OS X :: Apple Mail Import - No Valid MBox Files
Sep 28, 2009
I have downloaded Outlook to Mac Mail software to convert all my emails into .mbox format. However when I try to import them, Apple Mail detects my Sent Items and Outbox, but not my Inbox. When I try to import Inbox alone from a folder, it shows 'no valid mbox files', but my Entourage is able to import all my .mbox folders. On a side note, the .mbox files actually shows as a Microsoft Entourage folder with the Entourage file type icon there. Is this why Apple Mail cannot import it?
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Mar 9, 2009
Recently I deleted my user account and created a new one to correct some issues I was having. After this I tried to import my old backedup emails from the dmg that was created from my erasure and Mail cannot see them. It tells me there are no valid mbox files. I've tried selecting every folder all the way out to the full Mail folder and no luck.
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Jul 7, 2007
I saw an imbox.mbox and sent messages.mbox on my old computer, emailed it to my new one, and tried to import it. However it said that they were not valid mbox files. So I went into target disk mode to look for other mail files, and couldn't find any.
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Mar 28, 2010
-Many emails were deleted from my inbox, sent, and drafts folders.
-Used Data Rescue II to recover them.
-Data Rescue II gave me a bunch of .mbox files (1.88 gigs)
-When I import the mbox files into Mail - Mail crashes, and what does end up getting into Mail is illegible - encrypted or something.
-I tried importing fewer at a time but Mail still crashes.
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Sep 6, 2014
I have a few mails that have been moved to ordinary folders out of Apple Mail and that have been deleted on the server. Now I tried to put them back into Apple Mail, but that wouldn't work.Â
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Apr 2, 2007
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
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Feb 12, 2009
I am moving from my exchange server... and use entourage 2008... since i dont have exchange any more theres no need to use the buggy entourage... so in entourage i copied all my folders (mail) from exchange to local.
then i set up apple mail - added all my imap accounts (which are in addition to to my old exchange account).
If apple mail supported exchange i would simply connect to it and move my folders local - but alas its not supported yet - and i cant wait for the update.
so i imported from the import menu (using the entourage option).
It all looked good (i have a lot of mail - so it took several hours).... I clicked on a random message on of the imported folders... its blank... subject, from etc are there in the columns - but the message is blank -- tried another - blank..
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Feb 11, 2010
I have the newest version of Apple Mail and I am syncing it with an IMAP account. Everything works fine so far. I had to delete all my mails on the provider server because I reached the storage limit. So I saved all my mails on my mac from the apple mail first and then I deleted all my mails on the server. After deleting all mails on the server, I putted back my old mails into APPLE MAIL, but it immediately deleted all my mails in APPLE MAIL after syncing with the server. So my question. How can I place my old mails back into APPLE MAIL without it deleting my local mails when it is syncing with the server?
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Mar 18, 2008
I have archived tons of email messages from my Yahoo mailbox. I got this as a zip and folder with several .eml files. I was wondering how do I import these? I tried dragging it but that didn't work! Neither there is an option to import eml messages in mail. I can open the eml messages though. I cannot import them!
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Sep 4, 2009
Can someone please help. I am trying to convert my pst files to work on a mac os x version 10.5.8. using thunderbird. I used thunderbird on windows vista to import my pst files to thunderbird. Then I saved the mail directory and transfered to my mac. I dont know what to do now. I heard you must rename some file to mbox.
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May 9, 2012
I have a valid Apple ID (as shown by the fact that I can log onto the Apple Support communities), but when I try to log into iTunes it says, "This Apple ID has not yet been used with the iTunes Store."Â I'm trying to log in so I can back up my iPhone with my iCloud (iCloud under my current, valid Apple ID). If I can successfully log into iTunes with this Apple ID, can I then successfully back up my iPhone with my iCloud?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Aug 1, 2010
I use a MacBook which is installed with Leopard and is running the latest version. After an email crash, I had to export a number of my folders to my desktop. Now that the problem has been resolved and I want to import those mbox folders back into my iMail (which is running my Gmail accounts) I am not able.
I use the File-Import function and follow the steps. It looks like it is working but after the import the files and the folder are not there.
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May 28, 2012
I have been sending duplicate emails inadvertently recently. It seems it's when I use mBox for mac (registered copy) in Mail to use my Hotmail with IMAP. I hadn't noticed it at first, but now I see every time I send a mail I get 2 copies in my sent box. I can turn off the store sent messages on server option to fix it (but that's the whole point of having IMAP!). Or I can turn off mBox for mac and it also seems to work (but then I can't use IMAP!).
I've also tried on the same machine from gmail, and iCloud accounts (MobileMe), and I had no issue at all. I've also tried 2 different Hotmail accounts, and both of them send double messages every time I send. I think anyone still using a hotmail account will eventually install something like mBox for mac if they've gone Mac recently - as I have. I checked the mail headers of the 2 mails, and they are quite different (masked where appropriate) -
Mail 1 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain .....
Mail 2 -
From: xxxxx <xxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Test 19th
Date: May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
To: yyyyy <yyyyy@me.com>
X-Originating-Ip: [zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz] .....
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using Mail with mBox for mac
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Jun 30, 2014
I am switching from a macbook to a windows laptop, and I want to put my existing email folders on it. I exported the folders from my mac, and I have all the .mbox files. How can I put these into my windows mail app in windows 8.1?
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Mar 14, 2012
How to import microsoft outlook pst files from window 7 to mac mail??
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 8, 2014
I have several local .mbox files created with the Apple Mail client from 10.6.8 saved "on my Mac" after doing a clean install of Yosemite I am having trouble getting them to import. One is ~5GB the other is ~2.5 GB. a smaller one (66MB) with 300 items fails to fully import (gets only ~170 items).Â
Is there a better way to force the new mail client to read these or is there another mail program that can read these? These are important emails.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 128K Mac to 3GHz 8 Core Mac Pro
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Apr 5, 2012
I reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Nov 10, 2007
Where are they located so I can back them up?
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Aug 17, 2009
How do I "move" Apple Mail files from one machine to another? I have Machine A. It went ill & I merged its Mail files into Machine B. Now Machine A is healthy again & I want to move/merge Mail files on Machine B back to A. I'm concerned that if I "merge" B back to A, I'll get a lot of duplicate folders/emails.
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May 13, 2009
When I attempt to attach a file of a photo into Apple Mail I get the image instead of a file. I googled this and the suggestion about right-clicking in photo browser did not work.
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Jun 4, 2014
I am trying to locate an attachment file from a recently deleted message. The message is no longer in my trash, so I can't access the file through Mail. In the past, there was usually an archived copy somewhere on my hard drive, but it seems to have moved in my most recent update of Mac OSX. It used to be in the Library folder in my user folder, but now there is no Library folder in that location. Where do I find these files?
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jan 31, 2010
Is there away to import mail account settings from Thunderbird and/or Outlook Express into Mail? [that is mail.app, to help any one searching later on as Mail is too common a word to search for]. I've imported all my messages correctly but don't know how or if it's possible to import my account settings. Also: I'm in the process of migrating all my e-mails / mail accounts / settings and mail rules from Outlook Express to Mail [Mail.app]. I have successfully got all my e-mails across. I have also managed to convert all the e-mail addresses in the 50+ mail rules, as stored in the Windows registry, from hex into text.
Some of my rules have tens of e-mail addresses which if I had to add in each address separately would be a nightmare. Is there away of block adding in e-mail addresses to Mail? Also is it possible to manually edit the mail rules preference file(s) and insert the e-mail addresses into that? I'm aware I have to manually recreate the rules themselves but that's not so difficult. It's the adding back in of all the e-mail addresses that might be, given the large number that exist.
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Dec 7, 2014
I recently did a Time Machine complete system restore and I noticed that the contents of some of the storage folders in Apple Mail were empty. Interestingly, folders that have been accessed in the last few months were completely restored, but some much older files that have not been accessed in a considerable amount of time were totally empty. I'm not sure why that occurred, but is there a way to find and restore the contests of those older folders?
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Apr 12, 2007
When I open apple mail it seems to load fine but now my trash icon for apple mail is gone. Is there any way to get this back?
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Aug 29, 2009
I'm having trouble with my Apple Mail program. I have a number of e-mail accounts (some with Optimum online, a g-mail, yahoo, etc.) Apple Mail has no problem at all reading and downloading any mail from any of the services. My problem is with Optimum Mail (Optonline.net). Mail refuses to send anything through that set-up. I've been on the phone for hours with Optimum and the settings are all correct. I've tried connecting directly to the cable modem and mail gets sent. This would make me believe that it is the Apple Airport Extreme router that is at fault. I've tried restarting it, re-initializing it and setting it up again and the problem continues. All my Optimum mail is picked up and can be read but it will not send anything through Optimum. It asks if I want to send it through another server (like g-mail or yahoo) and if I pick yes the mail sends.
It happens on all my computers a G-3 and pre Intel iMac G-5 on Tiger and my Macbook on Leopard.
Anyone else hear of this problem? Both Apple support and Optimum online say they have never heard of it. Talking for hours with their tech departments have found no solutions.
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Jul 4, 2012
I finally updated to new MBP (Retina display) from an old Powerbook running 10.5.3. I am finding that none of the PPC-based programs will run (but you already knew that), with the biggest problem being that I cannot import my mail. If I could get this to work, I believe I could work around everything else.
I was using Entourage 2004 (mainly because it could handle a huge Db -- which kept crashing Mail). I am really at a loss at what to do. Some of the potential fixes I've thought of is trying to download a newer version of Entourage on my old PB, import everything to that, and then move that over to the new MBP. But then again, many of the newer programs will not work on the 10.5.3 OS. I don't even have a problem using a different email client, or perhaps even web-based mail, but I need all of my "old" emails in one place that I can work from.
Info:17" MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 28, 2009
I've just upgraded my 1.83 C2D Macmini HDD from the stock 80gb HDD to a Seagate 500gb 7200rpm HDD, I renstalled OSX 10.5 now I want all my files and settings off my 80gb HDD. Is the a way I can to do this using a USB HDD enclosure with my old 80gb HDD inside hooked up to my mini?
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Oct 15, 2009
I lost all my emails in my inbox and sent mail, but luckily i had them backed up as .pst files. Problem is I need to import the pst. files into Thunderbird on my mac. Does anyone know how to do this? If so can you please explain in detail the steps I need to complete an import. Here is what I have to work with Mac ibook G4, running osx 10.4.11, and Mozilla Thunderbird version
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Apr 11, 2012
I am trying to import backup files from a storage drive into my mac. What is the trick to doing this?
Mac mini, iOS 5.1
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Jan 10, 2010
I searched archives for a similar question, found one or two but no answer that helps me. I exported all my email accounts in Mail, as text files AND as raw message source files. Now I want to use Entourage and import the messages, but Entourage does not recognize these files. Why? They are all grayed out.
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