OS X :: Unable To Link Smackbook With Spaces / Installing Virtual Desktop?
Nov 8, 2007
now that I have leopard installed and ready on my computer, I'm just itching to link up Smackbook with Spaces. has anyone been able to get this to work? I mean, installing virtual desktop at this point seems redundant and in leopard, the options for customizing the sudden motion sensor seem almost endless.
I have Spaces enabled to provide 4 virtual screens. My problem is that I am in a Pages document, and I press Command-F to do a search. Spaces switches to a different virtual screen because for some reason it thinks the Find window belongs in another screen. The workaround is to move the document into the screen where the Find dialog opens. I suppose the cause is because Pages was originally opened in another screen, and moved, but the Find window thinks it belongs in the original window. Again, to me this is not a feature, but a bug.
I am used to using virtual desktops on Linux (Gnome, KDE, etc) where it shows a miniature version of all your desktops in the bottom right corner at all times. You can directly click on one of the desktops to switch to it.
do you have a link for virtual pc or vmware for my mac os x 10.3.. i almost do everything but i have no one link i find. because i want to install windows xp on my mac.. pls guide me
Having discovered spaces as a result one of the threads down below and loving them, we wonder if it is possible to have a different desktop picture in each space? Done a few searches, know widgets won't go, but you might be able to "customize" the space a bit... Don't know why, but would just like to if I could.
I am trying to install Mac OS X on my PC which is running Windows XP. I have tried both VMWare Workstation and Sun xVM VirtualBox and neither one can recognize the DVD in the drive.
If I use windows explorer to look at the DVD, it shows me the "Windows Support" partition of the DVD.
I'm running Windows 7 from an .iso via VirtualBox. I set up the SATA and designated the RAM and everything, Windows even loads! The thing is, I installed it once and everything worked perfectly (even IE!), but the next time I booted it up, it wanted to install again.
1. How can i move my desktop icons to other spaces ? For example I want to create a new space for image files on my desktop so whenever i go to Space 6 i will see different desktop icons. Basically, as we separate apps in different spaces, can we separate icons ?
2. How can i get the benefit from my scroll wheel ? In safari, i want to click on mouse wheel and scroll up and down the page.
3. Zoom function in photo preview and iphoto is not user friendly, i cannot use mouse wheel to zoom in and out like i do in picasa ?
Does an app exist that hides all desktop icons in certian spaces? For example, I use space two for all my non-work things and would be great to hide the messy desktop this space.
I was wondering if anybody had a solution to this problem which involves placing a widget onto a particular Space on the desktop, I have tried opening the widgets folder when Spaces is activated to add it to a particular space but it does not recognize it. I would have thought that a solution to this would be available, but having searched the internet for any 3rd party app or solution I have found it very difficult to get any answers. I just want something that that allows me to work on different Spaces without having a widget appear all the time, except in an allocated space on my desktop.....
Apple Genius Bar installed Mavericks on my Mac and I transferred information from the back-up, but now the Canon MP640 is not linked. Have not ben able to achieve this - the instruction is to go to Canon for latest software. Have downloaded what I believe is the appropriate software, but still cannot make the connection.
I have a new iMac and I want to log into my pc at another location. I had a pc and they called it remote desktop or virtual desktop and I typed in my numerical address and the I was able to log into my pc hoe do I do that with my new iMac I cannot find it in help as I am not sure how to do it or what it is called.
The Dock doesn't appear. Spaces is greyed out and won't stay enabled. Desktop picture cannot be selected (stays standard blue screen). Screensaver does not work and cannot set hot corner.Â
I have deleted the dock plists, restarted, repaired permissions, updated to 10.6.8, restarted again. Still no dock, no Spaces, no desktop picture change, no screensaver.Â
How did this begin? I had lots of large-memory apps running (eg. Photoshop, Garageband, Pages, Audacity, etc) and then there was a freeze, I can't remember which app – probably Photoshop) and I had to shutdown using the on/off button.Â
After that startup, all the problems were present. :-( (I've looked at related Dock-crash posts here: I do not have installed: Parallels; Fusion.)Â
Info: 2.8GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4GB; 1TB ; 27"
I have installed smackbook but for some reason when i go into terminal and enter all the information it does noteven work. I do not know what else their is for me to do anyone else have an issue about this
I have Virtual PC for Mac (version 7.0.2) and I'm running the home edition of Windows XP on it. I also have the Mac G5 (OS 10.4.11, Tiger edition).
I have a universal remote control that can be edited in the Windows platform only, but when I connect the remote to the Mac it does not appear within the Windows desktop or remote control software on the Windows side.
Is there a software patch that allows third party plug-ins to appear on the Windows XP desktop within Virtual PC for Mac?
I'm new to Mac and am not sure how I'd like to utilize Spaces. How do you guys organize using Spaces? Is there anyone who doesn't use Spaces at all? I only found one other short thread on this.
I am a new Mac user, and everytime I open a file or document a link is put on my desktop. How can I turn this off. As one user put it it is very annoying.
I was wondering if it is possible to connect a desktop and laptop computer using apple share or bluetooth to share an internet connection that is connected through an ethernet port on the desktop. My internet company is crap so I need to find a way to cut out the router, which I have to reset all the time to get a normal internet speed.
Desktop is a Mac Pro bought last April, and the laptop is a 12" Powerbook G4. Both have bluetooth, airport, and the newest operating system.
so this is me first ever post on this forum, so to get to the point.
i have installed virtual PC on my mac powerbook G4 and then tried to install XP Pro into virtual PC, I got to the point of agreeing to the terms, it says to press F8 to agree or ESC to cancel, arrows to page down but for some reason it will not work. so basically none of the entree bottons work. any ideas ???????
I'm currently trying to install virtual PC 7 on my iMac. The initial part of the install runs ok, but once I click on complete, I get an application quit unexpectedly message.
If I reboot the mac, and try and manually run the VPC7 app to complete the install I just keep getting the message.
I want to create a symbolic link of my MobileSync Backup folder on my boot drive. That folder contains my iphone and ipad bckups and its getting large. I want to move it off my SSD.
I'm using SymbolicLinker plugin to do so. I can easily make the symbolic link but I dont understand the proper way to move it. Do I move the symbolic link to the drive I want it to be stored on or do I move the symbolic link to the SSD where I dont want the data stored?
I am unable to access links that are included in emails. I get an error message that says unable to access, then the site address, then No associated application could be found. when you sent a reply, I was unable to get the answer I am using Safari as my browser, this is a recent problem, a few days, the only thing that I have changed was to delete real player.
Has anyone successfully set up a D-Link DNS320 NAS on their network? The DLink manuals provide minimal to nil instruction for Mac setups.I have setup the NAS with 2 3TB WD Caviar Green drives, but everytime I drag files to folders on the NAS, the Finder either asks for a password or tells me outright I don't have permission to read/write files on the NAS. Other times when I try to dismount the NAS, I need to reboot the Finder to release the NAS so it can be unmounted.None of my folder settings (vies, location, view options) stick from one view/setting to the next. I can't see how the drives were formatted (I am assuming Windows-specific formatting, over which there is no control or access to options).
I have set up the read/write access using the DLINK web interface ( and all appears to be normal until I try to use the NAS.I have tried to fix ACLs and permissions etc with individual folders and with the volumes themselves using Terminal command "sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` " but this hasn't worked.Various other sites have been visited (eg url...) but no help there. The DLINK web pages are near-totally useless. Unless someone else has gotten theirs to work, its going into the bin and I will have wasted $$ in buying the box
no matter what browser i use, safari, firefox, i can't download anything! whenever i click download it just takes me to a new site with nothing on it and the name of the download in the url
like for example
is where i will say download that widget then it takes me here
and no download starts or anything. its like my computer is going dumb. like it doesn't download it, just like opens the link with a blank page. why is it not downloading it. this happens for ANYTHING from ANY site on ANY web browser.
I use safari on my imac. I was able to access a shared link (to access a briefcase) via a university website. It requires me to enter ID and password to access the briefcase. It also requires me to enter my ID and password whenever I click a new file in the briefcase. The shared link was okay until I let Safari remember my password. Now when I click the shared link, it says "Error 404! No such item". I am not able to access that shared link. Â
I tried to log on my imac with another user/account, and found out that the shared link is still working. I also tried to use my macbook and the link is working as well. So i guess that it must be something wrong when I let Safari remember my password the first time when I accessed that link. I have done Safari Reset and cleared all history, cookies, passwords, etc... but I am still not able to access that link under my own account. Â