MacBook :: Install Linux Ubuntu On It?
Jun 29, 2012As Mountain Lion wont work on Macbook (early 2008), I decided to go with Linux... How can I install it on my macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
As Mountain Lion wont work on Macbook (early 2008), I decided to go with Linux... How can I install it on my macbook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a old powermac g4 running tiger. I want to put ubuntu linux on it along with tiger. How do I do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan I somehow install Linux (Ubuntu 9.04) on the external disk?It's connected via a USB cable.I've got Ubuntu on a Disc.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI managed to mount mac OS X to a folder in Ubuntu. I did this by getting an answer on the following thread: [URL]. I was wondering how to mount the Ubuntu partition to my Mac OS X. The command lines aren't exactly the same. I want to do this so I can save a document in Mac OS X and not have to save it on Ubuntu as well.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Linux/Ubuntu for 3 years now . I always wanted a Mac but could not afford it. Mac OS is quite similar to Ubuntu as they share common back ground from Unix. what thing I am going to miss if I switch. Ubuntu is highly customizable (we can make it look according to our needs). I wonder if this can be done with Mac OS X. How do you use your computer with only one mouse button. I am looking to buy a MBP 15".
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used to have a crappy old PC a few years ago that could barely run XP soooo I put Ubuntu on it, and it ran smoothly... my crappy iMac has these specs.
64mb of ram
OS 9.1 (or 9.2... don't really know, except for the fact that it's still classic) Will it run linux? I'm currently downloading Ubuntu Netbook... will it work for my iMac? If I end up hating it will I be able to go back (with proper install CDs) and install Mac OS again?
I'm going to buy an AirPort Express soon and I was wondering if it works fine under Ubuntu Linux 8.10.
Also, I have my hard drive partitioned and one side is Windows and the other is Linux and if I install AirPort Express under Windows and setup the setting and all and I boot to Linux, will the AirPort Express still be working or will it only work if your under Windows?
I have recently bought a macbook, and i have used boot camp with windwos xp and 7, and drivers worked perfectly, but i need this drivers for linux, like key functions, camera, key ilumination, etc. So i was wondering if its possible before i install linux in my mac.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've always been a Mac user since System 6. Those were the days when we got to install system upgrades on multiple diskettes--DISKETTES! I've always wondered about Ubuntu and decided to partition 8GB of my HHD for Ubuntu and a BootCamp setup.
I wonder if anyone has tried installing Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) on their MacBook Air. I saw directions at [URL]but I wonder if anyone has found any special procedures that should be followed for a perfect Ubuntu/MacBook Air setup.
can anyone help to install Ubuntu on my macbook pro?I've read about to do that, but not really sure which is the best way..u know? basically cause i dont wanna mess up with my mac :/
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I want to install it alongside my OSX install(specifically Mandriva) but I am not sure if it will work in Boot Camp or what not.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI did a search and did not really see anything on it, but has anyone installed a linux distro on an MBA yet?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to share a Linux Box DVD drive to the air so I can install OSX on the air?
I see in the video they use a WIN BOX.
I am new to Mac. I bought a new MB Unibody. I have been learning little by little day by day. I wanted to see if I could install Ubuntu v8.10 on a partition and go dual boot with it. I only used a 5 gb partition. Now when I start up t goes right to Ubuntu. I have been hitting the C button to change back to OSX. My Question is, Did I screw up and not install it right? Can I go back to default settings? Is it just a button i am missing to go back to OSX? I would love to go back to OSX. I just wanted it as a dual boot.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhats the nest way to put it on my machine? Virtualising or Boot Camp? Any big issues I need to bare in mind with Mac compatibility? I read that there is some extra work to get the trackpad to work with linux, how easy is this to do?
View 13 Replies View RelatedSo about a week ago I attempted to Dual Boot Ubuntu on my Boot camp partition. Due to a compatibility issue, even though I installed it easily, it was very slow, so I proceeded to erase all data on all the partitions the installation created, ending up with The OS X partition + 4 other ones. (there was an EFI part. too).
Now here's the problem. Right after I uninstalled Ubuntu, when I booted up my MBP, it took a VERY long time to The Logo to appear, almost seems like it was searching for something, ... . The same thing happens after I uninstall rEFIt, and after merging some of the partitions, ending up, right now, with 3 partitions. What a mess!
Boot time, unless I press the option key and select Macintosh HD, is about one minute 15 sec. because of the insanely long time to the logo to appear.
What the heck do I do? I would prefer not re-formatting my disk, I've gone through so much downloading and installed a whole bunch of things I need... And I don't have an external Drive.
the hard drive on my macbook pro has died and i am in a foreign country with my install discs for os x in the attic of my house which is rented out! ive borrowed a friends install discs for his macbook pro just to see if i can repair the disk but its either not working because of the incompatibility or the hdd is just broken. i'm not dead set on using os x so i wondered if i can get a new hard drive and just boot with a linux install. i would like to continue using the firewire port for an external soundcard but apart from that i only want it for surfing and doing some php/apache web development.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I have installed Windows Vista using Boot Camp. Now my configuration is as follows: 50 GB for Mac OS X Leopard and 30 GB for Windows Vista.Now I need to install Ubuntu 8.10 by taking 10 GB out of the Mac OS X.I have googled "Triple Boot Camp" but the information does not makemuch sense for me (I have not a background in programming and therelevant jargon). Is there any simple information how to triple boot campmy Macbook ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedFYI I have a powermac G4 dual proccessor with mirror drive doors. im running mac os x 10.4. I am wondering if anyone has installed linux on a similar machine, I would like to know more before I try it. what version is best (ubuntu I heard is good?)? Must you reformat a drive or can you install in on a new internal drive? any information really.
View 24 Replies View Related I'm looking for a very easy to install Linux on my old iBook G4 and I would like it to support my Airport card without having to do much configuring. Is there any Linux out there that would be suitable for me? I'd like for it to run fairly fast as my G4 is only 256mb RAM.
I do remember looking into this before but, at that time, the only useable Linuxs didn't have immediate support for the Airport card and you needed to download these drivers and install them from the command line interface and it was very confusing.
I want to put linux (preferably Ubuntu) on my iBook G3 Dual USB. By reading this article I would assume I should go with either Ubuntu or Kubuntu 5.04. What I would like to know is if I should use a later version of Ubuntu (7.10, 8.04, etc...) or should I use Hoary Hedgehog (5.04) like suggested. My iBook has a 10GB HD and 384MB RAM. Also will the Airport card and video out on the iBook work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just bought an old Apple computer and I have an OS X Tiger installation dvd. For the last few years I've been running Ubuntu Linux and I still depend on that system. How do I install both systems? When I install OS X, there is nothing about creating partitions to leave some empty space for Ubuntu. Besides, I don't know how to get to the booting list to run the Ubuntu installation.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running VMware Fusion 2.0.5 and am trying to install VMware Tools in Ubuntu 9.04. I have found several sets of instructions, but they all seem out dated and I can't get any to work.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDuring a botched Linux install. The partition was 64 GB, but now there are two, one is 45 GB and the other is about 20 GB. No earthly idea how I did that. How to restore them back to one single 64 GB partition, preferably without having to reformat and reinstall OS X.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a home built P.C. that I run ubuntu on. It's a really kickass machine and contains everything I need, it runs the first intel quad core processor. My delimma(not really, just a hard choice) is that I can't decide on MBA or and MBP. If I get an MBP I can just keep running my PC as is. But if I get a MBA(which is all I really need) don't I need mac os x to use the features of my computer, like the disc drive and such to run on a MBA. Does the MBA run with Windows? Certainly it doesnt run with Linux?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone tried it yet via dual-booting? I think I'm going to attempt it on my base 11" rather than use VMWare.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI have installed ubuntu on a partition on my uMB and I am having trouble getting some features like two finger scrolling and right click on the trackpad as well as getting the bluetooth to work to be able to pair with my wireless mighty mouse. Also the speakers do not work. My priority is getting the bluetooth to work because If I have a working mouse the trackpad won't really matter. When I try to pair my mouse with the bluetooth I can see it but when I enter the "0000" passcode and click connect it says connection failed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWell, my MacBook Pro arrives in a few days and I wanting to triple-boot OSX, XP and Ubuntu. It's got a 500GB hard drive so I'm wanting to split the partitions up into 250GB, 200GB, and 50GB. I need to have all 3 on the same computer.I'm following this short tutorial:Quote:# Make sure you use Leopard and have it updated (10.5.2).
#Start BootCamp and create a partition for Windows XP (15G is enough).# Don't install it through Bootcamp.# Insert Windows CD and reboot holding C when you hear the beeping sound.# Windows installation should start, follow the usual installation process of Windows.# If it reboots during installation, you press ALT during reboot so that you can pick Windows installation.# After Windows is installed, insert your Leopard DVD and it should install all your Apple drivers and stuff.# Update your Apple Software (there will be an option on the start menu to do so).
# Updte Windows XP.# Now that Windows is installed, get back to MacOS, we are going to install Linux now.# Start Disk Utility and create a new partition on Machintosh HD, name it Linux# Insert Linux CD and reboot holding C# On Linux installation, delete the partition you created (Linux) because its HFS, and set it as ext3 and mount /. Don't create swap (I know its going to warn you, but ignore it).# At the last step of setup, click advanced because you need to change where GRUB is going to be installed, choose sdaX (which X is your Linux partition).# Let it install Ubuntu.# Get back to MacOS, install rEFIt, reboot and run the partition manager of rEFIt, which should take care of every detail of booting for each OS.
#If XP was installed before the partition change, it will need boot.ini to be edited to change its partition from 3 to 4.# Reboot and that's it.Has anyone else done this? And is there an easier way? What problems have those of you that did this run into?
I have a cd copy of ubuntu that works fine but is really slow.
I installed to a usb drive multiple times and keep running into the same problem: The flash drive shows up as "Legacy OS" in rEFIT and boots into my windows partition when I select it. It doesnt show up when I hold alt/option on startup. It also doesnt show up in the startup disc menu in system preferences even though its on the desktop.
I have used different usb drives and, like I said, have installed it multiple times. Every site I have gone to uses the same installation method (using ubuntu from a cd) and I dont understand why it wont work.
I have posted this probably in other sections and no one ever responds so Im hoping this will change.
I was just wondering what the dual boot options are for booting linux on a MacBook, does it go through Bootcamp or are there other options? Obviously I would prefer a native installation over a virtual machine.
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