OS X :: Restoring IMac Settings Without Losing Songs?
May 31, 2009
Im very new to apple and iv recently bought a second hand iMac off my friend and im just wondering if its possible to restore factory settings on the iMac so its 'like new' without loosing the songs that are in iTunes?
So my mom just bought an iMac from her friend's mother, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings using the Installation disks that came with my MacBook Pro. I just inserted the discs and clicked "Install Mac OS X" and then it gives me a "Restart" button, but I cannot restart it without putting in the Password which I do not have. Is there another way to do this?
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
Well my Mac has been running slower and slower and I believe it's just about time for a clean install of OS X. Now this will be the first time I have to do this on a Mac so I don't want to jump in without some insight on some things.
First, is there any way I can keep my installed programs, and what (besides the Applications folder) should I back up for this? I'm thinking iWork, MainStage, and a couple of other large programs that I honestly don't want to lose configurations in or redownload (MainStage took me 3 days). I heard there's a way to restore just the operating system without affecting any user data. By the way I'm running the latest iteration of Lion and have a full (tested working) Time Machine backup running as well.
I've installed and uninstalled windows couple of times through the Bootcamp. when installing the Windows 7, it asks to format the partition so that the Windows can be installed. My questions comes here, I also restored the partition couple of times for no reason and whenever I restored it, I noticed that the space used by Windows never gets added back up to Mac Partition. So does that mean the space used by Windows will be just floating around? To simplify my question: After restoring the Windows partition, the space used by windows, will it be added back up to the Mac partition(to 1 partition)?
I was following directions on a mac board on how to share my iTunes library with my kids accounts on my computer. I must have not followed the directions correctly, as now I can not listen to any music on any account including the admin.I don't remember where I got the instructions or what I did to reverse the things that I moved.How do I restore my ability to listen to all the music that I have without re-aquiring it?And then how do I get it so that I can share with the other accounts on my computer?
For some reason, approximately once a month, the Mac loses the wifi settings. This sends the clock back to January 1st and takes several attempts of reentering the network name and password before it is recognised again.
Also, the wifi settings seem to no longer be part of the keychain when that happens.
This is getting to be a pain. Does anyone know why this happens (it only happens on one of the Macs; others are fine)? What can I do to repair it for good?
Stayed with 10.6.8 for years and had no issues, then started to see problems with Safari, websites not loading, email problems, updates no longer available etc etc.
So I used Carbon Copy Cloner to make a backup, wiped everything, then a clean install of Yosemite. All went very well indeed!
I have 3 accounts setup on the one iMac (2011 model i7 Quad core). 2 of these accounts work perfectly, but the thing which is driving me nuts is on the 3rd account. I set the mouse tracking speed and remove the scroll direction tick, but whenever I log out, it resets itself! Every time I log in, I have to go to System Prefs and reset it all over again!
The solution is to setup another account of course, and copy all files over, but I'd prefer to work through this issue to find out whats causing it if I can.
I'm using a Mac Mini (running 10.3.8) connected to an old View Sonic E95 monitor. No problems except that every time I leave the computer for a while it goes to sleep and "forgets" what display it is connected to. When I hit a key or whatever to reawaken it, the display resolution has been re-set to "VGA 800x600" and I have to tell it to "Detect Display" again..
Any clues? I have looked on the forums and Google with no success .
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.
This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
I have just bought a new MacBook Pro. When I got it I connected my time machine to remove my photos and music. My question is how do I restore my mac to its original settings, because there is too many things I don't want on it from my time machine? And my laptop did not come with the Lion installer disc. What should i do?
I have an original (2007) MacBook Pro that I want to sell.Before I sell it, I'd like to erase everything that I have in the MBP and restore it to factory settings. I don't have my Leopard discs, they are in storage.
Info: MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6), 2.16GHz, 2G Ram, 120GB Serial ATA Drive, 2-GRaids FW800s, FCP6
I seem to have lost all my print settings. I have half a dozen settings I use between text and photoshop, etc. I did a full maintaince and must have cleared them.
I have a Time Machine and a clone copy of my system to use for restoring the files
Mac Mini 1.1 Core Duo 1.66Ghz desktop computer that I purchased in 2006ish. I have had several problems with this computer and would like to sell it but would like to restore it to factory settings to try to restart with it as well as deleting everything on it.What do I need for this and how can I do it?
I am working on restoring my Macbook to its factory settings. I am planning to "wipe" my computer clean before i install 10.6 (snow lepord) and then later install mac lion.
i know that i need the installation discs to accomplish such a task. do the disks have to come from my specific operating system? can i use a disk from an older operating system (such as 10.4)
ive just been given a G3 powerbook from a friend in sweden and want to completely restore it,as i cant change the language from swedish to english!I spoke to somebody whilst out there and he confirmed that i need to reinstall the os x software compatible with it (10.3.9)which i guess is kinda old. I have a new imac with leopard,and also have tiger but when i inserted the discs it still came up in swedish?
So I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant to transfer my files. I realized after that I should have transfered right at the beginning when I had the chance for Setup Assistant, because I have a lot of files that require permission from my other user account on my old MacBook. I went to Disk Utilities, and there were two options to "Erase Free Space", some Toshiba thing and Macintosh HD (I am assuming was the hard drive that was transferred). I pushed "Erase Free Space" and closed down disk utility, but it looks like it didn't delete my hard drive because all the applications and files are still there. I am now reinstalling OS X Lion hoping it will bring me back to that first screen where it askes if i want to transfer from another computer. Am I doing this right? I feel like I'm gonna mess something up and i've already wasted 5 hours already trying to fix my primary mistake of using Migration.
I have a late 2009 iMac that came with Snow Leopard, but has been upgraded to Lion via the App store, so I have no recovery discs. I tried reinstalling Lion with the built in recovery, but it did not wipe HD clean. I know I need to erase the HD in Disc Utility, but then I won't have a way to reinstall Lion.
My dad bought this Mac which had already installed lion OS X, but I jus restored it to faculty settings and whenever I try to install the OS it takes forever to do something and just ends up telling me to try again.
I'm a new mac user. Just bought a Mac mini with Mac OS X Lion (10.7.4). I was messing around with the resolutions on the display settings. I set the resolution back to the 1080p where it was when I first started messing with it. Now the color is off, the screen is not how it was before I started tampering with resolution settings. I've tried recalibrating the color but its still off. When I start my mac up in Safe Boot the windows and color look normal as if I changed nothing.
Im selling my macbook pro and am trying to restore it to factory settings. I have inserted the "install disc" many times. However, my laptop is never able to start up. It alternates between a black and grey (no apple or wheel) screen. I've tried holding down the "C" key while rebooting..that didnt work. I've tried clicking restart when it instructs me to...that didnt work I've tried going to system preferences --> startup disk --> clicking the install drive and it still didnt work. What can I do? My mac can start up and work perfectly fine without the disk, its just that i need to restore it to factory settings.
Recently had to replace my hard drive on my iMac which had OS X Mavericks. I accidently ignored the Recovery option when I first restarted my Mac not understanding it would completely restore everything as it was. However, im taking the opportunity now to rebuild my Mac manually, learning a lot and saving the space that many of my unneccessary files took up. I've rebuilt my itunes Library including restoring playlists, also my iPhoto library and Album organization. While I am able to replenish all of my mail messages (over 3000) through re-connecting the settings for mail, what I lose is all of my mailboxes and sub-boxes I had set up, as well as those hundreds of messages I had flagged and tagged in various colours. I would like direction on how I can restore my mail settings, messages and mailbox structure from my Time Machine back-ups. Really all I need to know are which files I need to look for from that earlier date and how to safely replace them into my current system.
I was restoring my MacBook pro to its factory setting by erasing the disk and reinstalling OS X lion via internet. But it is failing telling me that my network is very slow while I used the best network in my area. How should I get an OS X lion to my CP? Is it possible to get it from another MacBook pro? Or is it possible to recover the erased OS X Lion without or with external disc?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OS X Lion
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
Got my iMac back in the end of February and it's been working flawlessly. About a month ago though, my connection started randomly dropping after periods of moderate internet-use. Say maybe, 20-30mins of browsing. It usually starts working fine after I shut the computer off for a while and try again. I thought maybe it was the ethernet cable, so I got another one, but with the same result. So it got me thinking, maybe it is my ISP. Called Verizon up and they said everything looked good on their end and that my IP was showing up fine. They reset my connection, but with no result. The gentleman on the phone suggested it maybe the computer.
I took my Dell laptop and tried surfing using the built-in Wifi for a while. 2 hours later...working fine. So I tried pluging the ethernet cable to the laptop, worked fine again. So now i'm thinking it HAS to be the computer. So switched the built-in Airport Wifi on the iMac on and tried it out. 2 1/2 hours later...everything works great. WHAT THE HELL!? I'm thinking, since it just suddenly happened, the problem must've been triggered by some sort of update I did(which I don't remember if I did). I searched the Apple Support forums and it turns out, several people have had the same/similar problem with their Macs with no solution.............
I have 3 macs working off my wireless router. Two out of three are still working fine, but the third (an iMac G5) keeps losing its network connection and either won't find the network or, if it does, will not allow me to rejoin it, even after entering the relevant key/password. It has been in the same location in my house and has worked fine for the last five years. But oddly, if I move the G5 to within a few feet of the router it starts working again (though sometimes seems unable to find the network, although when it does it will let me join it, hassle free).
Have spoken to some Apple guys and, following their advice, have gone into SYSTEM PREFERENCES, NETWORK, LOCATION but having got that far a pop-up appears telling me that an application has changed my network settings. Zapping OK, this dialog box just keeps re-appearing and the only way I can get out of this corner is by 'force quit'.