MacBook Pro :: Copy Formulas Only From Previous Sheet To Create New Sheet
Apr 1, 2012
I want to copy formulas only from a previous worksheet to create a new worksheet. I am using this to do monthly accounts for 2012. Everytime I cut and paste the formula, it links it to where I copied it fror.  I am worrried about saving it as I do not want to make any changes to the previous months. The person who created the worksheet is not available to do this for me.Â
I'm trying to create a PDF from multiple images in automator. The PDF should contain:First Page: A contact sheet with all imagesFollowing pages: One page for each image
I don't even get the contact sheet working – it always results in a blank PDF.Â
I have encountered a problem when printing labels. On my PC it is possible to use all the labels on an A4 sheet, because you can select which labels are still available from a part used sheet. On the iMac it always wants to start from the top of the page even when there are no labels there. I find it very wasteful to throw away part used sheets of labels. Maybe I am missing some vital information, because I don't believe a mac can't do what a PC does, in all other aspects a Mac wins hands down. I would appreciate any solutions to this problem as I have only had the iMac eight months and still learning, and I would prefer not to have to use my PC if avoidable
How do you print a sheet of mini labels (65 per A4 page) using 1 contact from AppleMacbook/iphone contacts? I can only print 1 label. It was quite easy with Microsoft Word but difficult with Apple contacts and not possible in pages.
The standard Mac Print - Layout - Pages per Sheet drop down offers 1,2,4,6,9 & 16 pages per sheet. Why is there no 8 pages per sheet option? This seems a bizarre omission. In a world of ISO 'A' paper sizes, it is easy to scale any binary power number of sheets onto, say, A4 for printing. 1,2,4 and 16 are offered - what has Apple got against 8? Does anyone know if/how I might add 8 as an option?
if you have more than one sheet in a Numbers document, is there a way to EXPORT just one sheet to Excel? There is no option to do that under the Export feature. The alternative is to copy the one sheet into a blank new numbers document then export.
I was updating sheets for the new year. I keep lot of my template the same from year to year, just deleting the items in cells and starting over. It?s easy when using the PowerBook from a keyboard. The Delete key does the trick, but how do I do it from the Powerbook keyboard. The Delete key just does one cell at a time?
I've been disappointed that the preview in the Leopard print dialog does not update if you select to have multiple pages per sheet. I often do this to conserve paper when I'm printing lecture notes. With Leopard, I'm often doing this blind and get things out of order. Has anyone got this to work? I seem to think that one of programs--either preview or Acrobat--provided this functionality in Tiger.
I'm trying to print a PDF in landscape format with 2 pages per sheet. Which I can do no problem in the print settings of Preview. The problem is controlling which order the sheets print in. As far as I can see, none of the print options actually change anything. I can change the order, select reverse layout, etc etc, and it always prints out the same, incorrect way. What am I doing wrong?
Ever since I upgraded to OS X Lion, I have noticed something different in the print dialogue. First the technical info: I am using a 2009 Mac Mini (4 GB RAM, OS 10.7.3) and I have a couple of printers that I use - one is a Brother laser printer (shared from an iMac, running 10.6.8) and a Canon Pixma Pro 9000, connected via USB to a Time Capsule.Â
When I hit Command-P to bring up the print sheet, I now get icons on the left hand side of some of the printer names in the printer list. One looks like a road sign - diamond shaped with a walking person in it, and the other is a circle with a wavy line (tilde?) in it. The other printer names have no icons next to them. I gather that the circle-and-tilde means "printer not available" (or something similar) - even though the printer is there!!! And then I wonder why the other printer names have no icons, and I have no clue what the "walking person" sign means. Â
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53GHz 2009 w/4GB RAM
I have been trying to print out a page of labels using either pages or the address book and have so far failed. I am new to Apple products; I can do it really easily in Word etc.
Avery sheet labels row 1 column 1 is used I want to print an address in row 1 column 2 from macbook pro contacts, i.e. how do I select individual labels?
Excel opens up a gigantic size blank document anytime I launch it. I gather there is no way to disable it giving me a (useless) blank document. But is there a way to not make the stupid document take up 90% of my screen?
Does anyone know of a program that can take an audio sample of piano and turn it into sheet music? I don't know if this will help, but here's the peice I'm interested in turning into sheet music: Dave Matthews Band's #41 mp3. This is for myself only, and I don't plan on sharing this. I understand this is the artist's work, and he should own the rights to it.
I'm trying to convert an Excel spreadsheet into a PDF form. The spreadsheet is set up with 6 categories on the top and then numbers on the horizontal axis to represent employees. I need to be able to convert these cells into fillable PDF columns in Adobe Acrobat............
So I'm working this job where I need to keep track of my hours. I have rows of 4 columns. A is just the date and other random task info. B is the starting time, C is the ending time and D should be how many hours I worked on that particular day. The only problem is, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get Numbers to add up my hours automatically!! The SUM function just gives me the red triangle of WTF. It's probably something really simple but this is my first attempt at spread sheeting so easy on me.
Every musician that owns an iPad uses it for their sheet music. Why won't apple officially support sheet music on iTunes? Every sheet music app on the ipad is terrible and apple stands to make a lot of money, seeing as how I would buy all of my sheet music from them if they did it right. This seems like it's right up their alley too, with the strong support of the arts on their devices.
I reported the problem to Apple Support via email. but their responses were unhelpful and had no new information.The suggestion for a fee based call to Apple technical support is insulting. Why would I pay for a call to fix a problem in your portal to sell me software? Also, it is in Apple's best interest to address this; as it stands I can not upgrade to OSX Lion because it is only delivered via the App Store! Am I to throw my Mac Pro out of the window? Is this how Apple provides support to their loyal customers?How long are Apple products supported these days?When I started to use Macs (1991), they had a great reputation, because everything was backward compatible.
The life cycle of Macs has become very short indeed for a very expensive product.After 21 years I may switch to PC (can't believe I am writing this). IF I can not get a Mac that can run processor and graphics intensive tasks anymore, then I have really no choice. I am not buying a two year old Mac Pro at exorbitant prices to run Autodesk Maya (for complex and very high res rendering) when I can run the software on a PC faster and at less than half the cost.Is Apple really abandoning the professional in favor of becoming a consumer electronics company?
As the title says, I just can't get to print a 33 page PDF using 2 pages per sheet in the correct order. It will print two pages per sheet of paper, but page 1 will come on the right, 2 on the left, 3 on the right, etc. I tried every possible combination in the "Layout" menu to no avail.
I have two computers using one Time Machine Disk. The physical disk is connected to my Mac Mini, and it's shared over the network to my MacBook Air. The picture below is the backup disk in case you didn't guess. The notebook is my MacBook Air. So the MacBook Air backs up just fine, but every time my Mac Mini tries to back up, it pops up with "Would you like to reuse the backup "*DIRECTORY TO MACBOOK AIR'S BACKUP*" with this computer?" also shown in the picture below. So I click "Create new backup" and it seems to backup in the Mac Mini's backup folder like it should... until next time. I just want it to back up normally, both of them, without asking me anything first. Until now, I've just disabled automatic backups for my Mac Mini and would backup whenever I felt needed.
I write reports and I use office for mac because at work I need to read the reports I write at home with macbook. I use tables on microsoft word that are connected to excel. When I click on them the excel opens to may introduce formulas and text. If I close excel the table I modified on excell lays on word with the rest of the text of the report. My doubt is when I add cells to the table on excel....I can't visualize them on word...