Mac Pro :: Just Wanted To Check RAM Configurations

Mar 30, 2008

I have a new 2008 MP and just wanted to check if I just have 2 sticks of 2gb RAM, one would go on the first slot of riser one and another in slot 1 of riser two right?

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OS X :: Wanted To Delete The Plist File?

Oct 17, 2010

I was having issues with Safari so I wanted to delete the plist file. However, when I went to, I was told the file was locked. It let me delete it anyways, but I never recall locking it. I'm hoping it was just a fluke, but is there possibly some kind of malware or trojan that would have locked it?

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Hardware :: External Hdd Recommendation Wanted

Feb 8, 2009

one week after restoring my imac from Time Machine, my WD my book decided to die on me, and i need to make a wise decision. my imac is 300 GB, i use a lacie external for crucial files that i want easily available (backup with chronosync) and i want to replace a 500 GB WD.

i looked at the G-tech, but someone said they were having problems with it, and i looked at segate, but then i saw that they were having major problems.

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Applications :: Most Wanted Safari 5 Extensions

Jun 9, 2010

There are a lot of great ideas floating around of what extensions would make Safari 5 more useful. I figured it'd be worthwhile to put up a single thread that compiles a list of ideas ranked by popularity. I'll start it off:

(4 votes) Keyword search
(3 votes) Tabs on top
(3 votes) Unified Search & Address Bar
(2 votes) Alphabetized bookmarks
(2 votes) "DownloadThemAll"
(1 vote) Enhanced GMail notifier (with email preview)
(1 vote) Torbutton
(1 vote) Bookmark search in search bar
(1 vote) StumbleUpon
(1 vote) Tab-specific mute
(1 vote) Tab locking functionality
(1 vote) Center button auto scroll
(1 vote) Ask where to save each download
(1 vote) Download window overlay
(1 vote) Download status bar
(1 vote) FlashBlock / ClickToFlash
(1 vote) Bookmark syncing with FireFox

To get an accurate popularity ranking, please also vote on ideas you like that have already been mentioned.

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Mac Pro :: Using Ram Configurations

Aug 24, 2010

So I ordered a 6 core mac pro and am waiting for it to ship, but in the meanwhile I have a question about ram configurations. I already have 4 x 4 gig ecc 10600 ram. I also realize that according to techs, using all 4 slots will put the mac pro from triple channel ram to single channel as opposed to 2x dual channel. Knowing that would I see better performance with 12 gigs in triple channel configuration or 16 gigs in single channel configuration? Money isn't an issue here as I already own all of the ram.

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Mac Mini :: Internal HD Full - Wanted To Upgrade To 8GB?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm a newbie desperately seeking tech advice on how to remedy a full-to-overflowing 160GB internal HD problem and add more RAM. I have a 2009 Mini (2.26 core 2 duo, 2gb 1067 DDR3 RAM), along with a pair of 1TB external USB HDDs (one 1TB external USB drive dedicated for time machine), and a 3.5" 300GB Velociraptor drive borrowed from a friend. MOst important to me is I want to absolutely minimize any chance of jeopardizing/risking losing ANY files/data already on the drive or avoid any time-comsuming selective file deletion just to make room on the "Macintosh HD" internal drive.

One friend suggested I make a bootable clone of my internal drive onto a larger drive, which I did with a program called SuperDuper, i made the copy onto the Velociraptor drive. Presently the WD raptor is running on an external USB docking station. Then I was told to make the external drive my startup drive. However, all my external drives use USB (no Fire wire interfaces). The problem is when I go to system preferences the only startup disk choices are the (full) Macintosh 160GB HD and Network Startup. I cant for the life of me figure out how to specify one of the external drives as a startup disk, although the 3rd party application SuperDuper! claimed to make a totally bootable clone onto the Raptor drive.

As a short term solution, I also received advice on copying a bunch of the larger files, like my iTunes video library (at least 50GB) onto one of the external USB drives, deleting the contents of the Movies folder on Mac HD, and inserting an alias for the files or folder pointing to the copied movie files destinations on one of the external 1TB USB disks. I'm scared it will adversely affect iTunes being able to find the files on the external drives. Can I make an alias for the whole iTunes Movies folder or do I have to make them for each of the files I copy?

I need to summon the courage to try and open the Mini case and see if I can implant the cloned drive ultimately, but I wanted to try and get it to boot externally first before I got into the innards. Anybody have a link to a photo or video step by step how to on the actual case cracking operation?

explicit how-to directions and advice on how to fix these issues and/or assist me with several links on how-tos that I can use in terms a simpleton like myself can implement without risk of losing my precious files.

Expressed another way, what I want to do is simply upgrade the internal drive with a larger and faster drive without any risk of losing data. I was thinking there out to be a relatively painless route to employ an external drive to function as a logical extension of the internal drive, so that OSX would see the stock internal drive plus an external drive as a single "virtual" volume. Although pricey, I was considering a SSD drive for significant performance increases.

As to RAM upgrades, what type of memory slot arrangement is inside the case? I wanted to upgrade to 8GB, but 4GB would be acceptable. I need some recommendations on what type of RAM modules to obtain to make this happen.

Most of all, I am seeking knowledge and experience from expert users to learn from. Tremendous thanks in advance for anyone/everyone who can help me and teach me.

I look forward to any kind and generous folks willing to help me learn.

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Applications :: Wanted To Type In Farsi In MS Office 2008?

Mar 14, 2008

wanted to type in Farsi in MS Office 2008. I changed to Farsi font from the language bar. Now, it works fine in TextEdit, but when I try it on Word, the problem is that it still writes from left to right (in Farsi, you write from right to left). Any ideas how to fix this?

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Mac Mini :: IPS Display For Photo And Video Editing (Opinions Wanted)

Feb 2, 2010

opinions wanted:
First, I'm not a gamer. This pc would be strictly for photo editing and video conversion. I'm using photoshop cs4/ lightroom for pictures. For video, I have two objectives. The first is to convert 8mm to dvd. This would involve iMovie to keep it simple. The second would be for new HD video. Since Apple doesn't support blue ray just yet, I just need a way to offload to avchd on a regular dvd. I think Toast would accommodate this.

IMac (27") and mini would both have 4gb RAm. Hard drive space isn't all that important since I'll have an external as well. 2.5ghz vs. 3ghz. nVidea 9400 vs. ATI radeon. So would the less processing power of the mini be offset by the better monitor (Eizo or NEC ~24")? Or is the iMac display good enough?

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Mac Mini :: What Hard Drive Would Early 2009 Need If Wanted To Upgrade It

May 14, 2012

i wanted to upgrade my hard drive will any hardrive fit it or has it got to be something special?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: Hard Drive Configurations

Aug 11, 2008

I have just bought a dual 2.8 8 core Mac Pro and am after a little advise on how to get the best from its hard drive performance. The machine is all stock apart from the 8GB of ram I bought with it.

I will us the machine for my business as a commercial photogrpher (stills only) and using the Mac OS only. Games and TV are of no interest to me with this machine as it will only be used with PS CS3, Lightroom, Capture One Pro and the like.

I am looking at adding some hard drives but wanted some pointers as to what to do. The machine is still in its box so nothing is set up, so ideal to change anything at this stage. I understand the stock 320GB HD is pretty rubbish so was wondering do I get somthing else in its place? If I do, is it simply just a case of taking the 320 out and replacing it with something better and then just booting the machine from the supplied setup DVD's to set up the new HD?

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OS X V10.4 :: Create Port Configurations?

May 15, 2012

I have carried my laptop on a road trip using  motel's free wifi access to the internet.  Back home the selected network now wants me to enter the WEP password which I don't remember.  Is there a way to retrieve the password without resetting it?  More than one computer is on the network - the laptop I left behind remembers the password.  Is there a way to retrieve the password from this computer? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Power PC G4

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Mac Pro :: Setting Ideal Drive Configurations?

Aug 4, 2008

After a long absence from Apple (Apple IIc, Mac IIcx, & Mac IIfx!) I'm leaving the land of cheap PC's for something I believe will "just work".

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IMac :: Setting Memory Configurations In I7

Mar 2, 2010

My question relates to memory configuration. If I buy it with the minimum 4 gig, I think that's 2 2 gig modules. Can I buy two third party (OWC or Crucial) 4 gig modules and add them, giving me a total of 12 gig, or would have to get rid of the original 2 2 gig parts? If it's possible to mix the 4 gig pairs with the 2 gigs, will there be any negative performance issues related to that? If I can mix them, do I need to worry about who I buy the 4 gig parts from? Lastly, any positive or negative comments on OWC or Crucial (or other suggestions) for memory in general?

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OS X :: Internet Connection - Built In Ethernet Configurations

Apr 19, 2009

How to connect my powermac g4 to the internet. I was told that it has the "built-in ethernet" and that all I need to do is config it so it will pick up the wireless signal from the router on the main family computer. But whenever I go to config the network connection, and check the status, it tells me that the built-in Ethernet is not plugged in. Do I not have the built in ethernet? I just want to connect to the internet, but I don't want to spend over $120 to have geeksquad come and do it if I can just do it myself.

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OS X :: Will Snow Leopard Recognize Mirror Configurations?

May 31, 2009

I'm currently setting up two 1TB hard drives as mirrored RAID drives.

Seems easy enough to do through Disk Utility, though zeroing out the data takes about 1.5 days for each drive, due to their size I assume.

Will it be easy to migrate these drives to Snow Leopard?

Will it just be a matter of adding them to the RAID list in SL's Disk Utility? Will it recognize them automatically?

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Software :: Wireless Router / Can't Connect IP Address Or Configurations

Aug 4, 2008

I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router (v. 6), a brand new iMac (Intel, OS 10.5.4), and an older iBook (G3, OS 10.3.9). I can configure the router using the iBook with no problems. Afterwards, the iBook shows an IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Router under the iBook's Network Preferences. The iMac detects the wifi network I set up using the iBook (for example, "mywifi") but cannot obtain an IP address or other configurations. Sometimes the iMac says Airport has a self-assigned IP address but can't get on the Internet, sometimes it says it has no IP address. I have removed all WPA securities/encryptions to simplify the process, but the iMac still can't see the router. I tried to ping the router from the iMac and no packages were received, 100% loss.

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Hardware Check Does Check Hardrives?

Jun 8, 2010

As the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?

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Applications :: Sharing ITunes Library With Time Capsule (Configurations)

Nov 28, 2010

I have a 500GB time capsule that I sue to host my iTunes music and library. I pointed iTunes to the TC folder where the music is. Then I did control+click on the iTunes icon and pointed iTunes to the library which is also located at the TC. As long as I don't restart the computer it works fine, I can open and close iTunes and it finds the library ok. But every time I restart the computer I have to tell iTunes where the library is. Is there any way to configure iTunes so it does not "forget" the library's location?

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Mac Pro :: Operate In Triple Channel Mode Based On The Memory Configurations?

Mar 11, 2009

Call me crazy but are we all assuming the Nehalem Mac Pros can operate in triple channel mode based on the memory configurations suggested by Apple? I can't find anywhere on Apple's site or in the user manual that spells out the ability to run in triple channel mode. I know the integrated memory controller can operate in dual or triple channel mode. Being dual only would explain the number of memory slots. Can any owners of the new Mac Pros confirm triple channel operation? Or has anyone seen it documented one way or another by Apple? I'd love to be wrong...

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Lose Internet Connection / Network Configurations Have Changed

Mar 23, 2012

I connect with my MacBook Pro via ethernet to the internet. So far, I've never had a problem until a couple of days, I keep on loosing the internet connect. When clicking through diagnostics, ISP, Internet and Server show first organge then turn red. If clicking through the diagnostics, sometimes I am lucky and it shows a message saying "Network configurations have chnaged", when I click ok, I'm online again. But very often nothing helps and I have to re-start the router again.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Any Better Way To Check?

Oct 4, 2010

I like to check the Capacity of various folders. So I highlight all the folders and click Get Info and all the pop out information are listed. Then I have to use a calculator to add all the memory space. Is there a way to check the way Windows work like in Properties? Just one overall complete info.

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OS X :: How To Check If There Is Malware On Mac

Nov 5, 2010

I had visited a website then was told that I might get a malware there. I haven't seen anything suspicious on my Mac. I didn't give my administrator password to any pop up dialog either. My OS is Snow Leopard. Here's the link to that website (please don't click on it if you think it might be dangerous)
How could I check if my Mac already got infected?

A second question: about Symantec Antivirus. I installed and removed this software long time ago when I was using Tiger. After upgrading (not clean install) to Snow Leopard, there are errors message pop up every time I start the system. This didn't happen with Tiger though. The message says: "Symantec Antivirus Error. Symantec AntiVirus Auto-Protec could not continue. Please run LiveUpdate or reinstall Symantec AntiVirus and restart. (Code: 10)". No file shows up when I search for Symantec in Finder. How could I get rid of those messages?

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OS X :: Mac Wakes Up On Its Own - Any Way To Check Log

Feb 5, 2008

My ALU iMac seems to be waking up sometimes (so not all the time) when I'm at work. I am 100% sure I set it to sleep and everyone else in the house says they didn't touch it. My work schedule is always about the same, so it's strange that 2 weeks ago it was awake when I got home, and since then 2 times more. I've checked the settings, to be sure it doesn't have a schedule to wake and sleep. Everything looks OK. No schedule whatsoever, except wake after power failure.

I've disabled that now but I don't think we had any power failures recently because iStat Pro indicates an uptime of 20 days straight, which would be hard to do without power. Now is there a way to check any logs about wake and sleep times? I'm sure there is a command for the terminal that does exactly this but I haven't found it yet. I ordered the Missing Manual to learn more about OS X but I would like to check this now because the order could take a while.

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OS X :: How To Check Plug-Ins Are OK

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to figure out what is making my June 2009 17" UBMP act up - tons of spinning wheels, lock ups, trackpad issues etc. I have done verify & repair permissions twice, all software updates are in place, done a PRAM reset twice and run Tech Tool Pro Deluxe which shows no issues. Someone asked me to check that my Plug-Ins were OK but I have no way to tell as I know jack about technical things! I have managed to copy what they are on a PDF attached.

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OS X :: How Do You Check To See If You're In 64-bit Mode

Nov 4, 2009

I pressed the 6 and 4 buttons when booting up, but I am not sure if it loaded into 64-bit mode. It did take significantly longer to boot up though... isn't 64-bit supposed to be faster?

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OS X :: Check How Much Memory

Dec 1, 2009

I realize this is a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure out how to check how much memory I have left. I know that if you do the following steps "About this mac --> More info... --> Memory" you can see how much you have all together, but it doesn't seem to say how much is being used, and how much free space is left.

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MacBook Pro :: Check Out 2.4 Vs 2.66 Ghz

Apr 29, 2010

This guy did an amazing job comparing the 2 processors. This helped me decide the 2.4Ghz is very very closely matched to the 2.66Ghz. Check out the benchmarks for the GPU 256 vs 512mb of vram its very close. I think that was already pointed out in another thread. [URL]

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Intel Mac :: How To Check Whether It's I5 Or It's I7?

Jun 9, 2012

how to check whether it's an i5 or i7? i bought i7 and just want to check that it's there?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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MacBook Air :: How To Check For A Bug On It

Sep 4, 2014

Ive noticed a lot of small things going wrong and the other day a notice appeared saying I may be infected and my MacBook may be slow.

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook Pro :: What / How To Check When Buying?

Oct 2, 2010

I am going to buy a second hand MacBook pro and I need to know how to check it and what I should actually check. This is my first time with a Mac and I have no idea how to check it and what are the system information software which allows me to check the specs and probable problems in the system.

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