OS X :: Snow Leopard Upgrade / Windows Dual Boot?
Jan 14, 2010
I have an Intel Macbook with 10.4.11 running, and I wanted to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I've heard that the $29 upgrade disc will work with 10.4, and I have a couple questions.
1. I lost the original 10.4 install disc that came with my computer - would that be a problem?
2. I'm in a college CS program, and I'd like to be able to dual boot Windows onto the laptop. I think in order to do that, I have to do a clean install of OS X after installing Windows - can I do that with the upgrade disc?
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Oct 30, 2010
I have two Macs that run Snow Leopard. Lion looks to be quite different and offer great new features, particularly the app store. So, can a Mac become dual boot like a Linux can? I mean, may I co-install Lion side by side with Snow leopard rather than overwrite it? I have successfully done this operation on a Linux Ubuntu netbook with two different versions of Ubuntu, and a Windows 7/Ubuntu netbook. But I've never tried this on a Mac. Does a Mac OSX install allow options for how the user will install the new OS?
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Nov 12, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro 5,5 running snow leopard and I would really like to dual boot it with ubuntu 9.10 does anyone know the best way to do this or if ubuntu is compatible with the mac hardware?
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Dec 2, 2009
I'm wondering how to do a dual boot on my macbook g5 with ubuntu and snow leopard. I've tried using refit but it made my mac act all funny and it wouldn't run properly so I am wondering is there any other way of making this dual boot happen?
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Dec 3, 2009
I just ordered a new iMac and I'll be upgrading from a 1GHz TiBook with Tiger on it. I have some important music software that I'm not 100% sure will work with Snow Leopard, but my understanding is that it's already ok for Universal Binary. So I had the thought that maybe I could put Tiger on the iMac and dual boot. I've never dealt with a dual-boot system before, other than a couple times when I played around with Classic Mode when I still had Jaguar and/or Panther.
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Dec 2, 2009
I'm really new to OS X and macs in general. I just got the new macbook and I have Win7 professional 32bit on a dvd(legal). I have created a partition in bootcamp but every time it tries to boot from the dvd a black screen comes up with a flashing white cursor and thats it. Can anyone help me please as i really need win7 soon for college assignments.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have Windows XP on my Mac now. I am about to upgrade to SL right now. Isn't there a new version of Boot Camp on there?
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Dec 18, 2009
I want to know if you guys have a really slow windows 7 and/or Snow Leopard boot up time?I get a nasty white screen before the main selector kicks in.I'm using a mac mini late 2009.
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Dec 28, 2009
I have a MacBook, 2Gig memory, 2.18 mhz, running leopard. My best Bible software has to be windows (Logos) Mac version is no where near its potential here, everything PC has crashed in last 8 months. I pulled out o;d Parallels 3 and a whole bunch of old software, getting ready to get to migrate to Win 7.
I have ordered Snow Leopard.
I have ordered Parallels for Mac ver 4 (OLD VER ?)
Getting free upgrade to Parallels 5
Will probably get an OEM version of Win 7 Ultimate.
1- Can I just install the upgrade to parallels 5
2- if I have to install parallels 4, all I have is XP.
3- My Logos Bible software will 'Sing' on Win 7 need to get there
4- Do not want to reinstall XP as Win 7 has to gut it.
I would rather just not do any of this and wait for my first SS check! But I have to and do not know what to do first. It would seem Snow Leopard but I do not want to do Parallels 4 then parallels 5 if I do not have to. I am canning all my PC stuff and love the intuitiveness of all Apple stuff including software.
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Apr 7, 2012
I am running OS 10.5.8 with Windows XP dual boot on my MacBook that I purchased in late 2008.Can I easily upgrade to Lion at this point without having to reinstall the Windows XP/dual boot etc?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm thinking of buying my first Mac ever pretty soon. I can get an educational discount and also get a free iPod Touch if I buy before September 15. I understand that Snow Leopard will be available "in September" so I will have to receive it separately if I buy my Mac between now and then. So, I've never owned Macs before, so I'm wondering how the upgrade from Leopard -> Snow Leopard will happen. Is it like Windows where you can choose to do a "clean installation" or an "in-place" upgrade? Coming from the Windows world, I tend to lean more towards clean installations.
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Sep 6, 2009
I upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6 and when I went to delete my windows partition boot camp could not find it. Is there a way to delete the partition?
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Nov 15, 2009
My new 27" i7 iMac is arriving this week, and I'm trying to get everything lined up for the great awakening. Here's my situation:
My wife will use this beauty for her work during the day, and will need to use a resource-intensive, windoze-specific genomic software program that is 32-bit only. I of course will also be on it, using mostly OS X but needing to run some windoze-specific applications myself, and I can go 64-bit. I *do* have VMware Fusion 3.0 ready to go, but I'd prefer to use it with the BootCamp partitions instead of as virtual machines because this is better for my backup situation. Also, a bootable external HDD is not an option at the moment, so there's that.
So, to my question: Can I triple-boot with Win7 32-bit and 64-bit? I've read this guide but it's for XP and Vista. I have reason to believe it's possible with adequate preparation, using Disk Utility to partition the disk right away and going from there. I'm just worried about unforeseen issues. I'm thinking if it works I will somehow boot into windows and then somehow be given the option of going into 32- or 64-bit. If it doesn't, I guess I might have to go the virtual route for my 64-bit'-ness.
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Aug 29, 2009
I put snow leopard on my mac this afternoon and have been kicking the tires. I ran Parallels 4.0 and the windows worked just fine with my XP Partition. When I tried to boot it up in boot camp however, I got an error telling me it couldn't load windows.
I imagine this is an issue with the drivers, but I can't figure out where the drivers are and how to get them on the windows side.
When I open windows in parallels, I can't find any drivers to load on the DVD for snow leopard's boot camp.
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Sep 5, 2009
I cannot find Boot Camp 3.0 on my Mac. I just upgraded to SL and it seems like it disappeared. A search in Spotlight returned nothing.
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Oct 7, 2009
My OSX partition shows up fine in my Bootcamped Windows 7 x64, and I can read/write to it fine. My external, a Western Digital 1tb drive formated HFS+, is connected thru firewire, and it doesn't seem to mount or show up at all.
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Feb 13, 2010
I've been having big problems trying to solve my problem. I've checked all the posts related, tried all the solutions and still I didn't get anything, so I'm sharing my problem and hope for someone to have the solution.
I installed Windows XP with BootCamp and it was working fine.
But then the HD space of the windows partition was too small and I needed more space. So what I did was erase the partition with the Disc Utility.
But before that I wanted to test the Parallels to see if the windows 7 would work fine with it. It installed easily but I didn't like the performance of it, so I just erased it with the AppCleaner. Then I erased the BootCamp partition with Disc Utility.
But when I tried to use the Boot Camp Assistant again, it only gave me the message: "The Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Because Some Files Cannot Be Moved"I've checked the forums and it was said that probably if I use iDefrag, it would solve my problem.Once I did it, I still got the same message.Then I decided to repair the dic, so I did the verification and clicked on Repair Disc Permitions and I've got this message:
-The file SUID "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" was modified and cannot be repaired.
Then I decided to reboot the whole system inserting the installation disc and pressing the C button, but all I get is a white screen and no response. And sometimes the Macbook not even start properly (also having only the white screen and no response), so I need to press the Option button till the Mac HD icon appears and I can access the computer.
And now I really without any option and I wanted to install the windows.
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May 12, 2010
I got my new Macbook today. I've reformatted and installed Snow Leopard. Then I set up Boot Camp and installed Windows 7. I installed all the drivers under Windows 7 using the Snow Leopard install disc. One problem that remains is under Windows 7, I can't tap the trackpad to click. I have to use a mouse.Anyone know of a fix? Can't find it under Apple Support at all.
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Mar 8, 2010
So as the title explains, since last Friday I've been trying to figure out why my Macbook Pro started getting stuck on the boot screen with the spinning gear. Sometimes a progress bar appear and it fills like 1/20th of the way and goes back to the spinning gear. However, if I boot into Windows 7, it works fine. I tried using the Snow Leopard install disk to get into disk utility and it won't even boot from cd (For reference, I tried the hold-c command to boot into the cd). The I tried resetting the PRAM, the SMC reset and the fsk thing, no bananas. I have this Macbook Pro since June 2009. I'm shot of ideas, if you guys have no idea what's wrong its a call to Apple, or a meeting with a "Genius" ugh.
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Mar 30, 2012
Is there an upgrade beyond 10.4.11 to Leopard 10.5 that doesn't require an intel-based mac. I bought Snow Leopard 10.6.3 and it tells me that I need an intel based mac. Will 10.5 leopard work?
Power Mac G5 (Late 2005), Mac OS X (10.4.11), Dual GHz Power Pc
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Aug 25, 2010
I am willing to either dual boot windows 7 and mac os x on a computer i just built with i7 processor or just install mac os x on that computer. I have download iatkos v1.0 and snow leopold. the computer can boot on either one. My problem is after I selected the language I was asked where I wanted to install the program,I was stuck there.
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Dec 30, 2010
I am happy with my MBP and I have an old laptop running XP . I want to know why one should dual boot . And waht methods can be adopted to dual boot Mac OS X snow leopard with windows 7 .
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Jun 18, 2010
I have bootcamp with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 in my macbook (latest white one).
I mainly use Snow Leopard.
Both OS are working fine until I restart my mac in Snow Leopard yesterday.
After starting song appeared and it directly go to Windows 7.
I pressed Option (Alt) key and chose Snow Leopard but it still go into Windows.
I even changed boot option in Windows > Control Panel > Boot Camp Option to OSX but it doesn't work.
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Mar 15, 2012
At the moment I have Windows 7 32 bit OS. I've always wanted either an iMac, or atleast the Mac OS. I've recently found out it's only £20.99, and i've always thought it was a lot more than that, which is a bargain! The only thing which is stopping me from buying it at the moment, is that certain programs which I use reguarlarly won't work on Mac, and I really need those programs. Is their anyway I could dual-boot it with Windows 7, so I give Windows 7 say only 8gb of my hard drive, and Mac the rest?
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May 1, 2009
I recently got a new hard drive and I want to install Mac OS X 10.5 and Windows XP on it.
Is it possible to format one partition with the Mac GUID for OS X and the other partition as a Master Record for Windows XP?
Or does Mac OS X/Windows XP dual-booting has to be done through the bootcamp?
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Jan 26, 2010
Is a usb keyboard needed to switch between OS X and Windows in bootcamp when holding down the option key, or should the Apple bluetooth wireless keyboard work as well?
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Jun 30, 2010
I plan on purchasing a Mac Mini server in the upcoming months and I'd like to be able to dual boot Windows on it when I need to. However the Mac OS Server (as far as I can tell) doesn't come with the Boot camp utility. So here's my conundrum: Do I ignore the server version of Mac and install Snow Leopard client with boot camp assistant or do I just use Disc Utility to create a second partition on one of the Mini drives and install Windows like any other computer? and keep using the server version of Snow Leopard?
I guess what I;m asking is which of these is the better option?
Installing Client and using Boot Camp Utility?
Or Creating a Partition manually and installing Windows on that?
(would my second option even work and would installing boot camp drivers after that process do any good or would it just bunk the Windows install?)
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Sep 14, 2006
By using boot camp, I finally managed to install XP on my Macbook Pro. I can extend the monitor but the problem is that the extended monitor is in Black&WHite and totally jagged/off centered. I tested the adater and the cable with other machine and they work fine, so definitely issue is not the cable and the adapter. I really need to use Dual monitor for some software that I use on XP, so this is really really important to me.... My MacbookPro is 2.16ghz with 2GB of RAM, and the video card is ATI Radeon X1600. Maybe I need to install different driver for the card? If anyone has done the same please please let me know exactly how you did it
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May 17, 2010
I am a complete n00b when it comes to OSX just to warn you lol. Im just wondering, if one did a dual boot of windows alongside OSX, is it possible to access those files on the windows partition from OSX and likewise, is it possible to access those files on the OSX partition from wndows? Also, will Time Capsule only back up files from OSX or from across the whole mac? Sorry if this is a stupid question, as I am looking into buying a macbook and was wondering if this is possible.
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May 24, 2010
It's time for me to look into serious back up solutions for a Mac Pro dual boot. I had good backup solutions in the past, but this set up is different. I now have two Mac drives (system and storage), the Windows partition on Mac system drive, and one Windows storage drive (total 3 physical, 4 virtual). Physical system drive is 240GB split down the middle. Mac storage drive is 1TB, and XP storage drive is 500MB. I keep reading about robotic backup systems like Drobo, but I'm wondering what the advantages are over simply getting matched drives and mirroring them. (Other than the fact that I don't have to worry about drive sizes I mean).
It seems to me the big selling point on these gadgets is the "set it and forget it" aspect. I've used mirrored drives in the past, and don't recall ever having to pay any attention to them, no extra software settings. Share them, don't share them, whatever. That, and they update on the fly. Every time I write to the primary drive, the redundant drive is instantly updated to match it. What am I not getting? These "robotic" backups just seem to me to be nothing more than SATA drive racks with a lot of blinking lights I don't really need (I pay attention to my storage capacity. I know when it's getting full long before the lights come on), and software that does stuff the system can already do.
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