OS X :: Print Preview For Multiple Pages Per Sheet
Nov 16, 2007
I've been disappointed that the preview in the Leopard print dialog does not update if you select to have multiple pages per sheet. I often do this to conserve paper when I'm printing lecture notes. With Leopard, I'm often doing this blind and get things out of order. Has anyone got this to work? I seem to think that one of programs--either preview or Acrobat--provided this functionality in Tiger.
As the title says, I just can't get Preview.app to print a 33 page PDF using 2 pages per sheet in the correct order. It will print two pages per sheet of paper, but page 1 will come on the right, 2 on the left, 3 on the right, etc. I tried every possible combination in the "Layout" menu to no avail.
I have a panorama picture that I would like to print out. The print menu lets you put multiple pictures on one page but not one picture across multiple pages. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this without manually cropping the picture up into one page pieces.
Running 10.10 and I'm getting all blank pages when I print through the system or say Preview. Brother MFC-4710, upgraded firmware and downloaded new drivers. What is weird though is if I open a PDF from Chrome and printer directly from Chrome, it prints fine.
I've tried it on two laptops and both have the problem.
I have a very large image that I want to print full size, but i only have a regular printer with 8.5x11 sheets. Is there an app that will break up the image so I can print it on multiple pages and then tape them together again? I'm having poor luck googling this.
Firefox has this option on OSX (each frame on separate page), but safari seems to lack such an option. I need to print multiple frames (invoices from zencart) each on separate pages. When I try to print with Safari it will either try and print the selected frame, or it will print all the frames as it's laid out on the page (all printed on one page). Am I missing this option somewhere? Is there an extension I can try (already tried print plus to no avail)?
Ever since I upgraded to OS X Lion, I have noticed something different in the print dialogue. First the technical info: I am using a 2009 Mac Mini (4 GB RAM, OS 10.7.3) and I have a couple of printers that I use - one is a Brother laser printer (shared from an iMac, running 10.6.8) and a Canon Pixma Pro 9000, connected via USB to a Time Capsule.
When I hit Command-P to bring up the print sheet, I now get icons on the left hand side of some of the printer names in the printer list. One looks like a road sign - diamond shaped with a walking person in it, and the other is a circle with a wavy line (tilde?) in it. The other printer names have no icons next to them. I gather that the circle-and-tilde means "printer not available" (or something similar) - even though the printer is there!!! And then I wonder why the other printer names have no icons, and I have no clue what the "walking person" sign means.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53GHz 2009 w/4GB RAM
I have been trying to print out a page of labels using either pages or the address book and have so far failed. I am new to Apple products; I can do it really easily in Word etc.
The standard Mac Print - Layout - Pages per Sheet drop down offers 1,2,4,6,9 & 16 pages per sheet. Why is there no 8 pages per sheet option? This seems a bizarre omission. In a world of ISO 'A' paper sizes, it is easy to scale any binary power number of sheets onto, say, A4 for printing. 1,2,4 and 16 are offered - what has Apple got against 8? Does anyone know if/how I might add 8 as an option?
I'm trying to print a PDF in landscape format with 2 pages per sheet. Which I can do no problem in the print settings of Preview. The problem is controlling which order the sheets print in. As far as I can see, none of the print options actually change anything. I can change the order, select reverse layout, etc etc, and it always prints out the same, incorrect way. What am I doing wrong?
How do you print a sheet of mini labels (65 per A4 page) using 1 contact from AppleMacbook/iphone contacts? I can only print 1 label. It was quite easy with Microsoft Word but difficult with Apple contacts and not possible in pages.
I want to copy formulas only from a previous worksheet to create a new worksheet. I am using this to do monthly accounts for 2012. Everytime I cut and paste the formula, it links it to where I copied it fror. I am worrried about saving it as I do not want to make any changes to the previous months. The person who created the worksheet is not available to do this for me.
When I print multiple checks they print in the wrong sequence. If I have checks 401, 402 and 403 in the printer in that order, they print 403, 402 and 401. How can I change this to print not collated?
I am having issues printing documents I am viewing in Preview.When I press (command P) the File button highlights briefly, but then the print screen does not come up.However, on occasion, it has worked.I have all software up to date and have tried restarting the computer and closing all software.Every other program prints just fine, (for instance, in mail, I can press Command P and it will bring up the print screen as usual).
I have updated my system to OS X Maverick and have lost the ability to "print preview" my files before saving. I frequently save files as jpeg files, as well as pdf. I have found that many of our flyers print better when saved as a jpeg but since the print preview option has been eliminated, I cannot save anything as a jpeg.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
for any reason preview does not print to printers!Converting into pdf is not an issue, it works fine. But printing to printers does not work. No matter what type of file.And I do not know since when it is not printing.
When I was using Leopard and I hit "Print" I'd click the Preview button on the bottom left and Apple's "Preview.app" would open the document to be printed (with a Cancel & Print button at the bottom of the dialog box).Now in Snow Leopard, when I choose to see the finished product before I print, I click on "Preview" and Adobe Acrobat opens the item I want to print (which does not have a Cancel or Print button available).800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
PDF file i am trying to print is proteced against edits only. Printing is allowed. "Preview" is opening the file, and i can view it on screen, but when trying to print it, i am asked to enter a password.Other programs (Adobe reader, Foxit PDF, etc) are opening and printing it without any password prompts.Is there anything that can be done with it? Or just stick to other software?
In Yosemite, using Preview, I can't print anymore two pages of a PDF document on one paper, for example pages 1 AND 2 on the same page. It prints the same page (1) twice!
i am constantly having a problem when i try and print a smallish image with Preview /automatically/ checking the Scale to Fit Paper Size and when i /uncheck/ this by clicking in the "Scale" radio button it /automatically/ enters the percent scale factor that would be required if I wanted to scale to fit to paper (e.g. 184%). Since I /don't/ want this scale (I already unchecked this option) I MANUALLY enter "100" in this box and - well - it prints out scale to fit to paper size /anyway/. i am using the Print Selected Image but the Print option behaves in the same way. Also, Auto Rotate (which defaults to AutoRotate with no option - "bad Preview, bad") has no effect on this. i have taken to pulling down to four or nine images to a page in order to get my images printed smaller, even though they never print out at 100%.