MacBook Pro :: Restoring To Factory Settings - Erasing Disk And Reinstall Lion Via Internet
Jun 7, 2012
I was restoring my MacBook pro to its factory setting by erasing the disk and reinstalling OS X lion via internet. But it is failing telling me that my network is very slow while I used the best network in my area. How should I get an OS X lion to my CP? Is it possible to get it from another MacBook pro? Or is it possible to recover the erased OS X Lion without or with external disc?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OS X Lion
So my mom just bought an iMac from her friend's mother, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings using the Installation disks that came with my MacBook Pro. I just inserted the discs and clicked "Install Mac OS X" and then it gives me a "Restart" button, but I cannot restart it without putting in the Password which I do not have. Is there another way to do this?
So I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant to transfer my files. I realized after that I should have transfered right at the beginning when I had the chance for Setup Assistant, because I have a lot of files that require permission from my other user account on my old MacBook. I went to Disk Utilities, and there were two options to "Erase Free Space", some Toshiba thing and Macintosh HD (I am assuming was the hard drive that was transferred). I pushed "Erase Free Space" and closed down disk utility, but it looks like it didn't delete my hard drive because all the applications and files are still there. I am now reinstalling OS X Lion hoping it will bring me back to that first screen where it askes if i want to transfer from another computer. Am I doing this right? I feel like I'm gonna mess something up and i've already wasted 5 hours already trying to fix my primary mistake of using Migration.
My dad bought this Mac which had already installed lion OS X, but I jus restored it to faculty settings and whenever I try to install the OS it takes forever to do something and just ends up telling me to try again.
After backing up my data and then swiping my hard drive using Disk Utility, my OS seems to have been uninstalled as well. Is there a way to recover the deleted information and go back to the last working configuration? I'm on a MBP IC2D 2.16 w/ Lion.
I did the upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion. I've been having random issues like it seems to go to sleep (all monitors go black) and when I close the lid; the light goes on (but doesn't blink like normal sleep). Or during wake-up from sleep, after everything appears, it does the same thing. The only thing I can do it hold down the power button, wait, and restart. Today I'm on my 4 1/2 crash/reboot. (.5 because during a reboot, it locked up again.) I was thinking that maybe a re-install might fix something, but I'm not sure. When I originally did the upgrade, I had a DisplayLink driver installed which Lion moved to the Unsupported folder; don't know if this is part of my problem or not.
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I have just bought a new MacBook Pro. When I got it I connected my time machine to remove my photos and music. My question is how do I restore my mac to its original settings, because there is too many things I don't want on it from my time machine? And my laptop did not come with the Lion installer disc. What should i do?
I have an original (2007) MacBook Pro that I want to sell.Before I sell it, I'd like to erase everything that I have in the MBP and restore it to factory settings. I don't have my Leopard discs, they are in storage.
Info: MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6), 2.16GHz, 2G Ram, 120GB Serial ATA Drive, 2-GRaids FW800s, FCP6
I am working on restoring my Macbook to its factory settings. I am planning to "wipe" my computer clean before i install 10.6 (snow lepord) and then later install mac lion.
i know that i need the installation discs to accomplish such a task. do the disks have to come from my specific operating system? can i use a disk from an older operating system (such as 10.4)
Im selling my macbook pro and am trying to restore it to factory settings. I have inserted the "install disc" many times. However, my laptop is never able to start up. It alternates between a black and grey (no apple or wheel) screen. I've tried holding down the "C" key while rebooting..that didnt work. I've tried clicking restart when it instructs me to...that didnt work I've tried going to system preferences --> startup disk --> clicking the install drive and it still didnt work. What can I do? My mac can start up and work perfectly fine without the disk, its just that i need to restore it to factory settings.
Mac Mini 1.1 Core Duo 1.66Ghz desktop computer that I purchased in 2006ish. I have had several problems with this computer and would like to sell it but would like to restore it to factory settings to try to restart with it as well as deleting everything on it.What do I need for this and how can I do it?
ive just been given a G3 powerbook from a friend in sweden and want to completely restore it,as i cant change the language from swedish to english!I spoke to somebody whilst out there and he confirmed that i need to reinstall the os x software compatible with it (10.3.9)which i guess is kinda old. I have a new imac with leopard,and also have tiger but when i inserted the discs it still came up in swedish?
I have a late 2009 iMac that came with Snow Leopard, but has been upgraded to Lion via the App store, so I have no recovery discs. I tried reinstalling Lion with the built in recovery, but it did not wipe HD clean. I know I need to erase the HD in Disc Utility, but then I won't have a way to reinstall Lion.
I want to erase all my macbook files and OS and reinstall the startup disk. I have backed up old files on separate HD. Whats the best approach for a smooth reinstall.?
I tried to install Mavericks and it told me my disk had been damaged and needed to be repaired. I took it into the Genius bar, he wiped my disk and told me when I got home to plug in my backup harddrive and click restore and it should be resolved. But I did the restore, created a new profile and everything and I can find my backup folder because my harddrive is plugged in, but don't know how to get everything from that folder back onto the computer, and back in its rightful place. i.e. pictures back in iPhoto, songs back in iTunes
A friend of mine wants to restore his Macbook Pro running SL but he doesn't have any disk anymore. I don't have any disk either but I was able to do a clean install by using Internet Lion Recovery aand an external hard drive.
I am trying to restore my MacBook Pro to its Factory Settings.All data was erased and tried to reinstall the Lion. When my apple ID and password were entered.The following message came out: "This Apple ID has not yet been used in iTune Store" I was not allowed to reinstall the Lion. Yes I did not buy anything in the iTune can I reinstall the Lion.
Early 2011 15" MBP with Lion (purchased new July 22, 2012). I had a two year old MBP running Snow Leopard then upgraded to Lion. The computer got flooded. I took out the hard drive and put it in a portable hard drive case and used it to restore my new MBP running Lion. It seemed to go very smooth and very easy. I am not a very knowledgable computer person, I use the computer for Photoshop, iTunes and email and just barely know not to turn it off with the on/off button! I keep noticing that I have two of many things in the computer, like library, multiple systems and multiple hard drives. I also get conflicting amounts of free hard drive space. I feel that I mistakenly copied too much stuff. I have backed up my files onto a fire wire hard drive. I want to "push a button" and have the computer go back to the way it was the day I bought it. This time, I will take the time and move the files and programs manually (there are not that many). I am affraid a typical restore from Time Machine will only bring back the problems I am trying to get away from.
I just bought a MBP 13" from my friend. It has OSX Lion pre-installed on it so theirs no boot disc. I read the instructions online about rebooting but I didn't do it correctly. What I wanna do it get it back to as if the computer was being turned on for the 1st time. I changed the user name to my name, but when I go to the Air Drop section in Finder, his name still pops in that area. I wanna make it so that everything is under my name. Basically, the login user has my name on it. Air Drop has his name and when you go to USER folder, his name is there too. Want to get it so all of it is under my name.
I have a 27"imac which is 3 months old, purchased new from an Apple store. I have purchased a 15" macbook pro as well. The imac is not being used so I want to reset it back to factory settings wipe all personal and keychain data so I can sell it.
I have a black macbook and want to do a full wipe and start over fresh. I have the grey install discs as well as my Snow Leopard upgrade disc. I got everything off and ready to start over. What do I need to do?
I had to interrupt the migration assistant and it seems that some of my applications and documents are incomplete (files missing/broken) I have heard the best way to solve this problem is to restore the macs factory settings, then start the migration assistant over again. What is the best way to do this?