OS X Technologies :: Can't Login To Windows XP Share

Apr 4, 2012

1. when connecting to winXP via finder (10.7.3) does not pass authentication, only the guest mode 2. in the terminal mount - an error authentication 3. set samba - the problem has not disappeared 4. Changed the password on XP - the problem persists 5. Remote Desktop works fine, Authorization successful 6. On XP has created a new user authentication fails ((( 7. Connecting macbook 10.6.8 - no authorization is Connecting from a virtual XP - Authorization successful

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 Cannot Access Lion SMB Share, No Login Prompt

Apr 15, 2012

I am able to access my Windows 7 machine's shares on my Mac (Lion 10.7.3) through SMB with no problems at all. However, I am unable to access my Mac's shares on my Windows machine. 

I have been fighting with this issue for hours and haven't found a solution yet. I've done a bunch of Googling and have found plenty of posts related to my issue, but no solutions. Everyone seems to be at least receiving a login prompt when they try to connect to a Mac OS X Lion Samba share from a Windows 7 machine, but I am not. All I get is "Windows cannot connect to \MAC" after ~15-20 seconds of waiting. 

Here's what I've tried:Reconfigured all of my settings on both the Windows and Mac systems, then restarted. Windows: set to 40- and 56-bit encryption for File Sharing, instead of 128-bit.Windows: network discovery and file sharing enabled.Windows: Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level to Send NTMLv2 response only” to “Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated as suggested in another post.Windows: verified workgroup as WORKGROUP.Windows: verified Windows Firewall options for File Sharing.Windows: cleared credentials for my Mac's share in the Credential Manager, still no login prompt.Windows: reinserted my Mac's credentials in Credential Manager for the share, same issue. Mac: Enabled File Sharing, enabled SMB, enabled my Mac's account.Mac: verified Firewall settings for File Sharing.Mac: verified workgroup as WORKGROUP in WINS/NETBIOS configuration. For both systems: verified IP configuration as DHCP under the same gateway and subnet mask--they're clearly under the same network. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 15-inch 2011

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OS X Technologies :: Where To Share Scripts

Jun 18, 2012

I've got a script that takes a dup list from Araxis Find Dup Files and identifies each set of folders with multiple duplicates along with the number of duplicates and the total numbe of files in each folder.  I've got another that grabs credit card statement data from Safari and puts it into Excel. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 15 GB

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OS X Technologies :: Creating A Folder On An SMB Share Using A Mac

May 10, 2012

Our environment has multiple Windows file servers, both 2003 and 2008. If one of these SMB shares is accessed from a Mac and the user creates a folder, will the ACLs on the share that are set to cascade actually cascade to this newly created folder? We've had issues in the past where ACLs that are supposedly set to cascade on a shared folder are not present on sub-folders created from Macs.Next question: if the share resides on a netapp device, do the same rules apply? The Macs are still connecting to these shared folders using the SMB protocol.All Macs are bound to our 2008 AD domain and use network accounts with local homefolders. The issue seems to happen when one or both of the following things happen:

1. A Mac user copies/creates a folder on a Netapp share and for some reason it doesn't inherit rights correctly

2. We move the folder from one share on an actual Windows server to the Netapp and it doesn't take permissions correctly.

MacPro 2x2.66GHz Dual Core Xeon, 4GB RAM,, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Technologies :: Possible To Prevent OS From Dropping And Deleting A Network Share Shortcut

Feb 17, 2012

One thing that has always bugged me about Mac OS is that when a network share becomes unresponsive or unavailable the shortcut on the desktop disappears and you get a glaring messaging that the share has been disconnected.Is there any way to prevent a network share from being removed just because it becomes momentarily unavailable?As an example, on a Windows machine the network share shortcut remains, you simply cannot use it but it is there and ready to go the moment the share comes back online. Is there some way to make OS X behave in this manner? Or is there a way to extend the time out interval for a network share?

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OS X Technologies :: Telnet Router Login With Applescript?

May 23, 2012

I have to realize a user-based firewall with a draytek vigor 2850 router. Therefore every user has to login at the router during startup with a individual telnet parameter sequence. With the Terminal application the following procedure works fine. 

ADCT-iMac:~ Lucky$ telnet


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OS X :: Mount SMB Share To Desktop At Login

Nov 20, 2007

I just started drinking the Mac Kool-Aid when I ordered my first Mac - a MBP - last week. I must admit it tastes way better than the Windoze 3 day old cold coffee I'm used to. So far I'm loving it, but I'm running into one issue on my work network. After trying for 3 hours with our Linux guru we could not get Finder to open a connection to our file/web server which is Debian (Linux) through Samba. I tried everything I could think of and there's not much help on Google. Using the command line mount_smbfs I was finally able to mount the samba share on our Debian to a folder in my home directory. Right now this is fine, for the rest of the day I'll be able to work, but I'm just wondering if there is a way I can create a script that runs when I login that does the following:

1) At login check if my Server is available ( (this in case I'm using my MBP on the road or from home)

2) Run this command if the server exists: mount_smbfs //myusername:mypassword@ /pathto/mountfolder/ondesktop

3) The last part is the key (I guess) - I want this share to show up on my Desktop like when I connect a USB drive or how my Macintosh HD does

I'm assuming it's fairlly easy to create a script that runs at login? I've Googled a little with no success but I think the tricky part will making sure the is a valid server -- or maybe there doesn't even need to be a check it just runs the command and if it's not there nothing happens? The other tricky part for me is figuring out where exactly I need to mount the drive to so that it appears on my desktop as a mounted drive instead of in my /Users/username/smbMount folder that I arbitrarily made. The later is what I really need to konw as I'm sure with alot of Googling I can find the best way to create a login script in Leopard, but I have no idea where to mount it to and I'm afraid to just start trying to mount to some device in /dev/ which (I think) could potentially screw things up.

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OS X Technologies :: Terminal Program Changed Itself To Login From Bash

Jun 8, 2012

my terminal program has changed itself to login but I need it to be bash. How can I change it back to bash?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remote Screen Share Login With Own User Account Interrupts Other Users?

Mar 1, 2012

Apple writes in its OS X Lion screen sharing description that: "You can remotely log in to a Mac with any user account on that computer and control it, without interrupting someone else who might be using the computer under a different login." 

Unfortunately, this is not true in my case: When other users are using my 2011 iMac for webbrowsing or DVD watching and I log in on my own acount from my macbook pro, video will stop playing, the spinning wheel sometime appears. The system does not really crash, but wil respond very slowly and in fact is not useable until I as remote user stop my activities or log out. This is not how it should be, especially as the iMac's CPU, memory and network load are very low according to activity monitor's information. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Connecting To Windows Share - Won't Work With Windows Firewall And Enabled Ports?

Dec 29, 2009

i have searched a lot but haven't been able to solve my problem

i have a windows XP box on my network

i can connect to the C$/D$ admin shares via smb://.... only when the windows firewall is OFF - when i enable it, i can't connect

i have allowed ports 135-139,445 in the firewall, but still no luck

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OS X Technologies :: Apple-script "deamon" On System Startup Or Login Item?

Apr 9, 2012

I wrote an AppleScript script and saved it as an Applet that needs to run in the background whenever the system is up.

1/ I tried to set it as a startup item, so that it would start running as soon as the Mac is on -- however without success. I did not find out what the proper way is of doing this.  

2/ Then I tried to set it as a login item for each user. This is not as good, but I thought it may an alternative, 'buying me some time' to figure out how to do it properly as a system startup item. Launching the app works fine, but the user cannot log off again, because the system cannot seem to quit the script. So I have to stop the process in Activity Monitor, obviously not a solution.  

3/ Also, I would prefer the script to not show up in the Dock.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Cannot Connect To Windows SMB Share

Jan 13, 2010

I've recently bought my first mac (mac mini) and frequently access a shared driver that is hosted on a Windows server. Until today I have no issues by going into finder and typing
smb://ip or hostname here
However, today I get:
"There was an error connecting to the server "server". Check the server name or IP address and try again".

The same problem occurs when I try to access it by IP address. I can ping the particular Windows computer just fine in terminal by both host name and IP. I know that sharing works because it's fine on other Windows computers. It seems the problem is in Finder. I have made no changes at all since the last time it worked.

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Windows On Mac :: Share Printer In OS X?

May 19, 2010

I'm current sharing my printer in OS X to both a Macbook and Windows laptop. I often switch between OS X and Windows, so is there any way to share the printer using the same settings from both operating systems? It would be more convenient obviously if it wasn't necessary to check which OS the desktop's currently in beforehand.

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OS X Technologies :: Unable To Detect Usb Stick In Windows 7?

Apr 24, 2012

unable to detect usb stick in w7.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Share 3g Usb Modem With Parallels?

Jun 16, 2009

I received an at&t quicksilver 3g usb modem today. Works great on my MBP, however I can't seem to get XP to see the internet connection through Parallels. I have enabled internet sharing in the prefs pane. I shared the 3g modem to the ethernet connection. I tried installing the at&t connection manager software in virtual xp, but it wouldn't connect for some reason, so I removed the software.

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Windows On Mac :: W7 Not Saving Share Credentials

Oct 28, 2009

I had been running W7 RTM and VMware 2 with no problems. Yesterday I got my copy of W7 in the mail and I upgraded to VMware 3. I installed W7 with no problems on VMware. The problem I am having now is upon rebooting W7 the shared folder I have mapped in W7 does not save my user name and password. I have to enter them each time. I am checking the box to save the information. Any idea what I'm missing or is this going to be a bug in W7? FWIW the shared folder is on my iMac.

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ITunes :: Share One Library On MAC And Windows?

Apr 19, 2012

I want to be able to share one iTunes library that will be on a server between a MAC and a Windows machine.I know you have to rename one of the library files but not sure about how to go about it.It will be a brand new library. Not moving anything. 

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Intel Mac :: Share Photos With Windows 7?

May 9, 2012

Can Imac share photos with windows 7?

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OS X :: Connecting To Hidden Windows Share Folders?

Jan 12, 2008

I have a Windows XP PC where I shared a hidden share folder Data. How do I connect to the hidden folder on the Mac?

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Mac Pro :: Connecting To Windows File Share Getting Error

Aug 1, 2008

Getting error could not connect to the server because the name or password is not correct. I am able to connect to another server on the network.

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OS X :: Finder Always Connects To Windows Share As Guest

Apr 3, 2009

I've just received my new Nehalen MacPro. Everything went fine except one thing that its making me crazy. I have a windows share on my office network, to which I can connect just fine with my Macbook. On the MacPro I can connect to a WindowsVista machine (same/user and pass than the MacPro) but cannot connect to fileserver.

Whatever I try, the finder always connects as guest, even after I chose "connect as" as fill with the right username/password. Finder says its connecting and the connects, but as guest and not as my user. Because the guest has no permissions on this share, I see the folders but no files.

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OS X :: Can't View Files On IMac From Windows XP Share?

Jul 16, 2009

I recently convinced my Mom to buy a Mac. We got her a new 20" iMac and she loves it. I'm in the process of transferring over all of her files from her PC over a network share, but I'm having trouble viewing those shared files.

I am connecting to the PC through the smb:// protocol and I can see the share... but not the files in it. I've double checked the permissions and everything seems to be in order, but no avail. I even checked the firewall settings on both computers.

I myself have a desktop PC and a MBP setup. I have no problem accessing any shares on my PC from my MBP, and I've done nothing different with my Mom's setup.

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OS X :: How Can I Share External Drives From Mac Mini With Windows?

Aug 4, 2009

I am trying to use Mac Mini as my home server (as well as media server).I tried to share the folder and all, but I cannot see the external drives that are attached to Mac Mini.

If I remote in as Admin, I can see the main HDD, but nothing else. As Guest, I don't see anything.From Windows PCs, Mac Mini doesn't even appear on the network list.

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OS X :: How To Share Files Between Windows 7 RC And Snow Leopard

Oct 4, 2009

How do I do this?

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Software :: Share Printer With Windows Machine?

Dec 20, 2008

I know how to connect a Mac to a printer which is being shared by a windows machine. That seems easy enough. But my Dad has the opposite problem in that he has a printer connected to an Intel iMac and my mom wants to print to that printer from her Windows XP machine. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

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Software :: Windows Clients Cannot Connect To Share

May 30, 2009

We have an Xserve running Mac OSX Server with a Share. Our Mac clients can connect fine but our Windows clients are no longer able to connect. It worked before but not anymore and I don't know what happened.

Windows clients CAN:
- ping server
- VNC server
- see server in "My Network Places"

However, Windows clients CAN'T:
- map server share
- connect to server share.
I know it is not a permission issue.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Map MS Windows Share Folder On Network

May 25, 2012

Any step by step instruction on how to map or connect to my MS Windows shared folder on the network?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: How To Connect And Share Files From Mac To Windows PC

Dec 3, 2014

(I have a tp-link wifi router which is connected to mac and from the same router pc is connected via pan cable)

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Sync IPad On Mac / Windows PC And Share Library?

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible to sync my iPad on both Mac and Windows, and to share the same library for both devices. I constantly switch between my desktop pc and Macbook Pro and it would be handy to get the same apps/music/movies on both, and being able to either sync my iPad on the pc or Mac depending on which one I'm using that day. Is this possible? Or can I only sync my iPad to one iTunes installation?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - Connecting To Windows File Share?

Aug 31, 2009

On tiger, I could connect to windows file shares quite easily, if I recall:

1. in Finder, use "Go" -> "Connect to Server"
2. Enter smb://servername/sharename
3. Click "Connect"

In Snow Leopard, I do this and I'm prompted for a login, but it WILL NOT take my windows domain / username and password.

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