OS X :: IMac Running 10.5.8 Has Started "pausing" 3 Seconds?

Nov 7, 2009

My iMac desktop has begun to stall about 3 seconds for every command, scroll, text, click, or anything. It will respond to a few entries then it has to pause, before it will go on to anything else.

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Intel Mac :: It Has Suddenly Started Running Slow?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there something I can do such as a clean up?

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Has Recently Started Running Very Hot?

Apr 24, 2012

My computer has recently started running very hot. At first it was just when playing a certain game, but now it is fairly frequent, and it is loud, not to mention not good for the computer. Can any one give me any ideas as to what could be causing it? its a macbook pro bought last September, 15in, running lion.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: Pages Has Started Running Really Slow?

Sep 2, 2014

Pages has started running really slow, tried to upload a photo and it is still processing after 20 minutes. How do i close the document as it won't let me use the red cross?!

MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Started Running Really Slow Suddenly

Jun 15, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 and Safari has started running really slowly, all of a sudden. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome, which run faster, but not much. Wi-Fi has been checked and is not the problem. I've emptied my cache and reset Safari. My disc usage is 15%, my system memory says that I have 2.35 GB of free space, and there are no "page outs". All of the programs, on my computer, that do not require internet access run fine. My firewall is off.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Power Mac G5 :: Fan Rages Every 60 Seconds Running 10.4.10

Oct 25, 2007

I have one G5 on my network that the fan comes on every 60 seconds. I have done everything I can, including moving the temperature sensor. If the sensor needs to be replaced, who extensive is it and can I do it myself?

Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Network Administrator

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Intel Mac :: Internet Is Running Very Slow On Safari - Takes 11 Seconds To Load A Page?

May 5, 2012

I have an iMac model identifier 9.1, with Mac OS X v10.5.8 and safari version 5.0.6. All programs are running normally (fast) except safari. When I try to load webpages it takes about 11 seconds to fully load. All other computers in my house are connected to the same internet and running fine. What do I do to make the loading faster?

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: Started Freezing Randomly ?

Dec 8, 2010

I purchased a 24" iMac in fall of '07 and up until have had no problems at all. Let me describe the problems I'm having now and maybe someone can tell me what to do to remedy them.

A couple weeks ago it started freezing randomly. The mouse will switch to the beach ball and just spins endlessly. I can move it around but can't really do anything other than that. I have to do a hard reset to get it back to normal. Sometimes a couple programs are open, and sometimes none. It seems like it happens often when I quick switch from one user to another. It will switch, work for awhile, then freeze.

Now, no big deal, annoying, but whatever. But, the other day after doing a hard reset it revolted into a white screen with a flashing folder with a question mark. I did some research and found that I needed to repair the startup disc using the snow leopard disc. I did that and it allowed me to boot it back up normaly but didn't really solve the freeze up issue.

So, that just happened again, so I'll have to boot it up with the disc again and repair the startup disc when I get a chance. It's really beyond frustrating now.

I have repaired all permissions, updated all firmware, made sure the drive isn't full, pretty much everything short of backing up and wiping the drive and reinstalling the OS. Is that what I need ro do now? I mean, I know I need to, but is there something I can do to remedy until I can get around to doing that?

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Software :: G5 IMac Not Starting Up/after A Few Seconds The IMac Stops The Start-up Routine

Nov 16, 2008

I have a G5 iMac - 2.1 ghz, 20", 250gb hd and 3gb ram, but it has been having problems starting up and it is also going to sleep midway through a task or at random times totally unprompted.

It now almost never starts up first time (I keep the iMac mains power lead always connected and the mains electricity supply turned on at all times now)- sometimes I will get the 'Start-up Chime' and then the cooling fans start spinning very loudly and then after a few seconds the iMac stops the start-up routine, but often when I try to start-up I don't even get the 'Start-up Chime' and I have to leave it for some time before trying again.

I can also now only get the iMac to run as a Firewire Target Disc by starting up with the T key held down and then using an old G4 (400mhz) Powerbook Titanium as the screen/keyboard by using the iMac HD as the startup disc for the Powerbook but this is obviously just a temporary work around.

I have also tried backing up all my data, and reinstalling the Mac OS X onto the iMac but the iMac still will not start-up normal and I still have to use it just as a Firewire HD.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Started Randomly Shutting Down When Not Used

Feb 5, 2008

I looked into my issue a little but recently my IMac G5 started randomly shutting down when left unused for a bit but that seems to have stopped as far as I have noted. Now occasionally when it goes into sleep mode it will freeze on the black screen and the fan will go crazy. I plan on buying a MBP, if the update ever comes out, and then ill just completely wipe the IMac and give it to my parents, who still use the original I mac, G3 or something. I read a certain series of I Macs were having motherboard problems, W950 or something, but mine wasn't that serial code.

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IMac :: Started To Freeze - Only Works In Safe Mode

Jun 20, 2009

I have a new IMac 24" and it has started to freeze and not respond. At one point it would only work in Safe mode. After working with Apple for several hours, we did a complete ease and reload of the OS. It would only install the first disk. We called Apple again and made an appointment at the local store. Brought it in and it booted right up. He even reinstalled the OS for us. We brought it back home, plugged everything in and it worked. It then started having the same issues after 4 days. I forced shut it down and unplugged everything. Plugged in the keyboard and mouse and everything works. The only think we have is a Lexmark printer - X5320. The strange thing is everything was working fine for 3 months and with my Mac Mini before that. Could it be a power issue? It is plugged into a APC UPS. All hardware tests pass.

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IMac :: System Started Making Whoosh Sound Randomly

Mar 12, 2009

So I have an old imac running OSX 10.3.9 and recently it started making a whoosh sound randomly at will. It sounds like a whiffle ball bat missing the ball. Also for no apparent reason it started saying "you have logged in" every time I wake it up. Any clue how to make these annoying sounds go away and or what may have started them?

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IMac :: Fans Started At Full Speed When Waking From Sleep

Nov 5, 2009

I have a 24" mid-2009 iMac, bought in June. It's behaving oddly over the past week or so. It fails to wake on sleep on the first attempt, but always succeeds on the second. When I say fails though, I mean that it *does* wake up, but goes back to sleep again after a few seconds. The other issue happened today, when I woke it up, in a cold room, the fans started up at full speed (I assume). It sounded terrifying to me as my iMac has never got that loud - not even playing games. I restarted it and it was the same, but died down after a while.

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Hardware :: Intel Imac Chime When Started But Screen Is Blank?

Nov 4, 2009

I did a pram reset but that did nothing (I heard the initial chime and the one after the reset....still the same problem.) I'm a bit worried because I don't hear the hard drive starting up.

Some more info... Intel Imac 17" (late 2006 model), 512 mb of RAM, running 10.4 (I think). I am not familiar troubleshooting macs but I am troubleshooting PCs.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen On IMac Started To Go Blank - Only Way To Recover Was To Re-boot?

May 23, 2012

Some weeks ago the screen on my iMac started to go blank. The only way to recover was to re-boot. The problem got worse until the machine became un-usable. I tried everything I knew, including switching off and unplugging to reset the pram as suggested, but eventually took it to the Apple Store where the 'expert' reset the pram the old way holding down the cmd/opt/p/r keys on startup. Problem solved (why do Apple give bad advice to clear the pram?).

Something had corrupted the software that drives the screen. The only program that I could think might have done that was ScreenRecycler which I have now stopped using. However, the problem has started to re-appear, the only new program I have used is Audirvana which being a music program should not affect the screen.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC

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IMac (Intel) :: Started Displaying Some Type Of Outline In Background

Sep 4, 2014

Some time today, my iMac started displaying some type of outline in the background. I bought it in December, and I've never had any issues with it until today.What the outline is? I heard it might be dead pixels, but I honestly have no clue. I just checked the screen again and it's normal now.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Keeps Pausing?

Oct 15, 2010

so i have a 2008 mbp and i noticed lately when im browsing the internet regardless of the side im on it will pause. When i mean pause i see that little rainbow circle. What can i do to fix this?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Wireless Internet Connects For A Few Seconds Then Disconnects  For A Few Seconds?

Jun 29, 2012

I am using a Mac Mini with a Realtek USB wireless dongle to connect to the internet. The software and drivers appear connected perfectly and i see the wireless utility and I can access my wireless network, which says signal strength 100%. I connect to it and it accepts the wireless key. Says connected. Then after a few seconds the connection is lost and it says 'Disconnected'. A few seconds later it connects then disconnects and this continues indefinitely but Safari never allows me to access any webpages. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6), USB Wireless Dongle

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OS X :: Started IMac Back Up It Got Stuck On The Apple Logo With The Spinning Wheel Below It?

Dec 27, 2010

i need some help regarding my iMac. I was busy installing combo update 10.5.8 on my iMac when the power in the entire house went down due to the snow. When I started my iMac back up it got stuck on the apple logo with the spinning wheel below it. I can leave it there for as long as i like nothing happens. I had the idea to reboot using the CD's i got with the iMac but there is already a disc in the discloader so i can't put the reboot CD's in. anybody know how i can get my iMac to work again? There aren't any files on the computer that i neccesarely need but if i would be able to save my photo's etc. it would be great.

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IMac PPC :: G4 Doesn't Show Up On Host When Started In Target Disk Mode?

Jun 13, 2012

First thing to say is that the G4 starts fine (remarkably quickly in comparison with the new iMac) and appears to run okay. However, on running the disk utility I’ve found that there is a problem with the hard drive and it won’t verify either the hard drive or repair the permissions. Like many of its kind the optical drive has failed and therefore I can’t use the installation CD to reinstall or anything else. My daughter has been using the G4 for some years but has upgraded to MBP and wants me to take her files and put them on another hard drive and then wipe the G4 clean. At the moment the disk utility will not work at all. So I’ve been attempting to start it up in TDM via FireWire. The G4 starts up okay in TDM (the FireWire symbol appears on the screen) but there is no sign of it on the new iMac. In the light of what I’ve said so far does it seem probable that I will ever be able to get the start-up disk to work? I have connected the two computers via a Wi-Fi network and have been able to see the disc but when I have run the disk utility it has always reverted back to the G4’s own program.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24" Late 2009

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OS X :: ITunes Keeps Randomly Pausing?

Feb 11, 2010

Recently iTunes has started randomly pausing, regardless of the song. Usually every few minutes. I have like 500 songs so it ain't the songs. What's going on?

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IMac (Intel) :: Started Slowing Down / Randomly Playing Music When Connected To ITunes

Sep 7, 2014

My imac is only 3 months old and has started slowing down, randomly playing music when connected to iTunes, spinning colour wheel takes she's to laid anything.

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Applications :: ITunes Pausing/freezing?

Apr 29, 2009

Every time I pause something in iTunes ( usually a longer file, radio show, podcast ) theres this horrendous freeze that happens...

This started after I updated to 8.1.1

Anyone else have this issue ?

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MacBook Pro :: GBP Keeps Pausing/delaying Response?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a new MBP 2.53+4gb and it constantly is pausing. Even as I type this after 10 words I have to wait a few seconds for the next 5 to show up. If I'm scrolling it'll just stop scrolling and then jump half the page. I'm not using up too many resources as I'm only using firefox/aim/email. But the pausing occurs whether I'm just reading the news or using photoshop.

(Also about a month ago my hard drive crashed and I returned my computer to apple where they installed a new hard drive and OS.)

So my question is: Is this a common issue that has been addressed and fixable? If so please direct me. If not, is there anything I can try before taking it back to the Apple store...again?

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OS X :: Macbook Running Leopard And IMac Running Tiger - How I Can Upgrade Them Both?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.

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IMac :: C2D Bootup Time 64 Seconds On I7?

Nov 21, 2009

For the first 39 seconds the screen white. It takes another 25 seconds for the imac to be in watcha you call it--standby mode. In all 64 seconds. Wonder how long it takes the i7?

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IMac :: Pinwheels For Few Seconds When Wakes Up

Nov 30, 2009

I can't find any other thread out there about this. I was wondering what the fix for when my iMac 27 c2d comes out of sleep and pinwheels for about 4-5 sec. It only started doing this when I updated to 10.6.2

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IMac :: Screen Saver Only Run For A Few Seconds?

Feb 10, 2010

My screen savers (any of them) only run for a couple of seconds before returning me to the desktop or any applications running before I turn it on.

I've set the top right corner of my screen (expose') to be the Hot Corner for turning on the screen saver.
That works normally, but it just keeps on turning off shortly after =[

Testing the screen savers in System Preferences make it work but I really don't want to go all the way in there every time to turn it on...

I don't know what's wrong.

##UPDATE## I've found the answer to my problem. It lies in an app called Caffeine. I can either click it so it shows an empty cup or update the app to a more friendly version to my OSX and quit it.

I hope this can help anyone in trouble because this is a really understated issue (at least with Snow Leopard! since it has compatibility problems with the old Caffeine app).

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Software :: Imac Keeps Rebooting Every 10 Seconds

Aug 9, 2009

How do i get the imac to fully startup?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Canon MP560 - Pausing Between Jobs?

May 7, 2012

I've always had problems using my Canon MP560 with my MBP (13" early 2011). 

The main problem I am currently having is that when I send multiple jobs to the printer, it enters pause mode between each job; I have to go into the printer queue and click Resume to print the next job. 

I've removed and readded the printer countless times over the last six months and I worry that if I have to do the same again I'll just be confronted with yet another problem... 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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