OS X :: No Date Added In Downloads Finder (Column View) Window?
Dec 15, 2008
No sign, look: Yet, in stacks it's one of the 5 choice views? Am I missing something very obvious, or is this not (one of) the biggest oversights 'ever', on Apple's part?
So I like the hierarchical structure Column View has, and I don't have to double click to open folders. username > documents > school > biology > lectures > file But, I also like the "Date Modified" option List View has. Can I have both?
When I right click a folder I have dragged to the Dock I get the option to sort by "Date Added". This is super handy and I would like to be able to do it throughout the Finder but I can't find the option anywhere. Please note: I realize there is Date Created and Date Modified, these are not what I'm wanting to do, if a file was created and last modified a year ago, but added to a folder five minutes ago, I want to be able to sort the folder contents so that the file just added appears at the top of the list. (As they do in Stacks.)
When I have a Finder window open, and I press cmd-j to bring up view options, I get a "Use As Defaults" button at the bottom for all views except column! How do I use Column view as my system default for all windows?
The default 'document' column is way too wide and forces you eye to track all the way across the screen to read info like "date modified', 'kind' or 'size'. Tried several times to create a narrower default 'document name' column with no results. Couldn't find anything in preferences or view options. Tried dragging column headers while holding the down the option key with no results. Every time I open a new finder window, all columns except the 'document' column affixed to the right side of the window. Also, when you grab the bottom right corner of a window to resize smaller, the lists become re-affixed to the right side of the window when opening the window back up. Experiencing the same problem in Mavericks 10.9.3 on an iMac and Macbook Pro Retina.
The services I use that work on files and folders in Finder do not appear in the services menu when a folder is highlighted in column view. Instead I see a 'No Services Apply' message. The strange thing is that they all work flawlessly on files and folders when run from the services menu in any other view (icon, list or cover flow) or the right click menu in any view. This is frustrating because the shortcuts I assigned do not work in column view.
Can you change the default size of the widths of the columns when you open Finder in Column View? I'm getting tired of grabbing the drag-bars and adjusting every time just so I can read the truncated text in sub-folders.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55) with Leopard. On a typical work day I'll open Finder to look for pdf files. I'll perform my search for pdf documents and, as expected, all pdf documents that exist on my Mac are listed in Finder. In the Finder dialog box there are headings at the top of the columns that include "Name", "Kind" and "Last Opened". When I single click on any one of the listed pdf documents, the path to that document's location is given at the bottom of the Finder window. Every month I save hundreds of different pdf documents in about 135 different customer file locations.
As a result, I need to be able to add a column heading that orients the results on a file location basis. On my former XP I could add many different headings, including one that simply stated "Filed In" (or something along those lines). By clicking on the heading "Filed In", all of the pdf documents would be grouped and listed by their file location. My question is: Can I add a "Filed In" heading to the search results window of Finder so that I can click on "Filed In" and group search results by the file locations?
Is there a way to add a column in the list view that shows what folder a file is in? I know it shows it at the bottom of the window, but that doesn't help me.
After a few months mild use on OS X I'm starting to get used to it more and more now. I love the column view, but find it really annoying that occasionally new finder windows will open in Icon view. What exactly is the point of the finder preference "always open new windows in column view"? It sounds pretty straight forward, but finder doesn't exactly pay much attention to it. When I'm viewing in column view and I command-double click a folder, finder will open a new window in Icon view, depsite my preference. I have to reset the new window to column view and then close it, and then when I repeat the command-double click it will open in column view but it kinda defeats the point. I've read numerous posts about finder not remembering views, I don't understand also why there's only an option for column view? why isn't there "always open in list view" or "always open in icon view" option?
As far as I can see, someone on my work mac right clicked on the 'Downloads' folder and set the 'Open With' option to 'Preview'.
As such, when the icon is clicked every item in the Downloads folder opens in preview (massive pain) and there are issues with the folder working on the dock. I tried changing the 'open with' option on the Downloads folder myself but there isn't anything appropriate to change it back to. I assumed finder but that isnt an option.
since I don't know when, the columns in Finder windows have always the same size. If I change the size, and then close the windows, when I open a new one, the column get back to their "original size" (which is too small for my personal use).
Normally, the Finder window will display a folder's size in the Size column. However, I have one folder which shows as "Zero KB" in the Size column. When I open the General Info window, the Size reads as "Zero KB on disk (Zero bytes) for 0 items."
In order to get the folder size I have to go into the folder, select all folders, then with either the Summary Info or Inspector window, it'll show the folder size ("185.32 GB on disk").
Why is this occurring in only this folder? Is it because it's a large folder?
I'm running Snow Lep 10.6.2. The folder is on an external drive in FAT32 format.
I want to reset every view options on every finder window to their default. Then make every window have 128 x 128 icons minimal grid spacing and size 10 text. Is there any quick way to do this?
Why does the date column show time? In the Date Added column it shows the actual time it was added. I don't want to see this. Is there a way to remove it?
Maybe I really don't know what I'm doing. On my regular finder I can have a list and manipulate the order. (i.e. change the order from the oldest to the most recent. Or even largest to smallest files) This is normal to me. What I don't understand is that when I create a search, I don't have that option to adjust the order of the date created, size, etc. When I try to adjust the options view in the search, it will not allow me to.
I use the Date Added column all the time in my iTunes, so I can see what was added last. Well, I just noticed that most of the 10,000 songs in my library have at some point lost the original 'date added' they used to have. Now, the earliest date is sometime in February of 2010. And some have been set to just a few days ago. How did this happen? Is this a bug of iTunes 10? I only just noticed this, so I'm not sure when it happened.
I have a question about iWork Numbers 08. Can you set each line to auto add the date and time when you add other data to the line. So e.g. I have my headings in line 1 (A:E) [Date- Job # - Client - Designer - Due By] then when I start entering date into line 2, 3, 4, or any line. I want to be able to start typing in say line 4B which would be "Job #", but I would like the current data & time to be auto added to 4A. I have read there is way to get the date auto added to a doc once its opened but I will be adding jobs all day therefore the times would always be different and would not work as I only open the doc once a day.
iTunes is showing me bizarre dates in the "Date Added" column. Examples are "6/29/14180", "1/5/145", and "12/29/12364". I should note that I'm running the latest version of iTunes and the latest version of Mavericks, but the iTunes library that I'm using is the library on my Snow Leopard drive (because I don't know a simple way of importing all of that music--25,000+ songs--into the Maverick side).
To stop the lagging of broswing server folders using OSX column view, I'd like to disable the 'icon preview' in OSX as the caching if the icon previews is what is grinding out fileserver browsing on our AFP server down. In Leopard 10.5 this option/checkbox is visible under the Finders View Options but on our Tiger Macs, the icon preview checkbox is missing?
Under View Options there are only the other two checkboxes visible which are the preview column and show icons. In Tiger you can turn off Icon Preview for desktop items as the icon preview option is available when you ctrl+click on the desktop but I cant seem to do it for anywhere else, in particular for when I browse server folders.
I inadvertently hit some random key and can no longer see my mail in column view - the only way to see it is to go into File>New Viewer Window but this does not stay that way.
As a DJ, I rely heavily on iTunes' file-viewing options "Date Added" and "Date Modified" in order to gauge how old files in my collection are. However, each time I move files from my computer to my external, 'date added' and 'modified' reset. Clearly 'moving' files to an external is really copying them to an external, but maybe there is a way to copy library content while retaining or freezing the iTunes library's DATA connected to the content....? Is there a way to get iTunes to realize that the identical files previously on my computer are on the external with respect to 'date added?'
I've just set up my new uMBP (I know, I should have waited for the new chips, but hey - I got impatient!) I have moved my itunes media to the new machine but it is lacking all ratings, the original 'date added' as well as play counts. In fact, I have left all the old metadata behind, but these are the only three parts I'd like back. What I'd like to know is if there is a utility or mini app that can extract this kind of data from my old library file and add it to my new one.
I would have just moved the original library file but I have done that since iTunes 1 and the library file has become a bit messed up. I am rather enjoying my shiny new library file - I just want my ratings, 'date added' and play count metadata injected back in!
I love the playlist trick for the ratings but this is no good for 'date added' or play count obviously.
I have over 250 films on an external hard drive, and I was wondering whether I could get an extra column on finder so I can put what actor is in the film or what year was?