OS X :: Right Click Brings Up Application Switcher In Leopard
Feb 13, 2009
Running leopard, for some reason, whenever I right click, the application switcher pops up (just as it would if i pressed command+tab). I've rebooted my machine and it still happens.
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Jan 7, 2010
I've made the switch from Windows and would love a Mac app that behaved like Window's Folder Menu I fully realize I cannot, and should not expect to bring the whole Win experience with me but this app was just hella handy and I can't find anything similar on OS X. Folder Menu allowed you to generate a context menu (typically triggered by the middle mouse button) that could appear in Windows Explorer (Windows' version of Finder) or Open/Save Dialogs, and in this menu you could have predefined shortcuts to different folders. Selecting one of the shortcuts would jump you to that folder. I can see that launcher apps are dime a dozen on OS X, but there are some key differences with this app
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Oct 6, 2010
I have been a Might Mouse user now since it was released and it's been a very productive mouse... allowing me lots of options while I navigate my finder and files... and assigned Application Switcher to the track ball nipple was for me a must have feature... and now my whole workflow has now become based on this simple feature. I recently purchased a new MacPro 12 Core with Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad. The Magic TrackPad I just can't get my fingers adjusted to... so I have counted that out... but the new Magic Mouse I like... I like the way it feels in the hand... I like the wireless feel about it... but the lack of the track ball is proving a difficult adjustment. I have started using CMD TAB but that's proving less effective as I'm sometimes getting mixed up with key stroke shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat... for Quitting etc...
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Mar 13, 2009
My workflow entails repetitive tasks that would be so much easier if I could set Leopard's (Safari's) default double-click functionality to select ALL text within the Google search box instead of having to use a triple-click. Does anyone know how to make this change to Leopard/Safari?
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Sep 26, 2010
Mac OS 10.4.11. iMac G5 and MacBook. Here is the sequence that leads to the freeze.
System Prefs > Dot Mac > Sync When I click on Sync or Advanced Sync (using my G5) the application freezes(surprisingly I am able to click on iDisk in that application before clicking on Sync or Advanced Sync and I'm taken to iDisk window (iDisk storage, etc.). After I click on the iDisk button if I then click on Sync or Advanced it (the application) will freeze. When I use my MacBook I have no problems i.e. none of the problems noted above for the G5.
Prior to September 15, 2010 I used dot Mac on both G5 and MacBook i.e. synch both of them with no problems. However, I renewed my dot Mac account on September 15, 2010 and that seems to be when my problems started.
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May 30, 2012
I have a macbook pro and am unable to right click in the SAM software application I am using for a class. I have the trackpad settings on secondary click as two fingers in the bottom right corner, but it doesn't work.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 21, 2009
I've got an issue with iPhoto. Whenever I open it, a window opens asking if I want iPhoto to open every time I attach a digital camera, then the rest of iPhoto opens and the application freezes, and I am unable to click anything.
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Sep 18, 2010
so i own a MBP and a Windows based PC and im tired of using two keyboards and mouse.
that being said if i buy a magic mouse and magic keyboard (idk what apple names there stuff anymore) will it work on my pc?
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Sep 15, 2009
Since I got SL the program I used AudioSwitcher does not work anymore. I used this for quick switching between my line out and headphones. Was just wondering if anyone knows of a program that works with SL.
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Mar 27, 2012
I get a little annoyed when doing CMD+SPACE and seeing the list of lanaguages being switched between.So I did the normal thing I did on SNow Leopard/ Leopaard/ etc, and disabled the switch in Keyboard preferences.Even though they are both switched off, the langauges still come up when I choose cmd+space.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Magic Mouse, Wireless keyboard
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Mar 13, 2009
I just got my new 24" iMac, and within a few days I'll be making the switch. After reading countless forum messages and tutorials, I'm still a bit unclear about file structure (PC) vs folder structure (Mac).
I know the finder will show me folders and sub folders, which seems similar to an explorer file structure. However, I'm not sure how I'd set some things up.
For example: On my PC I have a folder for MY FILES and under it I have folders such as Photos (with sub folders) and Documents (with sub folders). I also have a folder for my pet photography business, which is called NYPetShots. Under that I have a folder for the Pet Photos (with sub folders for shoots etc.), another one for my Promotional Materials (which includes jpgs of flyers and postcards), another for Non-Photos (which includes documents and correspondence), and another for Web Stuff (which includes my web back-ups and Photos used for the web - also in some sub folders).
I am not wedded to using the exact same structure. However, it would certainly make sense to me to keep it. What would it look like on the Mac? I will be importing my entire Lightroom Catalog into the Pictures folder, and that will include my business photos as well as my personal photos. However, they will keep logical structures and will have keywords. I assume there is a folder for documents; however, I have both personal and business, with sub categories in each. So, could I continue to use a folder just for my pet business, even though it consists of different types of files?
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Aug 25, 2009
So I'm reading an article and one of the new features it touts for Snow Leopard is. Trackpad gestures for all. Snow Leopard lets all Macs with gesture-capable trackpads use the entire set of gestures. Before, older MacBooks were limited to one- and two-finger gestures. So I got to thinking, are there any third party USB multi-touch 'gesture-capable' trackpads one can buy for the Mac Pro? I have a brand new MBP and LOVE the huge track pad (wouldn't mind it larger - on the left side of my Mac Pro keyboard!) and the gestures and miss it when I'm on my Mac Pro. I'm on my third Mighty Mouse (they get gunked up beyond repair - the ball goes bad - might be dust in India, not sure but tried all the rolling and upside down rubbing alcohol and everything) which is pretty slick and responsive, but still, I can't wait till the if/when Apple launches a multi-touch pad for their desktops. Is there any other option?
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Jun 21, 2010
I just switched to my MacBook Pro and I just had a quick question. I have a printer hooked up to my desktop PC and it runs over our wireless network. I was wondering how to connect my macbook to the printer, because when I go to the printer and fax section in System Preferences, I can go to the computer on the Windows section, but it won't find the printer.
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May 16, 2012
After Update Lion to 10.7.4, I can't assign specific document-windows of Word to different spaces.Previously, I was able to do that without any problem. I use this feature very much... any ideas how to solve it?
I can assign different apps to differents spaces, as well a different windows form de same app (like Text Edit, Excel also!) but not from Word. I have already try restarting but didn't work....
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 26, 2012
Last couple of days my emac monitor will just shut down and go black, just like an old TV tube packing up used to. It won't return on restart, but did return a couple of times after I took out mains lead from side of computer, let it rest, then tried again. However, today, this solution didn't work, but a tap to the side of the computer did get the screen going. I've read a number of different possible explanations for what might be the problem - everything from battery, to airport card to it's terminally ill, get a new computer, so don't really know what to do. Don't want to go and buy a new computer if all I really needed to do was change the battery.
emac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), powerPC G4
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May 25, 2012
All of a sudden, holding down the Command key for more than a second or two (e.g., in preparation for using Command+W) brings up a Universal Access dialogue screen which fills the monitor. I have not used Universal Access, I checked the settings, and I see nothing seems to be "On".
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16gb
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Nov 8, 2008
Not sure what I have done, but now, whenever I hold shift and click my mouse the screen brings up all my open windows (Expose?). How can I turn this off. I use Shift Click to highlight large amounts of text and Excel rows etc.
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Sep 6, 2014
Clicking a link on the Reading List brings up Top Sites. How to stop this?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Feb 9, 2010
Apple on Tuesday released the next major update to its photo editing and management software, with Aperture 3 sporting over 200 new features, including Faces, Places and Brushes for $199 new, or $99 to upgrade. Expanding on the Faces and Places features first introduced in iPhoto '09, Aperture 3 is said to make it easier and faster for users to organize large photo libraries. An exhaustive list of the many new features is available on Apple's Web site. "Millions of people love using iPhoto to organize, edit and share their digital photos," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Aperture 3 is designed for both professionals who edit and manage massive libraries of photos and iPhoto users who want to take their photos further with easy-to-use tools such as Brushes and Adjustment Presets." Aperture 3 introduces new tools to refine photos, including Brushes for painting image adjustments onto parts of a photo, and Adjustment Presets for applying professional photo effects with just one click. New slideshows let users share their work by weaving together photos, audio, text and HD video.......
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Mar 24, 2012
I have not tried all of the things people have said to do on the internet because all of them have said it didn't work. I bought and used the mackeeper but this didn't solve my problem either.
Nothing on my computer will let me click and drag anything. It doesn't work in any application, or the desktop (in Expose I am able to move around those applications, but nothing else). I have had this problem for quite some time now.
OS X 10.5.8 leopard , Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Oct 15, 2009
I just got a new Mac today and I have a problem. When I click on applications and then for example click on my music folder, it all opens up in a preview and then if i select another folder in my music folder that opens up like a preview as well. Its pretty cool but is there a way for the folder just to open when I click on it like with Leopard?
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Dec 30, 2007
I don't know what happened but for some reason, I can no longer right click or remove any items from my Dock
I have Onyx installed which has an option to lock the dock, however that is off. I am certain that my dock isn't locked because I am able to move items around the dock, and also add new items
I don't know when this started but it may have been because I was changing the dock's appearance by replacing some of the pictures in the system files (frontline.png, separator.png etc.)
I've restarted my Macbook a couple of times and have also done killall Dock in the terminal but everytime, I still have these two problems
Also, when booting up my Macbook now, the dock takes much longer to load. Before, it would usually be one of the quicker things to bootup but now it is always the last (before Quicksilver was usually the last program to load for me)
I also used a Terminal command to add a "Recent Applications" stack by following instructions posted here:
I've since removed this Stack but the problem still occurs. Don't know whether or not this had an impact or not
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Aug 30, 2009
I just got snow leopard and for some reason when i try to right click using the trackpad, it goes into expose mode. So trying to click right, besically brings up expose. Is anyone else experiencing this ?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 13". I love the touchpad and only use the touch to click, never pushing physically on the touchpad to click. After upgrading to Snow Leopard today, the touch to click is very unreliable. Sometimes I'll need to click several times to choose an app or even close or chose an internet site link. Restarted a few times cured the problem. Not for me thus far. Especially in choosing windows in powerpoint or even opening the HD sometimes. Do I just reinstall and erase and return to Leopard? Will that put me back where I was when the touchpad worked impeccably?
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Sep 18, 2009
Alright, so work bought me a new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard. I had been used to using Leopard on my home machine and the iMac I was using before for work. In Leopard and older OS X's - you could double click the name of the window and it would minimize. Now with Snow Leopard...it doesn't work. Am I going crazy or is it hidden somewhere?
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Jul 8, 2010
Something must have changed with the last software update I did. The DMG files now open in Disk Utility instead of automatically mounting when I double-click. Not really a show-stopper as I can still mount thru D.U. but kind of annoying... I am on Leopard.
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Apr 28, 2012
my email is been sending emails to my contacts with nasty links. Now, when I compose an email can not click on the contact. Uverse told me it is on safari since I can access through firefox, what do i do?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 24, 2012
I was trying to install some services that I created using applescripts and ThisService. The problem I'm having is that Services is not available in the menu when I right click on a folder or file. Looking under Keyboard in the system preferences, I can see all of the different services that are availible. I have the ones I'd like to use checked but no services appear in the menu when I right click. I've tried resetting defaults in the preferences, logging in and out, restarting and nothing helps. I found another post that said open terminal and run this /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs. When I enter that in the terminal, I get this message "No languages specified - assuming English" and nothing changes. I'm running 10.6.8 and I know that Services used to be avalible in the menu.
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Aug 9, 2010
I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
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Feb 12, 2007
I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).
I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.
I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.
I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?
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