OS X :: Random Alert Message After Woke The Computer From Sleep
Sep 29, 2009Woke the computer from sleep and this popped up:
View 2 RepliesWoke the computer from sleep and this popped up:
View 2 RepliesI noticed that something was running in the background when I . I checked activity monitor to see what was running and saw that a process named "Find" user name "Nobody" was running. It disappeared before I could inspect it. Does anybody know what process this is and what application may be running it? I'm now paranoid!
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy new MacBook Pro runs perfectly. However, it makes the "funk" alert sound effect on a random basis and it is getting pretty annoying. Why is this happening? I am apparently not the only user experiencing this issue, but they did not identify the sound as being one of the built-in sounds.
View 3 Replies View Relatedjust ran a recent update for my macbook pro/mid 2010, and the computer just woke up with a plain blue screen & spinning beach ball - I had to do a hard shut down.I am also having the problem of having my screen going black for a couple of seconds, I read up on it in Support. But I was wondering if there is something else going on.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a Power Mac G4 Quicksilver 933Mhz running OS X 10.4.11. Ever since I upgraded from Vs. OS X 10.4, I have had problems with my browsers. When I boot up I get an alert message with a red sign that shows for about two or three quick seconds. I am not able to read what it states. Can someone tell me how to bring up this alert message. I think it might have something to do with how my browser is not functioning properly. I can't load up some pages with my Safari or FireFox browsers; I get a blank screen, but the URL shows up with some additional information. I also have a 2009 Mac Pro that does not have this problem with loading up web site pages.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have used iCal and now Calendar for many years. For every event, I choose to show "Message with Sound" for the alert. In the past few weeks, I noticed I no longer get any on-screen pop-up message. Not sure of the proper term for that, but my choice for each event is the same: "Message with Sound", so maybe it is called "message". I do get the sound alert, just am now missing the tiny even message window that used to pop up.
Here is an odd chain of events...
I looked in ~/Preferences to try trashing something, found only "com.apple.CalendarAgent.plist" as an obvious choice. I expected to find com.apple.Calendar.plist, but no such file. When I launched Calendar, it showed no change at all in any of my preference settings, and I do have several settings that are not default, such as "Start week on Monday" and "Alerts > Event: At time of event" instead of 15 minutes before.
After re-launching Calendar, I noticed a new file, "com.apple.Calendar.plist" appeared in ~/Preferences. I always use column view, so it isn't possible that i missed it before; this file was not there before. Nonetheless, the alert sounds with no message window issue continues. How to restore the alert window?
Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
When i'm listening to music on my Mac Pro I 'randomly' get the message:'to access this podcast, you need to log into'Like i say this is when i'm listening to music and not trying to open a podcast. It happens randomly (about every half hour or so) and is usually in the middle of a song. It never happens when a song's starting and i've never been denied access to any songs (or podcasts for that matter).I've also got the same music collection on my MacbookPro and don't have this problem there.I put '' into my browser and came to LBC Podcasts site. I believe i've never downloaded any LBC podcasts and searched their podcasts list to make sure.
I've had this problem for a few years now, my macbook pro recently not booting up, being the reason for me playing music on the mac pro more, hence needing this problem sorting. This problem has persited over many itunes and os updates. For the record i'm using itunes 10 and OS X version 10.6.4Apologies if this problem has been covered here before. I searched the forums and on google and couldn't find an answer.
I want to find the sound files because I want to convert them to wav to use as mail alert sounds for Thunderbird which I use instead of Mail, and don't know where to find the files.
MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
When I'm working, sometimes it goes to sleep without any warning, also with a full battery. It never happens when the magsafe is connected. I noticed that when I wake the macbook again, in the battery icon (top-right), there is a "X" instead of it's capacity%.. Therefore I blame my battery for the random sleep. (the "X" dissapears almost immediately after waking up)
Here is a copy-and-paste of the console log:
9/05/08 16:25:42 kernel System Wake
9/05/08 16:25:42 kernel Previous Sleep Cause: -60
When I let it go to sleep in a normal way, it says 5 in stead of -60. Does anyone knows the meaning of the -60? Google doesn't..
There is a problem of a periodic signal loss. The reason for this is the password reset network settings in the airport. It happens randomly during sleep. The system log says only connect and disconnect from the network. What may be the reason?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am a proud (albeit frustrated) owner of an early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" with the i7 2.2GHz and the ATI 6750 HD.I am running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53) with the latest updates as of June 12 2012. I have been a big Macbook fan ever since my 2007 white core2duo macbook, but have been experiencing a problem with the latest beast.My problem is, as the title states, crashing upon sleep. The laptop will randomly crash when in use at times, though I thought that problem was a bit too vague to post about here. However, the crashing on sleep issue pretty specific.Basically, to reproduce my problem, all I have to is let my Mac fall asleep with the lid open. After a couple minutes of being asleep, it will either wake up or stay asleep with the activity light steady and dim. The ratio of crash to not crash seems to be roughly 7 to 3. The only way I have been able to fix the issue is to perform a hard shutdown and reboot. Upon rebooting I get an error report, but I'm not sure if that is related to the crash, or just the fact that I shut the computer down the hard way.
I heard that the 6750s sometimes have issues and crash a lot. Should I take this sucker in before my warranty expires and get it looked at?when I boot into Windows 7 via bootcamp, I semi-frequently get a crash when the screen looks fuzzy for a split second right before it reboots.This happens randomly, although I have noticed it happening sometimes when closing a 3D intense program (read: game).But it has never crashed during the 3D intensity.This is only a post-script becuase it could just be the fact that I'm using Windows on a Mac that is causing it to fuss.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My macbook onward restart when waking up from sleep, but no error message appear . Plus all my program and website reload back as before. Only problem is why it restart occasionally and it is normal. I don't have that symptom on earlier. Now using maverick 10.9.2
View 1 Replies View Related I have a macbook pro 13" early 2011 and I'm se as shown in the pictures (since i upgraded to os x yosemite) . It happens after display sleep or computer sleep on login not on boot up .I've noticed that i run out of ram when the problem appears (only 15MB RAM available out of 4GB), though i doesn't happen every time . I've talked to service and told me its either motherboard replacement or because the ram isn't enough (gpu shares with main ram) so maybe i should try upgrading ram. URL....
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have torrents going all the time. If the computer goes to sleep, the internet disconnects, so they stop. Display sleep wouldn't disconnect though. Is it OK to have computer sleep on "never" but keep display on "15 minutes"? I don't usually even leave the computer on overnight.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat are the random bleeping sounds on my computer?
Info:iMac, 10.7
Recently ive been having a couple of issues with my mac; the thing is i havent used it in a few months.
anyway lately when i have been using my computer if i dont use it for a few minutes it will freeze, causing me to force it to shut down. and the other issue is kinda hard to explain but for some reason when i am gaming the picture has been acting up lately; i can see almost perfectly fine but there are vertical lines all over the screen - about 2cm long...the lines only seems to pop up on 3d imaging.
i have an iMac PPC G5 with 512mb ram
like i said i have not used this computer in a while
I have a Week 01 MacBook Air, and I just started to notice that my MBA has not been performing its best since I bought it.
This morning I at 0745am, but now its 0831 and my battery is now at 53%; is there something wrong? I took a stopwatch and averaged it at about 53-55 seconds where the battery will drop 1%.
According to coconut battery, current battery capacity is 4670 and original battery capacity is 5090, and the system profiler says that I'm at 31 charge cycles. And YES, i've reset the PRAM, PMU/SMC, and calibrated my battery
I get a random door bell sound at random times, even if the IMac is off. What do I do?
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I have an issue where my iMac won't sleep automatically, via Energy Savings. I've checked Console.app and within the DATABASE SEARCHES > Console Messages, I keep getting a repeating message: 02/09/2009 08:33:23com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[200](com.seagate.notificationexec.plist) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds. I've searched my iMac, but cannot find any reference to this file. Can anyone advise how I can resolve the issue? (ie stop this reoccurring message)
View 1 Replies View RelatedOften I just put my Macbook Pro with Lion OS to sleep manually, instead of shutting down. Since the upgrade to OS Lion, when I return to the computer I often am greeted with a message that I could not be logged out because Firefox failed to quit. Is sleep a logout? I don't intend to logout...though I do require a password to regain access after the computer enters the sleep state. This is a consistent issue with Lion, which never occurred with the earlier OS.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac and Office updates all current
I have a 2008 MacPro Octo 2.8GHz. Whilst I was in Vista64 (a separate drive, not visualization) I was playing a halflife game called day of defeat. The game froze twice, requiring a crtl-alt-del to release it and stop the application that was not working. When I then rebooted into OSX, the "You need to restart your computer" screen appeared in 4 languages, which I believe is the Kernel panic screen. I've done the hardware test that reports no problems (D key). I've tried re-installing the operating system, (C key), no go just panics. I've tried a safe boot (shift) lots of disk activity followed by a panic. I've even reset the PRAM, no effect.
The queer thing is it will boot into Vista64, but there is some screen corruption whilsts its booting, but once in, it works OK with the exception of playing any 3D games, they will not launch (re-installed drivers). Vista reports that there is no 3D hardware acceleration. Does OSX require 3D just to get past the login screen? I've removed some ram and removed all the other hard drives. I'm beginning to think the 8800GT is playing up, otherwise why would vista still work?, but not 3D games? Is there any software I can use in Vista to check the 8800GT? I also noticed that it seemed to be taking longer and longer to shut down.
I am starting to have my imac go a little nuts on me. I was importing video from Iphoto to Imovie when the screen went dark and the message " Your computer must be turned off now, Please press power button.
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I've had my imac for a few weeks now with only one problem that's recently occured and the problem is this. During the process of uploading attachments to emails or posts or uploading anything to putfile, the screen dims from the top and I get a multilingual message telling me to hold down the power button for several seconds. This first occured while uploading a .zip file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I did read though the previous forum relating to this problem. None of the posters were having the exact issue I am, and I could not find a solution within.
my hardware: powerbook G4. 1.33GHz Power PC. (upgraded to) 2GB DDR SDRAM. (just upgraded to) 320GB WD HDD
my OS: Just installed 10.4.11
Here's the scenario (I hope someone can help):
Several months ago my poor baby took a dive off a counter onto the tile floor, while running. Never before this did I see the "Kernal Panic" restart screen.
Immediately following the fall, I get the error if the computer is bumped, moved or if I put weight on the keyboard (palms).
I feared it was a HDD issue so I hastily replaced the toshiba 60GB HD with a WD320 HD. And at the same time I upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.11.
The computer seemed fine for a couple weeks, now I am getting the error again with increasing frequency. Mostly when I put pressure on the keyboard (palms).
What I tried: new HD, new OS, checked the RAM to see if it had come loose in the fall.
Could it be my video card? Is it more likely hardware or software?
With my Macbook, I just did a software update to be able to use the newer version of AIM. So I let the updates install and the let the computer restart. So when I turn it on I keep getting this message: You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy imac has started to have a kernel panic all the time lately. It is where the whole screen will go darker and then a box in all different languages comes up saying I need to restart the computer. I have a couple of questions in relation to this, first if I reinstall and then back up from timemachine will I have the same issue again? If I do a fresh install and reimport all my music and vids manually will that be a better way to do things?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis morning the hard drive on my G5 sounded like it was at 8000 rpm's and there was a message on my screen to shut down the computer using the power button. I did this. Now anytime I try to power back up, I get the white screen with the apple and the "booting" icon, which then goes to a blue screen with the same icon, which then is just the blue screen with my mouse icon floating around. Also, on the random occasion, after booting to the blue screen it takes me to a DOS looking screen that asks for my login and password, of which I have neither.
Power Mac G5
How can I delete a msg in Mac os mail that has a very large attachment that the comp cannot open or delete?
FP iMac , Mac OS X (10.1.x)
My Messages preferences on my MacBook Air says "This computer does not support video chats". The camera works in Skype and my bandwith is over 30Mbps down ad 4 up.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
For some odd reason, when I try to put my Mac to sleep, it decides to dim the screen and show me that "You need to restart your computer" message in 8 languages. I usually keep my Mac on sleep when I am gone.
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