I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)
For some reason, iPhoto now launches whenever I start my iMac. How on earth do I stop it? Also, since checking out the international character palette, there's a little British flag on my menu bar which I cannot get rid of. Also (while I'm here!) why does the blue progress bar never complete on my mosaic screen-saver: it's always there in the middle of the mosaic, about 95% complete?
Problem: powers up, will not complete start up sequence What led to the problem: Ignorance, mostly. CD was stuck in vertical bay and I tried someone's suggestion to eject via terminal. If you are laughing (and/or groaning), you know what must have happened. Here are steps taken to rectify disk eject and start up problems, with the results. Note: iMac install disk one remains in the vertical bay, unable to be read or ejected. applejack, fsck -fy ... multiple times. Results: disk & permissions repaired and/or verified but OSX still will not start up. It starts with grey screen, goes to blue with grey window. Progress bar moves slowly from left to right and seems to reach 100%. Operation stalls at that point. Note: Any attempt to use diskutil stalls and commands such as list, mount do not execute. drutil eject gave these results: dyld library not loaded: /system/library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/versions/A/openGL referenced from: /system/library/frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/versions/A/Quartzcore reason: image not foundTrace/BPT trap
Certain photos in my iphoto library cannot load. When I attempt to enlarge, move or edit these photos a grey screen with a large "!" appears. What is wrong? Can I fix this and save the affected photos?
My iphoto will not open it just sits there and acts like it is about to load by bouncing on the dock. I get no message saying it can't open it will eventually just stop acting like it's going to load. Now the main photo icon for iphoto has eve changed it looks like a blank piece of paper with a pencil and pen at the bottom of it, and it used to be that signature iphoto sunset.
My iPhoto is constantly loading..and I can't look at my library. I've tryed holding the "alt" and "command" buttons, then clicking iPhoto..then selecting "repair photo library". But it's STILL loading. I can't use it or see any of my pictures. Don't know if it was a corrupt file I downloaded or what..
Random keys on my keyboard have stopped working, or I have to press them really hard... right now I am just copy pastin letters from the internet... this is happening with my wireless keyboard I got in 2010 with my iMac computer. My iPhoto will not Stop loading. It just keeps loading... and there is nothing on the sidebar? And My side folders are gone?! I noticed since my iPhoto stopped working so did my side folders?!
I have this program installed called KeyAccess (or KeyServer). It is used by my college to allow me access to the licenses to a slew of software provided by the school. However, it loads at startup, and I have no idea how to prevent it from doing so. There's no option to configure it not to, I have tried looking for an entry in StartupItems and Login Items of my Accounts preferences. It is located in the Preferences Pane, its not really a standalone program.
So, when using bootcamp today I was installing Republic commando for PC. While it loaded, it froze. So I turned it off and back on, but the windows parition wouldn't start up while loading. Neither did mac, unless I used the safe boot. It wouldn't detect my mouse, and I had to replug it. And finally, I discovered my sound didn't work. It shows that its at top volume, and its locked, with a transparent volume icon. So I can't listen to anything, use my windows parition, and I have to use safe boot (which takes about five minutes) to start up my mac parition. Is there any way to fix this?
I just ran my bootcamp partition for the first time on my newly installed Parallels. But when I ran it for the second time, the Win 7 loading icon no longer popped up. Instead, the Vista loading bars appeared and now appear each time I run Parallels, though Win 7 desktop will load up after the Vista loading bar.
You know the start up page that appears when you press the power button, the blue ish white one with the apple logo on the middle and a circular loading thing? Well mine won't stop loading. I left it on all night and it still hasn't finished loading. Its the circular one that just goes around and around.
I have two external hard drives attached to my MacBook Pro (running Lion) using a powered USB hub. What is the best procedure to use when shutting down the computer at the end of the night, and when turning it on the next morning. I didn't turn the computer off much when I used Snow Leopard so I can't really say that it has something to do with Lion, but I'm using Lion now and I am shutting down every night. Every morning when I turn the computer on the external hard drives don't load. I have to disconnect all the wires from the hub then first reconnect the hub to the computer, next the power to the hub, then the hard drives one at a time as they load. I would like to turn the computer on and have the external hard drives load automatically.
So jar launcher wasn't working for me so I decided to restart my computer but when I did there was a loading bar under the apple logo and it goes half way then freezes I am running os x yosemite 10.10 I found like a download of this online and no it wasn't torrent. So I turned it off again and tried it again and something happened what do I do right now its turned off.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 10.10 yosemite new mac version
I can't get the iMovie to import photos from iPhoto without crashing just a few minutes into loading. Anyone know what I should do besides restart my computer (that doesn't help the problem).
My 2006(ish) Intel core 2duo 2.16 mhz 20" imac wont start up, it only stays at the loading screen, how can I fix this? I have tried:
• safe mode reboot
• restart using p, r , command and option (resetting the pram)
• restart using the original Mac OS 10.4 disc
• restart so I get the image of the HD but I can't click on it to continue and restart again!    • single user mode (CMD+s keys at bootup, and then /sbin/fsck -fy)Â
It just doesn't do anything else than display the grey screen, the apple and the spinning wheel (sometime, I do get a scrolling bar also!). I managed to perform a hardware test from the Mac OS disc and there seems to be no hardware problem. Nothing works.It stays stuck on the grey screen, with the apple and the wheel turning endlessly.Â
I bought a new hard disk for my Macbook, installed it, installed OSX, and used Time Machine. Everything works great, just as it was earlier on my old hard drive. But, iPhoto '09 gives an error ("The application iPhoto quit unexpectedly") when starting up. The rest of iLife is working fine.
I was just doing What I thought was a standard software upgrade of iPhoto when, during the restart it said something unexpected had happened or something like that and just froze. Now when I try to restart I get the white screen with the apple , then an error message "pnic(CPU 0 caller 0xfffff800064ba7b): unable to find driver for this platform: ..." and it keeps going on Another box says "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button..." when I do this, it just comes back to the same place. Â
I just used the migration assistant to migrate my files from my old MacBook Pro to my new MBP Retina. It went smoothly, but I cannot run iPhoto or iMovie. When I click either icon neither application displays, and the icon in the dock has the white light underneath indicating the app is running. If I do a ps aux from the command line, I can see the the apps are running. But again, the applications are not visible at all.
So lately I've had this issue when I restart my computer: iPhoto starts up and lags the initial start up of my laptop any time I power up. Not sure if this is a re-post, but i've searched everywhere and haven't found an answer on any post. I do run parallels on my laptop, and when iPhoto starts up on a restart it shows it being connected to my Windows HD. I tried renaming any "image" folder within the HD to a different name - no luck! I have no other external USB devices plugged in. I do not have it set to open at login on the dock, nor is it on my "Login Items".
Every time I plug in my iPhone it causes iPhoto to autostart on my comp. I find this to be very annoying since I rarely upload photos from my phone. How do I turn this autostart off? I know there must be some way to do this through the registry.
I am Having some issues with Safari (I am using 4.0.5), if I open up a website the screen stays white like it normally does for a sec to load a web page but the loading icon keeps spinning and spinning and spinning....... until I click the "X" stop icon and reload the web page. As soon as I click the reload icon the webpage loads up instantly, it is getting really annoying and would be great if anyone has a fix. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently and then be fine for a few web pages and then start up again.