Applications :: Completely Lost My Itunes Library - How To Fix It
Jan 16, 2009
Attempted to create a shared folder today and almost had it working. After a discussion on here, discovered I can share libraries by using fast user switching.
Now when I load my Itunes, every song is blocked out "Unable to locate original file" when clicked on. I have tried Time Machine to no avail.
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping" So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
I went to open my itunes and it said "itunes needs a library to open" then it would only let me choose a library that was dated to last july. I clicked on it and it opened my library from that date. I am really mad because it will now only open that library and im missing almost a thousand songs that have been downloaded since then. Why can i only open a previous library? Are all the songs, movies, and other settings that i have changed in the last 6 months gone?
A few days ago, I opened iTunes and a notification appeared saying my Library was "damaged," and then proceeded to reopen with about 500 songs missing. I went through my iPod to find a few of the songs that were on it that were erased from my Library (I haven't synced my iPod since it happened for fear of losing the songs for good), intending to simply re-import them into my Library - but the files were nowhere to be found. I opened Finder and searched for quite a while, but I couldn't find a trace. I've tried opening iTunes while holding down the Option key and choosing a Previous Library, but the most recent of the Previous Library .itl files is the same one - the one missing 500 songs.
1- I have a Mac mini server running in the basement on a flat screen TV, I use this as my home enertainment center. There are Apple TVs on the rest of the TV's in the house and I have home sharing on
2- thunder storms have caused a power outage
3- The library has been cleaned. The items i still had for down load are still down loading, but all my movies, songs, apps, ect are not listed.
4- I was always going to get around to backing it up, and didn't. Iknow, I know
I think all the items are still there, I tunes just can't find them. One of the two hard drives was approaching full and i was looking at relocating the itunes files to the second hard drive, BUT being a novice with computers I was stumbling and never got it done. I had looked into it and remember scrolling through the screens that had been listed in forums. How do i search for Itunes files? the program runs, but the data is not there?How do i teach Itunes to look where i dropped the files when and if i find them?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mac mini server
I maintain my ITUNES Library on an external hard drive. Recently I had a power outage. When power was restored I clicked on my ITUNES before I turned my external drive back on.
More the half my library is now missing. When I click on a song I get message that file cannot be located.
(i7 27" iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB of internal disk hard drive. (SATA/7200rpm/3.5"))The 1TB internal hard drive on my iMac failed the S.M.A.R.T. Utilities test so Apple called in the computer and I had to have the hard drive replaced. The technicians reloaded the system from a 1TB external Western Digital hard drive; I had backed up the everything on it using Time Machine.
Unfortunately, the iTunes application cannot now locate my iTunes library. I create a lot of slideshows on Aperture and use music from iTunes on the audio tracks. The titles on the audio tracks are now inaudible and are preceded by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside.
how I should re-establish the original link between iTunes and its library. The music files are located in folders (name of artists), within a folder (iTunes Music), within a folder (iTunes), within a folder (Music), within a folder (declangreaney) on the 1TB of internal disk drive.In trying to solve the problem, I went through the folders and double clicked on one song. This opened iTunes so I highlighted and dragged all the other 'artist-named' folders on the iTunes interface and in doing so, I succeeded in accessing all the files.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), (i7 iMac/256GB SSD + 1TB Int. HD
Recently had operating system crash. When Apple got me back up and running, my library and playlists were gone. Fortunately I have them on my ipad. When I next sync with the new itunes where these songs are not present, will they be lost. Is there some way to "upload" them from my ipad to itunes?
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
I've played extensively with Spaces. Today I had 4 Spaces, with multiple Safari windows and multiple TextEdit windows open in Space #1 and in Space #3. I moved back an forth quite a bit, but then spent some time opening and closing windows only in Space #1, finally closing all Safari and TextEdit windows there.
When I pressed F8, Space #3 had no windows open! In the Dock, Safari and TextEdit were active. If I clicked either of them in the Dock, I'd switch to that application's menus and see my windows from Space #3 listed in the "Windows" menu, but the window would not actually appear anywhere in any Space if I chose it from the Windows menu.
The same with control-clicking in the Dock; the windows were listed, but would not display.
The windows for a separate application I had open only in Space #3 were also gone. I hadn't used them in any other Space.
I tried control-click-Quit on TextEdit in the Dock, knowing that I should get a "Do you want to save the changes?" prompt. It played the alert sound but showed me no TextEdit window or prompt. I couldn't view my window, save it, or Quit without saving!
There seemed to be no clean way out, until I tried collapsing all windows into Space #1 (by pressing F8 and then C) and then disabling Spaces in System Preferences. Instantly, my missing Safari and TextEdit windows reappeared in Space #1. My windows from the other application are back too.
I re-enabled Spaces and everything seems back to normal.
A week ago I had to format my HD and reinstall Leopard last week. When I restored from my external HD afterward, I just clicked and dragged back the files and folders that I wanted instead of completely restoring the drive. I put Garageband back in my Apps folder. It didn't work when I opened it (something about an instrument library being invalid, what ever.). So I reinstalled iLife 09 from the disc, and now Garageband opens properly.
The problem is that there are no (0) instruments in the library now, nor any loops. I know that normally there's an update available from Software Update that's about 1.1gb and includes all of the instruments and loops, but that update isn't appearing in the list. Anyone know what I can do? If someone can point me to a download/Rapidshare/torrent/Anything of that update, or even a functional instrument library?
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
My laptop recently contracted 4 Trojan horses - yes, it was nasty. I had to have the entire thing restored, but luckily all my data was backed up before this.
Once my laptop was back to normal, I downloaded itunes and plugged in my ipod. Itunes then began automatically synching the empty itunes with my ipod - I tried to cancel it but it was too late, and the new itunes had effectively wiped my ipod of all it's content.
All my music was backed up on to data discs, so it could have been worse - however the songs which I cannot get back, are the ones I purchased off itunes, and that's quite alot.
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
basically all my iTunes music is stored on my Mac Mini, I want to be able to access it all on my iBook so that it is still playing through my Mac Mini but I control it with the iBook. I am using Chicken of the VNC so far and would prefer something that doesn't use a VNC (Such as ARD, etc) and also something that doesnt use a browser window. I have tried netTunes, but really thats all that does as well, gives you a VNC view of iTunes. Also I have tried TuneConnect (Which is really what I'm looking for, but that crashes when I try to access the Mac Mini Library) Does anyone know a better way or doing it, or basically something like TuneConnect that I can try?
I don't know whether this can actually do any harm, but it's strange anyway. In my iTunes library, some music files are listed by iTunes as AAC files while others are listed as MPEG files. When I go to home/music/itunes/itunes music, and look at the files there, the same files that are AAC's in iTunes are listed listed as being m4a and the MPEG's are mp3's. Now, I guess that the difference is that iTunes just shows the container format, so that might be normal (?), but why do I have both mp3 and m4a in my library. Around half of my albums are one type, half the other, and all songs in one album are the same type.
Since upgrading to Lion I can't access my photos in iPhoto. The folder is greyed out in my Applications folder. Could it be to do with my version of iPhoto (8.1.2)? If I spend more money and upgrade it will my photos then still be in the folder on my iMac?
I want to backup my itunes library, but it says that I need to install a blank disk. Is there a way to backup the library to an external harddrive instead?
EDIT: I tried this... please tell me if this was the correct thing to do. I basically just went to Finder > Music > iTunes and dragged that whole "iTunes" folder to my external harddrive that was plugged in... and its copying it now
In my ~/Music folder resides two huge folders for iTunes. I'm sure this came about when I reinstalled Snow Leopard some time ago, I didn't realize the transfer didn't happen correctly at the time. One is called iTunes (296 gigs, last opened on Aug 31 and modified today) which seems to be my current folder used by iTunes 10. The other is called iTunes Media (252 gigs, last opened July 30 and last modified on the same date). I'm noticing in here however, files (such as Voice Memos) that are NOT in the first folder I mentioned above. I've probably tons of duplicates here, but what is not a duplicate I'd like to send into the correct place - and then kill the huge unneeded folder! How can I verify where iTunes looks for all of it's data? Music, videos, books, etc. Any suggestions as to how I could merge these?
I'm just got my new iMac and started moving my iTunes library from my PC to Mac.
This is how I did it.
My iTunes library is already organised in my PC, i.e. all music in the iTunes folder.
So I just copied the my entire iTunes folder onto an external hard drive and then to my mac.
Then I use the "add to library" function on itunes so my mac can organise all my music.
The "keep itunes music folder organised" and "copy files to itunes music folder when adding to library" check boxes are ticked on both my PC and Mac.
I look at my itunes library on my mac. Everything is good with artists and albums and song names looking good and organised. My playlists and other data is missing - no big deal, since I can make new playlists (BUT if anyone can tell me how I can get my old playlists and data on to Mac iTunes that would be great). However, the biggest problem is that all the .wav files have lost their artist and album names! How can I get these back?
I have the vast majority of my iTunes library on a NAS device. When I first got my MBP I set the library's location to the folder that I had moved off one of the desktops to the NAS. Everything works fine.
However, it seems that the library location will reset itself to the local location on the MBP (possibly whenever I run iTunes when I'm not on this network). So, if I add files to the iTunes when I'm not on this network, they get placed into the local library.
I have my iTunes Library saved on an external hard drive and setup that way in iTunes, all my movies, music is saved in that library. However, all my applications are saved in an iTunes library located in my music folder that saved on the internal hard drive. I leave the external running 24/7 and didn't have an internal library at all before getting my iPod Touch and downloading apps.
I see that this has been asked a few times (albeit a long time ago), but there's never really been a definitive answer.I have just switched to Mac and I used to use a program called iTLU on the PC which would automatically update my iTunes library (remove tracks that have been deleted from the hard drive and add tracks that are new).
My cousin is trying to move her library from her desktop PC to her laptop PC. She used the itunes backup tool to transfer her library. She authorized her laptop to play her itunes store music and videos, but if she tries to play one of those protected files on the laptop it says she is not authorized to play it.
I went out and bought a Drobo and threw 4, 500gb drives in it to host my media and Time Machine back ups for the house. I put that Drobo on my AEBS and share it over my network. It works very nicely.
However, when I go to work, I still want the same performance that I have at the house and afp is not giving me that performance. Choppy video and audio cut-outs are not gonna work. I have my entire iTunes library on the Drobo.
So with portability in mind, I went out and picked up a 500gb WD My Passport drive. Plugged it into my Mac and started copying my iTunes library to the WD. Call me an idiot because I didnt bother to format the drive, I left it at FAT32. I actually did this on purpose because I also want to be able to bring the WD to a friends house or work and share my iTunes library with anyone.
So, I successfully copy over all 200gbs of my iTunes library and change the drive location in iTunes to my new WD. All is well. iTunes is much more responsive as well.
Onto my question, how can I keep a copy of this drive? I buy and upload a lot of music so I can see this being an issue. I would love if Time Machine could somehow do it but it doesnt allow me to back up the drive. Should I just periodically copy and paste the entire drive to my Drobo? I still have a copy of the library on my Drobo for a backup, but I want to keep that copy as current as possible.