OS X :: Connecting To Hidden Windows Share Folders?
Jan 12, 2008I have a Windows XP PC where I shared a hidden share folder Data. How do I connect to the hidden folder on the Mac?
View 3 RepliesI have a Windows XP PC where I shared a hidden share folder Data. How do I connect to the hidden folder on the Mac?
View 3 Repliesi have searched a lot but haven't been able to solve my problem
i have a windows XP box on my network
i can connect to the C$/D$ admin shares via smb://.... only when the windows firewall is OFF - when i enable it, i can't connect
i have allowed ports 135-139,445 in the firewall, but still no luck
Getting error could not connect to the server because the name or password is not correct. I am able to connect to another server on the network.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn tiger, I could connect to windows file shares quite easily, if I recall:
1. in Finder, use "Go" -> "Connect to Server"
2. Enter smb://servername/sharename
3. Click "Connect"
In Snow Leopard, I do this and I'm prompted for a login, but it WILL NOT take my windows domain / username and password.
is there away to mount a share as hidden? or so it is mounted other then the desktop?
what i am trying to do is i have an application and it needs connection to a share that is located on a server. that share has read/write on it so that the application can run but i don't want people to be able to see it and play with other peoples data.
I have this wierd thing going on - when I copy pictures (jgp) from my MacBook to my standalone NAS (samba share based) - they are not visible from within Finder. I have to manually open a terminal and do a "ls" to see that they are there.
This only happens with copying Mac->NAS, and not with PC->NAS. In fact, if I copy the folder with all the hidden .jpgs over to my PC, I can even see them there. It just says it contains 234 pictures when I bring up the folder properties.
Anyone know whats causing this, or what I can do to failsearch?
MacBook Pro
How I can see hidden folders (/bin/, /etc/) in Finder?
View 12 Replies View RelatedNamely: Library and its contents. If Windows can do it, I'm confident Leopard 10.5.6 can too. None of the myriad permutations of the below Terminal command work.
# defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE
# KillAll Finder
When I "search this Mac" in the Finder or querry Spotlight, I want nothing but nothing excluded from results. I am not a computer retard in danger of ruining my OS through hasty file relocation or deletion. I want my search returns to include even the most sensitive system files which, if accidentally deleted, would cause my Mac Pro to reach out through my monitor and stab me in the face.
Folder example: There are several folders called "Mozilla" on my system, and yours if you use Firefox. Good luck finding a folder called "Mozilla" using the Finder or Spotlight. You'll have to know where it is and manually navigate there.
File example: I have a file called userChrome.css buried in users/me/Library/AS/Mozilla/ext/yadaYoda, But when I search for "userChrome.css" - Mac OS peers out at me through it's glowing red eye and says, very calmly, "What are you doing Dave? I can't let you do that Dave."
Can anyone tell me how to really & truly include ALL files and folders in searches? I'll reiterate that I've tried a dozen terminal commands I found online.
I was just wondering how to view and delete hidden folders??
View 2 Replies View RelatedSometimes, it's not just folders, it's files too. Sometimes in non-mac sources, like my SMART TV, I see files named .filename.mp4 along with filename.mp4. And these fraudulent files are really bothering. And the worst part, I can't see them in Finder. remove the .file.mp4.
I used the term 'filename.mp4' to represent an MP4 video file. But the files that have a . before them need to be deleted.
This past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hidden
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 2008
So the problem is.. I was using a MBP as my main computer and my husband had the imac 24". He ordered the imac 27" and gave me the imac 24" to use and the laptop is now in its bad where it belongs.
So we both ported over our stuff.. he ported the info from the 24" imac to the 27" and then did a clean swipe of it and I ported the laptop's stuff over to the 24" that was at the point cleaned and empty.
When I did that something weird happened with the users where, instead of making me (the user from the laptop) the main admin it added it under a default admin. I had to switch the priorities around (make me the admin and the default user a reg. user) and then delete the default user.
My friend was having some issues with an old mac of his, so he bought a new one. He said that when he connected the two macs to move files from the old one to the new one, something weird happened. Te new one found the processor and ram from the old one and used it as its own resources.
I have lost contact with this guy so i have no way to find out how this was done. I think he said he used a firewire cable between the two macs but am not sure
does anyone know how to do this? I dont think it was xgrid cause it worked with all programs and could see the processors in activity manager. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This week I bought mij first macbook pro. so I new in osx. I have a ubuntu 14.04 server running with samba 4.1.6. From a Windows or linux computer is can acces the shares just fine.
When i try to acces the share from my macbook i can open the share but when I try to open an folder with allot of files/folders the is empty in finder, i thought first it was a performance issue so I've waited for 30 minutes but still empty. smaller Folders ik can open in finder.
In console there his no error on the server the logfile has also no error...
Having trouble connecting MB pro to imac....used to be able to but they wont connect anymore....also my ps3 wont connect either.....
View 4 Replies View RelatedI currently have about 8 iMacs in our lab on OS X 10.5.8 with all of their updates. When attempted to reach an SMB share on a Windows 2008 server by way of smb://10.x.x.x each mac starts to error. It reaches the server and asks for their login, but after the correct info is inputted the mac starts to act up. The apple menu disappears and so does every icon on the desktop. The finder navigator becomes inaccessible and you aren't really able to do anything until the computer is forced to shut down by holding down the power button. I turned on Activity Monitor and then tried to connect to a server and saw that the processes Finder and ReportCrash both appear and then disappear about every 15 seconds or less. Over and over again with no popup reporting the crash to the user.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince the Yosemite upgrade, Screen Sharing App seems to try opening an afp share first when connecting via a vnc:// shortcut... It takes a while before being connected in VNC (2-3 minutes) !
Remote has been configured via a command line found in an other discussion in this board (Upgraded to Yosemite and can no longer remote into my work iMac through screen sharing- it is turned on in settings?. Connecting via the RealVNC App is super fast (like 5 sec).configuration was exactly the same in Mavericks and it worked well and fast !
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
To set any of these, go to terminal and enter in the code for whichever preference you want to set. Remember, to reset the setting to its default value, just change the "1" at the end to a "0" (or vice versa). Enable "X-Raying" Folders with QuickLook This one is pretty cool. It lets you show the contents of folders when QuickLooking them.
defaults write com.apple.Finder QLEnableXRayFolders 1
Disable "X-Raying" Folders With Custom Icons
I've set some share folders, from windows xp I can open the folders (even create files) and see the child folders but when I try to open them I get access denied.
I'm using snow leopard 10.6 on a mac mini, can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this?
Recent switcher. Experienced in KDE Linux and Windows. If I have two windows in Firefox, both maximized - is there some way, from the dock or cmd-tab to switch between them? Its really hard to find a "fullscreen" windows behind another one. Expose sort of does it, but I prefer to see icons rather than page representations (sometimes it's hard to differentiate between a terminal and a sparse website).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have recently returned to the Mac fold after a long absence wandering in the pc desert and have just purchased a 21.5 inch iMac. In setting it up I have created two user accounts, one for myself and one for my wife. I am attempting to set it up so that folders such as pictures, music, downloads, etc. can be accessed by both of us. I'm also hoping that there is a way to make it so that if I upload photos to my iPhoto library they are also synced to her iPhoto library. Is this possible or a pipe dream?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find an way to hide folders on a FAT32 file system in a Win* environment. Basically, the device I have will not show files and folders/directories in its menus if they are marked as hidden in Windows. I want to find a way to do this in OS X without having to boot in XP all the time. Anyone know how?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to put a windows partition on my iMac downstairs instead of this macbook because I need to use the graphics card for PS and some games, but my parents won't let me. So morals aside, is there a way for me to make a hidden partition on bootcamp? Like make it so the only way you can know it's there is if you went to disk utility, or to hold option at start up? I would need to hard it on all accounts of the computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just acquired an external enclosure for my 160GB 2.5 HDD, and I have it formatted as NTFS on a MBR partition table. I use NTFS-3G on OSX, and it's, of course, natively supported by windows. Well, I am having problems with hidden files between them. In OSX, the .DS_Store files, .Trashes and ._*name* files are hidden, but I can see windows' hidden files (RECYCLER, RECYCLE BIN, and System Volume Information). In Windows, I can see .DS_Store, .Trashes and ._*name* files from OSX, but not Windows' hidden files. I am looking for a way to solve this, or not have the files created on the disks.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have to supply a generated set of files � a couple of dozen logos as .eps files � in a folder containing some other nested folders to a small enterprise that uses PCs for their day to day work.
The people I'm dealing with are not very IT-savvy and if I could, I'd provide a set of these folders and files without the corresponding invisible files that usually have a dot at the beginning of their file-names.
I'll probably zip the whole lot up and email, rapidshare or yousendit it over to them so they can unpack it and get to business without me having to explain what all those files with the dots are, and how to get rid of them.
I've tried re-installing and updating every possible graphics related driver for Windows 7 i cannot for love or toffee get the bloody thing to even recognize my display. I am using a 26" tv as an external display, it works on OS X (very easily), windows XP (also very easily) and even Vista (also easily) and connecting through a DVI/HDMI connector. Why not windows 7? I've scoured the web for answers but can't find anything. Is anyone at least in the same boat as me? I really need this solved soon
View 1 Replies View RelatedOk, I feel like a doofus, but I need some help if someone is willing.
I bought an Airport Extreme and installed per instructions on the Mac partition. The Extreme replaces an Express as the base unit, the express now extends the range of the network (and is now connected to my stereo system). So, the "new" network that was set up has the exact same name as the old one when it was just the Express.
Everything works fine on the mac side. When I go to my Win XP side (Boot camp) it sees the network but says it cannot connect. To put is simply, I can't remeber what I need to do. I haven't had to mess with this stuff since I set it up almost 2 years ago. Do I need to set up a new network?... I am just drawing a blank. Is keeping the same name for the "new" network part of my problem?
I just installed Windows 7 via Parallels Desktop on my Mac. I used to have XP SP3 before this where I had it setup that no folders from Windows would show on the OSX desktop, but now that I've installed Windows 7, the folders from Windows are showing on the OSX desktop again. I forgot how to configure this, so can anyone please tell me how to do this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an airport express set up which i use on my macbook when running os x, however when i run windows 7 on the same macbook, it cant connect to the airport. It's a first gen core duo macbook, i.e. it is 802.11g , any idea why it doesnt work? This is a screen shot of the error message...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've recently bought my first mac (mac mini) and frequently access a shared driver that is hosted on a Windows server. Until today I have no issues by going into finder and typing
smb://ip or hostname here
However, today I get:
"There was an error connecting to the server "server". Check the server name or IP address and try again".
The same problem occurs when I try to access it by IP address. I can ping the particular Windows computer just fine in terminal by both host name and IP. I know that sharing works because it's fine on other Windows computers. It seems the problem is in Finder. I have made no changes at all since the last time it worked.