Applications :: Completely Remove Audio In IMovie?
Jun 9, 2009Is there a way to completely remove audio in iMovie (not just sent it to 0) so that if someone else were to open the project the audio would be gone?
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to completely remove audio in iMovie (not just sent it to 0) so that if someone else were to open the project the audio would be gone?
View 1 RepliesI'm using iMovie 09 with the very latest updates applied and I am having trouble with audio skimming in just one of my projects. The project is only 8 minutes long and is just a collage of pictures to music.
The audio skimming button is toggled to on but no green bars show in the equalizer when I skim over the video. The audio works fine when playing the project and in other windows around the project such as the event viewer. I have plenty of free hard drive space and the thumbnails slider is set to '5s'. ALL of my other projects skim no problem.
Now this is the strange part. If I click to enter the precision editor on any part of the video and then click done (even without altering anything) the skimming comes back. It thus disappears if place a new item in the timeline until I go back into the precision editor where it re enables itself.
I know it has been discussed sometimes, but I really can't get a real source of all files of these two programs. I've seen sometime ago some terminal command lines that would do all the trick, but I can't find it.
So, if you know them, or any other way to delete ALL files of Garageband and iMovie.
I found the voice-over thing, but when I do that you can still hear the original sound in the background. I need to remove the audio completely from like 2 seconds of footage and replace it with me talking.
to tell you the situation,
i made a video and it has a talking Gecko in it and I'm being told that it's copyright of Geico, even though that's because a company can't copyright an animal. But, anyway. Now where I said "Gecko" i need to say "Lizard" instead.
I am trying to put together a project where I would like to at a certain section of the video silence the video audio play some music then re intreduce video audio. Is it possible to do this and if so how do I do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm sure there used to be a way to remove the Audio from a Video in iMovie 06, but in this 08 version I can't seem to find it. I'd rather not use ffmpeg if I can get away with it, anyone know any other ways to do it if not in iMovie?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI made a short movie in iMovie 09. Into the project I imported a song from my iTunes. Then I wanted to fade the music because it lasted longer than the video. So I clicked on the little gear that brings up the clip trimmer. But rather than bring up the clip trimmer the software crashes. Again and again and again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having this issue with imovie 09 where when I export the movie project, the audio and video is out of sync starting at this specific area. What's odd though is that it plays fine while I'm editing in imovie but when the movie is exported, the file is messed up. I tried exporting using Quicktime and exporting the movie normally. I also tried replacing the clip where the problem with the audio started but it's still the same. I'm really upset because I spent hours editing this project but.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've never used iMovie 08 but I have a Mothers Day project I want to try. Will this work?
I want to take a bunch of photos from iPhoto, make a slideshow with them using dissolves, fades and cuts for the video. For the audio I want to use a song I have in iTunes.
Can I do this using iMovie 08, or even another app from iLife 08?
I am trying to have a song playing in the background of a movie I am creating. It needs to change volume part way through. Its my understanding this has been removed in imovie 09. How would I go about doing this? Is there any work arounds?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhat format I can input my videos into iMovie so that the video and audio can be separated? Or is this not possible in iMovie? Also what formats can I use to import into iMovie, I have only been successful with MPEG-4, .avi or MPEG-2 does not work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedImporting videos from my camera into iMovie works fine and dandy until I hit a certain clip. From that clip on, all the movies I try to import have no audio. However, when I click "Show In Finder" on these clips that have no audio and play them in Quicktime, they have audio! So then I re-imported these videos into iMovie, and it worked! They had sound! Is this really what I'm going have to do every time I try to import my videos from my camera? Import, show in finder, RE-import?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFirst, I finally understand "how" iMovie wants to work with audio ducting apposed to iMovie HD. But when a clip, a still to be precise, has no audio option so I can continue to duct it. How do I control the audio? I have read Ken Stone's biography on the program but I don't see the answer. Last, anyone else have uploading issues lately? I have uploaded a file to YouTube twice but YouTube gets nothing. Started out of the blue.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI took a video on my iPhone 4, uploaded it to my computer, and imported it into iMovie so I can edit the sound. At a few points throughout the one minute clip, my voice is overbearingly loud since I'm holding the phone nearest to me... and I'd like to adjust the sound (I guess simply decrease the volume?) at these few points where my voice overpowers the rest of the video... so as to make it less awkward for myself, really... before I share the video with any of my friends and family. How would I go about this to just edit the volumes of a few short segments?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI Am Making A Music Video And Everything Was Going Great Until One clip was off with the lyrics and i heard the music playing from the video so i detached the audio and deleted it and i still hear It ! and i turned down al audio from the inspecter what could be happening the clip is over a picture using it as a greenscreen background Please Help I Need To Have This Part Done By The End Of Today . ! PLEASE please help thanks alot ! I Also Have Final Cut Express If I Can Use That And It Would Make The Job Easier.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a project I'm working on from a birthday party. What I'm trying to do is take a 5 second audio clip from a piece of video (a bunch of 3 year olds screaming happy birthday) and use it as audio over a still image to start the video. I detached the audio that I want to use, highlighted it and copied it. I can't figure out how to use it elsewhere. Maybe it's not possible to do this in iMovie 09?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAs the topic says, am in need of an app that can remove the vocals frm an audio file like mp3 or wav?
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View 13 Replies View RelatedI have taken everything out of the trash and then returned items in small groups for successful emptying. That identified the problem which seems to be one iMovie 08 clip that causes the Secure Empty Trash to freeze. The progress bar shows that it contains 3 items which drops to 2 almost instantly. Then it freezes and just stays there (45 minutes or longer) until I select Force Quit. Clicking on the Stop Emptying Trash has no effect whatever.
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