OS X :: Unable To Get Daylight Saving Time

Mar 19, 2010

I just noticed that the time on my G5 running 10.5.8 is off by +1 hour. I have the Date and Time set to Automatic, Apple Americas/US and NY time zone.

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ICloud :: Daylight Saving - How To Adjust Time Zone

Mar 12, 2012

Ever since we jumped ahead an hour my iCloud calendar has been off by an hour. It shows up with the correct time on my iPhone but not on the Web. There is no place for me to adjust the time zone.

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MacBook Pro :: Stains On Speaker Grills - Visible In Bright Daylight

Jul 25, 2009

My MacBook pro is about 2 weeks old. As soon as I unboxed it, I noticed some stains on the speaker grills. The stains are only visible in bright daylight. The stains seem to disappear for a while when cleaned with a damp cloth, but quickly come back. The stains weren't any particular shape at first, but after repeated cleaning, they same to have morphed into perfect circles.

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OS X :: Closed PDF Annotations Without Saving / Unable To Restore

Jan 9, 2009

I did a lot of annotations on a really long PDF file... accidentally closed it without saving... stupid slip of finger... i'm guessing it's impossible to recover??????? Btw it was on preview

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Unable To Print To *.pdf (for File Saving)

Apr 12, 2012

I recently downloaded a bundled security update for Safari and several other Mac-type programs.  Since then I've had several instances where the activity selected produced the spinning wheel which would not stop over time.  I've used disk utility several times to repair extensions and verify/repair the Mac OSX.  More times than not, the original problems have been right after I've tried to save a file or document by printing it to *pdf.  Once I select this print option, I experience the spinning wheel, and it won't stop.

Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.2, iPhoto 9.2, iTunes 10

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OS X :: Backup Data Using Time Machine / Saving Old Backups?

Oct 7, 2010

So I just successfully migrated all of my data and settings from my old iMac to my new 27 inch iMac using the Time machine backup on my Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive. Aside from the Time machine backup folder I also dragged a few other things over to the external hard drive because there was so much extra space on it. The drive is not partitioned.

So I'd like to start using Time machine with this new 27 inch iMac but the empty space that's left on the external hard drive is barely large enough to cover what I now have on the internal hard drive on my new 27 inch iMac. If I were to remove the Time machine backup from my old iMac there would be plenty of space again unless starting Time Machine on this new 27 inch iMac will just copy right over that backup file? Everything on this new iMac, the data and settings and so forth, is exactly the same. So is the user account. However the previous Mac was running Leopard while this new iMac is running Snow Leopard.

So if it doesn't copy over the old backup it will just create a new backup file? And if it does create a new backup file is there any point to keeping the old backup file since I no longer have the old iMac and wouldn't be able to access it again? Obviously if I didn't have to keep it I could erase it which would create plenty of extra space for me to start using Time machine again but with this new iMac.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is Time Machine Stuck And Not Saving Properly

Mar 6, 2012

Last night I accidently deleted some files off my desktop. I went into Time Machine to restore them and thought I had made the correct selection but instead it appears that I changed ALL the backups to the current state of my desktop. I've checked other folders on my hard drive and they all seem to be identical throughout the dates in Time Machine instead of each being unique as well. Is my Time Machine stuck and not saving properly or was it something I possibly did? Is there a way to undo that or am I now stuck?

Mac Pro 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac (Intel) :: Time Machine Not Saving Any Data?

Nov 30, 2014

I just installed a new SSD. Time Machine is active. It says it is saving data. When you open TM, it opens the times that it saved data except there is noting in the boxes and the button to choose a backup to restore is greyed out, not allowing to choose anything as there isn't anything to choose. The TM says that it has backed upped 350 gb of data. There is nothing there however. I rebooted, disconnected external drive, even reformatted and started over. Nothing seems to work.

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OS X :: Unable To Save An Online Flash Game / Saving Games In Safari?

Nov 2, 2005

a friend showed me this game a couple days ago called curveball. since first playing i have become extremely addicted. on my windows laptop, I used to save flash games and movies that ireally liked to my computer by accessing them in my temporary files folder and by copying them to another location. i have tried to do a similar thing using safari and IE, but i can't figure out how to do it...

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Applications :: Saving Flash Video Files / Unable To Right Click On Video

Oct 14, 2007

if im viewing a website and they have flash video i want to save, how will i do this. i cant right click and get info there specialized player wont allow this.

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Applications :: Unable To Export Track In Logic Express / Not Saving The Track

Feb 24, 2008

i just bought it and am having a little trouble exporting a track i made. i didnt do much to it, just cut it and can not figure out how to export. i go to the export option and then try and save it to the desktop but it is not there when i go to find it

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OS X :: Date And Time Not Displaying Properly / Unable To Set Eastren Time

Jun 30, 2010

We got a refurbished Alu MB for an intern and the time is not displaying properly. If I check the "Set date & time automatically", the digital and analog clock is showing different times. See picture. Also, when I go in Time Zone, I set Eastern time, it will set it, but when I go back to preference, it sets back to GMT.

It's running 10.5.6 if that helps.

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Software :: Unable To Change Date And Time Settings / Date And Time Preferences Freezes

May 22, 2008

I am on Tiger 10.4.11 on Mac Book Pro Intel duo. All updates except for Parallels installed. Have run permissions repairs and preferential treatment. Tried to delete preferences for system ... Every time I try to uncheck the box marked or open the Date and Time preferences, it freezes and have to force quit.

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OS X :: Unable To Set Time And Date / Time Date Settings Wrong

Sep 30, 2008

So I shut down my computer earlier today for the first time in weeks. I restarted it and then left for a few hours for dinner.

I come home and I look at the last time MobileMe Sync and Time Machine did their things. They say they did them at 7:45. I look at the clock on my cable box and on my iPhone, both say 6:45.

Weird that the MacBook's time is wrong. I go into Time Date settings. I see that when the MacBook does the "Auto locate where you are so that we can set the appropriate time zone, etc. the MacBook things I'm in Rexford, Idaho.

I haven't been to Idaho in about 25 years, and my MacBook has been sitting in Southern Kalifornia for the last one year since I bought it.I've tried to have the MacBook auto-locate again, and it keeps finding me us in Rexford, idaho.

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Software :: Time And Date Gets Corrupted / Unable To Set Date And Time

May 8, 2009

I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a G4 iBook. Somehow my Time & Date files got corrupted which prevented me from getting on to the internet. When I discovered the problem, I threw them away, thinking a restart would create them again. I was wrong.

Now my computer doesn't know what time or year it is, causing various problems. I don't have back-up 10.5 disks to extract the time & date package.Can I download a replacement anywhere?

Or can someone email the files to me? I don't know what they're called but, if you search time and date, there are only two (and please tell me what folders they're in too)

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OS X :: Unable To Load Date And Time / Time & Date Crashes

Sep 20, 2009

Starting yesterday, I cannot load Time & Date (either from System Prefs or from the menu bar). I get the beachball and I have to Force Quit System Prefs.

I tried Repairing Permissions and rebooting but it didn't help.I tried deleting .plist entries (as per a related thread on the Internet) and rebooting and that didn't work either.I tried logging off and logging in with another account and the problem is still there.I hope I can get some help because it's driving me nuts. I travel a lot and need to change my time zone. If you need a crash report from me, please tell me how to get it from Console bc I don't know where to look for it!

P.S. I am using old OSX 10.4.11

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App Store :: Unable To Download Apps On Iphone 4 - It Says "unable To Download Application" At This Time

Apr 19, 2012

not able to download apps on my iphone 4. error message says "unable to down load application" at this time

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To Time Capsule On Desktop

Aug 29, 2008

I'm working on a Tiger OS and I cannot connect to my time capsule. I followed instructions in the manual, but I simply do not see Time Capsule on my desktop, and there is very little info in the manual. I am working off of ethernet, not airport, and would prefer to used ethernet for the moment. I have it connected via LAN port to my macbook pro. There's only one ethernet port on my computer. Does anyone have any advice? I know about about Macs, but dont have much experience with network specs.

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OS X :: Time Machine - Unable To Complete Backup

Dec 30, 2008

I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then one day I start time machine for my weekly backup and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume." Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb I started time machine again same message. I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again same problem. then I said to myself maybe my External HDD has problems so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process. Now hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX or maybe its my external HDD. maybe my USB having problems?

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OS X :: Unable To Restore Backup From Time Machine

Mar 2, 2009

I'm trying to restore my files from time machine and I chose only to transfer my files and it seemed to do that but how do I access them now and put my pictures in iphoto and music in itunes?

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OS X :: Unable To Complete Restore / Using Time Machine

May 27, 2009

I'm using Time Machine which makes periodic backups of my data to Time Capsule a couple times a day. If I had a problem with my computer would I be able to completely restore all of the data like the way it was?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Mount Time Machine?

Dec 10, 2009

Not only did my MBP hard drive just stop working, but I needed to get the files off of my time machine backup on my other mac. My other mac was running very slow so I upgraded it to SL.

After I upgraded, I plugged my 1TB WD hard drive into it and it does not recognize the hard drive. It worked find before I did the upgrade.

So I borrowed my neighbors mac and plugged my time machine into her laptop running straight leapord and it also failed to mount.

It is almost like plugging it into the computer with SL unmounted the disk inside the casing. It happened to both of my time machine backup drives..

If I can not get these drives to work, I have lost 2 years worth of data that I backed up in two places.

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OS X :: Verification Failed Every Time - Unable To Download Anything

May 15, 2010

I continue to get verification failed every time I try to download anything when it is nearing its end. It is very frustrating. What the hell is happening. Tried fixing permissions didn't do anything. Don't know what to do?

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OS X :: Unable To Setup Time Capsule / HD Does Not Appear In The List

Aug 3, 2010

I just installed a new HD in my mac pro to replace my dying HD and i transferred all the data over using disk utility, but when I go to set up my time capsule my new HD does not appear in the list? what gives?

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MacBook :: FAce-time Unable To Connect

Mar 29, 2012

I am having trouble accessing FT on my mac at the sign in.This is my first time on mac for this however use it reg on my IPhone. I put my apply ID and password in and it is telling me the check my connectivity? Could not sign in , please check your conection and try again.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unable To Send Or Receive Fax For Some Time

Jun 6, 2012

I haven't been able to send or receive faxes for a while. I'm using an Apple USB modem.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Back Up Using Time Machine

Jun 23, 2012

Apple - I am unable to back up using my time machine - I keep getting blocked  ' an unexpected error occurred (error code -6584)

time machine

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup File Unable To Open

Sep 11, 2010

I recently used time machine for the first time in a long time. I use my external HD USB for the backup. After the back up was complete, I unplugged the USB cable. I got an error that I needed to put the HD away first (I wasn't thinking). And I didn't pay attention to the error either.

I thought the data was gone, when I didnt see the data in the back up file. I do see the back up file with that date on it. In the file is the .InProgress file. In that file, on right clicking, I see the contents of one folder. This folder has a very long name of numbers and letters. It shows no contents in the finder. THough I know the files must be here. The HD has capacity of 100 Gig. There is only about 20 gigs showing on it. Though there is only 20 gigs available. So, my back up data is there on the HD, and I assume it's in this "empty" file.

* How do I extract the saved files ?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Keep Settings / Date And Time Resetting?

Sep 15, 2010

I have had my new MBP for about 2.5 weeks. On two different occasions, when I turn my computer on from being completely off the pop up appears saying my date and time are set improperly. The computer sets its self/ forget the date and time and goes back to 1/30/2000 at 6 am or so, when obviously its not Jan of 2000 and I'm not turning my computer on at 6 a.m. Anyway to make sure this doesn't happen? Has anyone else had this experience? I never once had this problem with my whitebook the 4 years I had it.

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IMac :: Unable To Use Face Time / Not Accepting My Password

Nov 29, 2010

However i have tried to download some software to use "face time" and it requires my password... I am 100% sure i am entering the correct password but it is not accepted, any ideas?

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