ITunes :: Folder Full Of Important Playlists No Longer Visible
May 25, 2012
To complicate matters, a few months ago I moved my entire iTunes library to an external hard drive, and that is not backed up by Time Machine. But, the folder was there after I moved all the files. It just recently seemed to disappear. Is there a way to recover the playlists from the files on my hard drive right now, or do I need to recover an older version from Time Machine Backup? How can I get all the playlists to return?
Just like the title says Throughout the life of iTunes, I have been able to do this. Now, I cannot. It's super annoying, as I now have to go and sync each individual file. I've got thousands of files. It would drive me crazy to individually check each one to sync. Drag 'n' drop is much easier.Â
The only difference has been that I stopped using a mouse and began to use the Apple Magic Trackpad. I'm not sure if this has had any deleterious effect.Â
The old computer was a Windows Vista with 10.6.040 itunes. I copied the entire itunes folder to an external hard drive. Interestingly, the media file in that folder was titled itunes music, not itunes media.Â
the new computer is OX10.7 Lion. No playlists, no purchased tab, but all the music is there. Â
From what I read, the playlists should have come along.Â
I'm getting an error with regards to memory usage. My Mac HD Info is saying I have only 1 GB of free space, but when I run the utilities disc usage (MacKeeper) it saying I have over 100GB of free space. I've deleted every important file off of my HD, but keep getting "Disk Full" errors
I upgraded my PowerMac Dual G5 2 GHz from OS 10.4.11 to 10.5.8. Now the Mac can't see my SCSI scanner (Epson Exprerssion 836XL). It doesn't show up under the system profiler.
Before upgrading, I cloned my 10.4.11 installation. When I boot from the clone, I can use the scanner with no problems. So the hardware is working and connected properly.
What is there about the Leopard system I can do to help it recognize the scanner?
The problem has survived system restarts, including restarts after complete shutdown.
for some reason, several of my Garageband files have ended up in this location: /.trashes/501/ folder. when i'm running garageband, i can open a couple of them with the Open Recent feature. i cannot find them on the computer though and need to transfer them to another drive.
My home folder appears to have gone missing from the Users folder in finder. See screenshot - I can see the test account I created and the shared folder but not my home folder. Â
I can still access my home folder via the sidebar but this causes problems with some software not being able to see my home folder in their browsers (Nikon Capture NX2 being an example).Â
I have a later 2012 iMac 27". The computer was running slow for the past week or so. I decided to update to Yosemite today. The installation stated it had a critical error and the downloaded file was corrupted. It asked to re-download the file, and then the iMac froze. It went to a gray screen without a restart. I forced the iMac to restart. After the restart, a progress bar with the Apple symbol would come up and then the iMac would shut down. I have attempted to restart using Internet Recovery; however, the OSX will not show a drive to install to. I did another Internet Recovery and had Disk Utility come up, but it only sees a partition with approximately 2 gigs of the 3 terabytes I actually have. It seems as if iMac is not properly mounting the drive. I have two questions.
1) Is there some way to have the bios remount the drive and 2) if 1 is not possible, is it possible to recover the data off the drive?
Where is the system-level setting to ensure that, even when I maximize an application, the menu bar is still visible. I don't like having to move the mouse to see the battery life, wifi signal, date etc. I'm on Yosemite, if it matters. To be clear, I'm not looking for a workaround that will provide these various bits of information elsewhere. I want to know how to mandate the menu bar stay visible.
For some reason unknown to me, my "private" folder is visible. I've done all the "usual" things and even have an Automator action that shows and hides invisible files, but I just can't make it invisible again. Now this isn't really a BAD thing as I know how to poke around in there, but still... it's a mystery to me.
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
I must have done something to my installation of OS X. When I go to create a new folder, it automatically creates the folder with the name "untitled folder". The problem is, the name isn't selected. Normally, when you create a new folder, you can just type the name immediately. For me, I have to create the new folder, then click on the name to select the text and then type it. Also, when I do go to type in the new name, the text "untitled folder" doesn't disappear. I just type over it.Â
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a hardware issue or a software one. I recently swapped out from a PC to a iMac. I wanted to keep all my old files so I pulled out the internal HDD and placed it in a HDD Enclosure and connected it via USB 2.0. Now the Mac recognized it and all seemed well, but a hidden folder I need access to doesn't show up on my drive. If it helps, this drive was the master drive on my old PC and the file I'm trying to locate was on the desktop.
when i turn on my mac it comes up with a gray apple logo, and then a loading bar comes up underneath, it stays like this for about 3mins and then logs in. once it has logged in i find it has taken my computer back a few days and is getting very annoying because i loose all the work i did before i turned it off.
IÂ have just bought a MacBook air and am trying to copy the music files from my old windows pc onto the new pc. I have used drag+drop and by using the add to library instruction from the file drop down. I can see the folders and files in finder but they do not appear in inlayer under the music folder. This folder is empty but I have transferred purchased music from an ipod which is visible and playable. To confuse things further, all my applications have been moved over?
All my track file names and other details are visible in Itunes but none will play. single click on a track and an exclamation mark embeds at the front of the track name bar double click or click play and the error message I get says, "The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? A search doesn't find it.Â
This applys to every track on itunes but music files in the music folder in Finder still play.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Ive looked for dumped music files
I want to keep the order of one of my playlists so it cannot be altered if i click the wrong order of the plays/songs.
I heard "Copy to Play Order? works but doesn't seem to fix the playlist not to move. I just want it to be secure in the order. Also is there a way to make Itunes a mix of my own, like the Genius Mixes? Or a way to save the playlist order? So if something happen i could get it back?
I have recently transferred over my itunes library from macbook to new imac using home sharing. Now I would like to transfer my playlists. Is there an easy way to do this?
I know some of you out there will probably think I'm nuts, but please read the whole message first.
I have been disabled for a number of years, and recently a friend of mine purchased for me a refurbished MacBook Pro 15" 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo laptop, which, as you might guess I love, since my last Mac laptop was the 1999 PPC G3 400Mhz that croaked about 5 years ago.
Fortunately, before that late, semi-great machine died, I was able to copy to an external drive my entire iTunes folder, which contains the "iTunes Music Library" file as well as the "iTunes Music" folder with more than 1,000 songs in it. I do NOT have any written documentation on my playlists.
Now, many years later, I have this great machine that I love, and I cannot for the life of me figure a way to import my Mac OS 9 iTunes PLAYLISTS into Mac OS X iTunes 9. Additionally, the song file folders, structured perfectly in Mac OS 9, now get recreated in truly bisarre ways in iTunes 9, where I get multiple folders by the same artist if that artist has ever done a duet with someone, and soundtracks have been broken out into individual folders by each artist on the soundtrack, instead of all the songs being placed into ONE folder with the soundtrack's name on it, as it is in the Mac OS 9 iTunes Music folder.
All I want to do is recreate my library and playlists as they were in Mac OS 9, using iTunes 9 in Mac OS X 10.6.
I'm running iTunes 10.5.3 and cannot burn CDs from my playlists. I'm getting 'burner in use by another application', even after restarting, and prior I was getting a 'medium write error'. System is 10.7.3 OS X, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
Recently any new playlists I create in iTunes are not appearing as an option to sync to my iPhone or iPad. I am manually managing music and have other playlists checked to sync and they work fine. But, if I create a new playlist it simply does not show up. If I delete a playlist it disappears from the available options to sync but nothing when I create a new one.
I am having a very bad moment right now.I have nearly 4TB of content,movies, music apps..etc.I have not made any changes to my MAC, I installed the latest version of iTunes when it came out.Everyhthing was working perfectly fine, until tonight, simply upon closing Itunes and reopening,my iTunes was like it was just installed, there is no content in my library, (Everything in my external HD's, just not on itunes)Â only the three tabs that show content that come enabled by default are on. It is as if I had just installed Itunes..
My nearly 10,000 ratings are gone, playlists, and playcounts from two years. anybody give me some insight into how to readd my content without losing my valubable information that I just listed.I repeat, I have not installed or made any changes in weeks, it just happened upon closing and reopening.
Having had some problems I used the Disk Utility to check the HD and it told me to reformat it. I copied the entire disk to an external drive, reformatted the HD then downloaded a new installation of Mavericks 10.9.5 as had been previously installed. The system is now back up but how do I recover the preferences and other information to run them on the HD as before. I have simply copied most of my applications across but, for instance, my mailboxes have all gone and my signatures. The iTunes does not have my playlists etc. etc..
Info: iMac 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.4)