OS X :: Pc Switcher To IMac - Unsure About File Structure?

Mar 13, 2009

I just got my new 24" iMac, and within a few days I'll be making the switch. After reading countless forum messages and tutorials, I'm still a bit unclear about file structure (PC) vs folder structure (Mac).

I know the finder will show me folders and sub folders, which seems similar to an explorer file structure. However, I'm not sure how I'd set some things up.

For example: On my PC I have a folder for MY FILES and under it I have folders such as Photos (with sub folders) and Documents (with sub folders). I also have a folder for my pet photography business, which is called NYPetShots. Under that I have a folder for the Pet Photos (with sub folders for shoots etc.), another one for my Promotional Materials (which includes jpgs of flyers and postcards), another for Non-Photos (which includes documents and correspondence), and another for Web Stuff (which includes my web back-ups and Photos used for the web - also in some sub folders).

I am not wedded to using the exact same structure. However, it would certainly make sense to me to keep it. What would it look like on the Mac? I will be importing my entire Lightroom Catalog into the Pictures folder, and that will include my business photos as well as my personal photos. However, they will keep logical structures and will have keywords. I assume there is a folder for documents; however, I have both personal and business, with sub categories in each. So, could I continue to use a folder just for my pet business, even though it consists of different types of files?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Importing Video File (AVCHD) From Sony FS-700 - Just Shows File Structure

Aug 26, 2014

I'm trying to import sony fs-700 video into fcpx.  I haven't had any problem until today.  For some reason it just shows the file structure and the AVCHD video file and won't let me import. 

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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ITunes :: How To Change File Structure

May 27, 2012

Is there script I can use to change the file structure in Itunes. I would like my music files to have the following structure. My Music/[Artist] - [Album]/[track number] - [song title].mp3 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Finding Database Application With A File Structure?

Apr 23, 2009

Thought that I would ask the collective minds at macrumors. I have been playing around with all of the databasing, collection, sorting apps that I could find.


Main goal is a central repository for All of my documents (PDF's, word files, txt files, notes/receipts etc...), all with a user interface so that I may browse my documents.


The problem I am having is that none of the apps i have found have everything I need. Now if i could put 2 or three apps coding into one, then I'd have a winner


� Tagging system (Devonthink Pro is not functioning)

� Accessible file structure (no sparse bundles etc...), so that I may access my files via drop box if away from my computer, without the actual program.

� Smart Folders As Subfolders WITH Tagging. An example would be to make 3 Nested smart folders ( Personal Folder / School Folder / Math Folder) Now if I dropped a File on the Math Folder Tags would be added to the file to satisfy the entire Folder structure. Please let me know if this needs further explanation.


� Shelf would be nice. Devonthink has one that operates as a separate app than the actual program, Together has one, but only when the program is active.

� Decent search ability, but I would think this is easily done utilizing spotlights abilities. I am already manually OCR'ing my PDF's with Acrobat.

I think i mentioned most things, but am sure i missed out on a few points. The best implementation of what I want is a mix of Journler, Together, and DevonThink Pro. Journler nails the tagging, and nested folders perfectly. But does not have a file structure that is usable without the program. DevonThink fales with both nested folders and lack of tagging. I have settled on Together for now, as it works with the file structure I want, and supports tagging. Just does not have smart tagging.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recover Formatted External Hard Drive With File Names And Folder Structure

May 24, 2012

I accidentally formatted my external hard drive when I was creating a Windows USB install disk with Boot Camp It was a HFS+ formatted drive with a GUID partition table and 2 partitions: one clone of my Macbook OS, and one with personal data. I'm not worried about the OS clone, I'm more concerned about getting my personal data back on the second partition.So far I've used Stellar Phoenix and Data Rescue 3. I reformatted the hard drive from FAT to HFS+ before I did these scans. Not sure if it was a good idea, but the programs wouldn't scan properly otherwise.Stellar finds my files with the original folder structure, but I can't open any of the files, even though the file sizes seem to be correct. Data Rescue partially finds the original folder structure, and also has a "Reconstructed files" section which has all my files sorted by file type and without the original file name. I really want to avoid going through all my photos, videos, etc. one by one to sort them out.

Can I still recover my files in the original folder structure? Why can Stellar find all my files basically intact, but I can't open anything? In the meantime, I'm going to try scanning with Disk Drill and FileSalvage with fingers crossed...

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IMac :: Volume Structure Still Failing After Five Repairs

Mar 21, 2009

my iMac has been running strong for about 9 months now. The only gripe i have had is that is has begun to get SLOW booting up and mundane tasks such as opening apps. iTunes takes a good minute to get up and going. I never even noticed the slowness until i got a MacBook with much worse specs that blew it away.

So I decided to run TechTool Deluxe and see what happened. My iMac did great until the Volume Structure. I repaired it a good five times. The last two times it couldn't find anything to fix and it is still failing!

I don't want to have to buy DiscWarrior (i think thats right), or reformat my drive, mainly because i haven't the foggiest on how to do that. Any options available to me besides these? And do you think the slowness is more due to a growing amount of files, or maybe even a *virus* *gasp*, or to the failing structure?

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OS X :: Switcher Replacement Application

Jan 7, 2010

I've made the switch from Windows and would love a Mac app that behaved like Window's Folder Menu I fully realize I cannot, and should not expect to bring the whole Win experience with me but this app was just hella handy and I can't find anything similar on OS X. Folder Menu allowed you to generate a context menu (typically triggered by the middle mouse button) that could appear in Windows Explorer (Windows' version of Finder) or Open/Save Dialogs, and in this menu you could have predefined shortcuts to different folders. Selecting one of the shortcuts would jump you to that folder. I can see that launcher apps are dime a dozen on OS X, but there are some key differences with this app

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Hardware :: Keyboard And Mouse Switcher?

Sep 18, 2010

so i own a MBP and a Windows based PC and im tired of using two keyboards and mouse.

that being said if i buy a magic mouse and magic keyboard (idk what apple names there stuff anymore) will it work on my pc?

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Mac Pro :: Audio Switcher Not Working Anymore

Sep 15, 2009

Since I got SL the program I used AudioSwitcher does not work anymore. I used this for quick switching between my line out and headphones. Was just wondering if anyone knows of a program that works with SL.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Language Switcher Not Disabled

Mar 27, 2012

I get a little annoyed when doing CMD+SPACE and seeing the list of lanaguages being switched between.So I did the normal thing I did on SNow Leopard/ Leopaard/ etc, and disabled the switch in Keyboard preferences.Even though they are both switched off, the langauges still come up when I choose cmd+space.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Magic Mouse, Wireless keyboard

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Mac Pro :: Can Application Switcher Be Assigned To The Magic Mouse

Oct 6, 2010

I have been a Might Mouse user now since it was released and it's been a very productive mouse... allowing me lots of options while I navigate my finder and files... and assigned Application Switcher to the track ball nipple was for me a must have feature... and now my whole workflow has now become based on this simple feature. I recently purchased a new MacPro 12 Core with Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad. The Magic TrackPad I just can't get my fingers adjusted to... so I have counted that out... but the new Magic Mouse I like... I like the way it feels in the hand... I like the wireless feel about it... but the lack of the track ball is proving a difficult adjustment. I have started using CMD TAB but that's proving less effective as I'm sometimes getting mixed up with key stroke shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat... for Quitting etc...

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OS X :: Right Click Brings Up Application Switcher In Leopard

Feb 13, 2009

Running leopard, for some reason, whenever I right click, the application switcher pops up (just as it would if i pressed command+tab). I've rebooted my machine and it still happens.

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OS X :: Switcher - Connecting Printer Over Network To Macbook Pro

Jun 21, 2010

I just switched to my MacBook Pro and I just had a quick question. I have a printer hooked up to my desktop PC and it runs over our wireless network. I was wondering how to connect my macbook to the printer, because when I go to the printer and fax section in System Preferences, I can go to the computer on the Windows section, but it won't find the printer.

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Applications :: Keep Folder Structure In IPhoto 09 Library?

Jan 28, 2009

Starting out on iPhoto 09. At the moment all my photos are organised in folders, eg Holiday July 08, New year 07, Childs 4th B_day, Funfair March 05 etc I would like to keep them in this order if possible, and start using iPhoto to tag, and organise them all. Reason I want them still in folders is that I also have a Windows PC, Xbox 360, and want to be able to sort them on here to, which wont have iPhoto's organisation and so need the folder structure.

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Software :: ITunes Library Structure Changing?

Dec 22, 2008

When i allow iTunes copy and organize my music files it uses /Artist/Album/# TrackName structure. Can i configure it to use /Artist/AlbumYear - Album/# Artist - TrackName?

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MacBook Pro :: Error Of Invalid Node Structure

Mar 16, 2012

I have an error of invalid node structure. Can I save my data from my hard drive? Is it even fixable?

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ITunes :: Keeping IOS App Folder Structure When Moving To New Mac?

Jul 2, 2012

I am trying to move my itunes data over to a new mac. So I moved the iTunes media folder to the new mac, but none of the mobile applications are (which are placed in the mobile applications directory in the itunes media directory) are displayed in iTunes on my new mac. I already changed the iTunes media folder in the preferences. What I managed to do is transfer all purchased items from my iPhone in iTunes, but now each iOS app appears 2 times in the mobile application folder. The next problem is that if i now what to sync my iPhone on the new mac iTunes completely messes up my app folder structure on the iPhone but I would like to keep my structure. How can I move copy ALL of my iTunes data from the old to the new mac correctly?? I don't know why apple made it so hard to do such a thing.

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Desktops :: Disk Repair - Volume Structure Failed

Feb 11, 2010

I have recently purchased an iMac (21.5" - 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 4 GB 1067 MHz RAM - 1 TB harddrive) with OS X 10.6.2 installed. I have to say that after over 20 years with MicroSoft I am enjoying the stability and quality of the MAC. Anyway, as part of my education in the care and feeding of a MAC I ran the TechTool app yesterday. I had no indication that anything was wrong with the computer - but, I would like to become familiar with the various utilities for the care of the machine "before" a problem occurs. As the app ran I was pleased to see that all the tests passed (Processor, RAM, Video RAM, etc.). However the computer failed the last test: Volume Structure.

Here are the directions I was given at the end of the test: Volume Structure Failed
TechTool Deluxe can scan volumes for problems related to the numerous structures that are necessary for the volumes to operate correctly. If problems are found, TechTool Deluxe can attempt to repair the damage to help reduce the chance of future problems. If TechTool Deluxe has discovered problems with the structure of a volume, allow the program to repair the problem. Quite often these issues are minor, but sometimes they can be indicative of a more serious problem. If the problem persists, consider backing up the device, reformatting the media, replacing the data, and then testing again.

I was also instructed to access the Apple site and download the most recent version of TechTool Deluxe that can perform repairs. I downloaded the software and followed the instructions to open the file in the Disk Utility app and burn a CD. Following the directions I then booted up on the CD by restarting the computer while holding the "C" key. The computer booted up on the CD and loaded TechTool Deluxe. I ran the same tests as above and once again the Volume Structure failed. When I clicked on repair it seemed as though the program was trying to fix the problem - then it abruptly stopped and stated that the Volume Structure could not be repaired.

I removed the TechTool CD, rebooted the computer, installed the TechTool Deluxe that I downloaded from Apple, and ran the Disk Utility. When I tried to "Verify" the disk this is what appeared: Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD". This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. Following these instructions I rebooted the computer using the Mac OS X installation disk - and the only option I found was for an installation of the OS.

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OS X :: Unix Folder Structure Exposed After Installing Leopard?

Nov 5, 2007

I installed Leopard on my MacBook Pro (Core Duo) from day one (totally clean install) and it's been smooth-sailing.

One niggle I had was that my Macintosh HD had all of the ugly Unix file structure exposed (see pic). I thought this was a bit sloppy and un-Apple, then when I saw a friend's mac and realised that it wasn't normal I assumed that for some reason hidden files were just visible - nope. I ran the command line commands to re-hide hidden files and it had no effect.

Anyone know how I can amend this aesthetic atrocity?

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MacBook :: Volume Structure Failed When Ran TechTool Deluxe

Apr 4, 2008

I ran TechTool Deluxe and noticed that the volume structure failed. Not sure what this means... can anyone shed some light on this?

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OS X :: HD Malfunction: Invalid Node Structure / 'Sibling Error'?

Mar 12, 2009

Two days ago my MacBook (OSX10.4) crashed; VLC player froze when I was watching a tv show. I though 'no biggie, happens now and then' and hard-resetted my 'book. Tried opening the file again with Quicktime, again, computer froze up. Waited a couple of minutes, hard-resetted my laptop again. Only this time, the screen got stuck on grey/lightblue-ish screen during boot-up.

Tried a lot but couldn't get my MacBook up and running again. Started up with the OSX cd popped in and went to Disc Utility. Mac then told me there was a 'Invalid Node Structure' and that 'The volume could not be repaired'. During a third or fourth start-up this changed to Mac saying there was a'sibling error'.

I checked some sources online, figured out this should be something fixable. One possible option was Disk Warrior. Supposed to be *the* tool with problems like these. I replaced my malfunctioning HD, put an old HD in my MacBook, reinstalled OSX and put the malfunctioning HD in a stand-alone case and connected it too my MacBook. As we speak DW is busy rebuilding the directory but it has been doing so for over a day now. I've read online that it can take a couple of days though. My HD is 250Gb with 30Gb empty space when it went kaput.

Now, there seem to be a couple of other alternative options. These lads talk about Tech Tool Pro - apparantly some other program that could help: [URL]

Then there's a couple suggestions/methods mentioned online that either involve booting up in single-user mode and type some code [URL]

Has anyone ever had their HD act up like this? Any experience/recommendations regarding the programs/methods mentioned above? I'm pretty new with Mac (used PCs for ages, switched to Mac quite recently) and I'm kinda at wit's end here :/. I was in the process of backing up my stuff, but there's a boatload of data on that HD that I hadn't archive yet.

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Hardware :: WD Essentials 1TB Hdd - Invalid Node Structure - Need To Format (HOW)

Dec 31, 2009

I've been using this external hard drive since Christmas Day and suddenly it doesn't work. I attempted to verify my disk and it came back with "Invalid Node Structure". I've been using this for Time Machine Backups but I don't mind losing them because there isn't really anything majot but I'm currently copying my two largest folders off there because it tells me I need to format my disk as soon as possible. How do I do that?

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OS X :: Strange Terminal Prefix - Line Structure Baffling

Apr 5, 2010

Forgive my lack of jargon when it comes to Terminal commands, functions etc. I am a total novice in this field. However, when just using Terminal I noticed that the first part of the command line goes:

blackberry-f801:~ omarkhan$

Now, I have a BlackBerry which I do connect to the Mac, but why the name would come into Terminal's command line structure is baffling.

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Boot - Invalid Node Structure

Apr 10, 2012

It is a 2008 intel iMac that had worked fine for the last four years until lion. Everytime there was and update or I rebooted, my Mac would freeze at some point of the login. A permission repair or just repair disk would solve the issue an everyone and a while, a restore from backup. Recently my Mac started to slow down to the point it froze for several hours and force quit would never open. I held the button and since then I have been in trouble. The repair permissions had a ton of errors but successfully repaired. But when I repaired the disk, it's hit a couple of errors but ultimately failed right after "Invalid Node Structure" that error has been consistent every time I have attempted a fix and it failed. I tried restoring from a backup to no avail. Then I wiped the drive and installed Lion (after a convienient 5 hours download) an it booted. I tried using it but it was extremely slow, let it sit over night and came back to it frozen. I had assumed it was slow due to indexing but after 12ish hours this didn't solve the issue. I clicked the apple button and it took a while to finally show up an restarted. Fro

There is wouldn't complete the boot. Froze at the apple logo or white screen with spinning mouse. Left that for several hours and stayed there. Tried repair and same issue. "ivalid node structure" redtating aftet that it just reboots and turns off a little bit after the chime. I have tried everything I could find on different forums without any success. I tried single user mode with the fsck commands and that failed also. I downloaded lion and made a recovery flash drive from another computer. I have since installed several new installations of lion after an erase and repartition. I took it to the apple store and they installed a fresh install of lion and it worked for a day then slowed down and froze. I would like to try everything possible before claiming the hardrive dead. I forgot to mention I have done PRAM resets in between the events I described as well as the SCM i think reset by unplugging. I have left it unplugged for over 12 hours, also have taken out all peripherals minus keyboard and mouse.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Copy Playlist To Usb-stick And Keep Folder Structure?

May 16, 2012

Is there an easy way to copy a playlist from iTunes to a USB-stick (for use in the car)? The folder structure of artist > album> track should be kept.

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Aperture :: How To Relocate Masters And Maintain Project Structure

Jul 1, 2014

I have tens of thousands of images in a hierarchical project structure: 


    |---First project
|---Second project
    |---Last project


    |---First project
    |---Second project
    |---Last project



I want to relocate these masters into a directory structure that exactly matches the project structure. Best I can tell, the basic "relocate masters" functionality can only dump images into a single directory. Any way to mirror the project structure on the filesystem? 

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Mac Pro :: Case Structure Surrounding Screen As Popping Off Or Separating From LCD Housing

Jun 28, 2006

On the macbook "Users report the case structure surrounding the screen as popping off or seperating from the LCD housing." I have had that problem as reported by appledeffects wiki. It isnt a huge deal. It is just a little loose and not completely popped off like that quote says. Have any other Macbook owners had that issue? If so what have you done to fix it? I have ran coreduotemp and it runs hot but no hotter than the normal macbook user and that is where it would seem like the problem would come from. Extreme heat and loosening of the glue I'm guessing. I don't know what to do and if this looseness is going to cause problems in the future for my otherwise wonderful machine I would like to know what I can do to fix this or what should be done.

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OS X :: Invalid Node Structure - Rebuilding Catalog B-tree / Is It Normal

Mar 28, 2010

My friends Macbook would only boot to a blue screen. So I booted from system disk and checked the HD. Got this error;

invalid node structure

And now it's;

rebuilding catalogue b-tree

It's been like this for over 10 minutes - is that normal? Is there anything else I should do?

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MacBook :: Invalid Node Structure / Computer Running Slow?

Jun 11, 2012

I recently dropped my even a couple of drops of diet coke near the DVD drive of my MacBook (2009).Turned it off immediately and turned it upside down for a bit. Tune it back on and it worked fine. However, the second time I turned it on it wouldn't go past the login screen. Turned it off as then on again, and started up fine. Ran a disc diagnostic and it gave me the invalid node structure message. From there it started to run slow so I shut it off again. Haven't turned it on since. I'm thinking of taking it in to a shop since I don't want to mess with it anymore.Is there any easy fix to this? If my hard drive is messed up, can I recover my data?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Get Music Folders And Import To Playlist Maintaining Same Structure

Sep 9, 2014

I have a folder full of mp3 files that are organized in the way that I defined. I'd like to import to iTunes maintaining the same organization. I thought about creating Playlist folders using the same structure of my files. Is there some way of creating this?

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