OS X :: Backup Data Using Time Machine / Saving Old Backups?
Oct 7, 2010
So I just successfully migrated all of my data and settings from my old iMac to my new 27 inch iMac using the Time machine backup on my Western Digital 1 TB external hard drive. Aside from the Time machine backup folder I also dragged a few other things over to the external hard drive because there was so much extra space on it. The drive is not partitioned.
So I'd like to start using Time machine with this new 27 inch iMac but the empty space that's left on the external hard drive is barely large enough to cover what I now have on the internal hard drive on my new 27 inch iMac. If I were to remove the Time machine backup from my old iMac there would be plenty of space again unless starting Time Machine on this new 27 inch iMac will just copy right over that backup file? Everything on this new iMac, the data and settings and so forth, is exactly the same. So is the user account. However the previous Mac was running Leopard while this new iMac is running Snow Leopard.
So if it doesn't copy over the old backup it will just create a new backup file? And if it does create a new backup file is there any point to keeping the old backup file since I no longer have the old iMac and wouldn't be able to access it again? Obviously if I didn't have to keep it I could erase it which would create plenty of extra space for me to start using Time machine again but with this new iMac.
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Mar 4, 2008
After TM reduces the backups to the monthly backups only, what data is stored on it? Is it all data compiled from the daily backups for the entire month? How does TM treat the monthly backup? The reason I ask is, If I add 100 digital pictures per day for a month, are there going to be all 3000 pictures on the monthly backup file after 30 days, or does TM actually delete some of it's backups before the disc is full?
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Oct 8, 2009
I have my Time Machine hooked up to a Time Capsule and it seems that Time Machine is backing up an excessive amount of data throughout the day. Normally the backups are just 5-10 MB, however it seems that once or twice a day it backs up 2-3 GB worth of data. I don't do much saving/creating/modifying of files during the day. just web-based programs, iTunes (no downloads), etc.
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Nov 30, 2014
I just installed a new SSD. Time Machine is active. It says it is saving data. When you open TM, it opens the times that it saved data except there is noting in the boxes and the button to choose a backup to restore is greyed out, not allowing to choose anything as there isn't anything to choose. The TM says that it has backed upped 350 gb of data. There is nothing there however. I rebooted, disconnected external drive, even reformatted and started over. Nothing seems to work.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. Ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then ...one day..I start time machine for my weekly backup..and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume."
Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup ... the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow .... and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb ...
I started time machine again ... same message.
I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again ... same problem ....
Then I said to myself ... maybe my External HDD has problems ... so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again ... this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem ... but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process.
Now ... I hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX ... or maybe its my external HDD ... maybe my USB having problems?
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Feb 11, 2010
both my MacBook and my time machine backups just got destroyed by the water sprinkers coming on. All I have left is the data on my iPhone. I keep all my iPhoto, music, contacts, calandar, and bookmarks on my phone. How will I transfer them to my new computer (even if it is a paid program, I REALLY need to keep this data. Also, how will I keep my new computer from deleting everything on my phone, ESPECIALLY my text messages, when I sync it for the first time? Again, a paid program would be fine because I REALLY need to keep this data
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Aug 8, 2009
I just updated to 10.5.8 and my Time Machine will not backup. It is stuck at "Preparing Backup". I tried rebooting and it did not work.
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Dec 3, 2008
i have a macbook with an internal drive of which about 230gb if full and used.
I have a 250gb external which i have been using to back up with time machine, done it several times over a few months.
Now there is like 70gb left on the external, and when i try to back up, it says failed, not enough space on external.
But i thought when there is not enough space, it simply deletes and backs over older time machine backups.
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May 28, 2012
Is it possible to have Time Machine overwrite an existing backup instead of making excessive new backups? If not, is there a way to control when Time Machine preforms its backup task so as to not make excessive backups?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 11, 2009
After a catastrophic HD crash I bought a small 250GB external hard-drive an started to use Time machine. Since my Mac was freshly formatted, I tend to keep it tidy and clean and keep good track of what comes in. I noticed my time machine backing up 15 GB of data which allegedly would have been added within two days. I could absolutely not trace this on my computer nor when I compared current folder contents with the most recent backup. Downloads, Apps., System are all excluded from my time-machine and couldn't represent such a dramatic data increase on my separate HD.
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Oct 6, 2009
I'm doing an initial backup to a Time Capsule and I want to make sure all my data was copied successfully. Does Time Machine verify that the data was copied successfully or does it just send it and hope everything copied alright? I know this is the kind of question only the Apple developers would know for certain, but hey, sometimes folks on these forums are surprisingly knowledgeable so I figured I'd ask here.
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Mar 13, 2009
I'm getting a new macbook. Currently I use time machine as a backup tool and was wondering if I should use it to transfer all my data to the new mac. One benefit of a new harddrive is the fresh install without all the junk that has built up over the years right? So wouldn't time machine just be transferring all the junk and stuff I want to the new mac? or is time machine smarter than this.
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Dec 6, 2010
We are a PC to Mac convert and still trying to understand some basics. We have an iMac 21.5 and expecting delivery of a external 1.5 TD drive. More than we'll even need, but dirt cheap. We also run Windows 7 64 bit through VMware Fusion. The only reason for that is the Windows version of Quicken is a better product the the Mac version.
We will back up pics, Videos, etc., on the iMac under MacOs with Time Machine. Can Time Machine also backup the quicken data files from the Windows 7 VM machine? I hoping we do not need to maintain separate backup drives to manage the different type of file formats between Windows and Mac. I hoping this can be managed through one place...Time Machine.
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Jan 8, 2011
I recently purchased a Mercury Elite-AL Pro from OWC and it included Prosoft Engineering Data Backup. Are there advantages in using Time Machine vs. Prosoft Engineering Data Backup or vice versa? Also, what about something different like Carbon Copy Cloner? I'm looking to do this right the first time.
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Jan 1, 2009
I've spent a good deal of time over three days trying to do something that I think is both doable and shouldn't be all that hard. I have a 750gb external HD attached to a Mini, and I'd like to use that drive to do TM backups for the Mini, as well as three MacBooks.
But I can't seem to get access to the backup drive from the laptops to either get going in the first place, or to remain available for TM. I get "volume can't be mounted" errors, "image can't be mounted errors", etc. I find that I can't ever eject the backup drive from the Mini (always told an application is using it...even if I've just booted up the Mini). And with one of the MacBooks, even a direct FW connection to the drive doesn't result in the drive showing up in Finder.
Isn't this a pretty straightforward thing to do? Is there a step by step somewhere that might help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to fix? Should I reformat the drive again and start over (there are no important backups on it yet)? By the way, the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
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Apr 12, 2009
I have a linksys wrt610n wireless router that isn't set up yet. You can attach USB drives to the router to use as a nas. I can't find if time machine will use it or let me use a drive attached to the router for my backups.
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Apr 14, 2009
I connected my windows removable disk to my colleague's mac to transfer some data. Accidentally her system started a time machine backup on my removable disk. Although we stopped it during middle of the process, now my disk is no longer recognizable in windows and all I can see under a mac system is her backup file.
The process took a very short time. I wonder if it has deleted everything. Is there any chance I can get the overwritten data back? They are very important to me.
Besides, is it a common problem of time machine backup? It is too dangerous for the removable disks.
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Dec 15, 2009
New to MAC and buying a OWC Mercury Elite-AL Pro
1.0TB Quad Interface eSATA/FW800/FW400/USB 2.0 & 1.1 Storage Solution
Should I use Time Machine or is the included software, Prosoft Engineering Data Backup 3 a better option?
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Jun 19, 2012
if i am running my new lion OS on drive #1 and i have a Raid1 array on drive #3 and #4 with all my DATA - can i back this up using Time Machine? i would like to place my OS's on a single drive and have my DATA in a raid array but if this means that i lose the ability to retain a Time Machine backup of my data i will simply upgrade to Lion and keep the data on this drive so it can continue to get backed up in time.
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Aug 28, 2014
My MBA running ML has Pages '09. If I set up a refurb running ML will Pages '09 be on the second Mac if I set it up from Time Machine?
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jun 26, 2009
Can I use time machine to back up my data without formatting the external hard drive .. If not please let me know if there is a way to back up to hard drive without using time machine.. Thank you
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May 12, 2010
How long would it take to backup 900GB of data doing a full back-up using TimeMachine and my MacBook? My MacBook being a 2009 model with 2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.
I have:
1 x MacBook 160GB drive
1 x Imoega minimax 500GB drive (firewire or USB 2 connection possible)
1 x Seagate 320GB drive (USB 2 only connection)
I have a 400 firewire port in my MacBook in addition to 2 USB sockets, as well as fireWire hub with power supply, should I wish to run 2 or more firewire devices at once, into the 400 firewire port.
My current backup drive is a Samsung USB2 1TB drive but for reasons that will hopefully become obvious below, I will need to purchase a new drive. I think a 1.5TB or 2TB would be fine and I guess a 400 firewire port is still better than USB2, even though it's only 400. However I'm not sure about the time issue.................
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Apr 4, 2012
How do i restore my hidden ical data from a Time Machine backup?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 2, 2014
I just got a new 256GB SSD drive for my mac, I want to import my data from time machine backup, but its larger than 256GB since it used to be on my old optical drive. How can I import my latest backup keeping out some big files on the external drive?
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.1
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Apr 9, 2010
Once I turn on the guest network in the Airport Utility, the network is unavailable and I can't connect to the Time Machine with the Airport Utility. I have to reset the device and keep it disabled. As long as the guest network is disabled, everything works fine. The Time Machine is fully updated and working fine otherwise. Any ideas?
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Sep 30, 2008
My Time Machine has been making the usual regular backups for a few months onto my Time Capsule. I just found that all the backups prior to about a week ago have vanished. It's not a disaster (I think) as I assume that the current backups reflect what's on my iMac (I haven't had to delete files from it yet).
Where did they go? Why did they go?
A possible connection: My TC is 500GB; my iMac 1TB. I recently put extra files for temporary use onto the iMac hard drive - Time Machine said (in effect) 'that's too much, try removing certain folders from the backup'. I excluded said folder and things seemed okay, but it would be at around the time I did that that my old backups have gone.
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Nov 4, 2009
Just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem with the Time Machine. I bought a 500gb Time Capsule last July and it has been running perfectly until a few days agp. I noticed that all my backups were no where to be seen (when entering Time Machine on my MBP) and that it was doing a full backup.. The backup took the guts of 36 hours.
I've come home today to find that all backups are gone again and it is doing another full backup!!!Any ideas what is wrong here?
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Sep 5, 2014
Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 11, 2009
I have looked into this a lot already. It is to much that Time Machine backs up every single hour! It would be nice to set it to something like 3 or 5 hours. I have tried a 3rd party app to do this, but... If my computer was off or asleep when it was supposed to back up, it would get an error. It would not just do the backup when i turned it on or when it came out of sleep like stock Time Machine does. I have also seen a way to change the time incraments in the Terminal.(I am very good with it, not a noob) I have tried this and it screws up time machine completely. Maybe it does not work with the newest OS X. By the way... I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, got it 2 months ago.
Does anyone know a solid 3rd party app, that will work seamlessly. Or has anyone changed the time in Terminal and are currently using something different than 1 hour. There is a lot of examples online, but I would like the codeing that you literally used.
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Jun 17, 2012
I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.
iMac 27" i7, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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