I want to keep my tiger system to boot form and use. I also got SL (bugs aren't a big deal, I have my current system to use). I have a 500gb installed. I already have my tiger system on its partition. I have another all waiting to install SL. There is only a couple of applications that I always use that I will install on SL on top of the iLife stuff that comes with SL (I got the Tiger upgrade package). I don't plan on migrating them, but do a fresh install. What I'm concerned about is my airport/network and user account. If I already have my Tiger system and airport xpress working with a name, encryption and passwords.
Do I need to migrate those settings over or can I have a entirely new settings for the SL boot? IOW, does the airport store the settings and WEP Passwords and all that stuff and can't have a totally new set of settings when I boot off of SL? Also, my user account. I'm the only one who uses my computer so I just have the one admin account I set up when I first got the machine. So do I need to migrate thst over too? Or can I/should I create a totally new account for SL? Or can I create a new account, but keep the exact same name and passwords that I use under Tiger?
The video card on the G5 iMac that I was using died so I bought a Mac Pro with Lion installed. I'd like to keep the apps that are on the old drive but I understand that they won't work with Lion. The old drive from the G5iMac has two partitions with Tiger on one of them and nothing on the other one. I'm considering installing Snow Leopard on the other partition since it's documented that Snow Leopard will work with the apps that I used on Tiger. Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer apps from the Tiger partition to the Snow Leopard partition? I've heard it said that the move must be from one *drive* to another--that Apple does not support the transfer of apps from one OS from one partition to another on the same drive. (The Mac Pro has 2.8 GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon processer with 3gb of RAM.)
I just ordered a new iMac and I'll be upgrading from a 1GHz TiBook with Tiger on it. I have some important music software that I'm not 100% sure will work with Snow Leopard, but my understanding is that it's already ok for Universal Binary. So I had the thought that maybe I could put Tiger on the iMac and dual boot. I've never dealt with a dual-boot system before, other than a couple times when I played around with Classic Mode when I still had Jaguar and/or Panther.
I have a macpro setup with two partitions.Originally one partition assigned to Snow Leopard.I log in using a network user (using OSX server) and that user has local Admin rights.I setup a new instance of Snow Leopard on the secondary Partition and logged in using the network user.This had the effect of using the partition 1 Home directory for this user and I can't get the secondary partition to use itself for storing the users home directory.The workaround I have is to log in to Partition 2 snow leopard with a local admin user then temporarily rename the Users folder on partition 1. Next login to partition 2 as the network user, then everything gets created on partition 2 as expected.Finally rename the Partition 1 Users folder back.Now I can log in to either partitoin with the same user and have different local home setups.
Anyone else had this or is there a better procedure for setting up multiple partitions? The same happens with LION. I need to keep a snowleoapard partition with all the setup I currently have, but start a new LION partition.I don't want any cross contamination, hence the requirement for separation.
I recently replaced Leopard 10.5 with a clean installation (not an upgrade) of Snow Leopard 10A432 (SL) on my Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook (aluminum, 2GB RAM). Under Leopard 10.5 I was able to use Disk Utility (DU) to dynamically re-size existing volumes on USB hard drives. But under SL I am unable to do so. While I am able to replace all existing partitions on a USB drive with a new set of partitions and resize them prior to their creation by dragging the slider bars, once created, DU will not let me dynamically resize the new partitions. Doing so was easy with DU under 10.5. For example, after I re-partitioned a USB drive with DU under SL and created 2 partitions, I was able to make the top partition smaller by dragging the bottom edge upward from the lower right corner, but there seems to be no way (and no slider bars) to adjust the size of the lower partition to use the space freed by having made the upper partition smaller. In fact, although the upper partition reports a smaller size, when clicked on, the border around the upper partition still includes the range defined by its initial, larger size. There also seems to be now way (no slider bars) at the top edge of partitions that would allow them to be expanded/contracted from the top down. Has anyone else encountered these issues? Any thoughts/suggestions as to how to resolve them? Are these known issues? I have searched but not come across it as yet.
A few months ago, while running Tiger on my Mac Pro, I installed a new additional hard drive and then installed Leopard on that new volume, calling it "Leopard".
The boot volume choice seemed to be a bit flaky the few times have rebooted while installing, but I went with the flow and didn't pay any attention to it.
Today, I installed a bunch of new software in this sequence:
On Leopard: I installed Windows Office for OS X and two immediate subsequent software updates for that, bringing me up to 12.1.4 I did Software Update for OS X, bringing me up to 10.5.5 I then had to restart. When my system rebooted, Tiger came up. (I wasn't quite paying attention). Then, I got a prompt for Software Update again, so I did that (for Tiger). I clued in that I was running Tiger (missing the obvious fact that my screen background was not Leopard.... duh), when I saw the Java 10.4, Version 7 update. Then, my Tiger BackUp kicked in, so that took a DVD write, and an Adobe Reader update. Phew.
So, then I go into Tiger System Preferences and set the boot volume to Leopard, and restart. Tiger comes up again. I go back into Tiger System Prefs and select Leopard to boot from, and this time I lock the preferences, and restart. No joy - Tiger comes back up. Each time it confirmed to me that it had selected Leopard as the boot drive.
Installation of Leopard on my Power Mac G5 failed. After that, I can't even boot into Tiger. Whenever I power on, it just stays at the grey Apple screen. I thought changing the hard disk might help. But my experiments proved that the same behavior persists even without any hard disk. Power on, "dong", grey apple screen: that's it. What happened?
Information: Power Mac G5 Dual 2.5Ghz, PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz, iBook G4 1.2Ghz, MBP 2.33Ghz Mac OS X (10.5.1) LaCie 500GB, LaCie 1TB, several iPods
I have a G5 with a Tiger startup disk. I installed the HD from my retired MBP (with Leopard) into my G5 as a second hard drive. When I boot from Tiger, I can access the files on my Leopard disk, but not vice versa. I called Apple and they said it's most likely because the Leopard disk has a Laptop configuration, therefor it wouldn't look for another hard drive connected via sata. So my question is, how can I go about getting Leopard to look for another hard drive via sata? Is there an available driver?
Since I do development, I want to keep my iMac G5 at 10.4.11 (Tiger) while having 10.5.2 (Leopard) on an external drive for booting and customer support (in the meantime anyways - at some point, I may move the internal to Leopard and keep a version of Tiger on the external drive for customer support).Sounds none too difficult to achieve this. Attach external drive, insert installation CD, and follow instructions.
One thing that alludes me is the best way to make the applications available on the external Leopard boot. Can I just run them from the internal drive or will they need to be copied/installed on the external as well? Any really clear and useful resources on this type of thing?
I have a mac book pro with a 111.8GB internal HD (only internal hard drive). current state: 3 partitions (all very close to the same size) named: "HDD_tiger", "shared" and "other". As the name implies HDD_tiger has 10.4.11 on it. goal state: I want to join the "shared" and "other" partitions without ffecting "HDD_tiger". Other data that might be needed: I don't care what the other name of the partition is but I plan to move my iTunes files from an external HD to this new > 70GB partition. I have 66GB in my iTunes folder (hence the reason it's on an external HD). Date of Manufacture: less than 8 months after Apple went to Intel processors
I've got two Macs: one Tiger (iLife '06), and one Leopard (iLife '08) and I would like to upgrade both to Snow Leopard. I'm in the UK.I need help finding the best price/capability compromiseI have looked at the prices for doing this and come up with the following options:Most expensive optionBuy the 5-user Mac Box Set (Including OS X Snow Leopard, iLife 09, iWork 09) for 179This way I've got both machines running the latest everything.Next OptionBuy the Single User Leopard box set (including iLife/iWork 09) to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?108.34) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?147.34. This way I have iLife/iWork 09 on the MacMini but not the MacBook.
Cheapest OptionBuy the Single User Leopard disc to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?68.99) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?107.99.
It might be possible to use the $29 disc but is is legal?:
"The actual 10.6 EULA:
C. Leopard Upgrade Licenses. If you have purchased an Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-branded computer as long as that computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. If you have purchased a Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of ļ¬ve (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household (as deļ¬ned above), are used by persons who occupy that same household, and each such computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. The Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard License does not extend to business or commercial users.to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of ļ¬ve (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household (as deļ¬ned above), are used by persons who occupy that same household, and each such computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. The Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard License does not extend to business or commercial users.
Now that it's been out for awhile, I was curious what people's success rates have been with just getting the Snow Leopard disc and not the box set to upgrade Tiger? Or is it still recommended to get the Box Set? I honestly rarely use either the iLife or iWork suites, so that's why I was wondering.
Now that's it's been out for awhile, and based on people's experiences, if I'm looking to upgrade Tiger to Snow Leopard, should I get the box set or no? I rarely use the "i" suites as it is. Just wondering what might be the best route, since apparently the box set doesn't include anything to do with Leopard.
so i've done a lot of research, and a vast majority of people are saying that if you install the $30 upgrade to snow leopard onto an intel based mac running Tiger, it works!I have two questions regarding this.
Is it true!? because i don't want to waste $30 for nothing Would i be able to run logic 9 after this upgrade? my only goal is to run logic 9. I have no interest in any of the features that come with leopard or snow leopard
I am helping a friend upgrade a three year old iMac from 10.4 (tiger) to 10.6 (snow leopard), she has purchased all the software 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 upgrade. For some reason she never moved to 10.5 even though she had the DVD. In addition I wanted to have a "clean install". The first thing I did was make a backup of all of her files. Then I booted 10.4 from DVD and used disk utility to erase the hard disk. Next
I booted 10.6 from DVD and selected English as the language, then I get the following error: "Mac OS X can't be installed on this computer. It requires a previous installation of 10.5."
Do we really have to go from 10.4 to 10.5 to 10.6? What a pain in the butt!!! Any ideas on how to skip 10.5? I already erased the hard disk.
Here is a link that recommends a clean install: http://www.cultofmac.com/how-to-upgr...ight-way/15141
Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.
In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.
I have 10.4 system and now want to upgrade to snow leopard but was told that first I should upgrade from tiger to leopard since I do have a leopard disk as well. Is this information correct and how big a deal is it to do these upgrades- how much time and how complicated?
How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.
Posting for a friend who has just purchased Snow Leopard Box Set and wants to upgrade from Tiger. She was half way through the installation when she thought that Snow Leopard had not asked her to back up and she cancelled the installation half way through (not sure how, think she just turned off her Mac). She turned it back on but the only option it is giving her is too continue with the installation of Snow Leopard.
What she wants to know is will the erase all her data on her hard drive, or will she still have her files located in Documents/ Downloads etc when the installation is complete. I know when I upgraded from Leopard all these files were still present, I'm not so sure if it is the same with Tiger. Shes really worried about this as she has some valuable files in there.
I almost bought the upgrade disc today, however on further thought and reading around here, i've gathered that people seem to have A LOT of problems with macbooks in general. Since i bought my computer used and it doesn't have apple care, i'm thinking the age old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Because i'd hate to upgrade then i start having wireless problems etc.
Is it worth the upgrade? I do a lot of digital audio oriented stuff and i'd really like to upgrade simply because some virtual instruments and plug in's only work with 10.5 or above.
I'm trying to install snow leopard over tiger.I managed to get ahold of a .DMG of Snow Leopard build 10A432.I also managed to access the hidden folder "System" by pressingApple+Shift+G and typing "system/installation/packages."I then deleted all the unnecessary printer driver package files and the VISIBLE Optional Installs folder.
I noticed the structure of the library subfolder of the HIDDEN system folder in the snow leopard dmg slightly echoes that in the VISIBLE system folder of Tiger, which can be accessed by searching hard drive name>system>library.
I'm a complete noob, so bare with me as I ask: Is it possible to simply copy the HIDDEN library subfolder from the snow leopard dmg to the VISIBLE system folder of Tiger (which is at HDD>system>library?
I've got my old iBook G4 with loads of docs, musics, pictures etc on it, and have bought a recent 2nd hand MBP running Snow Leopard, and want to transfer everything over to it. I tried Migration Assistant but this doesn't seem to work properly Tiger to SL, seems designed for Leopard to Snow Leopard. So:
1) Should I upgrade Tiger to Leopard on the G4, and then use Migration Assistant? If so do I need a special Tiger to Leopard upgrade disc or will an ordinary Leopard disc do?
2) Should I aim to have the same username on the MBP as on the G4, or will this cause problems?
3) Any other tips on getting my stuff from the old computer to the new one!