OS X :: Backup Of Tiger Won't Boot From Install DVD

Feb 20, 2010

I bought my dad's copy of Tiger, and copies of legally obtained software for backup use are not copyright violations.

I've got an old iBook G4 that was still running Panther. It still runs fine, but I can't really do anything on it since not many new programs run on it. I had my dad make a copy of his Tiger disc to send to me online. I got it in .dmg format, converted it to .iso on a PC (no DVD burner on the iBook) and burned it with Roxio.

The DVD loads perfectly fine in the iBook, but it refuses to boot. Is there a step I missed when converting and burning it? The part I understand the least is when I open the Startup Disk preferences pane, the install disc shows up, but when I try and boot from it, all I get is the missing OS icon. Then it gives up and boots normally.

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OS X V10.4 :: Possible To Install Tiger From Backup Clone?

Mar 24, 2012

G3 iBook running Tiger (no disks). G4 iBook running Panther. If the G3 was cloned, e.g. with SuperDuper, could restoring the clone to the G4 be enough to install Tiger on it? Or does an install have to be via disk, not cloned backup?

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4, 1.67GHz, 1GB RAM, 250GB HD

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OS X :: Wont Boot Of Tiger Install Dvd / Can't Install

Jun 12, 2009

I installed leopard on it while back but it originally came with tiger. lost the recovery cds. I want it back to tiger. When i put the original tiger dvd in it will say in cannot install the software. so i figured i use TDM to connect it to my imac(running leopard) I used disk utility to erase the HD and did repair disk afterwords. I tried to boot the dvd using the c button on the MB but i would respond and went to the question mark folder.

How can i get tiger back on my MB
please don't ask me why i want tiger back and what leopard off its not really relevant.

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PowerPC :: G3 Won't Boot Into Tiger Install DVD

Dec 21, 2007

I have an iMac G3 DV Special edition which I bought off of craigslist with 400MHz, 384MB of Ram and a 13GB hard drive. It came with Mac OS X 10.1.5 and I'd like to upgrade it to Tiger. I have the install DVD and when I insert the disc, the iMac sees it and asks me to restart the machine so it can install but when I click ok and it restarts, nothing happens. It just boots back into Mac OS X. I've tried holding down the C key and setting it to boot the disk in the System Preferences area but nothing.

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Software :: Won't Boot After OS X Tiger Install

Aug 11, 2009

I have a fairly old laptop - a silver Powerbook G4. It was running on 10.3.9 which yesterday I tried updating to OS X Tiger (10.4).

The install seemed to work fine, and told me to restart. I followed these instructions, but my machine would not boot up after that.

It will 'turn on' - it makes the start up sound, displays the apple on the screen, then after a while moves onto a blue screen with a box in the middle which says Mac OS X, and has a loader bar with nothing loading in it. This stays the same however long I wait.

I have tried safe mode but nothing different seems to happen. I cannot use an earlier disc because I can't get the tiger disc out of my machine.

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PowerPC :: Can't Install My Copy Of Tiger - Can't Get It To Boot

Apr 18, 2009

i got a ibook g3 and i cant install my copy of tiger it is on cd and cant get it to boot it reads it fine if it is on desktop but not if i hold c or key it dose however boot in other macs

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OS X :: MacBook Won't Boot Tiger From Its Install Disk?

Dec 27, 2009

I was excited to get my hands on our family's 'family' copy of Snow Leopard to install on my MacBook running Tiger 10.4.11... I'd checked out tutorials on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loFUyDjCbK8) on how to clean install Snow leopard onto a blank hard disk, and was all set to bring my OS up to date...

I inserted the Snow Leopard DVD and restarted and immediately held down the 'c' key and then... 3 minutes or so of the loading icon ticking later and the DVD was rejected and I only had one button to click on, 'Macintosh HD' to start up from.

After re-trying several times I thought it was because I was trying to do it with Snow Leopard on my MacBook running Tiger so I tried restarting this time with disk 1 of the Tiger DVD. This was rejected too!

So currently I am not able to wipe my hard disk as far as I know because I can't get to this screen to start the process (unless it's possible to do from within Tiger and if it is then I'm just worried that if I wipe it and I can't restart from the DVDs then I'll be in even bigger trouble).

Has anyone encountered problems like these and does anyone know of a solution? I've never had any problems with my DVD drive in the past which leads me to suspect it's not because of that.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Boot G4 From Retail Tiger Install Disc

Feb 7, 2009

so I have a very unique, bizarre problem. A friend brought her G4 1.67gHz 15" Powerbook to the office to have it looked at as it wasn't working properly. I took a look at it and found that one of the RAM chips was shorted out. I took it out and ordered her a new pair (since it was like $26 for 2gb, and with the one removed she was running on 512). Here's where it gets bizarre: I installed the new RAM and it was freezing regularly. I then took one out and it was still freezing regularly. I booted it from my Utilities partition (I have a bootable firewire drive set up to fix problems and recover data) and ran Disk Warrior, TechTool, and a whole heapin helpin of other fixin and optimization apps. I got it to fix all the reported errors, TechTool reports no hardware errors, everything should work perfectly. So now, the laptop boots to a blue screen. I can't boot it from a retail Tiger install disc, and I can't boot it from the hard drive, it just boots to the Apple logo, the Unix spinner, and then goes blue and freezes. So I set it as a firewire target drive and was able to do an archive/install of Tiger using my G5. It recognized and installed fine and it booted my G5. Ok, so it's not the drive. I restart and nothing, apple/unix logos then blue screen. Same with the Tiger DVD. I replace the original 512MB stick (the working one) and still same result. So finally I go back to my Firewire repairs disc and everything boots fine, all tests come out fine, drive is recognized and works fine, etc. What could cause a computer to boot, a drive to be bootable, but a computer not being able to boot on any installed drive?

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Desktops :: G5 Won't Install Tiger / Hanging At Install And Disk Utility

Oct 27, 2010

I have a dual 2ghz G5 that i wanted to clean off and start fresh. I wiped the drive with disk utility and tried to install os from tiger install dvd. G5 keeps hanging at install and also at disk utility. I've swapped both the osX install dvd disk and the entire dvd drive, but still hangs at os load or utility.

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PowerPC :: Won't Work With Install CD To Install Tiger

Nov 30, 2006

Anyone knows if the install cds shipped with the macbook pro C2D are able to install OSX on a PPC mac. Macbook pro install CD to install tiger on a G4 Powerbook?

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OS X :: Upgrading From Tiger To Snow Leopard - No Backup

Oct 12, 2009

Posting for a friend who has just purchased Snow Leopard Box Set and wants to upgrade from Tiger. She was half way through the installation when she thought that Snow Leopard had not asked her to back up and she cancelled the installation half way through (not sure how, think she just turned off her Mac). She turned it back on but the only option it is giving her is too continue with the installation of Snow Leopard.

What she wants to know is will the erase all her data on her hard drive, or will she still have her files located in Documents/ Downloads etc when the installation is complete. I know when I upgraded from Leopard all these files were still present, I'm not so sure if it is the same with Tiger. Shes really worried about this as she has some valuable files in there.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Backup And Update From Tiger To Snow Leopard

Sep 15, 2010

i have an intel MacBook that i bought just before Leopard came out. Its currently running Tiger 10.4.11 and I'm thinking of upgrading it to Snow Leopard.

Ive never had problems upgrading before, but I'd like to make a backup of it first (just in case). My other Mac has Leopard on it when i bought it so I've had Time Machine to do it all for me. However, obviously, there is no Time Machine in Tiger.

Could i simply plug in an external HDD and have disc utility make a Disk Image of my MacBook HDD onto it to use as a backup?

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OS X :: Unable To Access Time Machine Backup In Tiger

Nov 20, 2008

I have 10.4.11 installed and have some time machine backups from a leopard system on one of my externals. When I try to navigate to one of the backups and get into any of the user folders like documents, pictures, etc it says I don't have permission to access them? Yet I check the permissions and they are read/write.

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IMac :: Won't Backup Apps / Upgrading Tiger To Leopard

Apr 24, 2009

how to keep my Tiger applications (relatively) functional when I upgrade to Leopard. I have Carbon Copy Cloner. The question(s) is/are:

1. If I make a selective backup, what folders other than Applications to I choose from my current Tiger HD?

2. Once I know which Folders to backup, can I save as a dmg?

3. If I can save as a dmg, how do I restore the Applications to the Leopard system without running into "issues."

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MacBook :: Tiger OS : Boot Up Using 2.5 HDD?

Feb 5, 2009

Any one know how to do the boot up mention above?

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OS X :: Not Able To Boot Tiger DVD On IBook

Sep 13, 2009

I have a iBook G3 laptop that has a new hard drive that has been formatted. I can't boot my Tiger DVD off the iBook when pressing the letter C. I receive a blinking folder icon. When I hook a firewire cable from the iBook to my Mac Pro running Leopard I can boot off the DVD. After I click on English as my language I receive a dialogue box stating I can't install Tiger on my Mac Pro. When I go to Disk Utility it does see the formatted new hard drive. I want to get Tiger on the new hard drive.

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OS X :: Won't Boot From Leopard / Stuck In Tiger

Dec 4, 2008

A few months ago, while running Tiger on my Mac Pro, I installed a new additional hard drive and then installed Leopard on that new volume, calling it "Leopard".

The boot volume choice seemed to be a bit flaky the few times have rebooted while installing, but I went with the flow and didn't pay any attention to it.

Today, I installed a bunch of new software in this sequence:

On Leopard: I installed Windows Office for OS X and two immediate subsequent software updates for that, bringing me up to 12.1.4
I did Software Update for OS X, bringing me up to 10.5.5
I then had to restart. When my system rebooted, Tiger came up. (I wasn't quite paying attention). Then, I got a prompt for Software Update again, so I did that (for Tiger). I clued in that I was running Tiger (missing the obvious fact that my screen background was not Leopard.... duh), when I saw the Java 10.4, Version 7 update. Then, my Tiger BackUp kicked in, so that took a DVD write, and an Adobe Reader update. Phew.

So, then I go into Tiger System Preferences and set the boot volume to Leopard, and restart. Tiger comes up again. I go back into Tiger System Prefs and select Leopard to boot from, and this time I lock the preferences, and restart. No joy - Tiger comes back up. Each time it confirmed to me that it had selected Leopard as the boot drive.

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OS X :: Can't Install SL From Tiger?

Oct 19, 2009

when i insert the SL upgrade dvd (9.99 version), and i boot up from the dvd, i get this:

and i cannot select disk utility to wipe my drive. not sure what else to do.

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MacBook :: Unable To Find Backup Option / Installing Tiger Snow Leopard

Sep 12, 2009

"it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead."

I don't have an external harddrive. What other backup options do I have?

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OS X :: Tiger And Snow Leopard Boot Partitions

Sep 1, 2009

I want to keep my tiger system to boot form and use. I also got SL (bugs aren't a big deal, I have my current system to use). I have a 500gb installed. I already have my tiger system on its partition. I have another all waiting to install SL. There is only a couple of applications that I always use that I will install on SL on top of the iLife stuff that comes with SL (I got the Tiger upgrade package). I don't plan on migrating them, but do a fresh install. What I'm concerned about is my airport/network and user account. If I already have my Tiger system and airport xpress working with a name, encryption and passwords.

Do I need to migrate those settings over or can I have a entirely new settings for the SL boot? IOW, does the airport store the settings and WEP Passwords and all that stuff and can't have a totally new set of settings when I boot off of SL? Also, my user account. I'm the only one who uses my computer so I just have the one admin account I set up when I first got the machine. So do I need to migrate thst over too? Or can I/should I create a totally new account for SL? Or can I create a new account, but keep the exact same name and passwords that I use under Tiger?

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PowerPC :: Cannot Install Tiger On G4

Mar 10, 2009

I just obtained a PowerPC G4 Tower, but there was no hard drive in it. Because of this, I put in an older 20 gb hard drive I had just laying around. It is from an old Windows PC I had, but I don't know if thats a problem or not. Anyways, when I try to boot from the Tiger disc, nothing happens. I have tried holding down C when I turn the mac on, but that doesn't help at all. I just always get the mac icon with a question mark in the middle of the screen. I am just wondering, is this anything to do with the PC hard drive I put in the mac? Or is there something else that I am doing wrong? I just want Tiger to be installed on the computer.

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OS X :: Can't Install Leopard Over Tiger?

May 2, 2009

Recently my parents just bought a Macbook with Leopard on it. I own a three year old Macbook that runs Tiger. I saw this as a chance to upgrade to Leopard. I tried to install Leopard on my Macbook but it says that it can't install on my machine. I've searched various places but I've gotten vague answers. Is it because the disk is hardware specific (From what I've heard) or is it something else and I'm not getting it?

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OS X :: Tiger To SL With Full Install DVD

Oct 28, 2009

I have a late 2007 MBP running Tiger (10.4.11). I recently purchased a new iMAC that came with SL (10.6.1). I have tried twice to use this DVD to upgrade my MBP from Tiger to SL, but it keeps telling me that OS X can't be installed on this machine. Do I need to use an UPGRADE DVD to actually do the Upgrade?

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OS X :: Format New HD And Install Tiger On G3?

Dec 7, 2009

I am trying to install Tiger on a G3, 500mhz, 1gig ram that I was recently given and need to install a larger hard drive. I have the Tiger CD's and a 80 GB HD that was on a PC before. Since it only holds one HD how can I format it and install this OSX on this machine? Can the BIOS be set to boot from a CD?

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PowerPC :: G5 1.6 GHz Install Of Tiger

Jul 9, 2010

I have an original Tiger 10.4 install disk for a G-5 computer. When I boot up the computer with the install disk everything is fine. However when I run Disk Utility the only option I have for formatting the partitions is MS-DOS or free space. No Mac OS X formats are offered. If I run a 10.5 Install disk I am offered the options in Disk Utility to use Mac OS X HDD formatting. Any one have any idea what I need to do to get DU in Tiger to format the HDD in Mac OS X format? BTW, the HDD's in the unit are pre-formatted in Windows NTFS if that makes a difference. I just want to make sure Tiger supports Mac OS X format before doing anything else.

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Software :: I Can't Install Os X Tiger On G4

Jul 12, 2008

I have a PPC ibook g4 with panther, i have the Tiger DVD but when i try to install, i put the dvd restart the machine press C but after that i just can see the gray screen with the apple simble and nothing more. I tested the dvd and i can open everything when i'm using panther.

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Software :: Cannot Install Mac OS X Tiger

Oct 6, 2010

So I have a few ibooks at the time I didn't have actual copy of mac os x and needed to erase the HD so I hooked 2 of them up by firewire cable in target disk mode. I was able to erase that way except I don't know if messed anything up there are 2 spaces in disk utility that will something like 37.0 fujitsu and then underneath it would say Macintosh HD well I wrote zeros to both took about 25 minutes then I get a copy of mac os a few days later try to drag the source mac os x tiger into destination the one that says fujitsu 37.0gb (by the way I'm doing this all with external monitor cause they have cracked screens). I shut the ibook off then power it on by itself it will start the installer for tiger and ask what volume I want to install it on and the picture of the harddrive that you are supposed to click isn't coming up I can't select anything it's blank. If the harddrive is bad then why would I be able to copy the source mac os x tiger onto it ? but won't let me install on the HD.

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OS X V10.4 :: Install Tiger 10.4.11 Over Panther 10.3.9

Apr 11, 2012

How can I install Tiger 10.4.11 over Panther 10.3.9 ? I tried using a 10.4.2 install disc that I was going to update to 10.4.11, but got message that this would not work on this computer. 

emac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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IMac PPC :: How To Install Tiger (10.4) To Hd From MBP

May 10, 2012

I just bought a G5 iMac 17" that had no hard drive. I have an old 160 gig drive to install, but there is something wrong with the optical drive and I can't insert an install disk. What I thought I could do is connect the 160 gig to my MacBookPro (OS X 10.7.4) and install Tiger to the USB drive. No go! I get a message that PPC is not supported. I tried booting from the install disk but my Mac bypassed it and booted into 10.7.4. What else can I do to get a compatible OS on the drive?

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Power Mac G5 :: Can't Boot Into Tiger After Leopard Installation Fails

Nov 25, 2007

Installation of Leopard on my Power Mac G5 failed. After that, I can't even boot into Tiger. Whenever I power on, it just stays at the grey Apple screen. I thought changing the hard disk might help. But my experiments proved that the same behavior persists even without any hard disk. Power on, "dong", grey apple screen: that's it. What happened?

Power Mac G5 Dual 2.5Ghz, PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz, iBook G4 1.2Ghz, MBP 2.33Ghz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
LaCie 500GB, LaCie 1TB, several iPods

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