OS X :: ITunes Keeps Randomly Pausing?

Feb 11, 2010

Recently iTunes has started randomly pausing, regardless of the song. Usually every few minutes. I have like 500 songs so it ain't the songs. What's going on?

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Applications :: ITunes Pausing/freezing?

Apr 29, 2009

Every time I pause something in iTunes ( usually a longer file, radio show, podcast ) theres this horrendous freeze that happens...

This started after I updated to 8.1.1

Anyone else have this issue ?

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Keeps Pausing?

Oct 15, 2010

so i have a 2008 mbp and i noticed lately when im browsing the internet regardless of the side im on it will pause. When i mean pause i see that little rainbow circle. What can i do to fix this?

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MacBook Pro :: GBP Keeps Pausing/delaying Response?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a new MBP 2.53+4gb and it constantly is pausing. Even as I type this after 10 words I have to wait a few seconds for the next 5 to show up. If I'm scrolling it'll just stop scrolling and then jump half the page. I'm not using up too many resources as I'm only using firefox/aim/email. But the pausing occurs whether I'm just reading the news or using photoshop.

(Also about a month ago my hard drive crashed and I returned my computer to apple where they installed a new hard drive and OS.)

So my question is: Is this a common issue that has been addressed and fixable? If so please direct me. If not, is there anything I can try before taking it back to the Apple store...again?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Canon MP560 - Pausing Between Jobs?

May 7, 2012

I've always had problems using my Canon MP560 with my MBP (13" early 2011). 

The main problem I am currently having is that when I send multiple jobs to the printer, it enters pause mode between each job; I have to go into the printer queue and click Resume to print the next job. 

I've removed and readded the printer countless times over the last six months and I worry that if I have to do the same again I'll just be confronted with yet another problem... 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Laptops :: MacBook Hard Drive Beeping And Pausing

Aug 11, 2009

There has been an ongoing issue with new MacBook and MacBook Pro computers where the system will pause for a second or two and make a clicking sound, and then continue functioning normally. This problem has to do with models containing a 7200RPM 500GB hard drive from Seagate, where the drive randomly stalls and beeps, causing a pause in the active system processes that can last up to 10 seconds. As reported in this CNET article, Apple is looking into the problem and a fix should be out shortly.

Both brand-new and slightly older models of the Unibody MacBook computers may be affected, and currently there does not appear to be a fix; however, if you are experiencing this problem, the best course of action is to wait for a fix from Apple. Some people have recommended reinstalling the operating system and performing PRAM and SMC resets, but this issue appears to be a firmware incompatibility so changing the operating system setup or firmware settings will not help.

Keep in mind that this behavior is not the same as when a hard drive is dying, where regular clicks and pauses happen, followed by spinning beach balls when the system cannot access the storage media. This AppleInsider article links to a couple of YouTube videos that show how this behavior manifests itself, so check them out if you think your system has this problem. When the fix is released, it should be in the form of a firmware update so keep an eye out for one in the near future. Read this Apple Support Discussions forum thread about beeping, clicking, and freezing hard drives.

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OS X :: Printer Pausing In Leopard Requires Admin Password?

Nov 19, 2008

In our higher education Mac computer lab, a printer may become paused (I am not sure why). But this requires an administrator password to unpause the printer, which only the admin in another building has. Is there a way to stop this type of activity? What causes a printer to become paused? Is there a way to not require admin status to continue?

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QuickTime :: Will It Allow Pausing A Video And Creating A Snapshot For Printing

Jun 19, 2012

Will the Quicktime Pro software allow pausing a video and creating a snapshot for printing?

Quicktime Pro

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OS X :: ITunes Keeps Stopping Randomly

Jan 28, 2010

I'm running 10.6.2 and iTunes 9.0.2 and it keeps randomly stopping. its very annoying. I'll play a tune and then after a while it will just randomly stop as if I have hit the stop button. It seems to be random in that sometimes it'll take 10 seconds, another time it will play the song for a minute or so. When I opened iTunes earlier it played a song on its own accord too. Very strange. Anyone else experienced this? Possible causes? I have a bluetooth mouse connected which I thought might be malfunctioning but it happens when the cursor isn't over the play/stop button.

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OS X :: Itunes Randomly Closes Itself?

Jun 13, 2010

So my itunes randomly changed colours(it's a really dark grey now, can post ss if needed), lags, and closes itself anytime I try to add a song to it or do anything on it.I've tried reinstalling it many times but have had 0 luck with it. I found a few other similar threads to this one and tried the things listed in them but again had no luck with it so I decided to post my own.

At first when it started happening I had songs on it, whenever I tried to make it go to the next song it would close itself. If I didn't try and pick another song it would randomly close itself after playing for a bit.After reinstalling it would not even let me add songs, anytime I try and select movies, or anything other then the main music thing it closes itself.By the way, it's a macbook OS X version 10.4.11

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MacBook Pro :: Randomly Loses Retina Display And Showing Pixels On Top Menu Randomly?

Sep 4, 2014

My mid-2014 15" Macbook Pro randomly "loses" its retina display at the top menu (becomes pixel-y), where the battery, sound, and wifi logos are (on the top right side of the screen). A restart fixes the issue, but I want to know if this is an issue that can be fixed? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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OS X :: ITunes 10 Randomly Playing Music Tracks?

Oct 26, 2010

So basically I'm sat here pretty chuffed with my self after putting together a nice Spotify playlist, and iTunes keep randomly playing music? I've shut it down and stuff, but it literally opens and plays random music tracks.

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ITunes :: Randomly Deletes Music Numbers?

Jun 6, 2012

Sometimes one song in the middle of a cd is missing, and sometimes a single just disappears. The weird thing is that the name and albumcover is still there, but the music file is not. The original file in the music library is gone, and a lot of it is music i bought in itunes. 

Also, i keep getting less and less space on my harddrive. It's like it's automatically filling up, allthough I'm not filling it with anything.  

Could it be the solid state drive that's dying? 

Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBook air

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ITunes For Mac :: Some Music Randomly Deleted From Library?

Dec 4, 2014

I have noticed that iTunes has deleted a random selection of music from my library. There is a useful little exclamation mark next to the track it has removed the data of. I have used spotlight to search to try to find the missing file, but without fail it opens my college notes from ten years ago. That's interesting. I suppose it is gone for good and I have to buy it again, preferably from the i-apple-store??

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 3.06GHz Intel Core Duo; 8GB 1067 MH

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ITunes For Mac :: Randomly Opening And Playing Songs?

Sep 6, 2014

iTunes was open and I was listening to my music through my headphones when it paused randomly. I unpaused it and went on my way, but a few seconds later it paused again, then unpaused. I dealt with it for a little while, then I decided to close iTunes and listen to Pandora. Now iTunes is opening and playing music by itself, no matter how many times I quit it.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: ITunes Crashes Randomly - Pirated Music

Sep 20, 2010

I don't know why, but iTunes entirely too often on my computer. I use a 15" MBP running 10.6.4 (The latest version of SL). I'm using iTunes 10, but I was having this issue prior to the update. It crashes seemingly randomly sometimes when I finish an album, sometimes between songs, and sometimes just mid-song. Restarting seemed to help once, but it eventually started crashing again, and all subsequent reboots have had no effect. I have about 21 GB of music, mostly pirated (though let's not get into that debate); I listen to music by the album. My library is completely music (no TV shows, podcasts, etc.). Am I the only one sending them 20 enraged error messages a day?

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OS X :: Safari Randomly Playing Music (ITunes Songs)

Sep 5, 2008

For the past few days, my i-mac (10.4.11) has been playing music randomly. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I assumed it could be limewire, so I deleted it. I'm currently using Macscan to look for spyware, but no spyware files have been detected. I know what program it plays through-- Safari. and as far as I can tell it always plays my ITunes songs.

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ITunes For Mac :: Randomly Skips Songs After Playing For A Few Seconds

Aug 29, 2014

iTunes randomly skips songs after playing for a few seconds. I don't know what to do

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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IMac (Intel) :: Started Slowing Down / Randomly Playing Music When Connected To ITunes

Sep 7, 2014

My imac is only 3 months old and has started slowing down, randomly playing music when connected to iTunes, spinning colour wheel takes she's to laid anything.

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OS X :: IMac Running 10.5.8 Has Started "pausing" 3 Seconds?

Nov 7, 2009

My iMac desktop has begun to stall about 3 seconds for every command, scroll, text, click, or anything. It will respond to a few entries then it has to pause, before it will go on to anything else.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: HP CM1312nfi Printer - Scan Not Working & Printer Pausing?

Jun 16, 2012

I have an iMac 27" (intel 3.4 GHz, Intel core i7, and 16 GB memroy) purchased a few months ago. It is running the latest version of Lion 10.7.4 I run this computer on our network along with a iMac 24" 3.5years old and a Macbook Pro 2.5year old. 

This computer seems to have a beef with the Hewlett-Packard printer (HP colour laser jet CM1312nfi MFP) which I have had for about 3 years. I can not get the new computer to work with the printer properly. It allows printing but it pauses all the time when you resume the print it starts printing from the begining of the document againIt will pause any prints sent to it across the network after the first 1 or 2 pages are printedIt won't allow scanning at allWhen you launch the scanner it takes forever to connect (3 - 4 mins)If you try to scan using any of the scan options (if it loads the devise) it then states it can not connect to the device, or all the scan buttons apear but greyed out.This is odd as it will still allow printing?? 

Also, all the other PC's have the same version of Lion 10.7.4 and have the latest HP Driver installed (these were released on the 14 Dec 2011). Other useful infoThe scanner is hard wired to the 27" machineYou can only use the printer if one scanner is hard wired as it does not have wirless capacity.I have uninstalled and installed the software more times than i can count trying all different trouble shooting etcI can only conclued that there is somthing the 27" machine is doing to prevent the scnanner registering properlyNone of the other computers can use the scanner correctly either. As you can only scan a page at a time using the "Scan" button. If I wish to scan multiple pages on with either of the other computers I need to use the "scan to folder" button. 

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Randomly Getting Hot - How To Fix It

Jun 4, 2009

I've had my Macbook Pro since December 2007 and only today I've noticed it suddenly getting hot when doing nothing but browsing forums on Safari, smcFanControl said it was up to a shocking 90 degrees Celcius. At first I just ignored it but it happened again just now but this time only went up to 75 degrees Celcius.

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OS X :: Mac Keeps On Randomly Restarting?

Jun 15, 2010

The restart always occurs when I am browsing and interacting with ebay on any browser (tested on FireFox, Safari, and Chrome with a restart occurring in all 3) The screen slowly gets covered by a light grey over layer and displays a message telling me that there has been a problem and that I need to hold down the power button to restart my macbook. this has been happening to me for the past 3 weeks and I can't stand it anymore.

Any suggestion on how I might be able to find a solution to the issue? Also, has this happened to anyone else out there? I am running Snow Leopard 10.6 on a 2009 macbook.

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Mac Pro :: Keeps On Rebooting Randomly?

Aug 20, 2014

My 2008 Mac Pro keeps on rebooting randomly. About 2 minutes after boot, the cd drive makes an short noise, and the screen turns black. After a few seconds the mac will reboot. This happens almost always, and it makes the mac unusable to work on. When i do not start any applications on the mac after boot it will keep on running, but as soon as i start an application it will do the same.  

Mac info:

2008 Mac Pro, 2 3.2 Ghz xeon's

128 GB SSD

14 GB Memory

3 x 1 TB HDD

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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OS X :: Trackpad Freezing Randomly?

Nov 23, 2009

The trackpad on my powerbook is freezing randomly. I don't think it is a hardware problem, When i start-up from an external volume the trackpad behaves itself. I have run standard maintenance, and disk utility to no avail.

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OS X :: Mac Tower Randomly Wants To Shut Down?

Jan 12, 2010

We have a Mac Pro Tower Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.8 Mhz. with Apple HD 30 inch Display. OS X 10.5.8 with no Raid card. 4 GB ram, 300 GB hard drive, with only 30 GB left to use. A random message comes up asking me: Are you sure you want to shut down your computer? Restart, Sleep, Cancel or Shutdown. I ran Disk Utility off the CD, repaired permissions. Rebooted computer and the message re-appeared after it loaded the OS X. I removed all startup process from 3rd party software. Turned off Bluetooth settings, as I have a wired keyboard and Mouse. What could be happening? No new hardware or software has been installed for 1 year. All OS X updates are current. I attempted to look in the console logs but some of the information is foreign to me.

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MacBook Pro :: Highlights Randomly - How To Know About It

Oct 24, 2010

While surfing safari my macbook pro will randomly start highlighting wherever I move my cursor. It happens randomly and it is annoying because I can not get it to stop and it refuses to click on things because the text icon is displayed as it is in highlighting mode. I was wondering what is causing this and how I can stop it?

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IMac :: New Alu Just Randomly Shuts Off

Oct 31, 2007

My new Alu iMac just randomly shuts off. It's happened like 5 times (once while I was typing a paper). I have updated to 10.5, and it has happened twice since the install.

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OS X :: MBP Wakes Up From Sleep Randomly

Dec 10, 2008

My MBP sometimes wakes up from sleep for no apparent reason. I have it set up in a closed lid/external monitor mode, with a bluetooth keyboard and a wireless usb mouse. To make sure it's not USB activity, I unplugged all USB devices, and switched the USB mouse off. Also made sure "wakeup on ethernet access" is disabled in system prefs, and software update is turned off. Looking at the console, it woke up with a reason:

Wake reason = EHC2 OHC2
Do you know what that is?

Below is a system.log snapshot and console messages when it woke up. Any ideas about what caused it?


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MacBook :: Randomly Slows Down, Despite CPU/RAM Ok?

Mar 24, 2009

I am having problems with my blackbook 2.16ghz 2GB RAM, 320 HDD, 10.5.6.

The issues are random slowdowns and lots of beachballs since yesterday.

At the moment I am running iTunes, Safari, Adium & Skype only.

Might add that it's Safari 4Beta and also the Skype beta.

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