Applications :: Using Google's To Sync IPhones/iCal/gCal For Multiple Users?
Jun 3, 2009
I am trying to set something up for my wife and myself in which she has full read-write access to my iPhone/iCal calendar and I have the same for her calendars...
I know that at one point in the past I came across a tutorial that showed how this could be done using Google's free Calaboration application, but strangely I've not been able to find this tutorial since, nor can I find any tutorials that go over all of the steps to accomplish this task.
I've used SpanningSync and BusySync in the past, but had issues with each of them, and I would really appreciate any suggestions that anyone has that DO NOT involve the use of either of these paid third-party sync apps...
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Sep 3, 2009
I was thrilled to discover the (advertised) easy integration in Snow Leopard between iCal and Google Calendar. Additionally, I use Mobile Me to keep everything sync'd between my computers and my iPod touch. But, upon tinkering between iCal and Google Calendar, it seems there is no simple way to integrate multiple iCal calendars with multiple calendars in a single Google Calendar account, in way that allows it to all still sync with Mobile Me. It seems that the sync only works between the "Primary Calendar" of the Google Calendar (the first calendar created in the account) and iCal -- there's no way to also.
The closest I can seem to get is to have my primary account with google calendar sync'd (say, with my personal calendar), and then have "Delegate" calendars linked up with my work, class, etc calendars. But, none of these calendars "delegate" or "primary" seem to want to sync with Mobile Me. I'm hoping the MacRumors Army might have some ideas... Is spanning sync the only solution?
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May 7, 2009
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
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Mar 29, 2010
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
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May 25, 2009
I set up the syncing through CalDav but in iCal it creates a new calendar (which is the Google Calendar). Would I have to delete my original calendar called "Home" and just make the Google Calendar (in iCal) my main calendar? Does it do a good job of syncing both ways? Also, if I do this, does it also sync through MobileMe?
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Feb 26, 2010
I've followed the tutorials online to sync my Google Calendar with my iCal.The problem however, is that, after doing so, only the calendars that are in Google Calendar are synced.What I mean is that lets say I create a calendar called Birthday in iCal. This would not appear in my Google Calendar! To fix this, I actually have to create the calendar in Google, then sync it!
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Jan 8, 2009
But don't want to pay for it...What's the easiest way and cheapest way.
I don't really want to spend money on something that should be standard.
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May 21, 2009
I know that you can add Google Calendar to your iCal this way. Is there a better way? I just don't like how it is a separate calendar instead of syncing with the calendars I already have in iCal, I guess I'm looking for something that will sync my existing calendars on iCal with Google Cal similar to what Mobile Me does. Any suggestions or should I just try tailoring the above method to what I want it to do?
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Oct 22, 2010
After hours of research, I'm finally making a thread about this. It's very simpleI know you can sync Google Calendars(GC) with iCal, so anything you change on your GC will sync to iCal, but I need a way to do the opposite. iCal››Google Calendar.
I know there is a $60 service that does this, but there must be a free way! I've had no luck searching Google for answers... Why I want to sync with GC is because I want my family to be able to see my calendars, but I don't like using GC, I much rather enjoy using iCal. Much nicer user interface; unlike Google which is very bland. (As is Google's way) Anyone able to help me out?
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Jun 14, 2010
I have one iMac with two user accounts and want to share my iCal between users. It doesn't matter which account is master (if a master is necessary).
How do I set this up?
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Jun 17, 2012
I am trying to sync my ical with my google calendar. It doesn't work.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 28, 2008
URL You can know sync iCal (Leopard) with Google Calendar without 3rd party software.Updated NotesiPhone/iPod Touch 2.0 currently does not support CalDAV.If you're having trouble authenticating your password, quick iCal and relaunch.
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Mar 7, 2010
How can you sync established calendars in ical with your google calendar. I have followed this process (URL) and it only brought my empty google calendar into my ical. How can i merge these calendars?
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May 19, 2010
am having trouble trying to get my iCal to sync with my Google calendar. I want it so when i make changes to either ical or google calendar it automatically updates the other one. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
i had looked at the option to publish my iCal calendar but when i click on calendar in iCal to choose "send publish email" it is greyed out.
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Jun 25, 2012
I migrated from mobleMe to iCloud on my macbook air, using the [url]... ID, and on both iPhones using [url]... ID. The two iPhones sync with each other for apps-purchased, contacts, iCal and Contacts, but the macbook air does not. How do i get the three devices to sync? Apple says both IDs are migrated to the iCloud.
Info:MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), both iPhones are iOS 5.1.1
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May 12, 2009
I've downloaded CalDav. It will export from Google Calendar into Ical, but not the other way.Any tips on how to get information onto Google Calendar from Ical?
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May 25, 2012
Can I sync 2 iphones in one account with out losing songs I've already got. Erasing & syncing replaces the contents of this iphone with the contents of this iTunes library? Should I go ahead to erase & sync?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 22, 2009
Everytime I upload that ical backup file... nothing happens in google calendar. It does nothing in Firefox... and safari I just get 0 was transferred. I just want to bring over my calendar to google. Does anyone know what is going on? Anything I am missing?
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Sep 5, 2010
I want to share a calendar or two with another person but the person does not have Mobile Me so are there other ways to share my calendar? Note, the person does use google calendar, is there a way via google?
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Feb 12, 2010
Deciding on whether or not to use iCal or my Google Calendar. I like the look and feel of the ical overall, but it seems nice that the google calendar will sync over the air with my phone.
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May 6, 2004
I love iTunes, but ever since my dad and I have gotten iPods (we just ordered my mom a 15gb), I have wanted to share the same music library with two users, so that whenever one user imports something it appears in the other user's library. Both users would have the same music, but they can sync their iPod in their own user name and have different songs checked. I just don't see myself having two copies of my 10gb+ music library on the same computer. There must be a way...
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Mar 31, 2012
I have a small business with 4 computers. I'm wondering if I can keep all the user directories and shared files on a Mini with OS X server and also have the users share the applications that are on OS X server? Is this possible or can you only share the actual files, not the use of programs? I don't quite get why you'd have the user directories on the server rather than each computer.
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Jan 3, 2011
I belong to a club and shortly they are moving to Google Calendar as a way of publishing their events on-line. From what I have read else where, it is possible for them to publish their events publicly, so that they are searchable and anyone can add them to their own Google calendar.
Would it then be possible for me to view their public Google calendar in iCal? If not, could I achieve the same out come by setting up my own intermediate Google Calendar, which took the clubs feed, and then use iCal to view that? I don't wish to share information back, just add their info to my own calendar automatically. So that if an event is added/deleted or changed, my calendar is automatically updated when I view it.
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Mar 17, 2010
I want to share 1 aperture 3 library with multiple users. I do NOT want them to have any deleting or adding control.I want to share 1 itunes library. I want multiple users to HAVE control. I know it has something to do with the share folder.
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May 29, 2010
I just downloaded NetNewsWire which is exactly what I wanted but it's just too buggy. Can anyone recommend a good reader that will sync with Google?
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Feb 10, 2009
I love using Google Docs and would love to have all my school documents online rather than just on my computer in case one day i run out the door and forget to print out an assignment due that day. What options do I have to upload my documents quickly as opposed to uploading them 1 by 1?
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Mar 24, 2009
I am a photographer and am always booking photo shoots. Although my manager has no idea what I'M going to be booking, and what days I'm available. Is there a way to sync my iCal or ANY CALENDAR on my mac (or online) so we both can access what is available and look at the days on two separate computers?
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Dec 8, 2010
I am using Google Chrome 8.0.552.215 on my Mac (running OSX 10.6.5). I can't get Chrome sync working properly. I had everything setup and working properly this morning between my iMac and my Mac Pro, but then I noticed that my bookmarks didn't import properly from Firefox (I'd imported my bookmarks from Firefox into Chrome on my Mac Pro just prior to initially setting up Chrome Sync).
I decided to delete all of the bookmarks from Chrome on my Mac Pro, then immediately reimport them a second time (making sure to fix the issue that caused my initial problem this second time around). For some strange reason, this has somehow completely screwed up Chrome sync, which doesn't sync anything anymore (bookmarks, extensions, etc...) I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, but still no luck!
I've logged into my Google Dashboard and deleted all of the Chrome Sync Data, waited a good half hour, then tried setting up Chrome sync again... Google Dashboard does show that data is being synced from this first machine, but then when I set it up on the second computer (with a completely clean install of Chrome), the data never makes it there! I am at a complete loss here. I've even tried using an alternate Google Account, but that didn't work either!
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Aug 14, 2008
I'm looking for an RSS client for Leopard that will sync with Google Reader (Google Reader is the only was I can view my feeds at work) Does such a thing exist? (I'm new to Macs, I just switched after 15 years of Windows use, and I'm not regretting it at all!)
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Apr 19, 2012
With Leopard and Snow Leopard I could sync my Address Book with Google Contacts (in google apps). Now with Lion I can't find a way to sync those contacts. I have an iCloud acount for my personal contacst but our company uses Google Apps for sharing the contacts
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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