OS X :: Won't Boot From Leopard / Stuck In Tiger

Dec 4, 2008

A few months ago, while running Tiger on my Mac Pro, I installed a new additional hard drive and then installed Leopard on that new volume, calling it "Leopard".

The boot volume choice seemed to be a bit flaky the few times have rebooted while installing, but I went with the flow and didn't pay any attention to it.

Today, I installed a bunch of new software in this sequence:

On Leopard: I installed Windows Office for OS X and two immediate subsequent software updates for that, bringing me up to 12.1.4
I did Software Update for OS X, bringing me up to 10.5.5
I then had to restart. When my system rebooted, Tiger came up. (I wasn't quite paying attention). Then, I got a prompt for Software Update again, so I did that (for Tiger). I clued in that I was running Tiger (missing the obvious fact that my screen background was not Leopard.... duh), when I saw the Java 10.4, Version 7 update. Then, my Tiger BackUp kicked in, so that took a DVD write, and an Adobe Reader update. Phew.

So, then I go into Tiger System Preferences and set the boot volume to Leopard, and restart. Tiger comes up again. I go back into Tiger System Prefs and select Leopard to boot from, and this time I lock the preferences, and restart. No joy - Tiger comes back up. Each time it confirmed to me that it had selected Leopard as the boot drive.

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OS X :: Tiger And Snow Leopard Boot Partitions

Sep 1, 2009

I want to keep my tiger system to boot form and use. I also got SL (bugs aren't a big deal, I have my current system to use). I have a 500gb installed. I already have my tiger system on its partition. I have another all waiting to install SL. There is only a couple of applications that I always use that I will install on SL on top of the iLife stuff that comes with SL (I got the Tiger upgrade package). I don't plan on migrating them, but do a fresh install. What I'm concerned about is my airport/network and user account. If I already have my Tiger system and airport xpress working with a name, encryption and passwords.

Do I need to migrate those settings over or can I have a entirely new settings for the SL boot? IOW, does the airport store the settings and WEP Passwords and all that stuff and can't have a totally new set of settings when I boot off of SL? Also, my user account. I'm the only one who uses my computer so I just have the one admin account I set up when I first got the machine. So do I need to migrate thst over too? Or can I/should I create a totally new account for SL? Or can I create a new account, but keep the exact same name and passwords that I use under Tiger?

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Power Mac G5 :: Can't Boot Into Tiger After Leopard Installation Fails

Nov 25, 2007

Installation of Leopard on my Power Mac G5 failed. After that, I can't even boot into Tiger. Whenever I power on, it just stays at the grey Apple screen. I thought changing the hard disk might help. But my experiments proved that the same behavior persists even without any hard disk. Power on, "dong", grey apple screen: that's it. What happened?

Power Mac G5 Dual 2.5Ghz, PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz, iBook G4 1.2Ghz, MBP 2.33Ghz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
LaCie 500GB, LaCie 1TB, several iPods

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OS X :: IMac - Possible To Dual Boot Tiger And Snow Leopard?

Dec 3, 2009

I just ordered a new iMac and I'll be upgrading from a 1GHz TiBook with Tiger on it. I have some important music software that I'm not 100% sure will work with Snow Leopard, but my understanding is that it's already ok for Universal Binary. So I had the thought that maybe I could put Tiger on the iMac and dual boot. I've never dealt with a dual-boot system before, other than a couple times when I played around with Classic Mode when I still had Jaguar and/or Panther.

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OS X :: G5 Dual Boot Tiger / Leopard (Files Access)

Apr 29, 2010

I have a G5 with a Tiger startup disk. I installed the HD from my retired MBP (with Leopard) into my G5 as a second hard drive. When I boot from Tiger, I can access the files on my Leopard disk, but not vice versa. I called Apple and they said it's most likely because the Leopard disk has a Laptop configuration, therefor it wouldn't look for another hard drive connected via sata. So my question is, how can I go about getting Leopard to look for another hard drive via sata? Is there an available driver?

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Software :: Tiger / Leopard Dual Boot On IMac G5

May 18, 2008

Since I do development, I want to keep my iMac G5 at 10.4.11 (Tiger) while having 10.5.2 (Leopard) on an external drive for booting and customer support (in the meantime anyways - at some point, I may move the internal to Leopard and keep a version of Tiger on the external drive for customer support).Sounds none too difficult to achieve this. Attach external drive, insert installation CD, and follow instructions.

One thing that alludes me is the best way to make the applications available on the external Leopard boot. Can I just run them from the internal drive or will they need to be copied/installed on the external as well? Any really clear and useful resources on this type of thing?

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Software :: Dual Boot Tiger (HD) And Leopard (Ext) On IMac

Feb 28, 2009

How do I install a dual boot with tiger on the internal Hard disk and leopard on the external usb/firewire hard disk.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: MacBook Stuck When Trying To Boot

Jul 4, 2012

So my MacBook is stuck trying to boot. I don't have disc.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Installation Stuck At Boot Up Screen?

Aug 31, 2009

I put the install disc in and went threw the windows, it started installing so I left it for a while, when I come back it has the gray apple and the spiny boot up screen, I thought no problem its just restarting after the install. Now its been like this for almost an hour. Anyone have any ideas, I'm afraid to push the power button fearing it might screw up the install.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Stuck In Boot Screen - Windows Boots Fine

Mar 8, 2010

So as the title explains, since last Friday I've been trying to figure out why my Macbook Pro started getting stuck on the boot screen with the spinning gear. Sometimes a progress bar appear and it fills like 1/20th of the way and goes back to the spinning gear. However, if I boot into Windows 7, it works fine. I tried using the Snow Leopard install disk to get into disk utility and it won't even boot from cd (For reference, I tried the hold-c command to boot into the cd). The I tried resetting the PRAM, the SMC reset and the fsk thing, no bananas. I have this Macbook Pro since June 2009. I'm shot of ideas, if you guys have no idea what's wrong its a call to Apple, or a meeting with a "Genius" ugh.

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PowerPC :: Stuck On Tiger Installation For Ibook?

Jul 4, 2009

I recently have recieved an ibook with osx 10.3.9 that doesnt have any wireless internet. Since i have a wireless adapter, i decided to install it on so i can use this computer for internet. Since the driver for the installer is only for newer osx versions i decided to upgrade my os. I knew that my cd-rw/dvd-rom drive isnt working so i booted disk1 of the cd-installation from my old ipod. Now it wants disk 2 and when i put in my ipod with the second disk it wont continue installation.

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Mac Pro :: Stuck At Gray Boot Screen - Boot XP

Apr 27, 2008

trying to boot in Leopard my Mac Pro will get the the gray loading screen with the "loading circle" and just sit there forever. Than after a bit it will just stop and the whole computer can shut itself down. I just installed the 8800gt upgrade kit last week, and have had no problems at all for the past week. The only thing that changed that may be related is the 8800GT XP Driver. I installed the latest beta driver for it under XP in boot camp because it wasn't working properly with the default boot camp drivers. So I can correctly boot in the XP via boot camp, but trying to boot in Leopard it just hangs at the gray loading screen.

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MacBook :: Tiger OS : Boot Up Using 2.5 HDD?

Feb 5, 2009

Any one know how to do the boot up mention above?

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OS X :: Not Able To Boot Tiger DVD On IBook

Sep 13, 2009

I have a iBook G3 laptop that has a new hard drive that has been formatted. I can't boot my Tiger DVD off the iBook when pressing the letter C. I receive a blinking folder icon. When I hook a firewire cable from the iBook to my Mac Pro running Leopard I can boot off the DVD. After I click on English as my language I receive a dialogue box stating I can't install Tiger on my Mac Pro. When I go to Disk Utility it does see the formatted new hard drive. I want to get Tiger on the new hard drive.

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PowerPC :: G3 Won't Boot Into Tiger Install DVD

Dec 21, 2007

I have an iMac G3 DV Special edition which I bought off of craigslist with 400MHz, 384MB of Ram and a 13GB hard drive. It came with Mac OS X 10.1.5 and I'd like to upgrade it to Tiger. I have the install DVD and when I insert the disc, the iMac sees it and asks me to restart the machine so it can install but when I click ok and it restarts, nothing happens. It just boots back into Mac OS X. I've tried holding down the C key and setting it to boot the disk in the System Preferences area but nothing.

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OS X :: Backup Of Tiger Won't Boot From Install DVD

Feb 20, 2010

I bought my dad's copy of Tiger, and copies of legally obtained software for backup use are not copyright violations.

I've got an old iBook G4 that was still running Panther. It still runs fine, but I can't really do anything on it since not many new programs run on it. I had my dad make a copy of his Tiger disc to send to me online. I got it in .dmg format, converted it to .iso on a PC (no DVD burner on the iBook) and burned it with Roxio.

The DVD loads perfectly fine in the iBook, but it refuses to boot. Is there a step I missed when converting and burning it? The part I understand the least is when I open the Startup Disk preferences pane, the install disc shows up, but when I try and boot from it, all I get is the missing OS icon. Then it gives up and boots normally.

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Software :: Won't Boot After OS X Tiger Install

Aug 11, 2009

I have a fairly old laptop - a silver Powerbook G4. It was running on 10.3.9 which yesterday I tried updating to OS X Tiger (10.4).

The install seemed to work fine, and told me to restart. I followed these instructions, but my machine would not boot up after that.

It will 'turn on' - it makes the start up sound, displays the apple on the screen, then after a while moves onto a blue screen with a box in the middle which says Mac OS X, and has a loader bar with nothing loading in it. This stays the same however long I wait.

I have tried safe mode but nothing different seems to happen. I cannot use an earlier disc because I can't get the tiger disc out of my machine.

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PowerPC :: Can't Install My Copy Of Tiger - Can't Get It To Boot

Apr 18, 2009

i got a ibook g3 and i cant install my copy of tiger it is on cd and cant get it to boot it reads it fine if it is on desktop but not if i hold c or key it dose however boot in other macs

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OS X :: MacBook Won't Boot Tiger From Its Install Disk?

Dec 27, 2009

I was excited to get my hands on our family's 'family' copy of Snow Leopard to install on my MacBook running Tiger 10.4.11... I'd checked out tutorials on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loFUyDjCbK8) on how to clean install Snow leopard onto a blank hard disk, and was all set to bring my OS up to date...

I inserted the Snow Leopard DVD and restarted and immediately held down the 'c' key and then... 3 minutes or so of the loading icon ticking later and the DVD was rejected and I only had one button to click on, 'Macintosh HD' to start up from.

After re-trying several times I thought it was because I was trying to do it with Snow Leopard on my MacBook running Tiger so I tried restarting this time with disk 1 of the Tiger DVD. This was rejected too!

So currently I am not able to wipe my hard disk as far as I know because I can't get to this screen to start the process (unless it's possible to do from within Tiger and if it is then I'm just worried that if I wipe it and I can't restart from the DVDs then I'll be in even bigger trouble).

Has anyone encountered problems like these and does anyone know of a solution? I've never had any problems with my DVD drive in the past which leads me to suspect it's not because of that.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp 7 - Stuck On "Press Any Key To Boot From CD Or DVD"

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate onto my Mac Mini using Boot Camp Assistant. On the Windows 7 install it reboots three times. On the third time, it boots to black screen with "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...." When I try to hit any key on my Apple Wireless Keyboard, it does nothing. Same thing when I hook up a wired USB HP keyboard to the mini. It is entirely unresponsive. I have tried letting it run for a while to see if it would move on. I have tried changing the startup disk in Mac OS X to the Windows partition but I get nothing but a blank black screen with a flashing underscore.

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OS X :: Using Terminal To Erase Hard Disk Because Can't Boot From Dvd To Reinstall Tiger

Aug 4, 2007

i know that diskutil has alot of commands and im not sure how to use them, i would specifically want to know how to use eraseDisk properly. Or is there any other way to clean install tiger without using darwin? I know eraseDisk gives me a format to use but i never get it right for some reason. diskutil eraseDisk "Journaled HFS+" MacintoshHD bootable /dev/disk0 -- this works i got it right now but it gives me this error: could not unmount disk for zeroing

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PowerPC :: Unable To Boot G4 From Retail Tiger Install Disc

Feb 7, 2009

so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?

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OS X :: Is Tiger Upgradable To Snow Leopard Without Installing Leopard First?

Nov 26, 2008

Question in the title - just wondering if I will need to upgrade to Leopard before Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: Upgrading Two Macs Tiger & Leopard To Snow Leopard?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got two Macs: one Tiger (iLife '06), and one Leopard (iLife '08) and I would like to upgrade both to Snow Leopard. I'm in the UK.I need help finding the best price/capability compromiseI have looked at the prices for doing this and come up with the following options:Most expensive optionBuy the 5-user Mac Box Set (Including OS X Snow Leopard, iLife 09, iWork 09) for 179This way I've got both machines running the latest everything.Next OptionBuy the Single User Leopard box set (including iLife/iWork 09) to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?108.34) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?147.34. This way I have iLife/iWork 09 on the MacMini but not the MacBook.

Cheapest OptionBuy the Single User Leopard disc to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?68.99) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?107.99.

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Applications :: Using Carbon Copy Cloner On Tiger - How Do I Boot From Usb And Restore Image

Dec 29, 2008

I recently bought a usb HD and have put my carbon copy images on it. But i need to roll back to an earlier time. And the mac isnt booting to the OS. How do i boot from usb and restore the image?

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PowerPC :: IMAC G4 Stuck In Boot

Oct 14, 2007

I picked up this G4 (M6498, 17", 800/256/80HD) from a lady in her 80's whose son sent her a new G5, but I'm having trouble getting it to boot on HD or CD. When I turn it on all I get is a file icon alternating between mac face and "?". Boot from IMAC CD: same thing - I hear the CD track switching a few times periodically but that's it. Boot from OS9 Install CD: same thing. I'm not that familiar with iMac, although I've had a few other Mac machines on and off through the years AppleIIe, PowerMacG3). Any suggestions what to try next?

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OS X :: Mac Stuck On Boot Screen - Too Much App Memory

Mar 2, 2009

I have osx leopard. It froze up every so often and saying 'too much application memory on start up disc'. I end up restarting my computer. I have over 100gigs on my hardrive. I restarted my computer and now it does not boot up.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Won't Boot - Stuck In Loop

May 19, 2010

This morning I went to use my laptop, Screensaver passsword box came up and it wouldn't recognise my password at all, So i rebooted. Now my macbook doesn't get any further then the apple logo with the progress wheel then after a while it reboots. So far i've tried the following:

1.)Reset PRAM
2.)Ran Disk Util from install disk and repaired disk permissions
3.) Booted into Safe mode

None of the above have made any difference at all? I thought about "repairing" the install of os x but the version on my disc is older than the version on the laptop so it won't let me?

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Intel Mac :: Stuck At Boot Logo?

Jun 6, 2012

Ok so i yesterday, i wanted to learn computer programming so i decided to download Xcode for mac (The latest one for snow leopard) Everything went fine and a little error pops up during the installation saying something about needing to reinstall soundflower(or something similar to soundflower) I ignored it and everything went fine, i could use Xcode without any errors. Today (after my dad and my sister used the iMac) the Mac went laggy with the rainbow spinning thing. I restarted my computer and now i am stuck on apple logo. I went to the verbose mode and this is what i've found.


There was a line saying systemShutdown false between the errors and the errors is still continuing.

I also tried holding shift for the safemode but it just went into restart loop until i let go the shift button

iPhone 4, iOS 5

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OS X :: Imac Boot Camp - Gets Stuck At Screen

Sep 23, 2010

I recently upgraded my Imac Harddrive from a standard 320 GB to a 1.5 TB Segate Barracuda 7200 Rpm 3GBS. Previously I had a boot camp partition for windows 7 ultimate. When I put in the new harddrive I decided to start fresh and do clean installs. Now when I try and install Windows 7 it goes fine until the last restart (4 total including initial restart). Then it just gets stuck at the screen where it says "Push any Key to Boot from CD or DVD". It will stay like that for a few seconds then the disk will stop spinning. So my question is now what do I do? I have to have windows for work purposes and this is driving me insane.

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