OS X :: Upgrade 10.4.11 To 10.5.8 - Scanner No Longer Visible
Dec 8, 2009
I upgraded my PowerMac Dual G5 2 GHz from OS 10.4.11 to 10.5.8. Now the Mac can't see my SCSI scanner (Epson Exprerssion 836XL). It doesn't show up under the system profiler.
Before upgrading, I cloned my 10.4.11 installation. When I boot from the clone, I can use the scanner with no problems. So the hardware is working and connected properly.
What is there about the Leopard system I can do to help it recognize the scanner?
The problem has survived system restarts, including restarts after complete shutdown.
To complicate matters, a few months ago I moved my entire iTunes library to an external hard drive, and that is not backed up by Time Machine. But, the folder was there after I moved all the files. It just recently seemed to disappear. Is there a way to recover the playlists from the files on my hard drive right now, or do I need to recover an older version from Time Machine Backup? How can I get all the playlists to return?
My HP C4680 scanner/printer used to work with my Mac. The printer still works fine, but after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6.8 the scanner is no longer working. I receive a message - scanner not found.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a later 2012 iMac 27". The computer was running slow for the past week or so. I decided to update to Yosemite today. The installation stated it had a critical error and the downloaded file was corrupted. It asked to re-download the file, and then the iMac froze. It went to a gray screen without a restart. I forced the iMac to restart. After the restart, a progress bar with the Apple symbol would come up and then the iMac would shut down. I have attempted to restart using Internet Recovery; however, the OSX will not show a drive to install to. I did another Internet Recovery and had Disk Utility come up, but it only sees a partition with approximately 2 gigs of the 3 terabytes I actually have. It seems as if iMac is not properly mounting the drive. I have two questions.
1) Is there some way to have the bios remount the drive and 2) if 1 is not possible, is it possible to recover the data off the drive?
I just upgraded to Snow Leopard (OS 10.6.1). I have an HP DeskJet F4280 All-In-One. It used to work great under 10.5.x, but now it will print fine but not scan.
If I launch HP Device Manager, and double-click Scan Picture, HP Scan Pro window opens, but I get the following error: Sorry, scanner could not be initialized (Scanner not found.).
If I press the hardware Scan button on the top of the unit itself, the power light blinks rapidly for about 10 seconds, then reverts to its normal state, and nothing else happens.
If I launch Image Capture 6.0(424) I get this error: No camera or scanner connected.
Under System Preferences>Print & Fax>Scan a window opens that reads HP Deskjet F4200 series and I click on Scanner, but it says No scanner selected.
However, System Profiler lists Deskjet F4200 series under USB High-Speed Bus, and, as already mentioned, the printer works fine.
Upgraded to ITunes 11.2.2, the latest, using 10.6.8 OS on an Imac and first I noticed no images in my Wishlist. Just a blank screen, with the ability to sort by name ,etc tab.  Now when I do a search for an artist or an album on the store, I get a blank screen also for results, i see the text for showing the options of Aps, Music, Movies, but no images of search results.
A few days ago I finally upgraded my iMac G4 (Flatpanel) from 10.4.9 to 10.4.11. I had not printed or scanned anything since then, but today I needed to do both, and they don't work. I think it has something to do with the upgrade because they were working just fine before that.
The printer is an Epson Stylus 777i
The Scanner is an Epson Perfection 640U
What could have changed, and how can I get my Mac and peripherals to work together again?
I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now my printer scanner won't work. It says it cannot recognize my computer. I have installed a few updates available and restarted and it still won't work.
how to get the scanner on a Canon MP800 scanner/printer to scan with Lion software. I've installed the Canon Version 3.0.4 driver but it still doesn't work.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a HP Photosmart B110 printer/scanner and I'm running OSX 10.7 Lion, I have no dramas printing but the scanner is not recognised.If I go to System preferences> Print & Scan, it shows the printer but won't show the scanner!! I obviously want and need to use the scanner but am unable!
I upgraded to Leopard from Tiger, and am now having a problem reading certain CD-ROMs. Each month, I receive a CD from a guitar instruction site. When I was using Tiger, I had no problems reading any of these CDs, but, since the upgrade, I've become unable to open the most recent few. They aren't even recognized by the computer, and are ejected automatically, although they work perfectly on two other Macs running the same version of Leopard. Older CDs from the same company still play fine. My drive is a Matshita DVD-R UJ-857D.
i just upgraded my MBP13 with 4gb and a 500 Hitachi drive. the process went smoothly. i didnt quite understand the time machine OSX reinstall process, i was mostly afraid of having to re-install every other programs. So i went the easy way and downloaded super duper to clone my drive and did the switch.
it use to take around 25-30sec to boot. now it takes more like 45+. I also noticed a few setting had changed after the upgrade. namely, little snitch (i think..) was opening a window showing me inbound transfers, my desktop image was reset and other small things like that. is it all normal? is there anything i should do to speed the boot time?
another note, there is a cd in the drive at boot, but its always there as it was when the boot time was faster. i just dont have anything to put it in so it seems like the best option to always keep it there.
Well subsequnt a recent upgrade to iTunes 10.6, my Library is not recognized. I have tried various ways of loading the xml file, and it just comes up as a blank/ new Library. The other day, for no reason I could tell, I launched iTunes and it created a new Library and will not open my usual Library. This problem did not exactly coincide neatly with updating to 10.6 either, so frankly I have no idea what happened. So, maybe I could restore using iTunes 10.5. But I can't find any download links for 10.5. Is there somewhere to download previous versions of iTunes? Or do they remove anything and everything for previous versions with each update?
I have updated my system to snow leopard. All went fine until I hit the print button... All my previous printers are gone. I have a HP laserjet p3005dn which worked fine under 10.5.x but it's no longer visible. When I open up the fax/ print pref pane and scan for new printers only the (software) PDF9 printer is visible. How can I get my printer back?
Hardware: MacPro dual quad core OS: 10.6.3 with recent bonjour update and printer updates for HP
I upgraded yesterday, and since then my key commands no longer work. If I restart, they will work for a little while, then suddenly stop working. I cannot take screen shots, or get Expose to work with F10, F12, etc. Apple-Tab doesn't bring up the applications currently open, etc. I've searched all over for this issue, but not finding anything. On a Macbook Pro, upgraded from Tiger.
I upgraded to 10.9.4. Now, I can no longer log in to "network accounts". I am lucky in that my school district gave me administrator access, so I am currently logging in that way. Big problem though- the permissions on EVERY SINGLE FILE AND FOLDER are set to read only, so any time I want to access anything, I have to change the permissions on the folder/document. I have tried doing this en masse to no avail. How to log in to my original account so I can function the way I did before 10.9.4 hit.
Since upgrading to Mavericks my iMac no longer recognizes my digital camera. iPhoto will open, but my camera never appears in the source list or goes into import mode.Â
I am using iTerm and typically set the background to black and the foreground test to either yellow or white. However the cursor is not visible. I've tried every permutation of cursor types/colors and can't get a visible cursor. I am using the latest version of iTerm.
this is actually on a friends laptop that I was updating with OS 10.5
Laptop is a MacBook 2ghz duo core, previously had 10.4 installed
There was problem with his drive, it was not partitioned properly. The HD was not showing up in the finder (on desktop or in devices list). I made a partition with a new name and archived his drive.
Upon installing 10.5 I can't login at all.. it only shows 'other' in the users list. Can't login as admin. Can't do anything.
Disk utility (when booted from system disk) shows the drive is fine.
Just kinda notice there's a red light visible through the front mesh, on opening the side door, the light seems to be coming from one of the four LED's on the lower memory riser. On closer inspection, the label says DIMM 2.
I've tried swapping, moved some ram about.. and the light still appears (on the same riser). Does this mean that riser has developed a fault?
I recently discovered that files saved onto desktop would not be visible. Whenever I save a photoshop document, recieve an adium file transfer, or take a screenshot with command shift 3, etc., it does not show on the desktop. However, if I drag and drop files from other folders onto the desktop or drag a picture in firefox onto the desktop, it shows.
I've tried these but the files wouldn't show: -Sorting files by filename in the view options. -Opening the desktop folder in finder. -Renaming the files in terminal.
When I do these, the files would show: -Restart the computer. -If I list the desktop directory in terminal with the ls command, the files are visible. -Move the file in terminal to another directory, the file is visible with finder. -Dragging the above file onto desktop, the file shows.
I recently installed WinXP with bootcamp, wonder if that caused the problem.
I have a seven year old iBook G3 with (?) problems: it starts one out of hundred times, otherwise it displays the "unable to find the finder" sign (finder folder alternated with a ?), and yesterday it even showed me the forbidden ("broken folder") sign!!
So I decided to change HD and got a TOSHIBA MK1234GAX sold to me as compatible with my iBook G3:
First time I installed this new HD, I wasn't able to install MacOS X (earliest version) on it, since the HD wasn't visible to installer, so I installed the old original IBM 15GB HD back again: it started working without any explanation or excuse (maybe it just didn't want to give the job up...)
Then it started again working on a 1% rate, so I took out my screwdrivers and that was enough to get it working once more!
Until last time I turned the laptop off: the finder is nowhere to be found! I've tried almost everything, not even showing out screwdrivers worked; maybe it's easter pause or there might be some HD-Union sabottage strategy going on, or something...
So I'm trying my brand new 120GB MK 1234GAX TOSHIBA, but it's still invisible.
The title pretty much sums it up, both computers are in the same workgroup (HOME) and I can see both computers in each network overview (when you click network in my computer on both the mac and pc).