MacBook Pro :: External Not Mount When Hooked Up To USB Hub
Nov 1, 2009
I have a new mbp and a WD 500gb external, the smaller size ones. When I hook it up directly to the usb port on my comp it mounts, but if I try to use the logitech 4 port usb hub the comp doesn't find the external.
I'm trying to get my macbook hooked up to two external displays.I remember seeing a post about it previously, with a solution, however, I stupidly did not bookmark it. Does anyone have a solution? As you know, the Macbook only has 1 mini-dvi port.
That said my problem is the internet is really slow when I connect my macbook to a my samsung 24" monitor. Super slow and when I disconnect, the internet is perfectly fine. I use [URL] to measure the speed and with the monitor I get usually around .05 Mbps to 3Mbps, without 12-19Mbps.
I have a 2011 iMac which i've loved using. I bought a Seagate goflex external harddrive so I could start using time machine. I've noticed that whenver I power my iMac down it will sit on the grey screen just before shutting off for a long time. In fact, it will not actually shut down until i unplug my external hard drive. As soon as I unplug my harddrive the mac starts thinking again and shuts down within seconds. Why it would do this. I now hard plug my harddrive in because of this, which is kinda of dumb since I bought it to work as a time machine.
I read the thread about how to pivot your screen over in another section but it didn't address what to do when it goes wrong. And it did...very wrong. I'm running a Powerbook G4 Titanium 15" laptop with Tiger OsX 10.4.11 and I hooked an external monitor to it. I was playing around with the settings and saw the rotation feature, which wasn't available until I attached the external monitor. As soon as I clicked on 90 degrees, both the main screen and the external fritzed out. I could vaguely see things through the haze on the main screen but the whole thing had stopped responding to all mouse and keypad commands. Eventually the only thing I could do to regain control was a hard shut off with the power button and unplug the external. After that the main screen booted up just fine but the moment I hook up the external again they go blue screen of death on me and I can't see what I'm doing to undo what I did!! I tried hitting the manual reset on the screen itself, which I didn't really think would work but hey, desperate times...
After some research on the internet I found out that, contrary to what the other thread says, not all Tiger enabled computers can run the rotation function, apparently because the scan rate, or something like that is too low. Which is why the option was disabled when only the main screen was running. Nice to know and would have been good to know sooner but what I need help with now is HOW DO I FIX THIS MESS?!!!! Some sites mentioned archiving (I'm moderately computer savvy but I'm not totally sure I know how to do that) and some have mentioned the boot disk, which I have but I want to make sure I know what will happen if I do that. I've backed up my files just in case. Will it erase the programs I've installed or just my settings? Or is it much simpler and is there something in the utilities I can mess with that will reset stuff?
I have tried a Samsung Drive and an ASUS slim drive (that worked twice, then stopped working). They do show up in the Disk Utility, but not on the desktop. Disc Utility states that burning is not supported, even though I was able to burn two discs with the ASUS before it stopped as well. I had my keyboard replaced around the same time as the issue starting, it is possible that they could they have messed with something by accident. The tech did also forget to put a screw in above the DVD Drive. I also will note the internal drive is a Combo Drive, not a superdrive.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a new Macbook Pro with a retina display that won't mount a Toshiba Canvio 3.0 Plus external 1TB drive. The drive shows up in the System Report under the USB tag. However Disk Utility does not see it. The drive shows up and is able to be erased and partitioned and mounted with another Macbook Pro running 10.6.8. So, the drive itself is good. how to get the drive to mount on the new Macbook Pro?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've got an external 500gb Seagate drive with 2 journalised for my time machine backups and the other for holding audio samples for my drum machines and such. All of a sudden today the audio partition won't mount but the time machine partition still works fine. I go into disk utility and it shows ther but just says unable to mount when I try to mount it. It suggests first aid so I verify and repair numerous times and it says everything is ok. I can boot up Ubuntu in VMware andboth partitions are visible and all the files are there....everything is just as it should be. I was using 10.5.7 and just upgraded to 10.5.8 tonight and nothing changed.
I just took the hard drive out of my old ibook g4 and put it in a case to use an external.
But for some reason it won't show up? I looked in disk utility and its there but i cant mount it or repair it or anything. tried it on my wife's mack book same deal. i need the data on it.
I just installed a new internal hard drive into my macbook as my old one was failing. Before doing this I backed up all of my information through Time Machine onto a Seagate FreeAgent external hard drive. I've been using this external hard drive for the past two years and I've never had any problems with my macbook mounting it. Once I had all of my personal information backed up I took out the external hard drive and then proceeded to take out my old internal hard drive and installed the new one. I installed the Mac operating system and the Macbook started up just fine but when it came time to reload all of my personal setting using Time Machine my macbook didn't recognize that there was an external drive plugged in. I know it isn't the external drive as it mounts just fine on other laptops. how I can get my macbook to mount the drive so that I can transfer all of my information onto this new internal drive?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Seagate FreeAgent
All I need to achieve is, use the external hard drive connected to my windows laptop as a destination for Time Machine backup for Macbook Pro location. This would be assuming that both the windows laptop and the Macbook Pro are connected to the same wifi network.
I've not Time Machine'd in about 3 weeks. After working fine for several months, out of the blue I get this error. I think it was -61? "Get Info" said it was read only. I couldn't figure out how to make it write & read. Now, out of the blue, I can't even mount it.I'm at a loss. My iMac is on it's last legs and I'm playing with fire. I guess the first order of business is to mount the thing but it just does nothing or IDK how to force it to do this?
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
I recently Installed Windowns on my MBP via boot camp and I also installed a MacDrive 5 day trial version so I could move some files from the external (1Tb WD My book pro) to the windows side. Everything went smoothly and then after my file transfers on the windows side, then in a hurry I just unplugged the firewire cable and shut the mac down. Now when I start up in OS X the drive doesn't mount. I starts up ok and then the only thing I see is a task called "fsck_hfs" eating up my CPU and memory. The drive works fine in windows with Macdrive so it's not a HD failure because all of my files are still there and usable, It's jut that Leopard can't see the darn thing. So how could I get Leopard to see the HD again without re-formating and losing all my files on it?
I've got a 250GB Lacie External, firewire 600 drive.
Since I installed snow leopard on my iMac it doesn't show on the desktop or in the finder window anymore! The thing is, it shows on the iMac at work which is exactly the same age, spec and operating system version!
I'm running an iMac with Mac OS X 10.6.4 . It is used mainly as a database server. The database lives on an external hard drive. The problem is that Mac OS X does not mount the external drive until I log in locally. Logging in via SSH is not enough. Does anyone know how I can make OS X mount the external hard drive even if no one logs in?
I knocked my external off the desk. Smash, buggered that hard drive. So I bought a new drive, made sure it was the same drive, installed it fine. But it's not mounting. The blue access light on the front just flashes continuously, but the drive won't mount so I can format it.
I have this sans digital USB towerraid enclosure, with one, 1TB drive in it. It's formated as NTFS. It was working just fine, but for some reason, I went to connect it to a windows machine today and it basically froze up the computer. so i tried a few things, and it was still freezing the computer.So i connect it to my macbook pro where it normally is, and when it tries to mount the device i get an error from NTFS-3G. I added an attachment of the error it gives. I tried inserting the command line it suggests in terminal , but it didn't really do anything. I'm not really familiar with terminal or how to use it fully.
Tore open my WD MyBook to replace the internal disk, and after piecing it back together, it no longer mounts in Finder. Disk Utility is also blind to it-- in fact the only thing that will see it at all is System Profiler.
I am having issues with mu G-tech and Lacie external FW800 drives mounting to the desktop. The drives just spin and click and never mount. I tried different cables and both- front and back ports.
Disk first aid sees the drive but the "mount " button is dim. I am connected by a usb cable. I am using Lion 10.7.3.
I had been using the drive connected to an airport extreme. That configuration failed its connection to my imac. The drive is now connected now directly to the computer. .
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), airport extreme
After using OS Lion, I used to use this HD as my time machine.Yesterday I wanted to backup, found out that my Mac pro can not mount this HD anymore. Other my older external HDs are working well, except this one.
I wonder why? My console shows fallowing error,p.s: already did SMC and PRAM, still doesn't work.
# Product name: Iomega Prestige 1TB portable hard drive. (USB)
# Driver: Iomega Encryption Utility Mac v3.1 (the one works with Lion)
I'm having a problem with my external RAID that I use between my G4 Laptop (10.5.x) and G4 tower (10.4.x). I downgraded the G4 laptop to 10.4.x so I can run Classic (kids educational software), and gain some speed. I backed everything up to my external RAID (two HD's RAID together). The downgrade install onto the laptop went perfectly. I went to restore some files from the RAID backup, and I got this error when trying to mount the external RAID: "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer".
I just ignored the error and did not touch the RAID. I then re-connected the RAID to my G4 tower that had previously mounted successfully, and same error: "the disk you inserted is not readable by this computer". This time I started Disk Utility, and it sees the RAID and it's volume set, but it is "Locked" (see attached pics). I think I need to first mount it to change any "access control list" or permissions, but I can't figure out how to mount, and then change permissions/ACL.
I installed SL two days ago and my LaCie firewire external has been working fine. i put it to sleep last night, and when I woke it up today, I got the warning telling me that I had disconnected it improperly (Which I hadn't, because the computer was asleep and the drive never was turned off). This has happened before and I usually am able to shut it off then turn it on again. But this time it won't mount. It shoes up in Disk Utility and System Profiler, but not in the Finder.I have tried switching firewire ports and restarting but to no avail.
Hello everyone. I've been using an external Western Digital My Studio (500GB) drive for the last year or so with a Core2Duo Macbook Pro, and have had no problems until this morning. The drive is used primarily for Time Machine backups, but I also have some photographs stored as well.
This morning, just after I'd begun copying some of these files to another external drive, the WD drive went down, and now will not mount/showup in Finder. It DOES show up in Disk Utility, though with the Time Machine volume grayed out. I get a "could not mount" error when I click on the "mount" icon, and nothing else I try (rebooting, unplugging drive power supply, etc). has worked. I'm trying to avoid the erase-and-reformat option, because I'd lose some potentially valuable images.
I have a 17" flat screen imac from 2003. I just bought a western digital external hard drive and it says it will work with os x 10.3+. I have os x 10.2.8 and it does not seem to work with my system (because I don't have os x 10.3 I guess) Do I need to return this and buy something else? if yes, what? Or can I make this work a different way because I am out of room!