I've recently bought my first mac (mac mini) and frequently access a shared driver that is hosted on a Windows server. Until today I have no issues by going into finder and typing
smb://ip or hostname here
However, today I get:
"There was an error connecting to the server "server". Check the server name or IP address and try again".
The same problem occurs when I try to access it by IP address. I can ping the particular Windows computer just fine in terminal by both host name and IP. I know that sharing works because it's fine on other Windows computers. It seems the problem is in Finder. I have made no changes at all since the last time it worked.
We have an Xserve running Mac OSX Server with a Share. Our Mac clients can connect fine but our Windows clients are no longer able to connect. It worked before but not anymore and I don't know what happened.
Windows clients CAN: - ping server - VNC server - see server in "My Network Places"
However, Windows clients CAN'T: - map server share - connect to server share. I know it is not a permission issue.
I'm not able to connect to a windows share on a Windows 2003 server with my AD username and password. I'm running OS 10.5.8 from a MacBook Pro.The AD credentials work from other Macs on the network running 10.4.11 but it will not connect from mine. I've added a virgin user account and had the same problem from that account. I've reinstalled the operating system with the same failure. AD credentials allow me to log into the Exchange server via Entoruage.
My Mac is not bound to AD and neither are any of the other Mac workstations in our group. The message I get after entering my username and password in the Windows dialog box is usually "The volume could not be mounted ". In the Console log the following entry pertains to this but it's foreign to me, CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
I've found plenty of articles on how to get Time Machine to backup TO a network drive, however I have the opposite problem; I have a Windows machine on my network, with some shared folders, and I'd like to back-up their contents using Time Machine on my Mac since it has plenty of space, without having to copy their contents somewhere first if possible.
However, Time Machine only lets you choose what to exclude, it doesn't let you specify special sources to backup. I was thinking a symbolic link from /Volumes, but I've no idea where to point it to. A second relevant question as well would be; how do I get OS X to automatically connect to a Windows share when it's available? The Windows machine isn't always on when I start up my Mac, but I don't want to have to manually connect all the time
Is this possible with two G5's [dual 2ghz machines] one running tiger the other leopard. Have selected sharing via fire-wire but not been able to set up connection and connection manager only offers Ethernet help.The leopard machine has Ethernet connection to internet.
I have Snow Leopard on my iMac, and a Win XP Home SP3. I have shared a folder on my Win XP, I try to connect to it via finder on my iMac but says "server cannot connect".
I can ping my PC from my Mac but not otherway, I turned off firewall on iMac and can now ping - 1st problem why? And how to fix it/allow iMac firewall to accept a IP address
I cannot ping from my DLink DIR635 router to iMac if iMacs firewall is on. Why?
When I connect to server on iMac I use the IP address of Win PC, it lists the share names, I try to connect using my iMac u/n and password, also tried windows u/n and password but get same error, server cannot connect..
My Win PC Firewall is set to accept iMac IP and it does.
Recently I acquired an Airport Extreme base station. I have 2 wifi networks because I am not on cable, it's an adsl service. At the moment the extreme is in bridge mode and its like the 2 networks are fused together, so the PC can access my mac's files and so on.
However, I want to be able to point to opendns' name servers inside my extremes settings, as opposed to individual computers, and wondered that if I got it to share a public ip address, would it bugger up my connectivity in any way? I'm too wuss to try it in case i can't connect.
I want to connect my MAC PRO to my time machine by ethernet and then my time machine to my ADSL Modem Router by wireless..e.gINTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> TIME MACHINE >> MAC PROat the moment I have..INTERNET >> ADSL MODEM >> MAC PRO >> TIME MACHINEwhich I dont want.. And please could you give me a step by step walkthrough.. really detailed..
I'm sure this has been posted, but my search pulled up hundreds of threads. After I scanned the first 50, I decided to just post my question.
I have to wait a few days (at most) for my job to register my MAC address so that the new Mac Pro has access to the network/internet via ethernet. It does not have an Airport card or Bluetooth. While I am waiting, is there a way to connect the Mac Pro to my Powerbook (which has Wifi internet access) such that it can piggyback on the internet connection as a temporary solution?
When I try to connect to folder shared by my windows computers, it says "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because of an unexpected error occurred (Error Code -41). It was still working fine yesterday.
I get this message "The operation can’t be completed because the original item for “______” can’t be found." every time I try and connect. I've never had this problem before updating. I'm currently running the latest firmware for my server, and have restarted both the server and my iMac.
I have several iMac machines and MacBook Pros that were upgraded to Mavericks. Since the upgrade they are unable to connect to a file share simply by clicking on the server in a Finder window and then clicking on the "Connect As..." button. (As I understand it, this is the Bonjour service.) This has worked in the past and works on machines running 10.8.x
I am able to connect to the very same file share if I use "Connect to Server" and type in the afp:// address.
Nothing has changed in the network that I'm aware of.
I'm current sharing my printer in OS X to both a Macbook and Windows laptop. I often switch between OS X and Windows, so is there any way to share the printer using the same settings from both operating systems? It would be more convenient obviously if it wasn't necessary to check which OS the desktop's currently in beforehand.
I received an at&t quicksilver 3g usb modem today. Works great on my MBP, however I can't seem to get XP to see the internet connection through Parallels. I have enabled internet sharing in the prefs pane. I shared the 3g modem to the ethernet connection. I tried installing the at&t connection manager software in virtual xp, but it wouldn't connect for some reason, so I removed the software.
I had been running W7 RTM and VMware 2 with no problems. Yesterday I got my copy of W7 in the mail and I upgraded to VMware 3. I installed W7 with no problems on VMware. The problem I am having now is upon rebooting W7 the shared folder I have mapped in W7 does not save my user name and password. I have to enter them each time. I am checking the box to save the information. Any idea what I'm missing or is this going to be a bug in W7? FWIW the shared folder is on my iMac.
1. when connecting to winXP via finder (10.7.3) does not pass authentication, only the guest mode 2. in the terminal mount - an error authentication 3. set samba - the problem has not disappeared 4. Changed the password on XP - the problem persists 5. Remote Desktop works fine, Authorization successful 6. On XP has created a new user authentication fails ((( 7. Connecting macbook 10.6.8 - no authorization is Connecting from a virtual XP - Authorization successful
I want to be able to share one iTunes library that will be on a server between a MAC and a Windows machine.I know you have to rename one of the library files but not sure about how to go about it.It will be a brand new library. Not moving anything.
I've just received my new Nehalen MacPro. Everything went fine except one thing that its making me crazy. I have a windows share on my office network, to which I can connect just fine with my Macbook. On the MacPro I can connect to a WindowsVista machine (same/user and pass than the MacPro) but cannot connect to fileserver.
Whatever I try, the finder always connects as guest, even after I chose "connect as" as fill with the right username/password. Finder says its connecting and the connects, but as guest and not as my user. Because the guest has no permissions on this share, I see the folders but no files.
I recently convinced my Mom to buy a Mac. We got her a new 20" iMac and she loves it. I'm in the process of transferring over all of her files from her PC over a network share, but I'm having trouble viewing those shared files.
I am connecting to the PC through the smb:// protocol and I can see the share... but not the files in it. I've double checked the permissions and everything seems to be in order, but no avail. I even checked the firewall settings on both computers.
I myself have a desktop PC and a MBP setup. I have no problem accessing any shares on my PC from my MBP, and I've done nothing different with my Mom's setup.
I am trying to use Mac Mini as my home server (as well as media server).I tried to share the folder and all, but I cannot see the external drives that are attached to Mac Mini.
If I remote in as Admin, I can see the main HDD, but nothing else. As Guest, I don't see anything.From Windows PCs, Mac Mini doesn't even appear on the network list.
I know how to connect a Mac to a printer which is being shared by a windows machine. That seems easy enough. But my Dad has the opposite problem in that he has a printer connected to an Intel iMac and my mom wants to print to that printer from her Windows XP machine. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
I have a iMAC running 10.5.5 and have connected a HP Photosmart C6280 Printer to it via the USB cable. Using Bonjour to connect a XP and a Vista box I get a error saying "ERROR You do not have sufficient access to your computer to connect to the selected printer". I am logged in as the administrator when I do it on the XP or Vista computer and have completed this function on other printer installation before so I know the permissions are there. The software for the printer is loaded on both windows computers.