OS X Yosemite :: Importing Large MBox File From 10.6.8 Mail Fails
Dec 8, 2014
I have several local .mbox files created with the Apple Mail client from 10.6.8 saved "on my Mac" after doing a clean install of Yosemite I am having trouble getting them to import. One is ~5GB the other is ~2.5 GB. a smaller one (66MB) with 300 items fails to fully import (gets only ~170 items).Â
Is there a better way to force the new mail client to read these or is there another mail program that can read these? These are important emails.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 128K Mac to 3GHz 8 Core Mac Pro
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Jun 30, 2014
I am switching from a macbook to a windows laptop, and I want to put my existing email folders on it. I exported the folders from my mac, and I have all the .mbox files. How can I put these into my windows mail app in windows 8.1?
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Mar 1, 2009
Is there a size limit for importing an Excel File into Numbers? The error message says the file is too large. Has this been changed in i-work 09? The file has multiple sheets that refer to each other, but i can't even open at this point. It is 3.1 MB.
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Aug 1, 2010
I use a MacBook which is installed with Leopard and is running the latest version. After an email crash, I had to export a number of my folders to my desktop. Now that the problem has been resolved and I want to import those mbox folders back into my iMail (which is running my Gmail accounts) I am not able.
I use the File-Import function and follow the steps. It looks like it is working but after the import the files and the folder are not there.
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Dec 11, 2014
Recently had a problem after loading yosemite on our 2009 Mac mini, it won't remember passwords or get email, we've started seeing error messages such as " keychain login cannot be found to store". I tried to do a keychain repair and it fails saying "no such file or directory". Deleted the keychain and created a new one and i get the same errors.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), late 2009, 4gb memory
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Jul 7, 2007
I saw an imbox.mbox and sent messages.mbox on my old computer, emailed it to my new one, and tried to import it. However it said that they were not valid mbox files. So I went into target disk mode to look for other mail files, and couldn't find any.
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Dec 8, 2014
I just updated my Mac to Yosemite. I did a fresh install (erased disk and then restore documents and data with Time Machine) and installed all updates. Everything is working flawlessly except Mail. I can't make it run. Every time I opened it said that will import the mails, and a window appears and start the process. Yet, it does not go beyond there. I even leave my Mac for a whole night, and never went any further from the screen "preparing to import messages".Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 31, 2010
Has anyone tried this? What are your results typically?
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Jun 21, 2012
So the other day I tried to send a large file through the Mail app to a friend. I realized after clikcing send that the file was indeed too large to send since my Mail froze in the attempt of sending it. I used force quit to get out of Mail and opened it again, and then clicked the x button when it started to send again. But then the message was still in my outbox and in my drafts, and Mail would try to update my inbox and drafts but just continue loading. I went to my outbox to delete the message, and when I did a notification popped up that said "The message could not be moved to the mailbox "Trash—On My Mac". The operation couldn't be completed. File exists". Now whenever I open Mail it's the same story, where it attempts to send the message, and then everything's trying to load but never does.(I went to iCloud recently to send a message, and the only remnant of this action was a draft of the message without the file, which I deleted.)
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 5, 2012
my mail is stuck in recovery mode due to a large file attachment. I have deleted the email from aol and mail still tries to recover it day after day
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), aol account
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Mar 28, 2010
-Many emails were deleted from my inbox, sent, and drafts folders.
-Used Data Rescue II to recover them.
-Data Rescue II gave me a bunch of .mbox files (1.88 gigs)
-When I import the mbox files into Mail - Mail crashes, and what does end up getting into Mail is illegible - encrypted or something.
-I tried importing fewer at a time but Mail still crashes.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have downloaded Outlook to Mac Mail software to convert all my emails into .mbox format. However when I try to import them, Apple Mail detects my Sent Items and Outbox, but not my Inbox. When I try to import Inbox alone from a folder, it shows 'no valid mbox files', but my Entourage is able to import all my .mbox folders. On a side note, the .mbox files actually shows as a Microsoft Entourage folder with the Entourage file type icon there. Is this why Apple Mail cannot import it?
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May 28, 2012
I have been sending duplicate emails inadvertently recently. It seems it's when I use mBox for mac (registered copy) in Mail to use my Hotmail with IMAP. I hadn't noticed it at first, but now I see every time I send a mail I get 2 copies in my sent box. I can turn off the store sent messages on server option to fix it (but that's the whole point of having IMAP!). Or I can turn off mBox for mac and it also seems to work (but then I can't use IMAP!).
I've also tried on the same machine from gmail, and iCloud accounts (MobileMe), and I had no issue at all. I've also tried 2 different Hotmail accounts, and both of them send double messages every time I send. I think anyone still using a hotmail account will eventually install something like mBox for mac if they've gone Mac recently - as I have. I checked the mail headers of the 2 mails, and they are quite different (masked where appropriate) -
Mail 1 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain .....
Mail 2 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
X-Originating-Ip: [zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz] .....
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using Mail with mBox for mac
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Aug 26, 2014
I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx. I haven't had any problem until today. For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import.Â
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Dec 3, 2014
When I try to sudo from Terminal, I get: media:~ frank$ sudo su -sudo: unable to stat /etc/sudoers: Permission deniedsudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting However, I can cat /etc/sudoers and see the content of the file. I'm a member of the admin group.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 7, 2014
I tried to migrate an friends mac mini from snow leopard to yosemite via an external drive, also via target mode and lan, without sucess.
It alway shows "there is not enogh space on disc" which is not true. Even if I select the smallest part ...
I did verified all drives via disk utility repaired permissions and used different sources to migrate from. I do have access to the Yosemite Mac via sharing.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 4, 2014
After installing Yosemite on my iMac, Spotlight search results are minimal if at all (only contacts pop up)
I've adjusted Spotlight preferences by unchecking all search areas and rearranging the order of search preferences so documents, files and contacts are the only areas to search and still no luck.
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Dec 3, 2014
When I go to webpages that have videos the fonts and video images are extra large and the entire webpage does not fit on the screen (I have to side scroll to see all content.)Â
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Jan 6, 2009
Yesterday my computer wouldn't start, and I tried everything for many hours, but no solution.. Finally I decided to start over. I booted from install disc and recreated my system from Timemachine.. So i chose the latest full backup option, and after 7 hours of recreating, my mac is back.. Thank you TimeMachine.
Everything works like a charm..
My mail, launched and prompted me to import my mailboxes. So I tried but some of the mailboxes won't import.. Mail Crashes when I try.
Any one out there who knows how to retrieve these mail??
It is 2 INBOX.mbox and 1 Sent.mbox.
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May 10, 2012
We have an Exchange 2003 server and use Mac Mail as the imap/smtp email client.
All works fine but Mac Mail does not offer a warning if I try to send an email which exceeds the server sending limit of 10mb. If I use exactly the same email account on the same Mac but in Thunderbird, or MS Entourage I am presented with a warning when it tries to send the email, saying the the mail exceeds the mail limit.
But Mac Mail does not do this. It processes the email (just like the other apps) then it makes the whoosh (mail sending noise) and the email disappears!! its not been placed in the drafts or sent mail and I would have no way to know this mail had not been sent.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jan 12, 2009
i just downloaded a torrent and it contained a bunch of toast files, all the other files mounted fine but one file says that it contains no mountable file systems...it just turns out that this is the most important file of the bunch
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Jan 31, 2010
Here is my situation... I have a file on my macbook pro that is an .iso file that is 5.5 GB big... I want to move it to my desktop PC so I can use the file.. I have a external hard drive, but i get the "error code 0" thing when I try and move it over, which now i know is because its in a FAT32 format....
Are there any solutions, or any other ways that I can transfer this file to my desktop PC?
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm trying to secure-empty-trash a large backup disk image, about 275 gigs. During the process I had put the computer to sleep a couple times. After that, it seemed to be making no progress. I tried to stop the process so I could try again, and now it says
"Emptying the Trash...
and has said that for hours with no apparent progress on the status bar. Is there anything I can do get it to finish the process, or to actually stop so I can try again?
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Aug 21, 2014
I can find the desired 4 files in a â„¢ backup a week old. I select the four files in the Finder for that backup and click Restore in the lower right. Time machine fades back out, the same 4 files are still in the Finder window, but when I do a search for the files they are not to be found.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Feb 21, 2007
I've been searching for a way to import a CSV calendar file (intended for Outlook) into iCal. I googled this problem extensively and found a free on-line translator, but it did not work on the file I would like to import. I believe a commercial product can also do the deed, but I really don't want to cough up a bunch of money just to have this one file translated.
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Nov 15, 2006
My friend sent e a 4gig rar file but stuff it won't unrar it and unrarx says it is to large. So what other software can I use to unrar it?
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a 3 gig file that I want to send to someone by burning it on a few cds (no dvd burner T.T). What is the best way to compress the 3 gig file and burn it over a few cds so my recipient can take the files off the cd's and recombine them? I've seen rar files like this, and I guess that would be good but I don't know how I would do it.
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Dec 31, 2008
The following error message appears when I attempt backup using TM;
"You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file ".0019e33d49f6" in folder "Time Machine Backups".To view or change access privileges, select the item in Finder and choose File > Get Info."
Spotlight can't locate this file, I've ran disk utility to verify and repair the internal drive, verified the external, no problems on both counts. I even tried allowing read & write privileges temporarily to everyone on both drives, but no luck.
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Apr 15, 2009
At one point I reinstalled PS3, but now I have the problem again.I often have problems with large format files in PS3. It was working fine, but after a couple of hours it "unexpectedly quit....". I have relaunched, tossed preferences, etc. When I force quit, the PS3 icon in the dock still shows up with the dot and the Force Quit window shows up with no indication that there is a problem. When I try to reboot many times I have to use the power button on the mac. Finally i got PS3 to open...I opened up a different file and it worked fine, but the large format file tried to open and it came up with "Could not complete your request because of a program error." Photoshop locked up. Do my large file formats get corrupted for some reason?I have a MacPro, Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 2.66 GHZ, 2 processors, and 16G B memory...There should not be a memory problem with this machine. Why do I always have problems with a large format file?
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a 8gb memory stick and want to transfer my 5gb zip file to it but I get error code 0. I read this is because my zip file is too big in FAT format and that if I change it to ntsf or something I'll be able to transfer it.
1. How do I change it into ntsf format
2. What should I download to write into the ntsf format memory stick on my mac.
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