OS X Yosemite :: How To Open Multiple Emails With Apple Mail App
Dec 4, 2014
I wonder how can i open multi emails with Apple mail, in OS 10.9 very simple to use (command + ~) to switching between emails and mail app. Now it not working anymore.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 25, 2008
My Apple Mail keeps quitting when I try to open a email with an attachment. All other mail opens normally. It started recently and with photos from family and now I can't open older emails w/ attachments either. I can go to my gmail account and open there.
I downloaded the latest combo update from Apple's website, but nothing changed.
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Dec 7, 2014
I use Apple Mail 8.1. I tried installing SpamSieve 2.9.18 [to protect against a deluge of spam not handled by Apples's Junk Mail system] on my early 2011 17" MacBook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.1 At step creating Rule to move all messages to Spam folder, spinning wheel of death appeared. Had to restart Apple Mail, then unable to open Mail Preferences. Have uninstalled SpamSieve by their directions, yet Mail still won't allow opening of Preferences window. Mail also no longer appears when I click on its icon in the dock, unless I hide all other applications. Plus cannot initiate a new mail message (although it still receives new email). "About Mail" also no longer does anything. I am tempted to reinstall Apple Mail 8.1 (not at all clear how to do that)...
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 17" early 2011 Macbook Pro
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Dec 7, 2014
I have recently found the problem that I open the Apple Mail app and nothing is functional. When I try to edit account settings it doesn't let me access those. I want to reinstall mail app or at least update its settings. I read in some blog that yosemite "guesses" and changes your prefered account settings so I wonder if that is the cause after I backed up my emails recently I had loads of messages asking for my passwords, which never happened in Mavericks.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 18, 2012
Apple mail out of office rule is sending auto replies to all emails not just newly received emails--HELP! I set up the rule according to another apple support thread and instead of only sending the reply to new mail received, it was sent to all messages I believe that were in my INBOX, I only had a few but several people that hadn't sent me emails since I set up the rule, received the OUT OF OFFICE reply.Here is the procedure I followed for the out of office rule-[URL]I just used my email account which is a business account- not an ECU account but these rules according to the apple thread apply for all emails.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 1, 2014
Apple in their wisdom feels that their emails are so important they should be highlighted in mail. i dont agree and do not need a highlight on their latest sale email. Â
i followed the support web instructions of removing the 'hidden' rule from mails preferences (funny it was not visible but did remove the 'apple news rule') Â
however, even after restarting mail - emails from apple are still highlighted (highlit?) ...Â
how do i turn off this annoying big brother 'feature'Â
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Dec 8, 2014
Seems many have similar problems but not quite the same.Â
I've upgraded to the latest Mac OS. Since then I can seem my Virginmedia (Gmail) emails. They are there and q quick workaround is to do a search on "@" and hey presto.Â
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 9, 2014
My Mail application stopped receiving new emails at 5:48 PM yesterday for some reason. I have several Gmail accounts, one iCloud account and one Yahoo account.Â
I can send emails without a problem, but I'm not receiving any. I checked Activity, and it shows that the program is "fetching new mail" from every single account (it even says how many messages), but for some reason they are not getting through.Â
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Dec 3, 2014
When I tried to set up Outlook.com account with Mail I was not able to locate Outlook.com settings automatically like one would on iPhone. Anyhow, I set it up manually using the IMAP settings. It works great but the only problem is that it does not push emails instantly. It checks for email in set intervals. How can I set this to push emails?Â
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Dec 10, 2014
Suddenly Mail has stopped sending emails. Connection Doctor says server is 'offline' and I should ensure passwords and settings are correct. But I changed NOTHING - it just suddenly stopped sending and receiving!
I'm using a late 2012 iMac and a Retina MacBook Pro, both with very latest OS - same problem on both. I've restarted my TimeCapsule and BT HomeHub
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Dec 10, 2014
Because Mac Mail crashes from time to time, I have duplicate mail from generations of imported mailboxes. How can I find and delete the duplicates safely in Yosemite?Â
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 10, 2014
Since upgrading to Yosemite I am being asked by Apple apps to enter my password much more often than before, to the point that it's annoying. The reason for this usually is not apparent, and happens even though I'm using only my home computers, from which I've signed in many times previously and which should be recognized by Apple, and on which I have elected to stay signed in. Worse, oftentimes when I sign in, the dialog box refreshes, with the PW field empty, giving no indication why my entry was not accepted.
Sometimes I'll have to enter my PW two or three times before it's accepted, all with no alert that the ID was not recognized or the PW was incorrect. It's like the system is trying to call my bluff or having me say it three times before it'll believe me! This happens so regularly that now when iTunes or Mail, for example, asks for my PW, I enter it very slowly and deliberately, so I know I'm not making a typo. Besides, I never experienced this behavior with any prior OS X version.Â
Is this a new security step—the owner of the Apple ID will continue to enter repeatedly what he knows to be the correct PW even when it's not initially accepted, whereas a hacker will move on to a new guess after a first attempt with the correct PW is rejected?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012)
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Feb 7, 2010
I just purchased my first IMac 21.5". I am having problems with opening some emails that were created in outlook express. When I try to open them it asks what program to use to open it. When I check the properties of the attachment it says the file type is .email.
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Apr 12, 2007
When I open apple mail it seems to load fine but now my trash icon for apple mail is gone. Is there any way to get this back?
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Dec 1, 2014
I am trying to set Apple Mail as my default mail application, but invariably, when I try to send an email from another program, it opens Outlook instead.
How can I make Mail the default mail application for my entire system?
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Feb 6, 2009
Is there a way to track read emails in Apple Mail? I know I can do it with Outlook, but I don't want to install a Microsoft product on my virus free Mac.
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Sep 6, 2014
I have a few mails that have been moved to ordinary folders out of Apple Mail and that have been deleted on the server. Now I tried to put them back into Apple Mail, but that wouldn't work.Â
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Jan 21, 2008
how to move emails from outlook 2007 to apple mail?
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Jun 21, 2012
I've got a work emailadress active on Apple Mail on my computer at work and I got the same account active on Outlook on my home computer. The thing is however that I'm receiving emails on Apple Mail that I'm not receiving in Outlook and vica versa.Does anyone have any experience with that? I couldn't find any similar problems on the internet.
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Aug 21, 2014
I have a curious question:Â Does Apple Mail filter identical mails?Â
More precisely, I am expecting a number of mails that are identical, except they arrive from different mailing lists.Â
However, I can only see one of them.Â
So, I was wondering whether Apple mail has some "intelligence" built in that would filter out the others.Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 17, 2012
If I need to email anyone from a website, Safari always does it through Mail. I would like to do it instead from Entourage as I can do more from there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), Lion
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Apr 2, 2007
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
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Mar 9, 2009
I would like to Sort my Email in Apple Mail by Attachment Size. So I can delete my biggest attachments, so i can get more space. How do I sort by attachment size?
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Mar 30, 2009
I am new to Mac so please bear with my incompetence. I have managed to find the plugin HTTPMail to add to Apple Mail in enable the use of my hotmail account in this software. Strangely, though, I cannot see any emails (i.e. it has not synchronised any of my folders/mails), I cannot receive any, BUT I have tried sending one and it actually worked. Would there be a step that I missed? I am on Leopard version 10.5.6., Mail version 3.5.
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Jun 7, 2012
I finally switched to Apple's Mail app 4 months ago after 12 years of using Eudora (because of the inevitable - that Lion or Mountain Lion, when I upgrade, will not support the foundation architecture that Eudora is built on).There are (AT LEAST) two functions available in Eudora that I very much want to do with Mail and currently cannot figure out how to do. I'm hoping that someone knows of a plugin that will do these functions, or will write such a plugin, or will tell me how to make this suggestion to Apple to include in a future update.
1) I want the freedom to EDIT a received message - to correct a subject line, or make it more relevant for my reference, or add a key word/prefix to the subject for future searching and archiving, along with being able to edit the message itself, so that it is the equivalent in a book (or an eBook) of adding comments/marginalia for future reference. (In my opinion, once I receive an email message, it is MINE - so I should be able to do what I want with it (which includes the responsibility of not rewriting a message to resend to appear as deceptive or fraudulent).
2) Write up a draft email, that would reside in the "Send" folder of Eudora, and for which I could select a time in the future that it should be mailed (dependent on the fact that Eudora would be running at that time, else it would send the next time Eudora was opened. I would LOVE to be able to do that in Apple Mail. Rationale: Often, when I receive an actionable email, I want to respond at that moment while the subject is fresh, but due to priorities or scheduling reasons, I don't want the response to go out just then. Maybe I want the response to go out after an event three days from now, but I want to process the message right now, and I don't want to have to remember to make a ToDo item to remind me in 3 days.
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Sep 12, 2014
I have an urgent issue with my work email. I have used Apple Mail to read and store my work email right off my work Exchange server - without any problem. All was fine, and for what seems a very long time, I happily used both my win 7 laptop at work and my 2 Apple computers at home and during travel as well as my iPhone - anywhere. Â
However, now, there is a new policy at work where all email older than 3 months (sigh!!) has been removed to an "online archive" of the "emc SourceOne" - which is a non-crossplattform service - and not accessible from other than a windows PC with supported browser (not including SafarI). (Windows revenge) I have lost all access to these on my iPhone, which is a shame - not Apples fault, though. This is not about blaming Apple. However, I still have all my "older than 3 months" email in theory safely kept on both of my Apple computers - presumably safely stored in Apple Mail.Â
Here is my question: I have not dared to connect either of these imacs / mbas to Internet - at all - in fear of losing my precoius work emails. I have feared that the exchange server will kill all these "older than 3 months" email kept there - as soon as it gets a chance to do so.Â
1. Can I safely connect Apple Mail to internet without losing my already downloaded exchange emails?
2. If not - how should I proeceed to get these files safely transferred to my iCloud email?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Aug 20, 2014
I have recently signed up to BT Wifi so that I can access the internet on my Macbook while im out working. I can use it to access the internet and to receive emails, but it wont let me send them?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 7, 2014
suddenly all my mail I want to send via my iCloud account are stuck in OutboxÂ
what can I do?
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Dec 1, 2014
I tap on the Mail Icon in the Dock, Mail doesnt Open, quite often there is what appears to be a Mail Window opening but it disappears as quick as it arrives.Â
The only way I can Open Mail is to lightly double tap my mouse pad, which pops up a menu from the Mail icon, there is often a list of previously opened Mail windows, I can often select one these, but only the one showing a Black 4 sided Diamond shape opens a Mail window, if it is blank or has a Tick, it doesnt open at all.Â
Failing that I have to select Open New Viewer windowÂ
[URL] ... See image above, this may explain easier my problem, normally MAIL should open by tapping the Mail Dock Icon, I just did that , it did nothing, zilch.
instead I have to often SELECT "New Viewer Window", other times I get by, by selecting one of the recently opened Windows with a Black shape next to it !!Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), iPhone 5S, wife has iPad2 and my 4S
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Dec 11, 2014
Mac Mail will not open at all after installing OS X Yosemite, and internet accounts will not open in system preferences says "Could not load Internet Accounts preference pane." I have tried re-installing Yosemite but nothing changed.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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