OS X :: Sending ICal Invites To PC Users

May 11, 2009

I'm a new MacBook user and have embraced the change, if only my clients did too. Almost all of them are on PCs using Outlook, Lotus Notes or some other mail program. When I send a meeting invite from iCal to them, most of them cannot open the email and cannot accept/decline the meeting. I am not using Entourage and would rather not.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Generate Invites Ical

Feb 23, 2012

I can't generate invites ical! How can I invite a group for a meeting,  with subject, Time and Location?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: ICal Invites Aren't Working?

Feb 13, 2012

We have a Lion server set up with iCal Server running.   

I created users and applied email addresses, all of the necessary setup.  On our Lion client machines sending invites doesn't seem to work.  Some of the names have a grey circle crossed out by the name.  Names that don't still don't receive the invite. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Ichat Isn't Working, Can't Accept Invites Or Make Invites

May 2, 2012

my icat isn't working i cant accept invites or make invites or chat?

MacBook Pro

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ICloud :: Why Is ICal Sending Event Notifications Via Email

Mar 15, 2012

My wife and I subscribe to each other's ical calendars via iCloud and it's been working fine since first set up months ago. Suddenly today, she got a ton of emails after I updated and added a bunch of events in my calendar. This hasn't happened before today. Neither of us changed anything and I know I made similar updates in my calendar earlier in the week that didn't generate emails to her.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Remove An ICal Event Without Sending Updates?

May 1, 2012

I use my Mac at work (as well as at home). I have 2 calendars- 'Work' is connected to my Exchange account. 'Home' is synced through iCloud. For some inexplicable reason, when I get a repeating meeting invite from a customer (who is using Google calendar in their company) to my work Exchange mail account the invite goes a bit nuts. Basically the invite goes into my 'Home' calendar and sets me as the meeting organiser! So... now I have a meeting invite, that I cannot remove, in the wrong calendar.If I remove it it threatens to send out meeting cancellations to all (20!) of the attendees! Needless to say I will not be in a good place if that happens! So my challenge to you all- how on earth do I hack this meeting invite out of my iCloud calendar? From searching around there seems to have been an application, called iCalpone, that could do this, but it is no longer available. 

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Software :: ICal Sharing Between Multiple Users?

Jun 14, 2010

I have one iMac with two user accounts and want to share my iCal between users. It doesn't matter which account is master (if a master is necessary).

How do I set this up?

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Applications :: Using Google's Calaboration.app To Sync IPhones/iCal/gCal For Multiple Users?

Jun 3, 2009

I am trying to set something up for my wife and myself in which she has full read-write access to my iPhone/iCal calendar and I have the same for her calendars...

I know that at one point in the past I came across a tutorial that showed how this could be done using Google's free Calaboration application, but strangely I've not been able to find this tutorial since, nor can I find any tutorials that go over all of the steps to accomplish this task.

I've used SpanningSync and BusySync in the past, but had issues with each of them, and I would really appreciate any suggestions that anyone has that DO NOT involve the use of either of these paid third-party sync apps...

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Turn Off Calendar Invites For Colleagues

Jun 22, 2014

I have my four main colleagues' google calendars (and my own google calendar) in my Calendar app in OSX Mavericks. Whenever anyone sends all four of us an invite to a meeting, I get four badge counts and alerts for the four calendar accounts that I have set up to view. Is there a way to stop this and only get alerts for a primary google calendar in the mac calendar app?

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ICloud On Mac :: Invites In Gmail Account But Not On ICalendar

Jun 1, 2014

I am able to accept/decline my icloud invites from work through my gmail account, however they do not show up on my icalendar.  Why is that?  I use my gmail email address as my primary icloud address.  I expected all the events to show up on my icalendar. 


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ICloud :: Why Aren't People Receiving Calendar Invites

Apr 6, 2012

Why aren't people receiving my icloud calendar invites?

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MacBook Pro :: IOS Calendar Invites To Gmail Recipient Failing

Aug 24, 2014

I'm sending calendar invites from iOS (MacBook Pro, iPhone 5, iPad Air) to a gmail recipient (also with latest MacBook Pro, iPhone 5, and iPad Air), and he's not receiving a link to add to their iOS calendar. He just receives an email. Am I configured wrong, or is he? When he had an exchange calendar, invites went through smoothly.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Calendar Opens Mail To Send Invites?

May 3, 2012

I use Thunderbird for e-mail and it's setup as the default mail client. Recently, as in the past month maybe, when sending calendar invites, Mail opens. I don't want that to happen. Why doesn't calendar use the defined, default mail app to send invites ? I'm 99% sure it used to do this too.

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Edit Users In Workgroup Manager, New Users Cannot Login

Feb 13, 2012

Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).  

When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access. 

As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint). 

Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: What Video Format (including Embedded Audio) Can Be Viewed By Both OSX Lion Users And PC Users

Mar 22, 2012

I am currently am MBA student and must create projects using power point/ keynote, very often. Many of the power points/ keynotes created by students are informative but lack the ability to hold an audience’s attention (boring). Since I have this wonderful Macbook pro, I would like to create a dynamic keynote presentation which would include clips of audio and video files (I already know about converting keynote to power point). The only problem is, the videos I want to use in the keynote presentation are not able to be manipulated in iMovie (due to their format), and if they where able to be manipulated in iMovie, I’m not sure that PC users would be able to properly view them.

What video format (including embedded audio) is able to be viewed and heard by both OSX Lion users and Windows users?   If this is possible, can anyone suggest a safe application that I can purchase from the apple app store that will allow me to convert video files (including embedded audio) so that it can be viewed by both Lion and PC users? Preferably one that does not need access to the internet in order to convert the files ( I’m on the go allot and use an air card for internet access), but I will take it if this is the best option.  If the app store does not have this type of application, is there a place that I can download a safe one? 

MacBook Pro

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ICloud :: People Aren't Receiving Its Calendar Invites From My Mac , IPhone Or IPad

Apr 12, 2012

Why aren't people receiving my iCloud Calendar invites?  This is a problem with all my devices.This problem has been going on for weeks.  I switched from MobileMe months ago and never had any problems until a few weeks ago. I kept thinking it would resolve itself, but it hasn't.

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unable To Upload Ical Backup File / Not Exporting ICal To Google Calendar

Jul 22, 2009

Everytime I upload that ical backup file... nothing happens in google calendar. It does nothing in Firefox... and safari I just get 0 was transferred. I just want to bring over my calendar to google. Does anyone know what is going on? Anything I am missing?

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Applications :: Sync ICal With 2 Google Calendars / Using Ical Calibration Tool?

May 7, 2009

I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know

At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.

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Applications :: Unable To Sync Events In Ical / Not Syncing From Ical To Google

Mar 29, 2010

Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Ical / Snow Leopard Deleted ICal Appointments

Sep 2, 2009

Loaded 10.6 last night and everything appeared to go well. However, when I opened iCal, ALL of my appointments, birthdays, events, etc. had disappeared. Unfortunately I had not backed up iCal before loading SL.

I have good SuperDuper backups of the system and I have Time Machine backups of everything, but I don't see a way to extract the appointment data from those.

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OS X :: How Can I Create ICal Events Without Having ICal Open?

Nov 9, 2010

I try not to have iCal running because I've got the Dateline app that stays on my desktop. Mousing over that will give me appts and such as I need to have them.

I've found, that opening iCal and messing with the input screen for a new event is kind of cumbersome, and I'm wondering if folks have found a good way to create new iCal events w minimal interaction with iCal itself.

Today 2.5 offers this as a feature, but it's $25. Macworld also had a tip, but running that Automator action opens up iCal in the background.

Are there any other solutions out there?

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OS X :: ICal Won't Port Info To ICal On My System?

Apr 17, 2010

I cant get my mobile me ical to update ical on my MBP. It says in the ical settings that its connected to the mobile me account. What can I do to fix this?

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MacBook :: ICal Is Frozen On "upgrading ICal Calendars"?

Mar 12, 2012

My iCal is frozen on "upgrading iCal calendars".  I can't quit out of iCal or restart my computer because of this.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X :: Unable To Update Ical Into Google Calendar / Exports From Google Calendar Into Ical

May 12, 2009

I've downloaded CalDav. It will export from Google Calendar into Ical, but not the other way.Any tips on how to get information onto Google Calendar from Ical?

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OS X :: Use Mac Mail For Sending Only

May 13, 2010

Is there a way to set up e-mail accounts in my Mac mail that allow me to "send only" from them? For example, I have a couple e-mail accounts that I only use for commercial / e-commerce communication (airline tickets, eBay transactions, etc), but am otherwise not interested in setting up as an inbox because they simply flood with spam. Is there a way to set up Mail so that I can choose to send a message as me@xxxxx.com (rather than me@mac.com); WITHOUT adding an inbox for this account?

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OS X :: Sending Jpegs To Pc Owners?

Oct 7, 2010

I belong to a camera club and they asked for submissions in sRGB jpegs and not imbedded. I may have been confused when I saw my image show up in the message as well as the attachment above. Any way the fellow I was sending them to said he couldn't open them. I have sent hundreds of jpegs and never had a problem. Has anyone had this experience? I went back to the tiff and turned off the imbed in sRGB and saved in Microsoft preference and then converted to jpeg. I can't believe in this day and age jpegs are still a problem being read.

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Windows On Mac :: MSN 7.0.2 Sending Messages By Itself?

Apr 2, 2009

i have a imac and im using MSN 7.0.2 as my instant messenger. It has been sending my friends links by itself even when im offline

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OS X :: Sending Fax From Mac Without Phone Line?

Jul 5, 2009

So once in a blue moon I have to step back in time a bit a send someone a fax. Its seems like I should be able to fax anything as long as it is "scanned" into my computer. Is it possible to send a fax from my Mac without a phone line, through my cable modem internet connection?

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OS X :: Computer Sending Out Data?

Jul 25, 2009

I just got a macbook pro and I installed istat in the dashboard. I noticed that my computer is sending out a lot of data, for example istat says that it is sending out 35 kbs with a total of 258 for today. My question is what is my computer sending out and should I be worried?

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MacBook Pro :: Sending Via Mail App

Apr 10, 2012

I'm using the standard Mail app on my Macbook Pro with Lion OS X.  I have 3 Hotmail accounts and at one point had all of them hooked up to the Mail app and receiving e-mails fine.The problem I've had is when trying to send an e-mail or reply to one via the Mail app. Even though I have 3 accounts and have got the 'Send messages from account of selected mailbox' selected in Preferences > Composing, it always used to send from only one of the 3. If I recall correctly it was the second account I had added that it always sent from.Recently I'd decided to try and sort this. I like to use one account for business e-mails and the other 2 for personal so when I recieve a business e-mail I really don't want it replied to from one of my personal e-mails. The simplest idea I had was to remove the 2 personal accounts (under Preferences > Accounts) and use the app purely for my business e-mails. However after removing them I now don't receive any e-mails for those accounts, but after testing a bit with a friend all e-mails are still being sent from an account no longer registered on the app.How can I sort this so I only have 1 account that I can send and recieve from??

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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