OS X Technologies :: How To View Emails In Reverse Date Order
Mar 7, 2012How to view mail in reverse date order?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5
How to view mail in reverse date order?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), iOS 5
my stacks have started displaying backwards � in other words, rather than showing me the most recently added item first, it puts it last; when the stack expands, the �open in finder� option is at the top of the screen, with the most recently added item at the bottom. Instead of the other way around, which is the default. How do I change it back?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am creating a slideshow in iPhoto 11. I created a folder and placed the photos in ascending order by name.I then reversed the order and saved it in a new folder.I created an album from this folder and the pictures appeared in ascending order.I reversed these and created a slideshow which the pictures again appeared in ascending order and I cannot reverse them.There are 250 photos and changing them manually does not sound fun.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1.1
I need to type something in reverse text.....how do i do this on a mac
So i just bought the Samsung ML-1640 Laserjet printer, i just printed a 100 page document to test it out, function is fine but the first page it printed was the last page which would be fine except the pages fall out text down, so when i pickup the completed wad of pages i flick through:
last page - penultimate page -........-first page
how do i reverse the order of printing so that it prints the first page first
Can someone please advise how to put folders in descending date order (I am using the format e.g. 2008_12_25, and want to show latest dated folder at the top of the finder window) ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have several iPhotos events. They largely consist of digital pictures tagged with the right dates. However, recently I imported some of these such pictures off of an old computer. While they are labeled with the right days, iPhoto seems to be listing events in the order they were imported in. Thus, I have pictures taken in 2003 next to my Christmas pictures from this year. I'd rather just have everything in chronological order, by date taken. Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have my itunes organised by date added so i can see whats newest in my library.Â
the only issue is that it doesnt list the tracks in the right order in the album and sometimes splits each album into smaller batches of tracks.Â
Maybe I really don't know what I'm doing. On my regular finder I can have a list and manipulate the order. (i.e. change the order from the oldest to the most recent. Or even largest to smallest files) This is normal to me. What I don't understand is that when I create a search, I don't have that option to adjust the order of the date created, size, etc. When I try to adjust the options view in the search, it will not allow me to.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you click on any folder on the desktop and you click the gear icon and go to the "Arrange by" option and select "Date created", it puts the newest items toward the beginning of the folder. Is there any way to change that so the older items are at the top and the newer are at the bottom?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
why is it that "view by label" puts the red and orange labels below the other colors, when everywhere else they are positioned above the others? how can this be adjusted.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.4 intel core 17, 16gb mem
I am using the Mail.app with my Gmail account. I have enabled the IDLE Command option in the settings, but I am only getting notifications when the Mail app is running. I wonder if can receive notifications of new emails without Mail running.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
At the moment my oldest emails come into my inbox first. I would like my newest emails to appear first instead of having to go through the pages of old emails to reach the new ones?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to add time/date stamp to my screen capture file names. (at the moment it's just 'Picture 1' etc..)I've tried the following command in terminal but have not had success.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture name "datestamp" at "timestamp"Â
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Trying to set view of all subfolders of a multi-thousand image folder to 180 x 180, and yet Automator (in Snow Lep) doesn't seem to allow anything above 128:
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've recently switched from using Outlook 2007 on Fusion on my MacBook Pro to the native apps in OSX, to try to move away from having to run Windows on my machine. I decided against using Entourage as I have experienced a lot of problems with crashing and slow speeds with my Exchange server email. I'm really happy using Mail/Address Book/iCal now I have tweaked it all a bit. I've visited the Hawkwings site to download a bunch of useful Mail plug ins, and have converted to 3 pane viewing.
I would dearly love for the emails to be grouped by date, as they are in Outlook, to avoid the unbroken list of emails that I currently have. I have experimented with Smart mailboxes and rules to colour the emails so I can differentiate between received dates, but find these arrangements either impractical or fussy to look at. I receive so many emails all day, I'd really like to have an easy-view layout. The ONLY thing I miss from Outlook. Is there a plug in or similar that would create this for me?
I've been using mail for a couple years now and haven't had a need for this function until today. I googled and browsed the support page on apple.com and couldn't find an answer. How do I set the display on my inbox to separate emails by date into sections similar to capability of outlook on windows.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNo sign, look: Yet, in stacks it's one of the 5 choice views? Am I missing something very obvious, or is this not (one of) the biggest oversights 'ever', on Apple's part?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble view YouTube videos. When I try to view a video, it tells me my flash player isn't up to date. But when I download the latest player from the link they provide(which it tells me is successful), I still can't view the video.
Anybody have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
So I like the hierarchical structure Column View has, and I don't have to double click to open folders.
username > documents > school > biology > lectures > file
But, I also like the "Date Modified" option List View has. Can I have both?
Can not receive my emails from AOL or Gmail but I CAN send them...
MacBook Pro
Is there a way to view system processes in terminal in realtime, similar in fashion to how POST processes are displayed?Â
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I can't open my E-Mails with a download or a video It read's The movie file isent recognized
View 1 Replies View RelatedAt the end of each week I need to mail out a link. This link is a link to folder on a windows network.Its one of those tasks that I have made a little quicker by making a template in mail.app. However I have to go in and amend that link each week so that it points to the right location. This is tedious still and as a result human mistakes can still be made.This is my process at the momentIn mail app I select a templates Then I select send again or use the keyboard short the subject then needs to be amended and I replace the XX with the week number.then I select the link ctrl click and select edit linkAgain both of the XX get replaced with the week number.once complete I then hit send.Then move onto the next brand.The first option would be week number then this is slightly more involved but some kind of selection box to select which brands to recieve the email? I've looked up a number of scripts and link/html mail seams to be very awkward. Hopefully I have covered everything that needs to be listed Matt
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've set up my mail accounts (me.com, and live.co.uk) and am sending and recieving emails just fine, however old emails were never imported over.How can I import all the emails in my webmail so that they show up in Mail? Its irritating having to sign-into my webmail to read an older email (I only set up Mail 3 days ago).
Mail, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have had a Macbook Pro about 3 years. I am not able to view the sent emails from a couple years ago, only the last 2 years. How I can access my old send emails?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I first set up my mail application on Mac to sync up with my web based mail (hotmail) I did not uncheck the flag NOT to remove the emails from the server. This resulted in all my mails until 2010 (time of Mail setup) to be synched up with Mail app on Mac AND removal of them from the hotmail server. Because of this, they are not accessible through Web interface anymore.
Since hotmail is using POP, I am unable to sync it back from Mail app to the hotmail server. I am trying to redirect all emails from Mail app to my hotmail account, but the redirection changes the from address field. I thought that the difference between Forward and Redirect was the way these functions interpret and act on the From field like:
- Forward function would change the From field to show the current account it is sent from
- Redirect function would keep From field intact in the message, so that my hotmail would see the original From field and not the one of my Mail account server.
It seems that both of these functions work more or less the same in Mail app. Could I get a clarification on it, or at least a solution on how to get my mail back to the hotmail server? I do not want to forward, since all the messages will appear like they were from me, causing a big mess.
Mail, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Redirect of mail fails
me and my grandma are planning on getting a family pack MobileMe account to save money instead of having two accounts. She has a trial account currently, so from what I understand is tomorrow I go buy the family pack box set, set up my account (which will be the master account), cancel her account (disable synching on her iPhone before hand), add her account under account options in my account, and viola.Now here's my question:Since we will both be on the same 'family pack,' will she be able to view my emails, find my iPhone, pictures, or anything else? And vice versa.What I'm hoping is that even though they are in the same family pack, you will have to log in with each specific account (via password) to see mail, contacts, etc
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to view the notes pane and the email pane at the same time? I keep notes about each project I'm working on so it helps to have them up as I'm replying to emails and setting todo's. If this is not possible, can I move notes out of Mail?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have received an email in graphical HTML format — a series of venues and dates for a band in the form of a grid. It shows up beautifully in webmail, but in Apple Mail it shows uselessly as unformatted and unpunctuated text. Is there any setting in Mail prefs., or some other subterfuge, that would allow such emails to show properly in Mail?
Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)