OS X V10.7 Lion :: Restoring Without Losing App Data?
May 13, 2012
Well my Mac has been running slower and slower and I believe it's just about time for a clean install of OS X. Now this will be the first time I have to do this on a Mac so I don't want to jump in without some insight on some things.
First, is there any way I can keep my installed programs, and what (besides the Applications folder) should I back up for this? I'm thinking iWork, MainStage, and a couple of other large programs that I honestly don't want to lose configurations in or redownload (MainStage took me 3 days). I heard there's a way to restore just the operating system without affecting any user data. By the way I'm running the latest iteration of Lion and have a full (tested working) Time Machine backup running as well.
I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Lion. I want to reinstall Lion without losing my data. I dont have a TimeMachine or backup hard disk. Can the Command+R option with Reinstall thing will wipe my data ? Is there a way so i can have a fresh OS X Lion and and preserve my files ?
i want to upgrade my snow leopard to lion without losing any data, application, or others, i don't have external hard disk so is there any way to do it without backing up?
Im very new to apple and iv recently bought a second hand iMac off my friend and im just wondering if its possible to restore factory settings on the iMac so its 'like new' without loosing the songs that are in iTunes?
I've installed and uninstalled windows couple of times through the Bootcamp. when installing the Windows 7, it asks to format the partition so that the Windows can be installed. My questions comes here, I also restored the partition couple of times for no reason and whenever I restored it, I noticed that the space used by Windows never gets added back up to Mac Partition. So does that mean the space used by Windows will be just floating around? To simplify my question: After restoring the Windows partition, the space used by windows, will it be added back up to the Mac partition(to 1 partition)?
I know there are already a ton of threads like this one out there, I was just getting a lot of conflicting data from them, and didn't really want to screw this up... Well here's the problem.My HDD is currently divided into two partitions, I am trying to shrink the 2nd partition, and expand the 1st without losing the data on my 2nd partition. Is this Possible?
I've tried VolumeWorks 1.5 from a bootable DVD but for some reason when I open it and select my hard drive, the left column where a list of my partitions should be is blank, and all the buttons on the bottom are blanked out except "close" and "rebuild".
I was going to try booting from CD and running disk utility to accomplish this, but most of the stuff I've read says that shrinking a partition with DU will erase the data. ?
i have an external drive that's 1TB that i use for all sorts of things but Time Machine as well.having read that the time machine backup tends to increase over time i'd like to make a partition for it, just like others have done in topics i've read.
the question is this,can i make a sub-partition of, say 100GB using disk utility or something but not lose data from my drive?
I'm just trying to make 2 partitions, one on my iMac, and one on my external usb drive. I don't want to lose any information though.I've read an article, there is a way to do it in diskutility but its all command line stuff, I don't feel comfortable with doing that in case I mess something up.
another method I guess is iPartition 3 for leopard. Don't know if this is any good though.Is there any free way to just create these partitions maybe with a GUI ?
Is there anybody that has gone from Tiger to Snow Leopard and did this as an upgrade? Did all your music and pictures remain on your HD? Is it even possible to do it this way?
When I put my snow leopard disc in my computer, it has 1 option which says: Install Mac OSX and if I press that it says, press continue to restart your computer and installation will begin (or something like that). It's not clear to me if it's gonna erase my harddrive or not.
I would never opened a topic like this if I had not a similar experience with expanding 'dmg' in the past! A truly bad experience! It is supposed that using 'disk utility' I can resize-expand-make bigger any dmg file. Every time I tried it, it was a totally fail process.The 'disk image' dmg did not resized at all. I do not know why, it just happened to me many times.
Does anyone had similar experience? Any solution to this? So if I have a dmg that need to be bigger, I create a new one from scratch and I copy paste files from the old dmg.I need to do the same with hard disk partitions, using disk utility once again. I need to resize my hard disk partitions.Does this process works well as it should be, or it is a bad-implemented feature?
I am using OS X 10.9.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I launch the Calendar app (Version 7.0 (1841.1)), I don't see any of my event. I have to go to the Window menu and click Calendar. The app crashes pretty often. Can I reinstall it without losing my calendar data?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How do I partition my external hard drive without losing the data already on it? I've been using it with Time Machine on my old computer, but want to use it as a regular drag-and-drop type back up on my new computer. Is there any way to basically split the hard drive so I can still access the Time Machine backups on my old computer, but also be able to use it with my new mac?
The hard drive on my old Power Mac G4 recently failed and I lost all my data. I have I backup of my Tiger installation, but no way to restore it - I have no other Mac computers, just Windows ones. I also don't have any OS X installation discs. Is there any way I could format and restore the files to my hard drive from Windows?
I only own one Mac computer - a MacBook Pro. I use Time Machine to back it up. If I had to send the laptop in for service I would be without my data for possibly quite some time. So I'm wondering - if I owned a second Mac (maybe an iMac), could I plug in my Time Machine drive and access the data? Could I selectively restore files and folders to the iMac?
migrate my music to another computer, but I'm afraid of losing what I have checked and unchecked in "music" library.So let me explain a little more, not a created playlist or smart playlist. If you were to go through every single song you have and uncheck what you don't listen to this is the "master list" I'm referring to.
My hard drive died yesterday and with it went all my ITunes data as well as all my music and everything else to do with my IPhone. Can I just install a fresh copy of ITunes and hit sync and it will copy all apps/music/videos/contacts/settings/etc... from the phone back into ITunes? If not, Is there any program that can backup the entire phone and reintegrate it back into ITunes so that I can sync my phone normally?
I'm restoring my data (roughly 78GB) because, when trying to partition my disk, I got the annoying "large files cannot be moved blah blah" error. So I backed up (which took almost 5 hours), formatted, and am now currently restoring, at an estimated time of 18-21 hours (it fluctuates, even said 1 day 5 hours at one point). I'm using an old LaCie 120 External, a few years old, but at the least it should be 5400 RPM. Is there a problem that's causing it to take this long, or is this normal? Oh, I forgot to list specs. On the 2.4 ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB ram, 8600m GT model.
So my new Mini 2.23 arrived today and I'm trying to think of how I'm going to go about restoring the data from the old Mini. I've sold my old Mini, but used SuperDuper to backup to external drive. I have a MBP I can use if necessary.
My hard drive crashed. Luckily I have a recent Back up made on an external USB drive made under 10.4. The new hard drive has had 10.5 installed on it. However, I need to restore from the 10.4 back up. Migration assistant doesn't see the back up disk.
I just wanted to let people know about an experience I had the other day. After using my Powerbook G4 for about 4 years with some files encrypted with File Vault my Mac suddenly refused to let me log into my user account. I took the Mac to an authorized Apple repairer and was told that a file in File Vault had become corrupted and infected the rest of my hard drive. I lost all my files and documents, photos, music - the lot. When it happens, all you get from Apple is "Sorry about that, but there is nothing we can do - You should have backed up all your files".
I'd just like to warn people not to use File Vault.
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
i have some problems in Mac OS X Lion so i want to do fresh install if made it what going to happen to my Bootcamp Partition ?or its safe to reformat my Mac hd partition?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2), and Windows 7 64bit
I'm running 10.7.3 on my Mac Pro4,1 and have the standard Apple USB keyboard attached while using the Apple BT trackpad. After sleep and/or log off, I am often not able to use the keyboard any longer. To revive it, I must restart my system.
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I needed a phone number last night...when I went into the Address Book, the contact and related page was gone. This is very scary as I have numbers for relatives in a foreign country, and other important information contained in the Address Book.
I started a new card, entered the info, saved the data, and closed the Address Book. When I went back it was gone AGAIN!
After installing a new version of java I discovered that my hard drive had lost about 55Gb of space, I emptied the trash and gained about 8 Gb. As Iwrite this I am watching my HD space decrease by about .01gb every 10 seconds. I Am in the process of using Time Machine to restore to a time before the upgrade. Well that didn,t work as it has just told me that there isn't,t enough space to copy my hd.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2Tb external HD, Airport Extreme