MacBook Pro :: Why Does Bootcamp Boot Up Slow Without Optical Drive Hooked Up
Mar 17, 2010why does bootcamp boot up slow without optical drive hooked up?
View 1 Replieswhy does bootcamp boot up slow without optical drive hooked up?
View 1 RepliesI'm replacing the HD in my 2.4GHz Macbook Pro with an SSD and moving the HD to replace the optical drive. Will the HD boot up initially when connected to the optical drive port? I'm using a HD to ODD converter bay from newmodeUS.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased Snow Leopard to upgrade my early Intel MacBook Pro. When I put the disk in the disk didn't mount so I attempted to get it to eject. I wasn't able to get it to eject so I followed some of the trouble shooting. I'm thinking my optical drive isn't working properly because I haven't used it in a while but now when I try to boot the computer it hangs when it try's to read the optical drive. I tried forcing it to eject using the mouse button as well as trying to force a hard drive boot by holding the "d" key. At this point is there anything I can do short of opening it up and pulling out the disk myself?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Problem in iWork '08
I just installed a new optical drive in my MacBook pro (2007 model, I think), I followed step-by-step instructions, and it all seemed to go fine.
However, now my mac won't boot at all!
I switch it on, hear the optical drive make a noise, then it just stops and doesnt boot. The white led is slightly lit, but very, very dimly.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I bought a second hand Mac Book Pro A1150 model. It did not have an optical drive so I bought one, installed it and now my Mac Book will not boot up. When I take the drive out the Mac Book boots up fine. I was told that the optical drive although used was tested and work when it was shipped out. Is it common for a possible defective optical drive to casue a Mac Book pr to not boot up or does this sound like an issue with the optical drive cable, or possibly the logic board?
MacBook Pro, MAc Book Pro A1150
I finally went from Leopard to Snow Leopard (SL) by doing a clean install. But I found I was not able to boot from the install disk by the normal procedure -- restarting and pressing the Option or C keys. Before the SL install, I had a volume structure problem on my HD and tried to use the Leopard install DVD to repair the drive. I was unable to do that by using the normal boot up procedure.why I can't boot from the optiical drive by pressing the designated keyboard key(s)?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 400GB G-Drive FW800 Ext. HD; 4GB RAM on MBP; 60GB iPod Video
I have a MacbookPro6,2 (mid 2010). I replaced my optical drive with an OptiBay 500GB hard drive before I realized I wanted to do bootcamp. So, I did a lot of searching and found that I would be able to install windows 7 onto my bootcamp partition using Parallels 6 (from an image of the retail windows 7 disk). The install from parallels was successful so I used parallels to install the bootcamp drivers to the windows partition.
However, when I try to boot to the windows partition, it starts up, displays the 'starting windows' message w/ the windows icon then BAM--Blue Screen of Death flashes on for less than a second and the machine restarts. I can't even read what the error is, thats how quickly it restarts. I also searched the partition looking for the BSOD error log but no log was generated.
Can a SSD in an optical drive slot be a boot drive in a 2010 mac pro.
I'm debating getting a 2010 mac pro (probably 3.2 quad) to upgrade from my 1,1 mac pro. I'd like a SSD for apps, and to boot from. But I'd also like the four bays to raid for larger capacity. I have tons of photos, and nearly a 2GB iTunes library.
I'm trying to install Windows 7 on Macbook 2,1 but my superdrive is faulty.
Anybody had been able to boot windows 7 using usb optical drive?
Macbook Pro 13" BootCamp Windows 7 Ultra Slow Booting Problem
Video says it all...there is a strange "pause" for about 30 sec with blank screen before it really starts to load Windows....
I have the first gen aluminum iMac and I think my optical drive is pretty much dead. It makes this horrible scratching noise whenever I put a disc in and it'll try to read for half a minute before spitting it back out. Sometimes it even freezes the computer. Anyway, I'm just planning on getting an external USB DVD burner. Does anyone know if I can boot off the USB DVD drive?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe boot of Windows 7 on my Macbook takes ages.
To solve this problem I've read that you have to install some thing: [URL]
That said my problem is the internet is really slow when I connect my macbook to a my samsung 24" monitor. Super slow and when I disconnect, the internet is perfectly fine. I use [URL] to measure the speed and with the monitor I get usually around .05 Mbps to 3Mbps, without 12-19Mbps.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had a MBP with a 7200 RPM, 320 GB Hitachi Hard drive. I sold the MBP and got a white nvidia MB, but I kept the 7200 RPM drive and used it in the white MB (I did not reinstall the OS). Everything works fine, but I've noticed that it takes a very long time to boot. From the time I turn the MB on, to the time the spinning disk appears, it takes approx. 60 seconds. Other than that, the MB works fine. Should I do a clean install of Leopard. Would this help the slow boot time?
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow do I remove permissions on a drive that I took out of a macbook and hooked up externally?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere's another speculative question for if/when I get a Mac Pro:I don't forsee myself needing the multiple terrabytes of storage most of you guys seem to have , since I'm still doing OK with just the stock 250GB that came with my G5 Quad + an external 120GB. I'll probably get a 750GB drive for boot, apps, and most files (leaning toward SpinPoint F1 750; the new 640GB WD also seems enticing).So, here's my Q: which would be a better setup for apps like Photoshop as well as the OS (I've read you can relocate the swap file?), performance-wise (both in terms of app speed, and keeping the OS from hanging on a busy disk) - using the slow stock 320GB as a more dedicated scratch disk (possibly just a partition on it, with other partitions for Windows), or using the free space on the faster, but non-dedicated, boot and storage disk?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my girlfriend boss wanted me to fix her computer. So I brought it home turned it on, and it didnt chime but it booted to the gray screen with apple logo/ slashed circle/and folder with a "?" So I made a USB Mac OS x bootable drive (FLASH) held down alt (try using a windows keyboard its fun) was able to select option and install a fresh copy. all seemed well was running really hot so I poped of the screen. HOLY MOLY! this thing is CAKED with dust, and I am not kidding it has literally piles of dust. So I ran updates, and did firmware updates. Turned it off for the night.
The next morning I went to radio shack and got Dust remove spray, opened it up made sure I was carful taking off the screen, and blew the sucker out. now its NICE and CLEAN. then i made sure I plugged everything in and turned it on. Drive spun like normal, Optical checked for a CD, and fans are also running normally. but no chime, no nothing stays as silent as normal but doesnt budge, it is like it hangs.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
I uninstalled boot camp, by restoring the drive using the BootCamp Assistant. Well... when I turn my computer on, and hold down option, it still gives 2 drives named "Windows" as a choice to boot to, even though they "don't exist." This really scared me when it tried to boot to one of those automatically after a restart, and it said that it could not load the operating system.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI replaced my beloved 2009 Mac Pro Nehalem with a brand new iMac 27" with Core i7@3.5 Ghz, 24 GB Ram, GeForce GTX 780M and a 3TB Fusion Drive.Big problem: the boot time is 2 min and 48 seconds, yes 168 seconds.I used Migration assistant to configure this machine from my last MacPro TimeMachine backup.
Apart from boot time, the iMac works fine and the disk tests with Blackmagic show a writing speed of 300 mb/s and a reading speed of 580 mb/s.. Nothing else seems wrong, but the boot time is terrible.
I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.
At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?
My MacBook Pro just gave out the other day. When I turn it on, the optical drive spins and the light sensor adjusts the power light's brightness, but nothing else happens.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a 2011 iMac which i've loved using. I bought a Seagate goflex external harddrive so I could start using time machine. I've noticed that whenver I power my iMac down it will sit on the grey screen just before shutting off for a long time. In fact, it will not actually shut down until i unplug my external hard drive. As soon as I unplug my harddrive the mac starts thinking again and shuts down within seconds. Why it would do this. I now hard plug my harddrive in because of this, which is kinda of dumb since I bought it to work as a time machine.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My slot leading super drive has just quit ejecting the cd inside. I tried 5 different ways to eject it but none work.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), iOS 7.1
I was thinking of removing my DVD Superdrive and adding a SSD drive. Will I be able to put the DVD drive in an enclosure and use it as an external drive?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI read this somewhere but i cant seem to find it anywhere on google.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I have a Macbook (late 2008 model), and the optical drive essentially went bye bye. If I put a disc in, it will have trouble recognizing it and then it will eject out. Anyways, last night, I did some maintenance on OnyX and it said that my volume needs to be repaired. Even Disc Utility failed to finish and said that the "filesystem verify or repair failed."
The short of it, I need to put the Leopard disc in there and do a disc repair. However, is there a way, via firewire, where I could actually use my iMac's optical disc drive in place of the Macbook and connect via firewire, then do the disc repair? If so, what would be the specific way to do this?
I have a MacbookPro. The factory fitted DVD/CD drive plays dvds fine but spits out CDs [even originals]. I have Windows XP installed via bootcamp which doesn't cause me any problems.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy next Mac will be a laptop, and I will NEVER need the Macbook pro's power. I just web-surf and listen to music mostly. I only use the optical drive to watch dvds. But I have a separate player for my much larger TV now. So for say 99 percent of the time, an optical drive would be unnecessary. But I would buy apple's separate optical drive; which I think is a good idea. On my present computer, a first generation Mac Mini, the DVD drive is obviously obsolete now, especially when it comes to Blu-Ray. But what if a like in 2 years a new optical format comes out, or at least a much faster version? If I had a Macbook I would be stuck, never being able to upgrade the internal drive. If the Macbook's optical drive was easily upgradable, then this would be a no brainer.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I have a 2.2GHz SR MBP, and the superdrive just went out on me. It will read and write to CDs, but won't recognize any DVDs that I insert into it. I bought a USB enclosure and DVD drive, and it works fine to read and write to DVDs when in Snow Leopard, but I am unable to boot from it (specifically so I can install Windows 7, but I can't boot SL either). I reboot and and hold down option, and only see Macintosh HD, not the disk I'm trying to boot off. I've cloned SL to my flash drive and I can boot off that fine, but unfortunately I'm unable to do that with Windows...
Any ideas? I've googled it and it seems like booting off a USB optical drive is supported, so I'm unsure why it's not working for me...