1. How can i move my desktop icons to other spaces ? For example I want to create a new space for image files on my desktop so whenever i go to Space 6 i will see different desktop icons. Basically, as we separate apps in different spaces, can we separate icons ?
2. How can i get the benefit from my scroll wheel ? In safari, i want to click on mouse wheel and scroll up and down the page.
3. Zoom function in photo preview and iphoto is not user friendly, i cannot use mouse wheel to zoom in and out like i do in picasa ?
Does an app exist that hides all desktop icons in certian spaces? For example, I use space two for all my non-work things and would be great to hide the messy desktop this space.
I've tried everything posted here... terminal, filezilla, Finder view options, etc. Nothing has worked. After startup, my desktop icons all move to the right. This just started happening a couple of days ago. I'm on OS 10.6.3.
My desktop icons keep moving after reboot to the right hand side and arranged by name. Now: I have tried resetting the the views options, changing the grid size, changing the icon size, repairing permissions in the disk utility. I have tried all these, with reboots in between and in differing orders.
Is there a way to move an application to another space in Spaces using a keyboard shortcut? For example if anyone is familiar with Compiz or Beryl you can use control+alt+shift+directional key to move an application to a new space without using the mouse or the mode where you can see all the spaces at ounce.
On my desktop the little disk image icons are coming up when i open certain applications. I wanna make them disappear, but still be able to see ipods, cds, and external drives.
Also(somewhat irrelevant), occasionally when i open firefox, it asks me to drag it in the applications folder, but it's already there. please help. its so annooying
i am a tad stumped by this issue i'm having right now with my new imac. i noticed one day that none of my desktop aliases show any longer. in fact if i go to the desktop folder through finder my files and such show in there however none of my aliases nor those files show on the actual desktop. another thing i've noticed is that whenever i now try to drag and drop anything to the desktop whether it be a URL from safari or an alias i made in finder the dragged item simply just drags itself back to where i pulled it from.
Powered up my Imac today..goes through the usual gyrations get to a blue background but no icons present..not locked just no icons and cannot pull down any menus..
ran disk utility off off OSX cd..it fixed some block count on a .pub file but still get same thing after restart..
Okay, I'm having some problems with my Powerbook. Yesterday, I upgraded Firefox. When re-opening after the upgrade, I had a kernel panic. I restarted my computer and figured I would be good to go. Well, after logging back in, I found that Finder was acting up and I no longer had any desktop icons. Now, clicking the Finder icon in the dock will open a new Finder window just fine. If I go to the Desktop from there, all my icons are still there. So, I decided to restart my computer and see if that made a difference.
Having discovered spaces as a result one of the threads down below and loving them, we wonder if it is possible to have a different desktop picture in each space? Done a few searches, know widgets won't go, but you might be able to "customize" the space a bit... Don't know why, but would just like to if I could.
They're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
At first I thought I was seeing things so to be sure I purposely moved some app icons to the far left and low and behold about 30 or so minutes later it moved them almost all the way to the right.
I checked the dock settings and there doesn't seem to be a setting for this. I did a search on the forum already couldn't find anything. This is nothing TOO major but perhaps if I understood why it's doing it I might be willing to accept it.
I have a problem with Safari especially. It keeps moving on my dock. I place it on the left and after a few seconds, it moves all the way to the right. I move it again where I want it and the same thing happens over and over.
I was wondering if anybody had a solution to this problem which involves placing a widget onto a particular Space on the desktop, I have tried opening the widgets folder when Spaces is activated to add it to a particular space but it does not recognize it. I would have thought that a solution to this would be available, but having searched the internet for any 3rd party app or solution I have found it very difficult to get any answers. I just want something that that allows me to work on different Spaces without having a widget appear all the time, except in an allocated space on my desktop.....
Anyone come across a problem where all the desktop icons disappear? I also cannot right click on my desktop to bring up a contextual menu, my machine appears to be running faultlessly apart from that. I have run Onyx to reset permissions and have checked the disk but cannot seem to find anything wrong.
I have been trying for 2 days now,I downloaded some games just as an example to add to the iphone but cant get them to move,it says drag to home screen but still after 2 days cant do it. They should be highlighted but there not.
I have been trying to figure out why my MBA seems to be so odd?
I am running 10.6.2 OSX and every time I try to move the icons around in the dock they either move place by themselves or delete themselves?
This is especially true with browser icons. For example I could have safari open and try to move the icon in the dock from the far right towards the left ..... It will do this and stay there for approx. 5 seconds and then return back to the far right.?
If I close the safari program the icon disappears from the dock. If I then try to drag the safari program into the dock from the applications folder, it will sit there for 5 seconds again and then just delete itself off the dock. This also happens to Skype, Firefox etc.....
I have tried everything from terminal / killall Dock ..... to deleting files from /Users/~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist etc with nothing working ??
// ps I do have a mobileme account with syncing function but have dock syncing turned off etc .... I have also tried re-booting multiple times after trying different routes and nothing has worked.
After trying nearly everything I can think of (even checking repairing in disk utility) I seem to have drawn a blank.
So I have enclosed a video of my desktop showing the problem of the disappearing icons. The weirdest part is its selective so some icons could stay when being dragged their while other disappear in a matter of seconds?
now that I have leopard installed and ready on my computer, I'm just itching to link up Smackbook with Spaces. has anyone been able to get this to work? I mean, installing virtual desktop at this point seems redundant and in leopard, the options for customizing the sudden motion sensor seem almost endless.
The Dock doesn't appear. Spaces is greyed out and won't stay enabled. Desktop picture cannot be selected (stays standard blue screen). Screensaver does not work and cannot set hot corner.
I have deleted the dock plists, restarted, repaired permissions, updated to 10.6.8, restarted again. Still no dock, no Spaces, no desktop picture change, no screensaver.
How did this begin? I had lots of large-memory apps running (eg. Photoshop, Garageband, Pages, Audacity, etc) and then there was a freeze, I can't remember which app – probably Photoshop) and I had to shutdown using the on/off button.
After that startup, all the problems were present. :-( (I've looked at related Dock-crash posts here: I do not have installed: Parallels; Fusion.)
Info: 2.8GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 4GB; 1TB ; 27"
I can't stop my mouse from moving all that is on the screen.....I was using my computer and then all of a sudden everything on the desktop was moving when i used the mouse? What can I do to fix this?
For whatever reason, my Hard Drive icon has moved itself down a spot on the OS X desktop. It's the only icon on the desktop and when I put it back in the upper right corner like it was originally it stays until I reboot and then it's moved back down a "spot." Anyone run into this funny behavior?
I've been using Macs for awhile, and am growing to love them for sure. I'm starting to dabble with Applescript, and things like that... just delving into the magic of Apple products, and I'm coming up with a few questions, one of which I'm posting here!
I'm interested in leaving three icons on the desktop at all times. My "Macintosh HD" icon, a "Lost&Found" folder and a alias to a server I use consistently. All other files I want moved into the Lost&Found Folder on a consistent basis, and I want to delete these files weekly, or bi-weekly. I'm unsure as to if I should make an Applescript for this, or if there's a utility out there to do this. I have looked around a bit already, and haven't found much.
Does anyone know if there's a way to lock my desktop icons (so my curious kids don't mistakenly - or not so mistakenly - move stuff around or into trash). My desktop is kept fairly simple (icons for the various HDs and folders for homework). We've also had the issue of items going *poof* from the dock - which is an easily fixable issue - but a little bit of a nuisance to have to retrieve from time to time.
I have a mac ibook G4. Okay all the icons on my desktop have vanished, including my hard drive icon. I cannot access finder. I cannot open CD's when I put them in the computer.
I've noticed in the February desktops thread (in the Pictures category) that some people have their drive icon names appearing beside the icon rather than beneath it. How do you do this? Also, some of the photos show the size of the drive as well as how much space is left. How do you do this? See this post for what I'm talking about. [URL]. Also, in that same post, what the program is that shows the currently playing track on iTunes?