OS X V10.4 :: Hdiutil Create Srcdevice Fails To Create Image

Feb 1, 2012

I want to create a disk image of a Mac drive (.dmg file).I figured that it might not be a good idea to try and image a live disk, so I unmounted it (the user dragged the disk icon to the eject icon), and I confirmed it was unmounted by looking at /Volumes. To be clear here, this isn't the boot volume, that is /dev/disk0./dev/disk1 is an internal drive - as it happens it's the original drive for this OSX 10.4 G5, AND /Volumes/HITACHI is the mount point for an external USB drive.I have tried this twice.On both occassions, things seemed to go well, but after a few minutes (about 10 - 20 minutes), I observed that the target file on /Volumes/HITACHI stopped growing, then a bunch of unpleasant stuff started to happen: 

* I did lsof /Volumes/HITACHI/MacHD_20120201.dmg and found the PID of the diskimage binary, ps waux showed it was doing nothing (CPU% was 0.0). This indicates a stuck process to me.

* The hdutil command stopped producing '.'

* I could not cancel the hduitl command

* I could not rm the MacHD_20120201.dmg file

* I could not ls the /Volumes/HITACHI directory

* unlink also hung 

A little further into this, the Mac became unresponsive. I observed that the disk was now mounted again (grrr!). As a work around I switched the USB drive off and on, and Mac came good - all my terminals started to respond, the GUI responded for the user.My workaround has been to use CCC to make a clone of the disk - but I don't like this because I think .dmg files are much more convenient (for a start, now that I've used CCC I can't use the USB drive for anything else).

* Is my methodology wrong? Do I really need to umount the /dev/disk1

* Can you disable finder from automounting an internal hard drive (I am particularly interested in this) 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Applications :: BootCamp Fails To Create Windows Partition On New Disc

Mar 11, 2010

I'm having grief trying to create a new windows partition on my MCP. This is a similar problem to a million others that I've read on google, but slightly different and I cant get to the bottom of it. So, I had a 100GB hard drive running 10.5 and created a 20GB partition for XP. All good, all worked. But 20GB wasnt quite enough so I purchased a new 160GB drive and used Carbon Copy Cloner to create an exact copy of my OS X partition on the new drive. Removed old hard drive, installed new one and OS X runs like a dream still.

However, now I go to make my windows partition using bootcamp assistant and get the following error: "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS. Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again." Thing is, there is only one partition on my drive when I look in disc utility. I could just format the drive and restore using carbon copy cloner I guess, but I'd like to avoid that hassle.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Create A System Image

Jan 9, 2011

I am getting a new mac.. ( being replaced)

and i want to make an image so i can restore from that image when i get my new mac..

can u tell me how i can make the image?

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Intel Mac :: Getting -61 Error When Trying To Create An Image

Feb 18, 2012

I am trying to create a new image .. and my hard drive is not listed on the left hand panel .. the other night it worked fine except it would keep locking up so i did a disc repair and then restarted when i did a restart to prepare for a fresh install i noticed my hard drive was no longer in the disc utlitity not sure why that is.. Now the Snow leopard disc is stuck in the drive and I am unable to eject the disc tried almost every ejection command there is nothing .. isnt there a way to mount the hard drive through the terminal?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create A New Encrypted Image

Sep 8, 2014

Tried this several times via disk utility. 

Any image created can simply be opened without me being asked for any password!! 

how to successfully create a new encrypted disk  image. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.6Ghz I7 - 1Tb Hdd 16Gb late 2013

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Windows On Mac :: How To Create A Fusion VM From An Image File

Feb 12, 2010

I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.

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OS X :: Create Disk Image Password Protected Folder?

Feb 12, 2010

I created a password protected folder in Snow Leopard. I created a new blank disk image with 128-bit encryption. Now I can mount the image, enter my password and: Access to secret files!

Question: I selected the disk image and deleted it. A password was not necessary...is this true? Can anyone just delete the disk image without entering a password?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: How To Create A Disk Image Of The Boot Drive

Apr 14, 2012

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a disk image of the boot drive? I have tried / boot from DVD, then go to Disk Utility, file/ create new image from disk but the process stops imediatlly with a. cant unmount drive, b. drive is busy, c. in use how the drive is in use is not sensable, as it should  be as 'just a drive' This is on a laptop with OSX 10.5.8 / 32gig hd, 2 gig ram, just in case it matters. I thought about timemachine, but the laptop sometimes requires a complete reinstall, that is a long process, install + upgrade + redo all the other programs +  

G5 2x1.8 / G4 1.6, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5 2x1.8 , G4 1.6 ghz, 2 gig, Beige G3 G4-1ghz OS9

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MacBook Pro :: Create A Bootable Disk Image Of Hard Drive?

May 17, 2012

Is it possible to create a bootable disk image of my hard drive onto an extrenal firewire hard drive?

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Intel Mac :: Disk Utility Can't Repair HD - Possible To Create New Image To Backup?

Jun 7, 2012

Two days ago my computer died and I haven't been able to get past the Apple screen since. I've tried starting in Safe mode, etc. that did not work. I just started up using my installation disk and got into Disk Utility. It says it cannot repair the disk and that I should back up as many files as possible and reformat the disk. How am I supposed to back up if I can't start up? I am currently creating a new image of the HD to an external drive but my question is if Disk Utility couldn't repair the disk, with the external drive copy also be problematic? How can I tell before I reformat the whole thing and start over?

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Create A Password-protected (encrypted) Disk Image In Mac OS X 10.3 Or Later?

Jun 8, 2012

I've done all of this and it won't open. I double click on it, the default program to open it is diskimagemounter and nothing happens when I double click.(Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Unable To Create Disk Image - Resources Busy

Jun 25, 2014

error: Unable to create disk image resources busy. How do I fix this?

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Windows On Mac :: Create Fusion VM From Image File / Unable To Select Image File In Fusion?

Sep 28, 2008

I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Create A Virtualbox Bootable Image File From A Bootable Usb Flash Drive

Jun 1, 2012

I created a bootable usb drive on a windows pc using windows 7 to install windows 8 preview and want to make a copy to install in virtualbox on my imac and burn to a dvd that will work on pc. 

I've tried using disk utility to create an image and get a file ESD-USB.dmg, but virtualbox won't boot a dmg file. 

I tried converting it in the terminal with: 

hdiutil convert -format UDRO -o windows8.iso ESD-USB.dmg 

but the resulting file was windows8.iso.dmg. I changed the name to windows8.iso, but even so, virtualbox complains it's unbootable. 

I tried the terminal command: 

dd if=/dev/disk4 of=windows8.iso 

but virtualbox complained that it's not bootable. 

I tried the terminal command: 

cat /dev/disk4 > windows8.iso 

but virtualbox complained that it's not bootable. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Create Partition / Restoring BootCamp Image To Partition?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:

the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.

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Software :: Converting ISO To IMG Using Hdiutil Option

Sep 6, 2010

I am very new to Terminal commands and need a little help executing one. I'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro using a USB device to start the initial boot / installation from. And here's where I got to on the ubuntu website: "Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert option of hdiutil (e.g., hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso)".

I'm in Terminal but I'm really not sure what parts of that command to change and what parts to leave alone. I've tried various google searches and variations but I just keep getting errors. Would someone be kind enough to either give me the complete moron's guide to executing this particular command or simply direct me to a free program that converts .iso to .img. I would much prefer a program to do it for me, as I don't want to risk screwing it up.

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OS X :: Create Ppt To Movie On Mac?

Mar 19, 2010

I created a ppt slideshow on my mac.

I went "Slide Show" --> "Record Narration"

Worked fine. I then went "File" --> "Save as Movie"

The resulting *.mov file was fine, but the narration was missing.

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OS X :: Mac DVD Player - Create .jpg?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using Tiger, up to date, pretty vanilla, in a MacBook, no Super Drive and with DVD Player 4.6.5 and would like to be able to create a .jpg of a paused "frame" - is that possible?

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OS X :: How To Create A Bootable Cd

Oct 5, 2010

I purchased an app online, and seeing as they had an option to download the app, I downloaded it. (I do believe I still have available to me the option of the cd to be shipped, but I'm not sure) Now I need to use it in a way that requires it to be booted off a cd... The software downloaded was in a disk image format. Are there any specific instructions/steps I need to take in order to ensure that I produce a bootable cd? I'd hate to waste a perfectly good CD-R by a stupid mistake of making it non-bootable.

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OS X :: Automator - How To Create A Pdf

Nov 26, 2010

When I want to create a pdf, I click print > .pdf > save as PDF. Everything works fine.

Here's the problem though... when I click print > .pdf > Mail PDF... I get the following popup error. "The action "new Mail Message" could not be loaded because it could not be located. Try reinstalling the action."

Im pretty sure these are issues related to Automator, but through my hours of trolling the web, I havn't found anyplace to download automator actions.

Is there a way to restore automator actions and/or filters?

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OS X :: How To Create A Bootable CD/DVD From A DMG

Nov 21, 2008

I am trying to figure out what the best way is to create a bootable DVD frm a DMG file?

Upon first purchasing Leopard 10.5 way back when it came out, I decided to back up the disk on my computer by creating a Disk Image. Turns out it was a good move because now that I need the disc, it seems to have picked up a big scratch on it's surface, and it simply refuses to mount at this point...

I can use either Toast or Disk Utility to accomplish this task (or the terminal if absolutely necessary, but I would really prefer using one of the GUIs I've just mentioned). I was hoping someone would be gracious enough to provide me with instructions on what would be the best way to create a bootable DVD from this DMG file.

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OS X :: How To Create 2 Users

Apr 2, 2009

I am thinking of creating a second user on my MacPro for a special project I am doing with itunes. The reason for doing so is tho keep these music library separate. I know how to creat the user but I am wondering when I am done is there any harm in deleting the second user. I know I need to copy off the files but will my OS X installation be compromised in any way.

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OS X :: How Do I Create A Torrent?

Aug 2, 2009

I don't use torrents.

I'm just wondering how to make them.

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OS X :: How To Create New Account

Nov 2, 2009

I bought an used emac g4 and it has an account but i want to create a new account because i don't know the other's account password and im having problems downloading stuff from the internet.

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OS X :: Wants To Create A Ssh Connection

Jan 14, 2010

I have, up-to-today, been using MacFusion to map a network drive (Debian). However, it has now stopped working for some reason and I decided that it may be a good idea to follow this tutorial for an alternative method.

I have followed this page up until the point where I go to Finder > Go > Connect to Server. After this, I do not see any way of creating a ssh connection. Instead there are only some options to choose from e.g. afp, nfs, smb, etc.I am using a RSA public key currently for SSH connection via Terminal.

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OS X :: Trying To Create A CD/DVD Autorun?

Apr 12, 2010

im trying to Create a DVD with autorun... since i read mac os x droped this furure sine leopard or ... so it dosent have it.... not possible with flash or any ootehr third part app.... but when i insert the iwork CD in my mac i can see that it brings up a page with appels logo + a pic+ app installations ..

how they have done this... shoyld the CD be an iso.

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Mac Mini :: How To Create A Ms-dos Dvd-rw

Apr 15, 2012

Using Boot Camp Assistant to create a Microsoft partition on my MacMini. It requires a MS-DOS formated disk to download Apple/Microsoft files. I am using a 'remote disk' from a networked PC (works for everything else). Disk Utility does not recognise the remote disk unless it is formated, and the only formate available on the PC is UDF. With the DVD-RW disk formated in UDF, Boot Camp recognises the disk, but Disk Utility will not format it. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Boot Camp Assistant and Disk Utilit

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Mac Pro :: Way To Create A Backspace Key

Apr 28, 2012

How you can either create a backspace key or either change the delete key to delete words in front of the cursorirather than behind it.

Info:iPad 2, iOS 5

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OS X :: Won't Create New Account For Mail

Jun 19, 2008

i just bought a second hand ibook G4 power pc 933mhz mac os x 10.3.9 recently, the problem start when i can't create a new account for the Mail. Once mail application has loaded but i can't click to preferences as most of the function do not highlight.

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Desktops :: How To Create New Account On G4

Nov 2, 2009

I bought an used EMac g4 and it has an account but I want to create a new account because I don't know the other's account password and I am having problems downloading stuff from the internet.

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