OS X :: Won't Close Applications Completely By Pressing The 'x'
May 2, 2009
I have a buddie who has an iMac and if he closes a program by pressing the red 'x' in the upper left corner
it closes the app completly, i have to close the app then go to the finder bar and press on the name of the open app and go down to quit in order for it to quit completly, how do you set it up to close completly by pressing the 'x'?
(example: if firefox is open, i hit the red 'x' and the program closes, but in the finder bar on top of the screen, it shows the name still and in the dock bar it shows a little white speck under the app and it is not closed completely.
It's only an 8 month old mid 2009 uMBP (2.26ghz, 4GB, 500GB). I was using the Disk Utility when it asked me to insert my MAC OS X Install disc and press "c" during start up and repair it. Every time I insert the disc and press "c" my screen goes completely dark. I thought it could have been a problem with the sensor so I flashed a light into it but it didn't work. I even tried putting it directly towards the sun light and still it doesn't work.
I'm a long time windows/Ubutnu user who have recently migrated to Mac OS X and running 10.7.4. One thing which I'm unable to get used to is that while the red button closes a window, the program will remain open until you quit the application using the Menu Bar. One option to bypass it is use the key combination ctrl-q but by doing that all the instances of that program opens up the next time I open that application. Is there a way out?
Every time I hit enter in a chat window, it sends the message then deselects the chat window area, so when I start typing again nothing appears until I click on the text area.I did just install Safari 4 beta, but surely that hasn't done this...?
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
what the difference is between the commands 'close window' and 'close all windows'? They seem to me to both have the same effect. In my earlier version of Safari, if I opened a new web page, it just replaced the earlier one, now though the new pages just keep accumulating. T
Ok I've tried to completely uninstall Adobe CS4 Suite with no success. I've uninstalled using the Adobe Uninstaller, then deleted every Adobe folder off my hard drive. I've also tried using the clean uninstall script from Adobe.
My copy of Safari keeps resetting every time I close it. I lose bookmarks, history and extensions. This started in Leopard. It keeps giving me the copy I get after a fresh install of Safari, with the default bookmark tabs, every time i open it.
I deleted Safari using AppCleaner, then I reinstalled Safari after downloading it from Apple, both before and after the upgrade to Snow Leopard, all the way to 10.6.4. I have fixed and repaired permissions. Completely baffled. Only extension I use is clicktoFlash. Happens even if no extension installed. Examined plist file, keeps defaulting to the copy on first install.
I find Firefox too slow and Chrome still needs work. I loved Safari until this started happening. Just want it to keep my bookmarks and tabs after each open.
Recently I installed SafariStand and loved how you could add a new tab by a bookmark on the bookmark bar rather than having to click on the little plus sign way in the corner in Safari 4. I also tried to add a close tab bookmark as well but have no lucking in finding out how.
How do I completely uninstall Silverlight? I've used command-F in finder to find everything Silverlight and then delete it. Even then, my browsers still try to use silverlight for video on sites like [URL].
I've used the dock for a very long time, but once I found DragThing, I fell in love, even more when I started using Witch for window management. But I have DragThing docks on all four sides of my desktop, and I hate the apple dock bouncing on me when I go to the side I left it. So, is there a way to disable the apple dock completely?
I'm interested in using Aperture to manage my very large photo library. I may not want to use Aperture forever however. So, in the future, if I want to migrate away from Aperture, how do you get your entire photo library out of Aperture?
1) Do you have to "export" all photos?
2) Can you retain your original folder structure?
3) Is there a way to browse to the actual photo files when using Aperture? Or are they completely "locked up" within Aperture?
My Mail has worked since the beginning, but yesterday it stopped fetching incoming mails. I can send mails, but not receive! The clock keeps on spinning and says "fetching new mail" My server ports is set to 25 and 110 as default. When I try to quit Mail, it dosen't. I have to force-quit Mail to close it.
I love using Chrome. Here recently tho for Mac the first time I fire up the browser it takes forever to load up completely. Probably a full minute. After the first use it loads up in seconds. This has frustrated me to the point where I went back to Safari.
Aa above, Firefox has stopped loading pages. Any pages.
All I get is a white box with 'Search Bookmarks & History' in the search box. (see pic)
I deleted everything FF related from my drive, as well as the app & started from scratch. Downloaded a fresh version from their website, installed, and still nothing. Tried the obvious & rebooted - nothing.
Attempted to create a shared folder today and almost had it working. After a discussion on here, discovered I can share libraries by using fast user switching.
Now when I load my Itunes, every song is blocked out "Unable to locate original file" when clicked on. I have tried Time Machine to no avail.
I'm using Automator to rename 200 odd pictures I have taken to the date the photograph was taken. I have tried renaming them, sorting them then reloading in other applications and trying to save. I see no option in changing the name to a new name, it just adds to the existing name and the filename is now massive. I did not copy originals. There must be something I can do. I tried a program called file merger (something like that) but same sort of thing happened. I have tried around ten fee downloads.
Other than Itunes 9.1 breaking outlook syncing on my ipod touch, I cannot close a video when it is running. The X with a circle around it does not close the video anymore. I have to hit escape every time. A reinstall also did not help.
My computer Mac Pro is getting slow. The wheel runs and runs. I took it in to Apple at one time and they coded a bunch of files that were running in the background, thus slowing the computer. How do I do this myself?
I just recently purchased a Macbook pro and have downloaded firefox as my web browser. I installed the add-on adblock pro, and it is without a doubt 100% ineffective; I view web pages and when I place the mouse on top of the icon it tells me it is active, however below it notifies me that it has blocked 0 out of 150 or however blockable items on the given page. I mean absolutely nothing is prevented, I found a similar add on for safari, and the same results, nothing blocked. I must be doing something completely wrong, or something so blatantly obvious, but I really am clueless.
I am using an old iMac g3 or whatever it is, and ive downloaded some programs and when i try to open them, it bounces on the dock and them shrinks and goes away. It has done that with Teamspeak and Mumble which are voice chat programs. Is it not supported? If it werent wouldnt it say it in a message like with another program I downloaded? I am using mac osx version 10.4.11.
First, I am fully aware of the two plug-ins that have both of these features. SafariStand and Glims. I'd prefer not to use SafariStand, and I don't want to use Glims (buggy). I'm not here to debate their merits. The features I want are for Safari's download manager to close automatically, and for all links to automatically open in new tabs.
What I'm wondering is: are there any other plug-ins that offer these features for Safari 4 running Snow Leopard? Are there any tweaks to the system that don't involve plug-ins? As in, are there some terminal commands that can emulate these settings somehow?
I did an uninstall of Firefox, wanting to just go back and start over, clean. I went into my profile & deleted that (after saving to USB). Now I'm wondering abt getting rid of the icon and how do I check to make sure there is nothing at all on my computer. Isn't that what I want in the event I just want to start over? I love Firefox and just want to get it back on my system, operating properly.
Attached you'll see two images. The first, 'Applications Folder', is how I want my Applications Folder to look whenever I access it directly (i.e. from the Go menu in the Finder Menu Bar, or from an alias or from the Dock by right-clicking, Open "Applications").
Finder used to remember this appearance perfectly. I can't remember exactly when this started, but now whenever Finder is restarted (killall Finder or a reboot) it completely forgets the settings for the Applications folder and opens it as shown in the second image, 'Finder Bug'. That's the far right of the screen, by the way. Not only does it forget the size and position of the folder's window, it also resets the grid spacing to the default value.
It only does it for this folder...I've already tried removing the .DS_Store file many times, so it's not an issue with that file. I've also run clean-up scripts and repaired permissions. It's bugs like this that still make me long for Tiger.
Have a PC hooked up to a Pioneer plasma here, and it's basically used to loop trailers in my video-store. The PC is running Windows 2003, and I thought iTunes is probably perfect for this as all the trailers I use are the 720p ones from Apple's servers. So I connect to the PC with VNC (no mouse or keyboard attached), start up iTunes, start the playlist with the videos and they start running fullscreen. But whenever I close the VNC connection the video window disappears from the Pioneer and I just get the desktop + iTunes. The videos are still running though, as the sound is playing and iTunes say they're running, but the video is completely gone.
-Setup assistant quits with the message "Microsoft Office Setup Assistant has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."