, but in the meanwhile I have a question about ram configurations. I already have 4 x 4 gig ecc 10600 ram. I also realize that according to techs, using all 4 slots will put the mac pro from triple channel ram to single channel as opposed to 2x dual channel. Knowing that would I see better performance with 12 gigs in triple channel configuration or 16 gigs in single channel configuration? Money isn't an issue here as I already own all of the ram.

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Mac Pro :: Just Wanted To Check RAM Configurations

Mar 30, 2008

I have a new 2008 MP and just wanted to check if I just have 2 sticks of 2gb RAM, one would go on the first slot of riser one and another in slot 1 of riser two right?

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Mac Pro :: Hard Drive Configurations

Aug 11, 2008

I have just bought a dual 2.8 8 core Mac Pro and am after a little advise on how to get the best from its hard drive performance. The machine is all stock apart from the 8GB of ram I bought with it.

I will us the machine for my business as a commercial photogrpher (stills only) and using the Mac OS only. Games and TV are of no interest to me with this machine as it will only be used with PS CS3, Lightroom, Capture One Pro and the like.

I am looking at adding some hard drives but wanted some pointers as to what to do. The machine is still in its box so nothing is set up, so ideal to change anything at this stage. I understand the stock 320GB HD is pretty rubbish so was wondering do I get somthing else in its place? If I do, is it simply just a case of taking the 320 out and replacing it with something better and then just booting the machine from the supplied setup DVD's to set up the new HD?

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Mac Pro :: Setting Ideal Drive Configurations?

Aug 4, 2008

After a long absence from Apple (Apple IIc, Mac IIcx, & Mac IIfx!) I'm leaving the land of cheap PC's for something I believe will "just work".

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IMac :: Setting Memory Configurations In I7

Mar 2, 2010

My question relates to memory configuration. If I buy it with the minimum 4 gig, I think that's 2 2 gig modules. Can I buy two third party (OWC or Crucial) 4 gig modules and add them, giving me a total of 12 gig, or would have to get rid of the original 2 2 gig parts? If it's possible to mix the 4 gig pairs with the 2 gigs, will there be any negative performance issues related to that? If I can mix them, do I need to worry about who I buy the 4 gig parts from? Lastly, any positive or negative comments on OWC or Crucial (or other suggestions) for memory in general?

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OS X :: Internet Connection - Built In Ethernet Configurations

Apr 19, 2009

How to connect my powermac g4 to the internet. I was told that it has the "built-in ethernet" and that all I need to do is config it so it will pick up the wireless signal from the router on the main family computer. But whenever I go to config the network connection, and check the status, it tells me that the built-in Ethernet is not plugged in. Do I not have the built in ethernet? I just want to connect to the internet, but I don't want to spend over $120 to have geeksquad come and do it if I can just do it myself.

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OS X :: Will Snow Leopard Recognize Mirror Configurations?

May 31, 2009

I'm currently setting up two 1TB hard drives as mirrored RAID drives.

Seems easy enough to do through Disk Utility, though zeroing out the data takes about 1.5 days for each drive, due to their size I assume.

Will it be easy to migrate these drives to Snow Leopard?

Will it just be a matter of adding them to the RAID list in SL's Disk Utility? Will it recognize them automatically?

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Software :: Wireless Router / Can't Connect IP Address Or Configurations

Aug 4, 2008

I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router (v. 6), a brand new iMac (Intel, OS 10.5.4), and an older iBook (G3, OS 10.3.9). I can configure the router using the iBook with no problems. Afterwards, the iBook shows an IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Router under the iBook's Network Preferences. The iMac detects the wifi network I set up using the iBook (for example, "mywifi") but cannot obtain an IP address or other configurations. Sometimes the iMac says Airport has a self-assigned IP address but can't get on the Internet, sometimes it says it has no IP address. I have removed all WPA securities/encryptions to simplify the process, but the iMac still can't see the router. I tried to ping the router from the iMac and no packages were received, 100% loss.

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Applications :: Sharing ITunes Library With Time Capsule (Configurations)

Nov 28, 2010

I have a 500GB time capsule that I sue to host my iTunes music and library. I pointed iTunes to the TC folder where the music is. Then I did control+click on the iTunes icon and pointed iTunes to the library which is also located at the TC. As long as I don't restart the computer it works fine, I can open and close iTunes and it finds the library ok. But every time I restart the computer I have to tell iTunes where the library is. Is there any way to configure iTunes so it does not "forget" the library's location?

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Mac Pro :: Operate In Triple Channel Mode Based On The Memory Configurations?

Mar 11, 2009

Call me crazy but are we all assuming the Nehalem Mac Pros can operate in triple channel mode based on the memory configurations suggested by Apple? I can't find anywhere on Apple's site or in the user manual that spells out the ability to run in triple channel mode. I know the integrated memory controller can operate in dual or triple channel mode. Being dual only would explain the number of memory slots. Can any owners of the new Mac Pros confirm triple channel operation? Or has anyone seen it documented one way or another by Apple? I'd love to be wrong...

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Lose Internet Connection / Network Configurations Have Changed

Mar 23, 2012

I connect with my MacBook Pro via ethernet to the internet. So far, I've never had a problem until a couple of days, I keep on loosing the internet connect. When clicking through diagnostics, ISP, Internet and Server show first organge then turn red. If clicking through the diagnostics, sometimes I am lucky and it shows a message saying "Network configurations have chnaged", when I click ok, I'm online again. But very often nothing helps and I have to re-start the router again.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Remove Ethernet And Mini Display Port And Insert HDMI Port?

Aug 11, 2009

How many of you would like to see a HDMI Port? Why the miniDisplay port? Why not remove ethernet jack and miniDisplay port and replace it with a HDMI port. That way one HDMI cable feeds digital video AND audio. Am I the only one thinking of this?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Port Forward Not Working - How To Do Port Forwarding

Nov 22, 2009

I am having issues with my Dual Band 1TB time capsule for some reason the damn ports won't forward I have enabled the correct settings with the ip address and the ports, but when I use a program to test if the ports are open they are always closed, regardless on pc or mac. Does anyone have a solution to this? I even reset my Time capsule to see if it would work, but no luck.

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OS X :: Open Port / Port Forward Leopard Bizarre?

Jun 29, 2009

Here's the deal, I am so frustrated. I am trying to open port 59152 for Transmission on my Macbook Pro. I have the latest releases of everything, I am using an Airport Extreme base station with an older airport to boost my signal/connect my tivo w/out a wireless adapter.
I have managed to get it open in the past but there was an update or something a month or two ago and at first it was still open and then it closed. I don't know what changed with the update, all I know is that I did n't change anything.

I have granted permission for Transmission to accept incoming connections on the firewall, little snitch allows it too. I have lighthouse, which worked at first but now I don't even know why I bother having it run. I have the port mapped through the airport utility.

PLEASE don't say to go to portforward.com because they haven't updated the Airport section since Leopard came out, yet every search I do someone repeatedly tells the person needing help to go to [URL]

I am going to attach some screen captures so you can see what I've got going on and maybe point out something I've missed.

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Hardware :: Adapter Can Be Used With Both A Usb Port And An Ethernet Port

Mar 21, 2008

is there a adapter with both a usb port and an eternet port?

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OS X V10.4 :: Hdiutil Create Srcdevice Fails To Create Image

Feb 1, 2012

I want to create a disk image of a Mac drive (.dmg file).I figured that it might not be a good idea to try and image a live disk, so I unmounted it (the user dragged the disk icon to the eject icon), and I confirmed it was unmounted by looking at /Volumes. To be clear here, this isn't the boot volume, that is /dev/disk0./dev/disk1 is an internal drive - as it happens it's the original drive for this OSX 10.4 G5, AND /Volumes/HITACHI is the mount point for an external USB drive.I have tried this twice.On both occassions, things seemed to go well, but after a few minutes (about 10 - 20 minutes), I observed that the target file on /Volumes/HITACHI stopped growing, then a bunch of unpleasant stuff started to happen: 

* I did lsof /Volumes/HITACHI/MacHD_20120201.dmg and found the PID of the diskimage binary, ps waux showed it was doing nothing (CPU% was 0.0). This indicates a stuck process to me.

* The hdutil command stopped producing '.'

* I could not cancel the hduitl command

* I could not rm the MacHD_20120201.dmg file

* I could not ls the /Volumes/HITACHI directory

* unlink also hung 

A little further into this, the Mac became unresponsive. I observed that the disk was now mounted again (grrr!). As a work around I switched the USB drive off and on, and Mac came good - all my terminals started to respond, the GUI responded for the user.My workaround has been to use CCC to make a clone of the disk - but I don't like this because I think .dmg files are much more convenient (for a start, now that I've used CCC I can't use the USB drive for anything else).

* Is my methodology wrong? Do I really need to umount the /dev/disk1

* Can you disable finder from automounting an internal hard drive (I am particularly interested in this) 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Mix USB 2.0 And 3.0 On Same Port Is Whole Port Slowed Down?

Jul 3, 2012

I have just ordered a new MacBook Pro and it does not have enough USB ports for my needs.If I have a USB 3.0 hub and I mix USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 peripherals on it, will the whole hub/computer USB 3.0 port be slowed down to USB 2.0 speeds?I am thinking back to Firewire, if you have Firewire 800 and 400 devices on the same chain, the whole chain slowed to Firewire 400 speeds.I don't think this is the same with USB but wanted some reassurance..

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Air, Mac Mini

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Mac Pro :: 4870 Mini-Display Port With Standard Display Port Panel

Jul 8, 2009

For anyone wanting to use their Mini Display port connector on their 4870 with a panel that has the standard size display port connector, I've found a source for a cable that works perfectly. It has the mini display port on one end and a full size display port on the other. Cost $19 bucks shipped and works like a champ. The cable is nice and compact, thinner and more flexible than my DVI cable. I'm quite pleased! ( it's the little things.... )

Here is the cable I picked up: Mini Display Port to Display Port cable

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MacBook Pro :: Mini-display Port Versus Mini-DVI Port

Mar 16, 2010

Relevant newbie to the mac world. I have a MBP late 2009. I bought a third party Mini display port to HDMI converter so I can hook the MBP to my 46" Samsung screen.

This works fine, no major issues here. However the picture is not great. I compared watching a standard definition TV show through the MBP then burnt it onto a DVD. The DVD (using the PS3 as my DVD drive, connected via HDMI) had superior quality than through the MBP.

Also the picture does not quite fill the screen. There is a small black border running all the way around the screen. Does not sound significant but when doing the same comparison as above, you notice the difference when via DVD the movie fills the screen. I have played around with the resolution settings. Those that fill the screen chop bits of the mac desktop off, so thats no good either.

So I am wondering why this is? Is it because the mini display port is not a DVI port, hence I am not getting true HD quality picture? How can I overcome this if at all. I'm thinking of getting a mac mini as a media hub/HTPC but want to ensure I dont encounter the same problems.

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Intel Mac :: How To Connect From Mini-display Port To Display Port

Apr 22, 2012

My iMac is I think 2009 model. It comes with a mini-display port. 

I have a Dell monitor which has a Display port input and I want to use it as a second monitor. The DVI input in the Dell monitor is taken up. 

But how do I connect from the mini-display in the iMac to the Display port in Dell monitor ? Doesn't look like aplle sell this connector cable ! 

15.4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" iMac - 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 1GB ATI Radeon HD, i5 QuadCore

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Mac Pro :: How To Use Display Port Over The DVI Port

Oct 22, 2010

Is there an advantage to using Display Port over the DVI port? To use the display port I would have to use the apple converter and plug my DVI cable into that.

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OS X :: MAC Port And Darwin Port?

Aug 19, 2009

I am new bie with Mac! I am trying to install mac port on my mac 10.5.6.
But latest available port that is 1.7.1 is not working on my system. It says it can only be install on 10.5. I dont know what to do.

Actually i am trying to install macport becoz i want to install few software with its help like xfig. Any help from Mac pals will be appreciated.

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MacBook Pro :: USB Port, Drawing Too Much Power - A USB Devise Is Currently Drawing Too Much Power And The Port Will Be Deactivated

Oct 2, 2006

This is my first post on the forums, although I'm planning on looking around in here once in a while, to see what people are posting.

For starters, I just wanted to tell you about this little problem I've been having with my MacBook 1,83GHz.

Sitting at my desk at work one morning, peacefully drinking my coffee, I suddenly received a rather discomforting error-message from my shiny new (about 1 month old) MacBook;

"A USB devise is currently drawing too much power and the port will be deactivated.".

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IMac :: HP Display Port To IMac Mini Display Port?

Nov 9, 2010

My employer is giving me a new HP (nope, no macs there ). I am thinking of getting the 12" 2540P Notebook for portability. Question is if I can connect that to my iMac 27" and use the iMac as a monitor?

There is a Displayport on the HP - can a simple cable like this do the job?

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Mac Mini :: Display Port & Mini Display Port The Same Thing?

Apr 28, 2009

I see Dell and HP monitors with Display Port. Is this the same thing as what Apple uses only with the terminology slightly changed?

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OS X :: Deactivating USB Port?

Oct 3, 2005

I switch ports around a bit when I update podcasts on the iPod. The front USB port on the PowerMac would never do an iPod update. I plugged the mouse into the keyboard port and it stated "summary" using too much power and will deactivate port. At this time it doens't work. To no avail I have searched for a method to activate the port. That makes one port on monitor and one on keyboard that do not work. Does anyone have an idea how to make a USB port work?

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MacBook Air :: About Using The Usb Port?

Dec 4, 2008

have you ever found it is hard to plug the usb cable into the usb port without lifting up the air? everytime i want connect my iphone to it, i have to lift it up, which is really annoying.

plus the short battery life and overheat bottom, i ended up returning it back to apple and get a macbook alu instead.

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Mac Pro :: Use 2nd Ethernet Port?

Feb 5, 2009

Is it possible to use the second ethernet port on the Mac Pro to output internet to another computer or router?

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